572 research outputs found

    Effect of Technological Innovation on Personnel Skill of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

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    Technology in any organization that has a significant influence on the quality and quantity of production of its goods or services. But despite this, technology is prone to constant change which organizations have to monitor, manage and cope with. Manufacturing firm that will like to be competitive and profitable should ensure that employees are trained and involved in the management of technological innovation for organizational survival. But most organization tends to undermine the contribution of employee in managing technological innovation, the outcome of which are low profitability and performance. This study examines how technological innovation influence personnel skill of manufacturing firms in Nigeria It also seeks to determine effective method of using technological innovation for improved performance in the Nigerian manufacturing firm. Two hypotheses were formulated to determine the relationship between technological innovation and personnel skill; and between technological innovation and performance. Question based on the hypotheses were formulated and 300 questionnaires were distributed to select 10 manufacturing firms in foods and beverages firms in Nigeria. Findings reveal that personnel skill do not have significant relationship with technological innovation. The study recommends that personnel skill should be considered in the management technological innovation for profitability, competitiveness and survival of the Nigerian Manufacturing firm

    Self-Efficacy and Use of Electronic Information as Predictors of Academic Performance

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    Abstract Students’ ability to find and retrieve information effectively is a transferable skill useful for their future life as well as enabling the positive and successful use of the electronic resources while at school. It is a known fact in this digital era that any student at the higher level who intends to better achieve and go further in academics should have the ability to explore the digital environment. Students are increasingly expected to use electronic information resources while at the university. Research was undertaken to determine the level of influence of self-efficacy and the use of electronic information resources on students’ academic performance. This study examined self-efficacy and the use of electronic information as predictors of academic performance. Its participants were comprised of 700 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) randomly drawn from seven departments in the faculty of education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Data on the study was collected through the Morgan-Jinks (1999) academic self-efficacy scale and the use of the electronic information scale (UEIS) with r = 0.75. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. The results indicate that self-efficacy and the use of electronic information jointly predict and contribute to academic performance; that respondents with high self-efficacy make better use of electronic information and have better academic performance; that a correlation exists among self-efficacy, use of electronic information and academic performance; and that the use of electronic information influenced respondents\u27 performance in General Education subjects more than other subjects. Finally, the results reveal that the Internet is the electronic information source students access for information most often. Implications of these results and recommendations are discussed

    Analiza kretanja rasta proizvodnje poljoprivrednih kultura u Nigeriji (1961. –2014.)

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    This paper focuses on trend analysis of crop productivity growth in Nigeria between 1961 and 2014. It was therefore intended to estimate the effect of different factors of production that influence crop output and to compute their technical efficiency, technological change and total factor productivity change. Panel data was broken into land, labour, tractor, fertilizer and animal power. Descriptive statistics, Cobb-Douglas production analysis and Malmquist Productivity index were the tools employed for the analysis. The result of the trend analysis shows that time has a positive effect on crop production and also shows that there is an increase in crop output, land, labour, tractor, fertilizer and animal power over years. Land and animal power are statistically significant at 1% probability level and a unit increase in land and animal power, crop output increases by 2.176772 tons and 0.7531192 tons respectively, this implies that land and animal power have a positive effect on crop output in Nigeria. Labour and tractor have negative impact on crop output, while fertilizer has no significant effect on crop output. The efficiency change, technical change and total factor productivity change were also analyzed. According to the analysis, Nigeria experienced the highest agricultural productivity from 1992, with value of 1.166. It is therefore recommended that the use of agricultural land should be increased, relevant policies should address the constraints to technology progress, and efficiency should be promoted in order to improve productivity growth.Ovaj je rad usredotočen na analizu kretanja rasta proizvodnje poljoprivrednih kultura u Nigeriji u razdoblju od 1961. do 2014. Cilj je ovog rada odrediti kako različiti faktori proizvodnje utječu na količinu proizvedenih kultura te izmjeriti njihovu tehničku učinkovitost, tehnološki razvoj i promjene u ukupnom faktoru produktivnosti. Panel podaci razdijeljeni su u sljedeće kategorije: zemljište, radna snaga, traktori, gnojivo i životinjska snaga (radne životinje). Za potrebe analize korištena je deskriptivna statistika, Cobb-Douglasova proizvodna funkcija i Malmquistov indeks produktivnosti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da vrijeme ima pozitivan učinak na proizvodnju poljoprivrednih kultura te da je tijekom godina zamjetan porast u količini proizvedenih kultura, zemljištu, radnoj snazi, traktorima, gnojivu i životinjskoj snazi. Zemljište i životinjske snaga statistički su značajne kategorije, s razinom vjerojatnosti od 1 %. Porast jedinice zemljišta rezultira porastom od 2,176.772 tona u poljoprivrednim kulturama, a životinjske snage porastom od 0,7531192 tona u poljoprivrednim kulturama. Iz ovoga proizlazi da zemljište i životinjska snaga imaju pozitivan utjecaj na količinu proizvedenih poljoprivrednih kultura u Nigeriji. Kategorije radne snage i traktora imaju negativan učinak, a gnojiva nemaju nikakav značajni učinak na količinu proizvedenih poljoprivrednih kultura. Mjerena je i tehnička učinkovitost te tehnološki razvoj i promjene u ukupnom faktoru produktivnosti. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, poljoprivredna je proizvodnja u Nigeriji 1992. dosegla svoju najveću vrijednost od 1,166. S obzirom na rezultate preporučuje za povećanje poljoprivrednog zemljišta i učinkovitosti te donošenje relevantnih mjera čiji bi cilj bio rješavanje problematike razvoja tehnologije

