174 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Resilience of Convolutional Neural Networks Implemented on GPUs: Alexnet as a Case Study

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    There have been an extensive use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in healthcare applications. Presently, GPUs are the most prominent and dominated DNN accelerators to increase the execution speed of CNN algorithms to improve their performance as well as the Latency. However, GPUs are prone to soft errors. These errors can impact the behaviors of the GPU dramatically. Thus, the generated fault may corrupt data values or logic operations and cause errors, such as Silent Data Corruption. unfortunately, soft errors propagate from the physical level (microarchitecture) to the application level (CNN model). This paper analyzes the reliability of the AlexNet model based on two metrics: (1) critical kernel vulnerability (CKV) used to identify the malfunction and light- malfunction errors in each kernel, and (2) critical layer vulnerability (CLV) used to track the malfunction and light-malfunction errors through layers. To achieve this, we injected the AlexNet which was popularly used in healthcare applications on NVIDIA’s GPU, using the SASSIFI fault injector as the major evaluator tool. The experiments demonstrate through the average error percentage that caused malfunction of the models has been reduced from 3.7% to 0.383% by hardening only the vulnerable part with the overhead only 0.2923%. This is a high improvement in the model reliability for healthcare applications

    Cebbarzade Muhammed Arif Bey ve Miftahu Hazaini Rahmaniyye fi Memleketi Vücudi’l- İnsaniyye Adlı Eseri

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    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun son dönemi olarak adlandıralan 1828-1920 yılları arasında Üsküdar’da yaşayan Cebbârzâde Muhammed Ârif Bey, bu devirde hem tasavvufî birikime son derece hâkim olmuş hem de ilmî derinliği ve üretkenliğiyle çok sayıda eser kaleme almış bir mutasavvıftır. Bu tezin konusunu bu büyük mutasavvıfın Mifhâhu Hazâin-i Rahmâniyye Fî Memleket-i Vücûdi’lİnsâniyye adlı eserinin Osmanlı Türkçesinden günümüz Türkçesine aktırılması ve Cebbârzâde’nin diğer eserleri üzerinde yapılan çalışmaların incelenmesi oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Mifhâhu Hazâin-i Rahmâniyye Fî Memleket-i Vücûdi’l-İnsâniyye adlı eserle ilgili diğer çalışmalar detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiş; bu eserin, içerdiği tasavvufî düşünceler bakımından konumu belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu tezde incelenen eser Yusuf Sünbül Sinan Efendi’nin şiirinin şerhi olması dolayısıyla hem Yusuf Sünbül Sinan Efendi’nin bu şiirine hem de hayatına değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda Ârif Bey’in kütüphanelerde ulaşılan diğer eserlerinin de tanıtımları yapılmıştır.Cebbarzade Mehmed Arif Bey who lived in Uskudar between 1828 and 1920 which considered as the last period of Ottoman Empire, is a sufist who had been both deepened in sufism and writer of a number of books. The present work involves the transcription of one of his works with the title of Mifhâhu Hazâin-i Rahmâniyye Fî Memleket-i Vücûdi’l-İnsâniyye and analysis of other works on Cebbarzade’s books. In this work, other works on Mifhâhu Hazâin-i Rahmâniyye Fî Memleket-i Vücûdi’lİnsâniyye were examined in detail and the place of this work has been determined regarding to its sufist thought. Since the analayzed work is an explanation of a poem of Yusuf Sünbül Sinan Efendi in this research paper, his life and his poem were both mentioned. In the end of this work, Arif Bey’s other books found in libraries have been introduced

    Population projections for the Sudan, 1973-2003

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    Tne population issue in the Sudan has a peculiar nature v inspite of the high growth rates, the country neither faces the problem of overpopulation, nor lacK of land and water resources to produce enough food for her people, 'ihe persistently high fertility and mortality rates, together with the large volume of rural-urban migration, created a situation that perpetuates the prohlems facing economic development in the Sudan. The study endeavours to demonstrate how the treatment of the demographic situation as an exogenous factor in economic development planning, is a selfdefeating approach. A holistic technique is used to develop a set of assumptions about the expected behaviour of the various demographic variables. The assumptions were generated on the basis of two considerations. Firstly, the interaction between . the demographic variables and the socio-economic structure in the Sudan. Secondly, the absence of any deliberate government policy to influence the behaviour of the demographic variables. Total population, as well as the provincial and the rural-urban populations, are projected for 30 years, starting from the year 1973. Tne analysis of various population characteristics at the end of the projection period, facilitates the evaluation of any changes that may take place througn the years. The results indicate that, the high growth potential and the high rural urban growth differentials will be retained. The need for the formulation of an official population policy is highly empnasized

