98 research outputs found

    Hegel: liberalismo y sociedad civil

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    This article sets out to review the concept of civil society underlying Hegelian thought, which various currents of opinion have labelled as antiliberal. To this end, a study of the historical character of the idea of civil society developed by Hegel is first carried out, followed by an approach to its conceptualisation as a sphere of mutually conflicting interests and finally, an examination of the double moral justification of civil society, in both the scope of individual fulfilment and the search for individuality. Through this revision the article illustrates that the importance of Hegel is grounded in a change in the model of political philosophy, which although situated within the boundaries of liberal thought, puts forward solutions that go beyond classical liberalism.Con el presente artículo se pretende revisar el concepto de sociedad civil que subyace al pensamiento hegeliano y que distintas corrientes de pensamiento han tildado de antiliberal. Para tal revisión se lleva a cabo, en primer lugar, un estudio del carácter histórico de la idea de sociedad civil en el trabajo desarrollado por Hegel, en segundo lugar, una aproximación a su conceptualización como esfera de intereses mutuamente conflictos y, en tercer lugar, un examen de la doble validez moral de la sociedad civil en tanto ámbito de realización del individuo así como de búsqueda de individualidad. Con esta revisión se muestra que la importancia de Hegel radica en que en él encontramos un cambio de modelo de filosofía política que encontrándose en los márgenes de un pensamiento liberal propone soluciones que van más allá del liberalismo clásico

    Poder y revolución: claves para asimilar Foucault

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    This paper takes up Foucault’s theoretical legacy and looks for the hermeneutical keys which will enable its critical appropriation by the present day revolutionary left. It also aims to developping an idea previously set out by N. Poulantzas: not only are Foucault’s thesis compatible with marxism, they can only be fully understood from it

    Política social, sociedad civil y crisis económica:: retos del futuro

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    Se suele presentar la actual crisis económica como argumento inexcusable para legitimar la disminución de las políticas sociales por los gobiernos. En este artículo se intenta rebatir esta afirmación, destacando el carácter sistémico de la crisis y señalando los posibles desarrollos futuros para la sociedad civil y las políticas sociales en América Latina

    La racionalidad del sentimiento, el sentimiento de la razón

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    Unlike other universal languages, Spanish has been subpected to a permanent perfomance of concepts wich has led to the specificity that the work of self-consciousness, moment of every tought, has acquired in thinking produced in this language, in America and in Spain both in the everyday conciousness as in the philosophical thinking, thinking the essence has involved a sense of trascendence that has always needed sense of history and memory of the struggles. Hence the unity of philosophy, poetry and history in our tradition.A diferencia de otros idiomas universales, el español ha estado sometido a una labor de resemantización de los conceptos, lo cual ha conducido a la especificidad que la labor de autoconciencia, momento de todo pensamiento, ha adquirido en el pensamiento producido en este idioma, tanto en América como en España. Tanto en la conciencia cotidiana como en el pensar filosófico, pensar la esencia ha implicado un sentido de la trascendencia que ha necesitado siempre sentido de la historia y memoria de las luchas. De ahí la unidad de filosofía, poesía e historia en nuestra tradición

