372 research outputs found

    Effet des mycorhizes à vésicules et arbuscules sur la croissance et la nutrition de l'arganier (Argania spinosa L.)

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    La présente étude démontre la possibilité d’inoculer artificiellement des plants d’arganier avec des mycorhizes à vésicules et arbuscules. L’inoculation des plants issus de semis a été effectuée par deux souches de Glomus sp1 et sp2. Après 4 mois de culture sous serre, le taux d’infection des racines a atteint 70%. La symbiose mycorhizienne par la souche sp1 a eu lieu un mois plutôt que celle de la souche sp2. Le gain en biomasse sèche était de 120% pour les parties aériennes et de 70% pour les parties racinaires. L’analyse du profil minéral des plants inoculés a montré une augmentation significative des concentrations de P, K, Ca, Mn et Cu par rapport au témoin. L’importance de ces résultats sur la réhabilitation des zones arides est discutée

    Comment on "First Observation of Ground State Dineutron Decay: 16Be"

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    A recent measurement [Spyrou et al., PRL 108, 102501 (2012)] of the in-flight decay of 16Be into 14Be+n+n has been interpreted as the first case of dineutron emission. Here we point out that the inclusion of the n-n interaction neglected in the description of the direct three-body decay can generate strong enhancements at low n-n relative energy and angle, as observed, without any need to invoke dineutron decay.Comment: Final version, published in Physical Review Letter

    Numerical approximation of the generalized regularized long wave equation using Petrov–Galerkin finite element method

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    The generalized regularized long wave (GRLW) equation has been developed to model a variety of physical phenomena such as ion-acoustic and magnetohydro dynamic waves in plasma,nonlinear transverse waves in shallow water and phonon packets in nonlinear crystals. This paper aims to develop andanalyze a powerful numerical scheme for the nonlinear GRLWequation by Petrov–Galerkin method in which the elementshape functions are cubic and weight functions are quadratic B-splines. The proposed method is implemented to three ref-erence problems involving propagation of the single solitarywave, interaction of two solitary waves and evolution of solitons with the Maxwellian initial condition. The variational for-mulation and semi-discrete Galerkin scheme of the equation are firstly constituted. We estimate rate of convergence of such an approximation. Using Fourier stability analysis of thelinearized scheme we show that the scheme is uncondition-ally stable. To verify practicality and robustness of the new scheme error norms L2, L∞ and three invariants I1, I2,and I3 are calculated. The computed numerical results are compared with other published results and confirmed to be precise and effective

    Prolate-Spherical Shape Coexistence at N=28 in 44^{44}S

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    The structure of 44^{44}S has been studied using delayed γ\gamma and electron spectroscopy at \textsc{ganil}. The decay rates of the 02+^+_2 isomeric state to the 21+^+_1 and 01+^+_1 states have been measured for the first time, leading to a reduced transition probability B(E2~:~21+^{+}_1\rightarrow02+)^{+}_2)= 8.4(26)~e2^2fm4^4 and a monopole strength ρ2\rho^2(E0~:~02+^{+}_2\rightarrow01+)^{+}_1) =~8.7(7)×\times103^{-3}. Comparisons to shell model calculations point towards prolate-spherical shape coexistence and a phenomenological two level mixing model is used to extract a weak mixing between the two configurations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    OPA1 functions in mitochondria and dysfunctions in optic nerve

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    OPA1 is the major gene responsible for Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA), a blinding disease that affects specifically the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which function consists in connecting the neuro-retina to the brain. OPA1 encodes an intra-mitochondrial dynamin, involved in inner membrane structures and ubiquitously expressed, raising the critical question of the origin of the disease pathophysiology. Here, we review the fundamental knowledge on OPA1 functions and regulations, highlighting their involvements in mitochondrial respiration, membrane dynamic and apoptosis. In light of these functions, we then describe the remarkable RGC mitochondrial network physiology and analyse data collected from animal models expressing OPA1 mutations. If, to date RGC mitochondria does not present any peculiarity at the molecular level, they represent possible targets of numerous assaults, like light, pressure, oxidative stress and energetic impairment, which jeopardize their function and survival, as observed in OPA1 mouse models. Although fascinating fields of investigation are still to be addressed on OPA1 functions and on DOA pathophysiology, we have reached a conspicuous state of knowledge with pertinent cell and animal models, from which therapeutic trials can be initiated and deeply evaluated