    The impact of the soft errors in convolutional neural network on GPUS: Alexnet as case study

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been increasingly deployed in many applications, including safety critical system such as healthcare and autonomous vehicles. Meanwhile, the vulnerability of CNN model to soft errors (e.g., caused by radiation mduced) rapidly increases, thus reliability is crucial especially in real-tmie system. There are many traditional techniques for miprove the reliability of the system, e.g.. Triple Modular Redundancy, but these techniques incur high overheads, which makes them hard to deploy. In tins paper, we experimentally evaluate the vulnerable parts of Alexnet mode (e.g., fault mjector). Results show that FADD and LD are the top vulnerable mstructions against soft errors for Alexnet model, both mstruetions generate at least 84% of injected faults as SDC errors. Thus, these the only parts of the Alexnet model that need to be hardened mstead of usmg fully duplication solutions

    Response of Wistar Rats to Low Levels of Dietary Sudanese Trichodesma africanum L

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    Abstract: Trichodesma africanum is not recognized in Sudanese folk medicine and villagers of Northern Kordofan State have observed casualties among grazing livestock as a result of consuming the plant when other pasture plants are scarce. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects on Wistar rats of various levels of dietary T. africanum aerial parts through clinical, biochemical, hematological and pathological parameters. T. africanum aerial parts were fed to rats at 2, 5, 10 and 20% of the standard diet for 12 weeks. Incorporation of T. africanum aerial parts in diet at 20% was lethal to Wistar rats 6-7 weeks after treatment and caused severe hepatonephrotoxicity and depression in growth and soft feces prior to death. These findings were accompanied by macrocytic normochromic type, leukocytosis due to lymphocytosis and alterations in hematology, serum enzyme activities and concentrations of total protein, albumin, cholesterol and urea and other serum constituents. The results of the present study indicated that T. africanum aerial parts were toxic to rats when fed at 2, 5 and 10% of the diet for 12 weeks and lethal to rats when fed at 20% of the diet for 6-7 weeks of treatment. Our conclusion from this study is that T. africanum is toxic to livestock and can result in dysfunction of various organs, alteration in serbiochemical and hematological parameters, in addition to that; it may cause death if consumed in elevated doses

    Cure of post Kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis with paromomycin/sodium stibogluconate combination: a proof of concept

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    Background: Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is  a  recognized  dermatologic  complication  of  successfully  treated  visceral  leishmaniasis  (VL). PKDL lesions are suspected to be important reservoirs for VL transmission in Sudan. Prolonged treatment schedules, feeling of general well-being and the social stigmata of PKDL prevent most patients seeking treatment. The mainstay of treatment is cardiotoxic sodium stibogluconate (SSG) for 60-120 days. Recently, liposomal amphotericin B (Ambisome®) and immunochemotherapy gave promising results. Ambisome® is expensive and difficult to prepare under field conditions. Paromomycin/SSG combination has been shown to be safe, efficacious and can save time in VL treatment. This study aims to prove that Paromomycin/SSG combination can cure and reduce PKDL treatment duration.Methods:We are reporting nine cases of patients with PKDL lesions of ≥6 months duration who were diagnosed by clinical signs, histopathological/immunohistochemical and PCR.Results: Patients’ mean age was 11.7 ± 4.3 years. A third of the patients (3/9; 33.3%) who failed previous SSG treatment of 2-3 months duration responded completely to 40 days of paromomycin/SSG combination. The majority of patients (5/9; 55.6%) responded completely to 30 days of the combination. One patient (1/9; 11.1%) relapsed following 30 days paromomycin/SSG combination.Conclusion:It was concluded that paromomycin/SSG combination for 30 days is time-saving, safe and efficacious for PKDL treatment.

