1,216 research outputs found

    Plurality in understandings of innovation, sociotechnical progress and sustainable development: An analysis of OECD expert narratives

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    Deterministic theory and discourse on sociotechnical progress ignore the existence of multiple and equally viable pathways towards progress, obscure socioeconomic and environmental conflicting interests and values, and overshadow socially inclusive deliberative choices about policy strategies. Demystifying techno-determinism, by incorporating a plurality of understandings to policy appraisal, becomes a matter of not only democratic accountability but also of analytical rigour. This article analyses the normative and ontological understandings on scientific and technological pathways among a group of experts interviewed at one key Directorate of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, using Q-methodology. The three main framings detected do not correspond exclusively to any single innovation and development theoretical framework – namely Innovation Systems, Learning Systems, Catch-Up models or the science, technology and society approach. Each narrative organizes an array of policy understandings based upon different theories and practices. As these forms of discourse highly influence global policy recommendations, their plurality should be made explicit, negotiated and integrated into policymaking

    Phytoremediation of Phosphorous and Ammonia with Eichhornia crassipes and Azolla pinnata in Waste Waters from Estero de San Miguel Mendiola Manila Philippines

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    Wastewater treatment and removal of pollutants by phytoremediation, remain a major concern of the 21th century. This study is focused on the phytoremediation study in Philippine setting, specifically in one of the tributaries of Pasig river-the Estero de San Miguel. It determined the pH, Ammonia and Phosphorous before, 7th and 14th day of phytoremediation with the use of A. pinnata and E. crassipes. Twelve improvised water ponds/troughs, 3 ponds per treatment were used for 14 days. T- control (only wastewater), T1 for A. pinnata + wastewater, T2 for E. crassipes + wastewater and T3 for A. pinnata E. crassipes + wastewater. Potential hydrogen, Ammonia-N mg/L, phosphorous mg/L were analyzed before, on the 7th and 14th day of the study. Data gathered was analyzed using ANOVA and Fisher Least Significant Difference test as post hoc test. Result revealed that T1 (A. pinnata) lowered the pH and ammonia-N (mg/L) of wastewaters from Estero de San Miguel. T3 (combination of A. pinnata + E. crassipes) has significantly lowered the Phosphorous level of the wastewaters. Thus both aquatic macrophytes can be used as phytoremediation agents in the said Estero

    Limits on nu_e and anti-nu_e disappearance from Gallium and reactor experiments

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    The deficit observed in the Gallium radioactive source experiments is interpreted as a possible indication of the disappearance of electron neutrinos. In the effective framework of two-neutrino mixing we obtain sin22ϑ0.03\sin^{2}2\vartheta \gtrsim 0.03 and Δm20.1eV2\Delta{m}^{2} \gtrsim 0.1 \text{eV}^{2}. The compatibility of this result with the data of the Bugey and Chooz reactor short-baseline antineutrino disappearance experiments is studied. It is found that the Bugey data present a hint of neutrino oscillations with 0.02sin22ϑ0.080.02 \lesssim \sin^{2}2\vartheta \lesssim 0.08 and Δm21.8eV2\Delta{m}^{2} \approx 1.8 \text{eV}^{2}, which is compatible with the Gallium allowed region of the mixing parameters. This hint persists in the combined analyses of Bugey and Chooz data, of Gallium and Bugey data, and of Gallium, Bugey, and Chooz data.Comment: 21 pages. Final version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Differences in kicking velocity and kicking deficit in young elite soccer players

