175 research outputs found

    Magnetic susceptibility of organic (Oh) and mineral (Ap, Ah) soil horizons in Saxony and their origin

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    Studies on magnetic susceptibility of Saxony soils were made on the basis of archival soil samples taken in 4×4 grid in 1992/1993 from organic horizons of forest soils (Oh) as well as topsoil horizons (Ap, Ah) of arable lands, pastures, meadows and reclaimed lignite mine sites (Leipzig area) (RANK, 1999). Number of soil samples amounted to 1126 from Ap, Ah horizons and 261 from Oh horizon. Mass magnetic susceptibility measurements (?) were made using MS2B Bartington apparatus. Results of study show that magnetic susceptibility in soils of Saxony has mainly techno- and geogenic character

    Band gap stability in Kondo insulators

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    We report on magnetic measurements and electronic structure investigations of CeNiSn and CeRhSb. Both belong to the group of Kondo insulators. The magnetic susceptibility shows the nonmagnetic ground state for these compounds and their alloys. The 3d X-ray photoemission spectroscopy spectra show evidence for the mixed valence state of Ce in CeRhSb alloys, as also seen for CeNiSn, whereas the spectra for the La substituted (Ce,La)NiSn compounds show only evidence for a pure Ce 3+ ground state. We suggest the presence of Kondo-hole states in (Ce,La)RhSb. The location of the pseudogap in CeRhSb varies with the number of free electron, the valence of Ce, and the f—d hybridization. We discuss the similar crystallographic properties and the closed electronic structures of ZrNiSn-type semi-Heusler alloys and CeNiSn-type Kondo insulators

    The parameters of unconventional double-current circuit, their accuracy measures and measurement of strain and temperature

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    The two-voltage-output circuit called a double-current bridge is presented. A single DC current source is switched over and connected in turns to opposite arms of the four-element bridge circuit. The output voltages are dependent on the arm resistance increments and their values are given in absolute and relative units. The simplified signal conditioning formulas of strain and temperature simultaneous measurement of a cantilever beam are featured. The results achieved with the use of the circuit are also published. The accuracy measures (actual errors, limited errors and standard uncertainties) of the bridge transfer functions are described

    Hybridization gap in some ternary f-electron and d-electron intermetallics

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    In this work we have discussed electronic structure, structural and magnetic properties of the CeMX-type compounds, where M is a transition metal and X is an sp element. The main goal of this presentation is to find the influence of metal M on the coherent gap formation at the Fermi level in the Ce-Kondo insulators. We also discuss a similar semiconductor-like resistance anomaly of Fe2TiSn and CeNiSn-type Kondo insulators

    Surface-Dependence of Interfacial Binding Strength between Zinc Oxide and Graphene Investigated from First Principles

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    There is an increasing interest in hybridized materials for applications such as improving the structural integrity of known and commonly used materials. Recent experiments have suggested that the adhesion of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires with carbon fibers can significantly improve the interfacial shear strength of fiber-reinforced composites. We have carried out a systematic study of the interaction between ZnO and graphene based on density functional theory, with a focus on the effect of the surface orientation and termination of ZnO. The most thermodynamically stable hexagonal phase of ZnO is modeled by a cluster with (001), (100), and (110) facets, and the (001) surface is constructed to have both Zn-rich and O-rich terminations. The interaction has been explored through varying both the orientation and the binding sites of the interacting surfaces. The interfacial binding strength is calculated by scanning the potential energy surface while bringing the ZnO cluster incrementally closer to graphene. Results from these energy scans will be presented and discussed along with simple physical arguments to rationalize the observed behavior

    Non-BPS Branes of Supersymmetric Brane Worlds

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    We consider five-dimensional brane worlds with N=2 gauged supergravity in the bulk coupled supersymmetrically to two boundary branes at the fixed points of a Z_2 symmetry. We analyse two mechanisms that break supersymmetry either by choosing flipped fermionic boundary conditions on the boundary branes or by modifying the gravitino variation to include both Z_2-odd and Z_2-even operators. In all cases we find the corresponding background. Including an even part in the gravitino variation leads to tilted branes. Choosing the flipped boundary conditions leads to AdS_4 branes and stabilized radion in the detuned case, when the expectation value of the even variation is nonzero. Another solution has the interpretation of moving AdS_4 branes separated by a horizon. The solution with moving branes separated by a horizon can be extended to the tuned case. In the presence of a horizon, temperature mediation communicates supersymmetry breakdown to the branes.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, Latex, typos corrected, references adde

