353 research outputs found

    Xenomicrobiology: a roadmap for genetic code engineering

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    Biology is an analytical and informational science that is becoming increasingly dependent on chemical synthesis. One example is the high-throughput and low-cost synthesis of DNA, which is a foundation for the research field of synthetic biology (SB). The aim of SB is to provide biotechnological solutions to health, energy and environmental issues as well as unsustainable manufacturing processes in the frame of naturally existing chemical building blocks. Xenobiology (XB) goes a step further by implementing nonnatural building blocks in living cells. In this context, genetic code engineering respectively enables the redesign of genes/genomes and proteins/proteomes with non-canonical nucleic (XNAs) and amino (ncAAs) acids. Besides studying information flow and evolutionary innovation in living systems, XB allows the development of new-to-nature therapeutic proteins/ peptides, new biocatalysts for potential applications in synthetic organic chemistry and biocontainment strategies for enhanced biosafety. In this perspective, we provide a brief history and evolution of the genetic code in the context of XB. We then discuss the latest efforts and challenges ahead for engineering the genetic code with focus on substitutions and additions of ncAAs as well as standard amino acid reductions. Finally, we present a roadmap for the directed evolution of artificial microbes for emancipating rare sense codons that could be used to introduce novel building blocks. The development of such xenomicroorganisms endowed with a 'genetic firewall' will also allow to study and understand the relation between code evolution and horizontal gene transfer

    Modelo de outsourcing de aire comprimido para el caso colombiano

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    Misconceptions of Synthetic Biology: Lessons from an Interdisciplinary Summer School

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    In 2014, an international group of scholars from various fields analysed the "societal dimensions" of synthetic biology in an interdisciplinary summer school. Here, we report and discuss the biologists' observations on the general perception of synthetic biology by non-biologists who took part in this event. Most attendees mainly associated synthetic biology with contributions from the best-known public figures of the field, rarely mentioning other scientists. Media extrapolations of those contributions appeared to have created unrealistic expectations and irrelevant fears that were widely disconnected from the current research in synthetic biology. Another observation was that when debating developments in synthetic biology, semantics strongly mattered: depending on the terms used to present an application of synthetic biology, attendees reacted in radically different ways. For example, using the term "GMOs" (genetically modified organisms) rather than the term "genetic engineering" led to very different reactions. Stimulating debates also happened with participants having unanticipated points of view, for instance biocentrist ethicists who argued that engineered microbes should not be used for human purposes. Another communication challenge emerged from the connotations and inaccuracies surrounding the word "life", which impaired constructive debates, thus leading to misconceptions about the abilities of scientists to engineer or even create living organisms. Finally, it appeared that synthetic biologists tend to overestimate the knowledge of non-biologists, further affecting communication. The motivation and ability of synthetic biologists to communicate their work outside their research field needs to be fostered, notably towards policymakers who need a more accurate and technical understanding of the field to make informed decisions. Interdisciplinary events gathering scholars working in and around synthetic biology are an effective tool in addressing those issues

    Diagnóstico Técnico De Producción Más Limpia (P+L) en la empresa láctea ¨Broncos Lazo¨ ubicada en el Km 145 carretera al Rama, comarca el Lajero, Juigalpa-Chontales. En el periodo del II semestre del año 2013

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    La economía de Nicaragua está desarrollándose bajo la presión de aumentar la competitividad, eficiencia en los procesos productivos y/o de servicios, y al mismo tiempo disminuir los impactos negativos que las empresas y el ser humano ocasionan al medio ambiente. La empresa láctea “Bronco Lazo” está ubicada en el Km 145 carretera al Rama, en la comarca el Lajero, Juigalpa-Chontales. Es una empresa mediana semi industrial, donde laboran 15 operarios entre ellos un ingeniero en control de calidad, un administrador y el gerente general de la empresa; esta se identifica por la excelente calidad de su producto derivado de la leche, tiene buen acceso al transporte, permitiendo que la materia prima este en la hora determinada. Esta empresa fue seleccionada para la elaboración de un Diagnóstico Técnico de Producción Más Limpia (PML), a fin de identificar la situación actual de la empresa y generar opciones de mejora. Se eligió el sector lácteo ya que Nicaragua se ha identificado como uno de los mas prometedores para dinamizar la economía local, ya que el 60% de la producción nacional de leche es transformada por la industria artesanal y semi industrial,permitiéndoles producir estándares aceptables en el mercado internacional.En términos generales el sector lácteo en nuestro país constituye una actividad económica,que cada día adquiere mayor importancia, por la creciente demanda tanto a nivel nacional como internacional

