835 research outputs found

    Staging mental discursive processes and reactions: The construction of direct reported thought (DRT) in conversational storytelling

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    This article approaches the construction of reported thought in everyday conversation by analysing instances of direct reported thought (DRT), taken from storytelling sequences. It is argued that DRT is used by narrators as a device to portray, in a dynamic sense, the ways in which they experience the story world in their mind, as discursive processes and reactions around an external event that clash with their expectations or initial perception of the situation. More specifically, the analysis shows that DRT is employed to stage a "first wrong thought" (Jefferson 2004) that is shaped in a range of ways, as a process of worrying, deliberating, lamenting, and blaming or accusing someone in the situation, as well as shocked and indignant reactions that are constructed as exclamations and a process of reproaching and planning a future revenge action. (Direct reported thought, conversational storytelling, mental discursive processes, mental reactions, first wrong thought, silent shock, inner experience, direct reported speech

    As productive and slow as a stream can be-the metabolism of a Pampean stream

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    Stream metabolism at both ecosystem and functional-compartment scales was measured in a low-order Pampean stream (La Choza) over a 3-wk period to characterize metabolic rates and discern the contribution of each functional compartment (submerged macrophytes, benthos, floating macroalgae, water column, and hyporheic zone) to ecosystem metabolism. La Choza stream is an autotrophic ecosystem during low flows and has gross primary production rates of up to 22 g O2 m-2d-1, which are among the highest reported in the literature and set an upper bound on how productive streams can be in the absence of light and nutrient limitations. Floating macroalgae provided most of the primary production (30-90%), whereas the hyporheic zone provided most of the ecosystem respiration (40-80%). The differential effects of high flows on the different functional compartments depressed the production:respiration ratio, suggesting a strong relationship between flow and metabolism. Thus, low flows enhanced primary production and led to diel dissolved O2 concentration oscillations between 0 and 25 g O2/m3. In contrast, high flow depressed primary production by an order of magnitude and increased ecosystem respiration. High production rates during the low-flow period and extreme physicochemical conditions (anoxia for 7-8 h on a daily basis) may be typical in this type of ecosystem during extended low-flow periods.Fil: Acuña, V.. Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sciences and Technology; Suiza. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Vilches, Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Giorgi, Adonis David Nazareno. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentin

    Hypermedia-based tutoring: methodology for the production of hypermedia resources through face-to-face tutoring

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    We present a methodology for creating hypermedia materials derived from face-to-face tutoring sessions between a tutor and graduate students. To create the hypermedia materials, the tutor and the student used a smart pen which allowed to record the conversation and digitalize the notes being taken. The production of hypermedia material is based on the use of visual representations and text to help students go from concrete to abstract thinking and vice versa. We point out that hypermedia materials are audio-visual narratives (i.e., dynamic graphics, diagrams) that facilitate the representation of co-constructed shared knowledge and let participants navigate between oral and textual information. This methodology allows the production of individualized material without investing additional time in editing and designing. The hypermedia based tutoring (HBT) model is highly valued by students since it helps them to go over the discussions with the tutor and review the thinking process that both constructed during the session. HBT becomes a creative form of communicating and representing information that challenges the tutor and student to develop new skills and ways of thinking. The model that we propose here requires to change traditional tutor and student roles and to create learning experiences that do not overlook students’ needsThe eMadrid Excellence Network is funded by Madrid Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid) grant no. P2013/ICE-2715. The FOMIX grant No. MOR-2013-C01-225102 is funded by Fondo Mixto-CONACYT (Morelos State Government and the Federal Agency CONACYT, Mexico

    Forest growth dynamics of managed forests in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon.

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    The objective of this work was to present the growth forest dynamics results obtained in two sites located in Acre and Amazonas states in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon.Abstracts of the XXV IUFRO World Congress

    Analysis of the uncertainty in the monetary valuation of ecosystem services - a case study at the river basin scale

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    Ecosystem services provide multiple benefits to human wellbeing and are increasingly considered by 18 policy-makers in environmental management. However, the uncertainty related with the monetary 19 valuation of these benefits is not yet adequately defined or integrated by policy-makers. Given this 20 background, our aim was to quantify different sources of uncertainty when performing monetary 21 valuation of ecosystem services, in order to provide a series of guidelines to reduce them. With an 22 example of 4 ecosystem services (i.e., water provisioning, waste treatment, erosion protection, and 23 habitat for species) provided at the river basin scale, we quantified the uncertainty associated with 24 the following sources: (1) the number of services considered, (2) the number of benefits considered 25 for each service, (3) the valuation metrics (i.e. valuation methods) used to value benefits, and (4) the 26 uncertainty of the parameters included in the valuation metrics. Results indicate that the highest 27 uncertainty was caused by the number of services considered, as well as by the number of benefits 28 considered for each service, whereas the parametric uncertainty was similar to the one related to the 29 selection of valuation metric, thus suggesting that the parametric uncertainty, which is the only 30 uncertainty type commonly considered, was less critical than the structural uncertainty, which is in 31 turn mainly dependent on the decision-making context. Given the uncertainty associated to the 32 valuation structure, special attention should be given to the selection of services, benefits and 33 metrics according to a given context