    Children’s Reading of Sublexical Units in Years Three to Five: A Combined Analysis of Eye-Movements and Voice Recording

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    Purpose Children progress from making grapheme–phoneme connections to making grapho-syllabic connections before whole-word connections during reading development (Ehri, 2005a). More is known about the development of grapheme–phoneme connections than is known about grapho-syllabic connections. Therefore, we explored the trajectory of syllable use in English developing readers during oral reading. Method Fifty-one English-speaking children (mean age: 8.9 years, 55% females, 88% monolinguals) in year groups three, four, and five read aloud sentences with an embedded target word, while their eye movements and voices were recorded. The targets contained six letters and were either one or two syllables. Result Children in grade five had shorter gaze duration, shorter articulation duration, and larger spatial eye-voice span (EVS) than children in grade four. Children in grades three and four did not significantly differ on these measures. A syllable number effect was found for gaze duration but not for articulation duration and spatial EVS. Interestingly, one-syllable words took longer to process compared to two-syllable words, suggesting that more syllables may not always signify greater processing difficulty. Conclusion Overall, children are sensitive to sublexical reading units; however, due to sample and stimuli limitations, these findings should be interpreted with caution and further research conducted

    Acquisition Challenge: The Importance of Incompressibility in Comparing Learning Curve Models

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    The Department of Defense (DoD) cost estimating methodology currently employs T. P. Wrights 75-plus-year-old learning curve formula. The goal of this research was to examine alternative learning curve models and determine if a more reliable and valid cost estimation method exists, which could be incorporated within the DoD acquisition environment. This study tested three alternative learning models (the Stanford-B model, DeJong\u27s learning formula, and the S-Curve model) to compare predicted against actual costs for the F-15 A-E jet fighter platform. The results indicate that the S-Curve and DeJong models offer improvement over current estimation techniques, but more importantly and unexpectedly highlight the importance of incompressibility (the amount of a process that is automated) in learning curve estimating

    Non-destructive classification and quality evaluation of proso millet cultivars using NIR hyperspectral imaging with machine learning