    Non-canonical amino acids as a useful synthetic biological tool for lipase-catalysed reactions in hostile environments

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    The incorporation of several non-canonical amino acids into the Thermoanaerobacter thermohydrosulfuricus lipase confers not only activity enhancement upon treatment with organic solvents (by up to 450%) and surfactants (resp. 1630%), but also protective effects against protein reducing (resp. 140%), alkylating (resp. 160%), and denaturing (resp.190%) agents as well as inhibitors (resp. 40%). This approach offers novel chemically diversified biocatalysts for hostile environments.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Determinação da área superficial específica e da porosidade de duas amostras de argilas provenientes da bacia de Taubaté- São Paulo / Determination of specific surface area and porosity of two clays originated from Taubaté- Basin – São Paulo

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    A área superficial específica é uma das propriedades que exercem efeito significativo nas características adsortivas de argilas e consequentemente sobre seu potencial de aplicação industrial. Neste trabalho, a área superficial específica e a porosidade de duas amostras de argilas provenientes da Bacia de Taubaté, São Paulo, denominadas AA e SF, foram determinadas utilizando-se o equipamento Area Surface and Porosity Analyser (ASAP 2020) da Micromeritics, a partir das isotermas de adsorção e dessorção de N2 obtidas. A área superficial específica foi calculada através da aplicação da equação derivada por Brunauer, Emmett e Teller (BET). O diâmetro médio e o volume de poros nas etapas de adsorção e dessorção foram calculados com base no método de Barrett, Joyner e Halenda (BJH). A área e o volume de microporos foram calculados pelo método t-plot. Nenhuma diferença significativa entre as argilas foi observada a partir dos dados coletados. Ambas as amostras apresentaram isotermas do tipo IV(a) com laço de histerese tipo H3, características de  materiais mesoporosos  com poros tipo fenda de tamanho não uniforme. Os valores de área superficial obtidos para a amostra AA, 128,5 m2/g e para a amostra SF, 112,6 m2/g, são comparáveis com os valores observados em bentonitas adsorventes. A análise da distribuição de tamanho de poros revela uma amplia distribuição de tamanhos de poros com predominancia de mesoporos na faixa de 150-350 Å. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as argilas estudadas podem ser uma alternativa de adsorvente de baixo custo

    Análisis de la gestión administrativa del Restaurante Vivero La Peña en la ciudad de Somoto, año 2021

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    Se realizó la investigación titulada “Análisis de la gestión administrativa del Restaurante Vivero La Peña en la ciudad de Somoto año 2021”, con el objetivo de analizar la gestión administrativa del restaurante, y si aplica continua y adecuadamente sus procesos internos que les permita administrar el restaurante de manera eficiente y productiva. Cabe señalar que es una investigación de carácter descriptivo, con un enfoque mixto debido a que se recopiló información cuantitativa y cualitativa. El universo fue de siete colaboradores incluyendo el gerente propietario. De acuerdo a los objetivos definidos fue necesaria la aplicación de dos instrumentos tales como: la encuesta dirigida a los colaboradores y la entrevista al gerente del restaurante. A través del análisis y discusión de los resultados, donde se compararon las variables de estudio que indican la posibilidad de resolver el problema, se brindan estrategias para que el restaurante logre el cumplimiento de sus metas, lo que refleja el aporte primordial de la investigación y, sus principales conclusiones determinan que el Restaurante Vivero La Peña no cuenta con una correcta implementación en la gestión administrativa a causa de que se trabaja de manera tradicional y cuenta con pocos conocimientos para administrar el negocio. Se comprueba el supuesto que, indica que una correcta aplicación en la gestión administrativa fortalecer los procesos administrativos en el restaurant

    Fowler-Nordheim tunneling characterization on Poly1-Poly2 capacitors for the implementation of analog memories in CMOS 0.5 m technology

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    The experimental results of the Fowler-Nordheim characterization using poly1-poly2 capacitors on CMOS ON Semi 0.5 m technology are presented. This characterization allows the development, design, and characterization of a newcurrent-mode analog nonvolatile memory. Experimental results of the memory cell architecture are presented and demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed architecture