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la evolución del rendimiento máximo de golpeo de balón a lo largo de la edad en futbolistas jóvenes de élite. Un total de 175 fueron divididos en 11 grupos edad (U-9 hasta U-19), además del equipo filial del club (U-23). Se registró la velocidad máxima de golpeo con la pierna dominante y no dominante mediante radar. El déficit de golpeo fue calculado para comparar el rendimiento entre ambas piernas. La velocidad máxima de golpeo aumenta progresivamente de forma significativa desde U-9 hasta U-16 con la pierna dominante y hasta U-18 con la no dominante, y sigue aumentando de forma no significativa hasta U-23. La etapa con mayor incremento de la velocidad de golpeo fue entre U-13 y U-16. Existe un déficit de golpeo con la pierna no dominante y sus valores permanecen estables (9.43%-18.18%) sin cambios significativos desde U-9 hasta U-23The purpose of this current study was to examine the age-related differences in kicking performance with both legs in 175 youth soccer players. Players from the development programme of a professional club were grouped according to their respective under-age team (U-9 to U-18), in addition to the club’s second team (U-23). Maximal kicking velocity with the preferred and non-preferred leg was recorded using a Doppler radar gun. Kicking deficit was calculated to compare side-to-side performance. Maximal kicking velocity improved progressively from the U-9 to U-16 age groups for the preferred leg and from U-16 to U-18 for the non-preferred leg, and continued to improve moderately but non-statistically significant until U-23. The stage of greatest kicking velocity development was between 13 and 16 years of age. There is a kicking deficit with the non-preferred leg and its values remain steady (9.43%-18.18%) without significant changes in players from U-9 to U-23 categorie


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    El número de personas que alcanzan la edad adulta avanzada en muchos países del mundo se ha incrementado dramáticamente en el último siglo, El principal problema asociado con el envejecimiento es la pérdida de capacidad funcional y la independencia. Por lo tanto es importante tener en cuenta que el ciclo vital de todo ser humano atraviesa por cuatro periodos: la infancia, la adolescencia, la adultez y la vejez como lo propone Fernández (2010); es así, como la apariencia física y el estado de salud desmienten muchas  veces, lo esperado en función de la edad cronológica. Por ejemplo, a los 60 años se inicia el ciclo de adulto mayor, en el cual el proceso fisiológico de envejecimiento se establece  plenamente; éste es un proceso inevitable de deterioro gradual determinado por todos los cambios que se dan con el tiempo y que conducen a alteraciones funcionales. Por tanto, la vejez es la acumulación de todos los cambios físicos y biológicos involutivos e irreversibles, que se producen en un organismo con el paso del tiempo y que llevan a fallos homeostáticos incompatibles con la supervivencia.De acuerdo, a estos procesos se presentan cambios en el organismo provocando alteraciones a nivel biológico (genético, enfermedades crónicas y  fisiológicos), psicológicos (estilos de vida, actitud y sentimientos frente a los proceso de cambios) y social (desequilibrio gradual, fragilidad física, cambios de su rol desde la disminución del contacto con familiares y de amigos, en tareas como factores de integración), considera Gutiérrez (2007). En consecuencia, estos fenómenos conllevan al adulto mayor a perder su autonomía funcional.  El  Objetivo de la  investigación   es  evaluar la autonomía funcional de las mujeres adultas mayores, que asisten a las instituciones IRDET e INDEPORTES del departamento de Boyacá en el año 2014,  a través de la práctica de un plan de actividad física  en las cuales se tuvieron en cuenta las capacidades  condicionales coordinativas el equilibrio y la marcha y las actividades de la vida diaria.  Para lo cual se pretende brindar  mejores perspectivas  frente a la vida social.Como conclusiones  se evidencia  que al diseñar y aplicar  en plan de  La actividad física dentro de programas estructurados mejora la funcionalidad y disminuye  la  dependencia  en los adultos mayores  frente a las actividades  el diario vivir. Palabras  Claves: Autonomía  Funcional,  Adulto mayor, Actividad Física,  Coordinación, equilibrio,  marcha, Actividades de la vida diaria

    Soluciones climáticas optimizadas para climas desérticos en edificios de altura Mexicali, B. C.