    Expression of Marti's ideology in letters to his mother Leonor Pérez

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    Introducción: el epistolario martiano dirigido a su madre es expresión de sus ideales independentistas y valores humanos.Objetivo: caracterizar el ideario martiano a través de las cartas a su madre Leonor Pérez Cabrera.Métodos: se realizó una investigación documental de corte histórico, en la cual se emplearon métodos teóricos como análisis documental, histórico-lógico y sistematización.Desarrollo: el epistolario de Martí y su madre Leonor Pérez, refleja el gran cariño que se profesaron, las profundas convicciones que fueron inculcadas por su familia, los valores humanos y morales que se consolidaron en su modo de actuación, su espíritu indomable de lucha, su esencia independentista y su confianza en que la lucha era la única forma de derrocar al colonialismo y la opresión contra los pueblos, su disposición a dar la vida por la independencia de Cuba y su entrega total a la causa libertaria de la madre mayor: la Patria.Conclusiones: a través del epistolario se percibe el ideario martiano forjado bajo los preceptos morales de su familia y su posición ante las injusticias sociales de la época, que se manifestó en su elevado espíritu de rebeldía, su humildad, su honestidad, sus profundas convicciones independentistas y revolucionarias, a las que entregó su vida, ejemplo para los jóvenes rebeldes de posteriores generaciones de cubanos, quienes como buenos discípulos no han dejado morir su legado, llegando hasta nuestros días como digno ejemplo a seguir por futuros profesionales de alta sensibilidad humana en su diario quehacer.Introduction: Marti's epistolary addressed to his mother is an expression of his independence ideals and human values.Objective: To characterize Marti's ideology through his letters to his mother Leonor Pérez Cabrera.Methods: a historical documentary research was carried out, in which theoretical methods such as documentary analysis, historical-logical and systematization were used.Development: the epistolary of Martí and his mother Leonor Pérez, reflects the great affection they had for each other, the deep convictions that were instilled by their family, the human and moral values that were consolidated in their way of acting, their indomitable fighting spirit, their independence essence and their confidence that the struggle was the only way to overthrow colonialism and oppression against the peoples, their willingness to give their lives for the independence of Cuba and their total dedication to the libertarian cause of the greatest mother: the Homeland.Conclusions: through the epistolary we can perceive Marti's ideology forged under the moral precepts of his family and his position before the social injustices of the time, which was manifested in his high spirit of rebellion, his humility, his honesty, his deep pro-independence and revolutionary convictions, to which he gave his life, an example for the young rebels of later generations of Cubans, who as good disciples have not let his legacy die, reaching our days as a worthy example to be followed by future professionals of high human sensitivity in their daily work

    Educación ciudadana para adolescentes y adultos mayores desde el proyecto comunitario Ana la Cub-Ana

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    Introduction: nowadays the system of activities with a systemic and trans-disciplinary approach has a special meaning, as it involves a diversity of scientific perspectives in order to achieve the expected results. Objective: to develop a system of activities for citizen education of adolescents and the elderly in the community project of Ana la Cub-Ana with a systemic and trans-disciplinary approach at Celso Maragoto Lara community in Pinar del Río municipality. Method: based on the extra-university activities of Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences, the study comprises the universe of inhabitants of the community, its population of old adults and adolescents, with a sample chosen by simple random criterion. Materialistic- dialectic method and others from the theoretical and the empirical levels were used. Results: the system of activities promoted, along with the improvement of the senior adult program in intergenerational relationships, are based on the design of the project program with a significant appreciation of changes in the behaviors of its members and positive influences on the community development, on  the  institutions and  the population. Conclusion: through the community work and the extra-university activities of the medical students, scientific and methodological development of the professors involved in this project, together with the enhancement of political- ideological work having a systemic and trans-disciplinary approach, favorable changes of its citizens and the values identified are developed in the community.Introducción: el sistema de actividades con enfoque sistémico y transdisciplinario adquiere en la actualidad significado especial al involucrar en su desarrollo diversidad de perspectivas científicas para el logro de los resultados esperados. Objetivo: elaborar un sistema de actividades para la educación ciudadana de los adolescentes y el adulto mayor desde el proyecto comunitario Ana la Cub-Ana con enfoque sistémico y transdisciplinario en la comunidad Celso Maragoto Lara del municipio Pinar del Río. Método: sustentada en el trabajo extensionista de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río el estudio contempla dentro del universo de habitantes  de  una comunidad, a su población de adultos mayores y adolescentes, con una muestra  seleccionada por criterio aleatorio simple. Se utiliza el método Dialéctico Materialista y otros del nivel teórico y del nivel empírico. Resultados: el sistema de actividades potenció el perfeccionamiento del programa del adulto mayor en las relaciones intergeneracionales, a partir del diseño del programa del proyecto con apreciación constatable de cambios en los comportamientos de sus integrantes y positivas influencias en el desarrollo de la comunidad, sus instituciones y la población. Conclusiones: Logró a través del trabajo comunitario y extensionista de los estudiantes de ciencias médicas, la superación científica y metodológica de los profesores involucrados en este junto a la labor político ideológica con enfoque sistémico y transdisciplinario para desarrollar en la comunidad cambios favorables de sus ciudadanos en los valores identificados.  

