2,428 research outputs found

    Determining trophic niche width: a novel approach using stable isotope analysis

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    1. Although conceptually robust, it has proven difficult to find practical measures of niche width that are simple to obtain, yet provide an adequate descriptor of the ecological position of the population examined. 2. Trophic niche has proven more tractable than other niche dimensions. However, indices used as a proxy for trophic niche width often suffer from the following difficulties. Such indices rarely lie along a single scale making comparisons between populations or species difficult; have difficulty in combining dietary prey diversity and evenness in an ecologically meaningful way; and fail to integrate diet over ecological time-scales thus usually only comprise single snapshots of niche width. 3. We propose an alternative novel method for the comparison of trophic niche width: the use of variance of tissue stable isotope ratios, especially those of nitrogen and carbon. 4. This approach is a potentially powerful method of measuring trophic niche width, particularly if combined with conventional approaches, because: it provides a single measure on a continuous axis that is common to all species; it integrates information on only assimilated prey over time; the integration period changes with choice of tissue sampled; and data production is theoretically fast and testing among populations simple. 5. Empirical studies are now required to test the benefits of using isotopic variance as a measure of niche width, and in doing so help refine this approach

    Generalized Korn's inequality and conformal Killing vectors

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    Korn's inequality plays an important role in linear elasticity theory. This inequality bounds the norm of the derivatives of the displacement vector by the norm of the linearized strain tensor. The kernel of the linearized strain tensor are the infinitesimal rigid-body translations and rotations (Killing vectors). We generalize this inequality by replacing the linearized strain tensor by its trace free part. That is, we obtain a stronger inequality in which the kernel of the relevant operator are the conformal Killing vectors. The new inequality has applications in General Relativity.Comment: 8 page

    Lower bound for energies of harmonic tangent unit-vector fields on convex polyhedra

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    We derive a lower bound for energies of harmonic maps of convex polyhedra in R3 \R^3 to the unit sphere S2,S^2, with tangent boundary conditions on the faces. We also establish that CC^\infty maps, satisfying tangent boundary conditions, are dense with respect to the Sobolev norm, in the space of continuous tangent maps of finite energy.Comment: Acknowledgment added, typos removed, minor correction

    On the stability of travelling waves with vorticity obtained by minimisation

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    We modify the approach of Burton and Toland [Comm. Pure Appl. Math. (2011)] to show the existence of periodic surface water waves with vorticity in order that it becomes suited to a stability analysis. This is achieved by enlarging the function space to a class of stream functions that do not correspond necessarily to travelling profiles. In particular, for smooth profiles and smooth stream functions, the normal component of the velocity field at the free boundary is not required a priori to vanish in some Galilean coordinate system. Travelling periodic waves are obtained by a direct minimisation of a functional that corresponds to the total energy and that is therefore preserved by the time-dependent evolutionary problem (this minimisation appears in Burton and Toland after a first maximisation). In addition, we not only use the circulation along the upper boundary as a constraint, but also the total horizontal impulse (the velocity becoming a Lagrange multiplier). This allows us to preclude parallel flows by choosing appropriately the values of these two constraints and the sign of the vorticity. By stability, we mean conditional energetic stability of the set of minimizers as a whole, the perturbations being spatially periodic of given period.Comment: NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, to appea

    Large Deviations in the Superstable Weakly Imperfect Bose Gas

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    The superstable Weakly Imperfect Bose Gas {(WIBG)} was originally derived to solve the inconsistency of the Bogoliubov theory of superfluidity. Its grand-canonical thermodynamics was recently solved but not at {point of} the {(first order)} phase transition. This paper proposes to close this gap by using the large deviations formalism and in particular the analysis of the Kac distribution function. It turns out that, as a function of the chemical potential, the discontinuity of the Bose condensate density at the phase transition {point} disappears as a function of the particle density. Indeed, the Bose condensate continuously starts at the first critical particle density and progressively grows but the free-energy per particle stays constant until the second critical density is reached. At higher particle densities, the Bose condensate density as well as the free-energy per particle both increase {monotonously}

    Disease management projects and the Chronic CareModel in action: Baseline qualitative research

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    Background: Disease management programs, especially those based on the Chronic Care Model (CCM),are increasingly common in the Netherlands. While disease management programs have beenwell-researched quantitatively and economically, less qualitative research has been done. Theoverall aim of the study is to explore how disease management programs are implementedwithin primary care settings in the Netherlands; this paper focuses on the early developmentand implementation stages of five disease management programs in the primary care setting,based on interviews with project leadership teams. Methods: At the five sites, eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted at the five selected siteswith sixteen professionals interviewed; all project leaders were interviewed. The interviewsfocused on each project's chosen chronic illness (diabetes, eating disorders, COPD, multimorbidity,CVRM) and project plan, barriers to development and implementation, the projectleaders' action and reactions, as well as their roles and responsibilities, and diseasemanagement strategies. Analysis was inductive and interpretive, based on the content of theinterviews. After analysis, the results of this research on disease management programs andthe Chronic Care Model are viewed from a traveling technology framework. Results: This analysis uncovered four themes that can be mapped to disease management and theChronic Care Model: (1) changing the health care system, (2) patient-centered care, (3)technological systems and barriers, and (4) integrating projects into the larger system. Projectleaders discussed the paths, both direct and indirect, for transforming the health care systemto one that addresses chronic illness. Patient-centered care was highlighted as needed and aparadigm shift for many. Challenges with technological systems were pervasive.

    Ultraestructura de la Babesia bigemina.

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    Se determina la morfología y mecanismos de reproducción y alimentación de B. bigemina, tal como se revela en el microscópio electrónico. Se reportan estudios preliminares en otros tipos de parásitos hemáticos, incluyendo estudios en varias especies de Babesia como B. canis, B. caballi y B. rodhaini. La cepa de B. bigemina fue obtenida de animales infectados naturalmente en el Valle del Cauca en Colombia y se purificó en animales esplenectomizados hasta cuando la parasitemia fue alta. La B. bigemina revela tener varias formas, encontrándose la forma de pera como la más común. El tamaño promedio es de 4.5 micras de largo por 2.3 micras de ancho. El hemoparásito muestra tener una membrana citoplasmática densa y simple, y reticulo endoplasmático de aspecto vesicular compuesto de gránulos de diferentes densidades. El citoplasma aparece como una masa homogénea en la cual se aprecian otras estructuras como vacuolas. La reproducción de la B. bigemina parece realizarse en 2 formas, siendo la más común por gemación, al final de la cual se forman 2 o más gemas. Otra forma de reproducción es por división binaria. El mecanismo de alimentación no ha sido revelado en forma muy clara. Los cuerpos polares, componentes citoplasmáticos pueden asumir la función de reservorio de alimentación del parásito. No se encontraron residuos de digestión de hemoglobina en el parásito, lo que indica que la digestión es más completa en la Babesia que en otros parásitos hemático

    On the Convergence to the Continuum of Finite Range Lattice Covariances

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    In J. Stat. Phys. 115, 415-449 (2004) Brydges, Guadagni and Mitter proved the existence of multiscale expansions of a class of lattice Green's functions as sums of positive definite finite range functions (called fluctuation covariances). The lattice Green's functions in the class considered are integral kernels of inverses of second order positive self adjoint operators with constant coefficients and fractional powers thereof. The fluctuation coefficients satisfy uniform bounds and the sequence converges in appropriate norms to a smooth, positive definite, finite range continuum function. In this note we prove that the convergence is actually exponentially fast.Comment: 14 pages. We have added further references as well as a proof of Corollary 2.2. This version submitted for publicatio