11 research outputs found

    An Integrative Asset-Management Framework to Assist Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Situations

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    Reconstruction is an essential measure for a society in a state of flux as a result of man-made- conflict. A long-term approach must become a priority and the guiding goal of reconstruction. Reconstruction rebuilds literally the infrastructure for damaged societies, and this process can succeed only if there is a national commitment to redevelopment of a fit-for- purpose built-environment as well as a commitment to involve the affected community’s facilities user-needs within an integrated asset-management framework

    Evaluating the Baseline Chatacteristics of Static Balance in Young Adults

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    The objectives of this study (baseline study, n = 20) were to implement Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables, establish baseline data of selected variables which characterize static balance activities in a population of healthy young adult males, and to examine any trial effects on these variables. The results indicated that the implementation of Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables was practical and enabled baseline data to be established for selected variables. There was no significant trial effect. Recommendations were made for suitable tests to be used in later studies. Specifically it was found that one foot-tiptoes tests either in static balance is too challenging for most participants in normal circumstances. A one foot-flat eyes open test was considered to be representative and challenging for static balance

    Evaluating the Baseline Chatacteristics of Static Balance in Young Adults

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    The objectives of this study (baseline study, n = 20) were to implement Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables, establish baseline data of selected variables which characterize static balance activities in a population of healthy young adult males, and to examine any trial effects on these variables. The results indicated that the implementation of Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables was practical and enabled baseline data to be established for selected variables. There was no significant trial effect. Recommendations were made for suitable tests to be used in later studies. Specifically it was found that one foot-tiptoes tests either in static balance is too challenging for most participants in normal circumstances. A one foot-flat eyes open test was considered to be representative and challenging for static balance

    Physical and neurophysiological factors influencing dynamic balance

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    Static and dynamic balance are essential in daily and sports life. Many factors have been identified as influencing static balance control, two of which are carrying additional weight and localized muscle fatigue but their influence on dynamic balance in sport activities has not been fully established. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the characteristics of dynamic balance in sport related activities, with specific reference to the influence of body mass changes and muscular fatigue. Study one: The objectives of study one (methodological study, n = 5) were to apply the extrapolated Centre of Mass (XCoM) method and other relevant variables (centre of pressure, CoP; Centre of Mass, CoM; shear forces, Fh; kinetic energy, KE; momentum, P; and angular impulse, AI) to investigate sport related activities such as hopping and jumping. Many studies have represented the CoP data without mentioning its accuracy so several experiments were done to establish the agreement between the CoP and the projected CoM in a static condition. It was found that there was an inaccuracy with the average difference about 4mm. This meant that the angular impulse could not be reliably calculated. Its horizontal component, representing the Friction Torque (Q), could be reliably computed for dynamic balance. The implementation of the XCoM method was found to be practical for evaluating both static and dynamic balance. The general findings were that the CoP, the CoM, the XCoM, Fh, and Qwere more informative than the other variables (e.g. KE, P, and AI) during static and dynamic balance. The XCoM method was found to be applicable to dynamic balance as well as static balance. Study 2: The objectives of study two (baseline study, n =20) were to implement Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static and dynamic balance variables, establish baseline data of selected variables which characterize static and dynamic balance activities in a population of healthy young adult males, and to examine any trial effects on these variables. The results indicated that the implementation of Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static and dynamic balance variables was practical and enabled baseline data to be established for selected variables. There was no significant trial effect. Recommendations were made for suitable tests to be used in later studies. Specifically it was found that one foot-tiptoes tests either in static or dynamic balance are too challenging for most participants in normal circumstances. A one foot-flat eyes open test was considered to be representative and challenging for static balance, while adding further vertical jump and landing tests (two feet flat and one foot flat vertical jump) to the horizontal jumping and hopping for dynamic balance was considered to be more representative of sports situations. The main differences between horizontal and vertical jumping were in anterior-posterior direction. Study 3: The objectives of study three (differentiation study, n =20) were to establish the influence of physical (external added weight) and neurophysiological (fatigue) factors on static and dynamic balance in sport related activities. This was typified statically by the Romberg test (one foot flat, eyes open) and dynamically by jumping and hopping in both horizontal and vertical directions. Statically, added weight increased body's inertia and therefore decreased body sway in anterior-posterior direction though not significantly. Dynamically, added weight significantly increased body sway in both mideo-lateral and anterior-posterior directions, indicating instability, and the use of the counter rotating segments mechanism to maintain balance was demonstrated. Fatigue on the other hand significantly increased body sway during static balance as a neurophysiological adaptation primarily to the inverted pendulum mechanism. Dynamically, fatigue significantly increased body sway in both mideo-lateral and anterior-posterior directions again indicating instability but with a greater use of counter rotating segments mechanism. Differential adaptations for each of the two balance mechanisms (inverted pendulum and counter rotating segments) were found between one foot flat and two feet flat dynamic conditions, as participants relied more heavily on the first in the one foot flat conditions and relied more on the second in the two feet flat conditions. Conclusion: Results from this thesis are expected to aid towards advancing the understanding of balance in sport related activities, and can provide a solid foundation for future work in this area. In particular, a method was established to assess static and dynamic balance, baseline data for these associations was provided, and differential adaptations to physical or neurophysiological constraints were found. Valuable associations between specific variables and the first two mechanisms of balance were demonstrated

    Treatment of diplomatic envoys under international law and in Islam: A comparative analysis

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    Most literature on international law nowadays seems either to overlook or to give scant attention to the contribution of Islamic law towards the treatment of foreign diplomats in modern international law, particularly the principles relating to the protection of diplomats. It has often been maintained, especially by some Western commentators, that there is no overlap between Islamic siyar and the rules of conventional international law; they believe that Islamic law has nothing to offer the international legal system. However, most distinguished scholars of siyar since the inception of Islam have written texts on the topic of diplomatic immunities and privileges. The current increase in global attacks on diplomatic missions is, in many cases, alleged to have been perpetrated in the name of Islam. This has further widened the perceived incongruity between the two legal regimes. This study therefore critically evaluates the exactitude of the contention, sourced from both current international law and Islamic law, considering a review of the current international law for the protection of diplomats. It examines equally the compatibility of the principles governing the protection of diplomats between Islamic diplomatic law and international diplomatic law. It also contends that international law offers efficient protection for diplomats and diplomatic missions, and asks whether Islamic diplomatic law could offer solutions. It further argues the need to harmonize the two legal systems and have a thorough cross-cultural understanding amongst nations generally, to enhance unfettered diplomatic cooperation as of paramount priority