    Structure of 13^{13}Be probed via secondary beam reactions

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    The low-lying level structure of the unbound neutron-rich nucleus 13^{13}Be has been investigated via breakup on a carbon target of secondary beams of 14,15^{14,15}B at 35 MeV/nucleon. The coincident detection of the beam velocity 12^{12}Be fragments and neutrons permitted the invariant mass of the 12^{12}Be+nn and 12^{12}Be+nn+nn systems to be reconstructed. In the case of the breakup of 15^{15}B, a very narrow structure at threshold was observed in the 12^{12}Be+nn channel. Contrary to earlier stable beam fragmentation studies which identified this as a strongly interacting ss-wave virtual state in 13^{13}Be, analysis here of the 12^{12}Be+nn+nn events demonstrated that this was an artifact resulting from the sequential-decay of the 14^{14}Be(2+^+) state. Single-proton removal from 14^{14}B was found to populate a broad low-lying structure some 0.70 MeV above the neutron-decay threshold in addition to a less prominent feature at around 2.4 MeV. Based on the selectivity of the reaction and a comparison with (0-3)ω\hbar\omega shell-model calculations, the low-lying structure is concluded to most probably arise from closely spaced Jπ^\pi=1/2+^+ and 5/2+^+ resonances (Er_r=0.40±\pm0.03 and 0.850.11+0.15^{+0.15}_{-0.11} MeV), whilst the broad higher-lying feature is a second 5/2+^+ level (Er_r=2.35±\pm0.14 MeV). Taken in conjunction with earlier studies, it would appear that the lowest 1/2+^+ and 1/2^- levels lie relatively close together below 1 MeV.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Study of multi-neutron emission in the β-decay of 11Li

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    The kinematics of two-neutron emission following the β-decay of 11Li was investigated for the first time by detecting the two neutrons in coincidence and by measuring their angle and energy. An array of liquid-scintillator neutron detectors was used to reject cosmic-ray and γ-ray backgrounds by pulse-shape discrimination. Cross-talk events in which two detectors are fired by a single neutron were rejected using a filter tested on the β-1n emitter 9Li. A large cross-talk rejection rate is obtained (> 95%) over most of the energy range of interest. Application to 11Li data leads to a significant number of events interpreted as β-2n decay. A discrete neutron line at ≈ 2 MeV indicates sequential two-neutron emission, possibly from the unbound state at 10.6 MeV excitation energy in 11Be

    The beta-decay of 22Al

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    In an experiment performed at the LISE3 facility of GANIL, we studied the decay of 22Al produced by the fragmentation of a 36Ar primary beam. A beta-decay half-life of 91.1 +- 0.5 ms was measured. The beta-delayed one- and two-proton emission as well as beta-alpha and beta-delayed gamma decays were measured and allowed us to establish a partial decay scheme for this nucleus. New levels were determined in the daughter nucleus 22Mg. The comparison with model calculations strongly favours a spin-parity of 4+ for the ground state of 22Al

    Single-Proton Removal Reaction Study of 16B

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    The low-lying level structure of the unbound system 16^{16}B has been investigated via single-proton removal from a 35 MeV/nucleon 17^{17}C beam. The coincident detection of the beam velocity 15^{15}B fragment and neutron allowed the relative energy of the in-flight decay of 16^{16}B to be reconstructed. The resulting spectrum exhibited a narrow peak some 85 keV above threshold. It is argued that this feature corresponds to a very narrow (Γ\Gamma \ll 100 keV) resonance, or an unresolved multiplet, with a dominant π(p3/2)1ν(d5/23)J=3/2+\pi (p_{3/2})^{-1} \otimes \nu (d_{5/2}^3)_{J=3/2^+} + π(p3/2)1ν(d5/22,s1/2)J=3/2+\pi (p_{3/2})^{-1} \otimes \nu (d_{5/2}^2,s_{1/2})_{J=3/2^+} configuration which decays by d-wave neutron emission.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, submitted to Phys. Lett.