    Postawy i oczekiwania interesariuszy wobec zamiarów zrównoważenia turystyki w Krakowie po pandemii COVID-19

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    Cities, especially those with historical values, are the target of mass tourism. Urban space is often the main source of disputes arising from conflicting interests, attitudes, and needs relating to the way it is used. The causes of conflicts and their scale vary widely. The aim of the research described in the article was to identify the attitudes and expectations of the inhabitants that contribute to the sustainability of the city’s tourism economy. The scope of the research also included the analysis of the intensity of conflicts between residents and tourists and the tourism sector. The research was conducted in July 2020, i.e. during the COVID-19 pandemic, using a questionnaire with an extensive structure. Statistical analysis of the obtained data included surveys obtained from 386 respondents and the division into persons representing the tourism industry (45% of respondents), as well as differentiation by place of residence, in order to distinguish districts with high tourist traffic. The conflicts occurring among the stakeholders of the tourism market were analyzed, who were classified into four groups: entrepreneurs from the tourism industry, residents of Krakow, tourists from the reception area and local government. The level of conflicts was tested using a rating scale that was calibrated against zero (0.0 ± 1.0). The respondents most often indicated the occurrence of conflicts between tourists and residents, and between representatives of the tourism industry and residents. A conflict between the inhabitants and the local government is noticed a little less frequently. The conflict between the tourists themselves is strongly denied. In the opinion of the respondents, conflicts are the result of different structures in the hierarchy of values and the different perception of the city. The common postulate of sustainable tourism in cities after the pandemic period has been identified in the research through the attitudes and expectations of residents. They mainly concern limiting the number of new accommodation facilities in historical zone, limiting short-term tourist rentals and the right of the city authorities to interfere with the rental phenomenon, increasing restrictions on entering the city center, prohibiting onerous types of transport, and restricting hours of serving alcohol.Miasta, zwłaszcza te o walorach historycznych, są celem masowej turystyki. Miejska przestrzeń często bywa głównym powodem sporów, u źródła których leżą sprzeczne interesy, postawy i potrzeby odnoszące się do sposobu jej użytkowania. Przyczyny konfliktów oraz ich skala są bardzo zróżnicowane. Celem opisanych w artykule badań była identyfikacja postaw i oczekiwań mieszkańców Krakowa wobec proponowanych narzędzi zrównoważenia gospodarki turystycznej. Zakres badań objął również analizę natężenia konfliktów pomiędzy mieszkańcami a turystami i sektorem turystycznym. Badania przeprowadzono w lipcu 2020 r., tj. w czasie pandemii COVID-19, przy pomocy kwestionariusza o rozbudowanej strukturze. W analizie statystycznej uzyskanych danych uwzględniono ankiety pozyskane od 386 respondentów oraz podział na osoby reprezentujące branżę turystyczną (45% badanych), a także zróżnicowanie według miejsca zamieszkania w celu wyodrębnienia dzielnic o dużym natężeniu ruchu turystycznego. Analizie poddano konflikty występujące wśród interesariuszy rynku turystycznego, których sklasyfikowano w cztery grupy: przedsiębiorców z branży turystycznej, mieszkańców Krakowa oraz turystów obszaru recepcji i samorząd lokalny. Do zbadania poziomu konfliktów wykorzystano skalę ocen, którą skalibrowano względem zera (0,0 ± 1,0). Respondenci najczęściej wskazywali występowanie konfliktów między turystami a mieszkańcami oraz między przedstawicielami branży turystycznej a mieszkańcami. Nieco rzadziej dostrzegano konflikt między mieszkańcami a samorządem. Stanowczo zaprzeczano konfliktowi między samymi turystami. W opinii badanych konflikty są skutkiem odmiennych struktur w hierarchii wartości oraz w różnicy dotyczącej postrzegania miasta. Powszechny postulat zrównoważenia turystyki w miastach po okresie pandemicznym został w badaniach zidentyfikowany poprzez postawy i oczekiwania mieszkańców. Dotyczą one głównie ograniczenia liczby nowych obiektów noclegowych w strefie historycznej, ograniczenia turystycznego najmu krótkoterminowego i prawa władz miasta do ingerencji w zjawisko najmu, zwiększenia restrykcji wjazdu do centrum miasta, zakazu uciążliwych rodzajów transportu oraz restrykcji godzin serwowania alkoholu