    The Pseudomonas syringae HrpJ protein controls the secretion of type III translocator proteins and has a virulence role inside plant cells

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    The bacterial plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae injects effector proteins into plant cells via a type III secretion system (T3SS), which is required for pathogenesis. The protein HrpJ is secreted by P. syringae and is required for a fully functional T3SS. A hrpJ mutant is non-pathogenic and cannot inject effectors into plant cells or secrete the harpin HrpZ1. Here we show that the hrpJ mutant also cannot secrete the harpins HrpW1 and HopAK1 or the translocator HrpK1, suggesting that these proteins are required in the translocation (injection) of effectors into plant cells. Complementation of the hrpJ mutant with secretion incompetent HrpJ derivatives restores the secretion of HrpZ1 and HrpW1 and the ability to elicit a hypersensitive response, a measure of translocation. However, growth in planta and disease symptom production is only partially restored, suggesting that secreted HrpJ may have a direct role in virulence. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing HrpJ-HA complemented the virulence phenotype of the hrpJ mutant expressing a secretion incompetent HrpJ derivative and were reduced in their immune responses. Collectively, these data indicate that HrpJ has a dual role in P. syringae: inside bacterial cells HrpJ controls the secretion of translocator proteins and inside plant cells it suppresses plant immunity

    Effect of Tadalafil on Penile Duplex parameters in Erectile Dysfunction Patients

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    Background: Tadalafil is a PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase inhibitor) inhibitor that supports endogenous nitric oxide's vasodilatory actions and aids in erection maintenance. The penile duplex has proven to be very useful for imaging superficial structures and for determining the reasons of erectile dysfunction (ED). Objectives: To assess the effect of daily oral tadalafil 5mg for 3 months on penile duplex parameters in erectile dysfunction patients. Patients and Methods: A case control study involved 30 Egyptian patients ED. Appropriate clinical history and penile duplex examination before and after treatment with daily oral tadalafil mg for 3 months were performed. Results: The mean age of the patients was 53.17 ± 7.8 years. We founded that there was significant (p < 0.001) improvement in the level of erection after treatment. The rate of erection E1 and E2 was decreased from 53.3% to 3.3%. Likewise, the rate of E3-E5 was increased from 46.7% to 96.7%. Moreover, the mean duration of erection was elongated from 24.7 ± 5.3 to become 37.4 ± 3.8 and this was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Also, the mean peak systolic volume (PSV) was significantly (p = 0.001) increased after treatment (38.4 ± 9.1 cm/s) compared with the pre-treatment levels (23.9 ± 6.1 cm/s). Unlikely, the mean end diastolic volume (EDV) was insignificantly (p = 0.340) lower in post-treatment (2.25 ± 0.5 mL) compared with pre-treatment levels (2.97 ± 0.4 mL). Likely, the mean resistant index (RI) showed insignificant difference (p = 0.965) after treatment (0.9 ± 0.02) compared with before treatment (0.9 ± 0.08). For penile artery diameter, there was significant (p = 0.009) increase in the diameter after treatment (0.9 ± 0.1 mm) compared with before treatment (0.8 ± 0.1 mm). Conclusion: Oral daily tadalafil 5mg for 3 months is considered an effective treatment for ED according to penile duplex parameters

    Treatment-Based Strategy for the Management of Post-Kala-Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis Patients in the Sudan

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    Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is a dermatosis that affects more than 50% of successfully treated visceral leishmaniasis (VL) patients in Sudan. PKDL is considered an important reservoir for the parasite and its treatment may help in the control of VL. Currently, treatment is mainly with sodium stibogluconate (SSG), an expensive and fairly toxic drug and without universally in treatment protocols used. A literature review, a consensus of a panel of experts, and unpublished data formed the basis for the development of guidelines for the treatment of PKDL in the Sudan. Six treatment modalities were evaluated. Experts were asked to justify their choices based on their experience regarding of drug safety, efficacy, availability, and cost. The consensus was defined by assigning a categorical rank (first line, second line, third line) to each option. Regarding the use of AmBisome the presence of the drug in the skin was confirmed in smears from PKDL lesions. Recommendations: AmBisome at 2.5 mg/kg/day/20 days or SSG at 20 mg/kg/day/40 days plus four/weekly intradermal injection of alum-precipitated autoclave L. major vaccine are suggested as first-and second-treatment options for PKDL in the Sudan, respectively. SSG at 20 mg/Kg/day/60 or more days can be used if other options are not available