25 research outputs found

    Medieval luxury ceramics in two castles of the ‘Compostela’s Miter’

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    [ES] Los castillos de Rocha Branca y Rocha Forte son todo un referente dentro del arzobispado medieval de Santiago, en ellos residirían varios arzobispos, convirtiéndose principalmente Rocha Branca en un auténtico recinto palacial. Debido a ese contexto, los materiales recuperados en los mismos son piezas vidriadas de lujo importadas. Se busca contribuir al estudio de estas piezas, así como a la posible definición de sus lugares de fabricación y técnicas, mediante la aplicación de la arqueometría. Gracias a los análisis sobre cinco piezas hemos podido retrotraernos a las producciones cerámicas de época bajomedieval y moderna documentadas en ambos recintos fortificados.[EN] The castles of Rocha Branca and Rocha Forte are an important reference point with regard to the mediaeval archbishopric of Santiago, which were home to several archbishops, with the castle of Rocha Branca in particular becoming a truly palatial compound. Because of this context, the materials that have been found are luxurious, imported glazed pieces. The aim os this paper is to contribute towards the study of these pieces, as well as helping to possibly define where they were made and the techniques used, through the application of archaeometry. Thanks to an analysis of five pieces, we have been able to categorise ceramic products from the late mediaeval and modern period found in both fortified compounds

    IV Congreso Internacional sobre la Estela Funeraria. Donostia, 1991

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    Aparecen publicadas la Actas del IV Congreso Internacional sobre estela funeraria

    Los petroglifos del monte Pedroso (Santiago)

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    Unha urna cineraria romana de Astorga no Museo de San Antón (A Coruña)

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    In this article we talk about a funerary urn of glass and iron, from the Roman Era, found near Astorga in 1888. It becomes a journey through the vicissitudes through which it passed after being part of the collection Blanco-Cicerón and the ignorance that suffered after the bibliographic pioneer information of Marcelo Macías in 1903, until to its final destination at the Museum of San Antón in Corunna in 1983.Dase conta dunha urna cineraria de vidro e chumbo de época romana atopada nas cercanías de Astorga en 1888. Faise un recorrido polas vicisitudes polas que pasou tras formar parte da colección BlancoCicerón e da ignorancia bibliográfica sufrida tralas informacións pioneiras de Marcelo Macías en 1903, ata o seu destino final no Museo de San Antón na Coruña no ano 1983

    Unha nova inscricion dun militar da Legio X Gemina na Gallaecia: a estela de Mallón de Cícere, Sta. Comba (A Coruña)

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