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    Millet is a small-seeded cereal crop with big potential and remarkable characteristics such as high drought resistance, short growing time, low water footprint, and the ability to grow in acidic soil. There is a need to develop nondestructive methods for differentiation and evaluation of the quality attributes of different of proso millet cultivars grown in the U.S. Current methods of cultivar classification are either subjective or destructive, time consuming, not allowing for the whole population to be tested, and requiring trained operators and special equipment. In this study, the feasibility of using near-infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging (900-1700 nm) to predict the quality attributes of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) seeds as well to classify its different cultivars was demonstrated. Ten different cultivars of proso millet variety, which are the most popular in the US, investigated in this study included Cerise, Cope, Earlybird, Huntsman, Minco, Plateau, Rise, Snowbird, Sunrise, and Sunup. To reduce the large dimensionality of the hyperspectral imaging, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied, and the first two principal components were used as imaging features for building the classification models. The Classification performance showed a test accuracy rates as high as 99% for classifying the different cultivars of proso millet using gradient tree boosting ensemble machine learning algorithm. Moreover, using the partial least squares regression (PLSR) the coefficient of determination (R2) for quality prediction of proso millet seeds were 0.87, 0.80, 0.83, 0.93, and 0.92 for moisture content, crude protein, crude fat, ash, and carbohydrate, respectively. The overall results indicate that NIR hyperspectral imaging could be used to non-destructively classify and predict the quality of proso millet seeds

    A Learning Curve Model Accounting for the Flattening Effect in Production Cycles

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    We investigate production cost estimates to identify and model modifications to a prescribed learning curve. Our new model examines the learning rate as a decreasing function over time as opposed to a constant rate that is frequently used. The purpose of this research is to determine whether a new learning curve model could be implemented to reduce the error in cost estimates for production processes. A new model was created that mathematically allows for a “flattening effect,” which typically occurs later in the production process. This model was then compared to Wright’s learning curve, which is a popular method used by many organizations today. The results showed a statistically significant reduction in error through the measurement of the two error terms, Sum of Squared Errors and Mean Absolute Percentage Error

    Nutritional and morbidity outcomes of children managed for severe acute malnutrition in Jigawa State, Nigeria

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    Introduction: The community-based approach to the management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is a cost effective and scientifically sound method of mitigating the soaring burden of under-five malnutrition in resource constrained countries. However, since the adoption of this novel intervention in Nigeria, local studies that have evaluated its overall effectiveness are sparse.Methodology: This longitudinal observational study was designed to assess at discharge, the nutritional status, as well as the nutritional related co-morbidities of 494 children enrolled into the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) programme. It is part of an impact evaluation study. The parameters evaluated at enrolment and at discharge included the anthropometry, presence of common morbidities and immunization status. Data were captured electronically with the aid of CSPro software. The study was carried out across 10 randomly selected CMAM clinics in Jigawa state, North West Nigeria.Result: Out of the 494 malnourished children recruited, 410 were discharged, the remaining were reported as absconded or died, with an average duration of stay of 7.3±1.6 weeks in the clinics, and a discharge cure rate of 63.4%. There was improvement in the mean weight (6.0kg at enrolment vs 7.3kg at discharge, p=0.000), mean occipito-frontal circumference (44.1cm at enrolment vs 45.3cm at discharge, p=0.000) and Weight-for-Height z score (-2.65 at enrolment vs 0.75 at discharge, p=0.000 ). A significant discordance in the nutritional outcome at discharge, as assessed independently by Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and Weight-for-Height z score (WHZ), was documented; 9% and 28% still had SAM at discharge based on MUAC and WHZ respectively (p=0.000). The burden of nutritional related morbidities (diarrhoea dysentery, refusal to eat) reduced significantly at discharge (p=0.000) while immunization coverage increased by 7%.Conclusion: The CMAM programme in Jigawa, Nigeria has undoubtedly yielded positive outcomes. However, proactive measures should be taken to achieve the Sphere standards recommended minimum discharge cure rate. This may be achieved by ensuring that health care workers continually adhere to the guiding principles of CMAM. There is also a need for introduction of HIV and tuberculosis screening as non-responders maybe infected by any of these diseases

    Engaging youth in policy processes on agriculture and agribusiness

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    The recent CTA workshop on ‘facilitating next-generation ACP agriculture through youth entrepreneurship, job creation and digitalisation’ identified seven critical success factors for successful rural entrepreneurship and job creation: access by youth to investment and finance, scalable approaches and models that can be taken up, enabling policy environments for youth, agriculture that is attractive to youth, access by youth to markets, business models that work, and access to a pool of appropriate skills, capacities and knowledge and ways to grow these