    Potentiation of morphine-induced antinociception and locomotion by citalopram is accompanied by anxiolytic-like effects

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    Morphine and related opioids are the mainstay of analgesic treatment, especially in patients suffering chronic pain. Besides their antinociceptive effects they may also exhibit anxiolytic-like properties that could contribute to pain relief. The pharmacological manipulation of the serotonergic system may not only modulate pain transmission and processing but also other behavioral effects of opioids. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of the concurrent treatment with citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, on the antinociceptive, locomotor and anxiety-related effects induced by acute and subchronic administration of morphine in mice. Citalopram (15 mg/kg) enhanced the acute antinociceptive effects of morphine when concurrently administered as evidenced by a two-fold increase in the ED50 for the antinociceptive effect of morphine in the hot-plate test. Chronic studies also revealed that concurrent citalopram treatment (15 mg/kg) delayed the development of tolerance to the thermal antinociceptive effects of morphine. Additionally, morphine-induced hyperlocomotion was potentiated by citalopram as assessed in the open-field test and in the spontaneous activity recording in the home cage, a behavioral outcome to which tolerance or desensitization was not developed. Interestingly, chronic administration of both drugs promoted an anxiolytic effect as evidenced by the increased central activity in the open field test. Future investigations on this pharmacological interaction, such as the possible translational research in clinics, might have consequences in future strategies for the therapeutic management of pain.This research was supported by the grant SAF2010-15663 from the Spanish Government (MINECO). We thank David Ramos and Raquel Lanza for their technical assistance in handling living animals. We kindly appreciate Belen Palacio support for video footage and editing and Dr. Albert Adell for the critical reading of the manuscript

    Role of SOX family of transcription factors in central nervous system tumors

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    SOX genes are developmental regulators with functions in the instruction of cell fate and maintenance of progenitor’s identity during embryogenesis. They play additional roles during tissue homeostasis and regeneration in adults particularly in the Central Nervous System (CNS). In the last years a growing number of evidences has shown that mutations and dysfunction of SOX factors are implicated in several human diseases, including a variety of cancers. In this review, we will summarize the current knowledge about SOX family in CNS tumors and their role in the origin and maintenance of the subpopulation of cancer stem cells in these tumors

    Suplementos por interrupciones inevitables a considerar en la determinación de la norma de tiempo (Original)

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    The time studies are related to the standards measurement in the activities develops. The conformation of the time standard for the operations is integrated for the normal time for the performance of the program task and the allowances adds for different matters. The objective of the presented work was the determination of percent of allowances adds to the basic time of the operation by way of inevitable interruptions. Came true the filming of the operation and the timekeeping being applicable statistical processing of data in order to find the basic time of the operation assuring the statistical regularity and low dispersion of data. It was found that for the studied operation and for the technical operational and ergonomics existing conditions the percent of supplements to consider was 8,4 %. Based on this results it was conclude about the necessity to determine the components to establish a time standard for the importance and the relationship it has in the final calculationLos estudios de tiempos de trabajo están relacionados con la medición de los estándares con que se desarrollan las actividades. La conformación de la norma de tiempo de una operación está integrada por el tiempo normal para la ejecución de la tarea programada y los suplementos a agregar por diferentes motivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es explicar el procedimiento a seguir para la determinación del porciento de suplementos a añadir al tiempo básico de la operación por concepto de interrupciones inevitables. Se tomó un caso de estudio y se realizó la filmación de la operación y un cronometraje a posteriori, aplicándose el procesamiento estadístico de los datos para encontrar el tiempo básico de la operación, asegurando la regularidad estadística y la baja dispersión de los datos. Se encontró que para las operaciones estudiadas y bajo las condiciones técnicas operativo y ergonómico existente, el porciento de suplementos a considerar es de 8,4%. Basado en los resultados se concluye sobre la necesidad de determinar los suplementos como componentes para establecer un estándar de tiempo de trabajo por la importancia e incidencia que tiene en los cálculos finale