115 research outputs found

    Puntos de encuentro y comportamientos tipológicos en la arquitectura barroca vasca

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    Examinado el estado de las investigaciones de la arquitectura barroca en el País Vasco, se afrontan los comportamientos de las diferentes tipologías, en las concepciones religiosas y civiles. Valorando los anacrinismos y pervivenciasestableciendo cronológicamente la llegada de los nuevos lenguajes, estructuras y ámbitos espaciales, y la implantación de repertorios decorativos concernientes a la nueva corriente. La capacidad de asimilar los artistas propuestas foráneas, la importación de modelos y las creaciones personales son cuestiones tratadas. También se subrayan cualitativamente y cuantitativamente las experiencias artísticas dentro de la diferentes provincias, concediendo importancia a las dependencias, paralelismo y correspondencias entre ellas.Euskal Herriko arkitektura barrokoari buruzko ikerketen egoera azterturik, tipologia desberdinen jokabideei ekiten zaie, kontzepzio erlijiosoei zein zibilei dagokienez. Anakronismoak eta iraupenak baloratuzkronologiaren arabera kokatuz bai hizkuntza, egitura eta eremu espazial berrien etorrera, eta bai korronte berriari dagozkion dekorazio-errepertorioaren ezarpena ere. Halaber, beste hainbat gai ukitzen dira lan honetan: tokiko artistek kanpoko proposamenak bereganatzeko gaitasuna, ereduen inportazioa eta sorkuntza pertsonalak. Bestalde, azpimarratu egiten dira Euskal Herriko probintzietan gauzaturiko arte-esperientziak, bai nolakotasunari eta bai kopuruari dagokionez, haien arteko menpetasun, paralelismo eta elkarrekikotasunei garrantzia emanez.En examinant l'état des recherches de l'architecture baroque dans le Pays asque, les comportements des diff é rentes typologies s'aff rontent, dans les conceptions religieuses et civiles. En estimant les anachronismes et survivances, en établissant chronologiquement l'apparition de nouveaux langages, structures et espaces, et l'implantation de répertoires décoratifs concernant la nouvelle tendance. La capacité d'assimiler des propositions étrangères par les artistes, l'importation de modèles et les créations personnelles sont les sujets traités. On souligne également qualitativement et quantitativement les expériences artistiques dans les différentes provinces, accordant de l'importance aux dépendances, parallélisme et correspondances entre elles.The author examined the state of research on baroque architecture in the Basque Country, and found behaviours of different types in the religious and civil conceptions. She assessed anachronisms and surviving aspectschronologically established the arrival of new languages, structures and spatial areas, and the installation of decorative repertoires that are related to the new current. The artist's capacity to assimilate foreign proposals, the importation of models and personal creations are all discussed. Also, artistic experiences are qualitatively and quantitatively emphasised within the different provinces, conceding importance to dependencies, parallelism and correspondence between them

    La responsabilidad civil por el contenido del folleto informativo en la ampliación de capital del Banco Popular de 2016

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    Este trabajo se centra en determinar que sujetos pueden ser responsables por el contenido del folleto informativo de la ampliación de capital del Banco Popular de 2016. Además se hace un análisis de las acciones que pueden ejercitar los inversores afectados frente a estos sujetos que pueden ser responsables. También se tratan otras cuestiones relacionados con esta ampliación de capital como: la responsabilidad administrativa y penal de la entidad emisora, y algunas cuestiones procesales de interés.<br /

    International Retailing as Embedded Business Models

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    As retailers internationalize they interact with diverse socio-political-economic environments and the activities, processes, behaviours and outputs underpinning their business models evolve over time and space. Retailers are not passive, and through managerial agency they interpret the environment to compete and further their own commercial aims. Consequently, mutual interaction with the host environment means that changes may also occur in the established institutional norms in a market. Most existing studies have focused on the implications of territorial embeddedness for internationalizing retailers. In this article we also consider the societal and network forms of embeddedness identified by Hess, and illustrate how retailers transfer, negotiate and adapt their business model as they embed themselves in different institutional environments. A case study of IKEA is used to illustrate the synthesis of these two frameworks

    El arquitecto Juan de Usularre y Echeverría y sus proyectos retablísticos en Guipúzcoa

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    Inventory Control System by Using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)

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    The inventory control system has a strategic role for the business in managing inventory operations. Management of conventional inventory creates problems in the stock of goods that often runs into vacancies and excess goods at the retail level. This study aims to build inventory control system that can maintain the stability of goods availability at the retail level. The implementation of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) method on inventory control system provides transparency of sales data and inventory of goods at retailer level to supplier. Inventory control is performed by calculating safety stock and reorder point of goods based on sales data received by the system. Rule-based reasoning is provided on the system to facilitate the monitoring of inventory status information, thereby helping the process of inventory updates appropriately. Utilization of SMS technology is also considered as a medium of collecting sales data in real-time due to the ease of use. The results of this study indicate that inventory control using VMI ensures the availability of goods ± 70% and can reduce the accumulation of goods ± 30% at the retail level