    Joint Segregation of High Glanding with Nectariless and Frego Bract in Cotton

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    There are mutant alleles in the genus Gossypium that increase the tolerance to insect pests. Among the features that are effective against different insects, high glanding and nectariless increase the tolerance to Lepidoptera insects whereas frego bracts difficult the ovipositions of boll weevil Anthonomus grandis Boheman. It is necessary to incorporate these traits in elite genotypes. The objectives of this research were to transfer the high glanding feature to frego-bract and nectariless plants. For the combination high glanding with frego bract, the frequency of individuals with both features varied from 6 % in the F2 generations to 24 % in the F3. For the other combination, high glanding with nectariless, the frequency of recombination was of 7.,3% in the F2 and 11.,8% in the F3. Therefore, it is possible to combine the high-glanding feature with frego bracts or nectariless in the same line.Fil: Tcach, Mauricio Alfredo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Spoljaric, Mónica V.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Bela, Diego Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Acuña, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; Argentin

    El Nino southern oscillation and seasonal drought drive riparian input dynamics in a Mediterranean stream

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    Inland waters substantially contribute to global carbon fluxes, and within them, low-order forested streams are important processors of allochthonous organic matter (OM) inputs. Leaf litter quantity and quality are expected to change in response to global change (e.g., climate change, land use change) but few long-term studies exist to better understand these shifts. The goal of this study was to assess the quantity and quality of OM sources to determine which global and local environmental factors control the dynamics of OM at the reach scale. The study was performed on a Mediterranean stream edged by a deciduous riparian forest over a 10-yr-time period. Riparian inputs, benthic and transported OM, and its carbon and nitrogen content were determined. The quantity of riparian inputs (912 +/- 56 g dry mass m(-2) yr(-1)) was comparable to temperate regions with deciduous riparian forests, but the Mediterranean climate determined the different dynamics of these inputs. El Nino Southern Oscillation was strongly related to the interannual variability in riparian inputs through changes in precipitation. The annual amount of inputs depended on previous cumulated nonflow periods, with successive nonflow periods causing a progressive decrease in riparian inputs. The distribution of inputs throughout the year followed either a unimodal or bimodal pattern according to the absence or presence of a nonflow period in summer. In addition, drought caused lower quality (higher carbon : nitrogen molar ratio) riparian inputs. Changes in the quantity and quality of OM were explained by both present and past local and global factors

    Twenty years monitoring growth dynamics of a logged tropical forest in Western Amazon.

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    Resumo - Foi conduzido um estudo sobre a dinâmica de crescimento em floresta localizada no Estado do Acre na Amazônia sul ocidental, onde uma área de 20 ha foi explorada para extração de madeira em 1992. O estudo foi baseado em parcelas permanentes (1 ha) estabelecidas dentro da área explorada e na floresta não manejada, imediatamente após o fim das operações florestais. Os parâmetros da dinâmica florestal foram analisados em termos da biomassa seca acima do solo (BAS). Durante o período do estudo três eventos climáticos extremos causaram um elevado impacto tanto nas áreas exploradas como nas não perturbadas por exploração, produzindo perdas de biomassa superiores às estimadas para a exploração. Vinte anos após a exploração, as taxas de ingresso e mortalidade foram semelhantes às esperadas em uma área de floresta não perturbada por exploração e a recuperação da BAS foi significativamente mais alta nas áreas cortadas. Quando praticado de forma adequada, o manejo de floresta pode promover uma recuperação da BAS mais rápida. Nós sugerimos que o manejo florestal pode ser considerado como uma alternativa para adaptação a eventos extremos de clima por meio da promoção de perturbações controladas que minimizem a mortalidade de árvores e a perda de biomassa

    Programa visión humana para el desarrollo de la autoestima en jovenes embarazadas y lactantes entre los 16 y 20 años de edad, que asisten a la fundación gotas de amor

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    Para establecer la influencia del Programa Visión Humana para el desarrollo de la Autoestima en la autoestima de un grupo de madres jóvenes embarazadas y lactantes entre los 16 y 20 años de edad, que asisten a la Fundación Gotas de Amor, se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental con medidas pretest y postest con un sólo grupo. El instrumento fue un Cuestionario de Autoestima de 25 preguntas. Las evaluaciones se realizaron de forma individual y en el tiempo estipulado. Se planteó una hipótesis de investigación y otra nula para determinar las diferencias significativas en ambas aplicaciones. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de diferencias en posniveles de autoestima baja de un 33% de las participantes y en autoestima alta en un 67%. Así mismo, se observaron deficiencias en las categorías de la autoestima como son autoconcepto, autoconocimiento, autonomía, autocontrol, autoimagen y autoeficiencia. También, se encontraron diferencias significativas en un 0.01 de acuerdo a la Prueba t de Student para muestras emparejadas con un valor t de 2,46368 con 28 grados de libertad, lo que permite concluir que casi el total de las jóvenes experimentan en la actualidad comportamientos esperados y que están relacionados con su forma de verse, de vestirse, su presentación como personas, sus sentimientos y emociones expresadas con sus compañeras y, también en mejorar las relaciones con sus familias y adquirir un sentido de compromiso consigo mismas Se recomienda que para continuar con el trabajo que se ha venido realizando, se promulguen el desarrollo de habilidades en cada persona, donde los valores y la moral deben trabajar en conjunto con los esquemas de personalidad para conseguir cambios trascendentales en la autoestima, ya que esta no se puede modificar sólo con una intervención. Palabras Claves: autoestima, autoconcepto, autoconocimiento, autonomía, autocontrol, autoimagen y autoeficiencia