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    Debido al extremoso clima de Mexicali, B.C., las áreas de oficinas en Roof Decks o terrazas exteriores habitables en azoteas de edificios de altura representan un problema de climatización: se percibe extremo frío en el invierno y es difícil alcanzar el confort térmico en verano, por lo que plantean un reto especial para la sustentabilidad constructiva en grandes edificios. En el presente trabajo se ensayan procedimientos metodológicos de simulación computacional y aplicación experimental, para obtener soluciones climáticas óptimas y lograr el confort térmico por debajo de una línea base de consumo energético en su enfriamiento o calefacción, aplicado en el Corporativo Punta Este como parte de la investigación. Conforme al proceso de investigación, las hipótesis fueron comprobadas o desechadas mediante revisión documental, entrevistas, diagramas, observación directa, cuestionario y aplicación de software, donde, en la problemática de confort se obtuvieron diversas soluciones aplicables a transmitancia térmica, puentes térmicos, hermeticidad y se seleccionó la óptima conforme a los resultados de cálculos y simulación en Design Builder; en cuanto al exceso de consumo de energía, la investigación demostró que se encuentra por debajo de la línea base, por lo cual se desechó el supuesto. El proyecto de reporte de investigación aplicada, desarrollo e innovación se adscribe a la Línea de Generación y Aplicación de Conocimiento 2 “Soluciones espaciales al hábitat inmediato”, especialmente a la sub-línea 2.1 “La sustentabilidad aplicada en el espacio habitable”.ITESO, A.C

    Urban climate multi-scale modelling in Bilbao (Spain): a review

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    Despite development of cities are including more sustainable aspects (e.g. reduction of energy consumption), urban climate still needs to be consolidated as an important variable in urban planning. In this sense, the analysis of urban climate requires a multiscale approach. This work presents a review of the results of the analysis of urban climate in Bilbao (Spain). In the meso-scale, an Urban Climate Map (UC-Map) is developed using a method based on GIS calculations, specific climatic measurements and urban climate expert knowledge. All the information is grouped in 5 information layers (building volume, building surface fraction, urban green areas, ventilation paths and slopes). The final UC-Map presents areas with relative homogeneous climate variables (i.e. climatopes) that are classified in terms of thermal comfort. Urban planning recommendations are defined. In the micro-scale, results extracted from ENVI-met model in four urban spaces show the influence in thermal comfort levels of the interaction of regional climate conditions with the urban development characteristics of each area and the location inside the whole city. In both spatial scales, climate modelling should be accompanied by specific measurement campaigns to validate results.Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Plan under the Project K-Egokitzen European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under, Project RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Citie

    Constraining leptonic emission scenarios for the PeVatron candidate HESS J1702-420 with deep XMM-Newton observations

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    The unidentified TeV source HESS J1702-420 has recently been proposed as a new hadronic PeVatron candidate, based on the discovery of a small-scale emission sub-region with extremely hard gamma-ray spectrum up to 100 TeV (named HESS J1702-420A). Given the difficulty to discriminate between a hadronic or leptonic origin of the TeV emission, based on the H.E.S.S. measurement alone, we opted for a multi-wavelength approach. A deep X-ray observation was carried out using the XMM-Newton satellite, with the goal of probing a possible association with a hidden leptonic accelerator. No evidence of a clear counterpart for HESS J1702-420A was found in the X-ray data. After excluding an association with all nearby X-ray point sources, we derived strict upper limits on the diffuse X-ray emission and average magnetic field in the HESS J1702-420A region. We additionally report the serendipitous discovery of a new extended X-ray source, whose association with HESS J1702-420A is not obvious but cannot be ruled out either. A set of scripts dedicated to the multi-wavelength modeling of X-ray and gamma-ray data, based on Gammapy, Naima and Xspec, was developed in the context of this work and is made publicly available along with this paper.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 13 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Analysis of a low ozone episode over Extremadura (Spain) in January 2006 and its influence on UV radiation

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    The main objectives of this work are to analyze, firstly, the detail of the causes of a low ozone event which occurred in January 2006 and, secondly, the related effects of this anomalous episode on ultraviolet (UV) radiation measured at three locations in Extremadura (South-Western Spain). On 19 January 2006, the OMI total ozone column (TOC) was 16–20% below the January mean value of TOMS/NASA TOC (period 1996–2005). The back trajectories analysis with the HYSplit model indicates that the notable decrease of TOC could be attributed to a fast rise of the isentropic trajectories height. Concomitantly, UV erythemal radiation greatly increases (between 23% and 37%) on 19 January 2006 respect to UV erythemal radiation measured on 19 January 2005. This notable increase in winter UV solar radiation may involve harmful effects for organisms adapted to receive less radiation during that season (e.g. early developmental stages of terrestrial plants and phytoplankton)