1,665 research outputs found

    The composition of zircon in peraluminous Variscan granites from Northern Portugal.

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    A group of slightly peraluminous Variscan plutons in Northern Portugal were selected from the study of zircon composition. The selected plutons are: the Vila Pouca de Aguiar and the Lavadores-Madalena plutons with I-type affinities and the Vieira do Minho pluton, an l-S transitional type. Zircon occurs as euhedral to subhedral crystals and exhibit finely concentric oscillatory magmatic zoning mainly related to variations of Hf, Y, U and Th concentrations. Most zircon crystals show the dominant “xenotime” substitution. The zircon crystals have Zr/Hf ratio in the range of 21 to 52, with no significant differences between the different granites. These values are in the same range of other peraluminous granites and are in accordance with a crustal signature of zircon. Moreover, the range of Zr/Hf values in zircon crystals overlaps with that of crustal sources and consequently to the potential protoliths proposed in the genesis of the Vieira do Minho and the Vila Pouca de Aguiar plutons, namely meta-igneous crustal sources at different levels. Although zircon from the Lavadores-Madalena pluton has a compositional range similar to the other plutons, an origin by hibridisation has been proposed. However, similar zircon chemistry between this pluton and Vila Pouca de Aguiar and Vieira do Minho plutons could also suggest a similar crustal source.<br><br>Se han seleccionado tres plutones graniticos variscos en el norte de Portugal para el estudio de la composición del circón. Los plutones son: Vila Pouca de Aguiar y Lavadores-Madalena con afinidad de tipo-I y el plutón de Vieira do Minho de tipo transicional I-S. Los circones se presentan en cristales euhédricos a subhédricos y tienen zonados magmáticos, concéntricos oscilatorios finos ligados principalmente a variaciones de las concentraciones del Hf, Y, U y Th. La mayoría de los cristales de circón muestran la sustitución dominante “xenotima”. Los zircones tienen relaciones Zr/Hf que varían en el rango 21–52, sin diferencias significativas entre los diferentes granitos. Estos valores son idénticos a otros granitos peralumínicos y son consistentes con circones de origen cortical. Además, las relaciones Zr/Hf coinciden con las de protolitos corticais y, en consecuencia con los propuestos en la génesis de los plutones de Vila Pouca de Aguiar y Vieira de Minho, en particular rocas metaigneas. Aunque los circones del plutón Lavadores-Madalena tienen una composicíon similar a los otros plutones, fue propuesto un origen por hibridacíon. Sin embargo la similitud química de los circones de este plutón con los otros puede tambíen sugerir un origen similar

    Os novos desafios tecnológicos na reabilitação energética de paredes exteriores de edifícios

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    É um facto reconhecido pelos diversos actores do sector da construção que a reabilitação do parque habitacional português é necessária e que a sua importância na actividade global da construções de edifício deverá crescer, aproximando-se de valores praticados nos outros país a da União Europeia. A necessidade de travar o crescimento do consumos de energia para aquecimento (ou arrefecimento) nos edifícios e as evidentes melhorias do conforto de utilização que decorrem da "reabilitação energética" da envolvente fazem desta uma oportunidade a agarrar aquando de uma reabilitação funcional ou estética. O actual enquadramento regulamentar, a entrada em funcionamento do sistema de Certificação energética e da Qualidade do Ar Interior dos Edifícios (SCE) e as exigências globais de respeito pelo ambiente transformam essa oportunidade num imperativo. Há que identificar os desvios específicos que se colocam à concepção de soluções eficientes e inovadoras para reabilitação energética de paredes exteriores. A participação das autoras nos trabalhos da Agencia Internacional de Energia, IEA ECBCS Annex 50 - Prefabricated Systems for Low Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings motivou a reflexão que agora se apresenta.A participação das autoras nos trabalhos da Agência InternacionaI de Energia, I EA ECBCS Annex 50 -Prefabricated Systems for Low Energy Renavation of Residentia/ Buildings é levado a cabo no âmbito do projecto PTDC/ ECM/67373/2006 Reabilitação Energética de Edifícios financiado pela FCT à qual as autoras agradecem

    Can natural disasters impact children growth paths? Evidence from Mozambique 2000 floods

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    Can natural disasters impact children growth paths? This research follows the current interest on the effects of large-scale natural disasters on human capital outcomes. We combine DHS Survey Data with GPS Data to study the impact of Mozambican major floods on children’s health outcomes. This particular flooding episode was caused by a combination of heavy tropical rainfalls and cyclone Eline taking place in early 2000. OLS and Propensity Score Matching are used to examine the causal relationship between household’s distance from flooded area and anthropometric outcomes of children. We conclude that for children born between 2000 and 2003, a kilometre increase in household’s distance leads to a 0.012 and 0.024 increase in the weight-for-age and weight-for-height z-scores, respectively. Keywords: natural disasters, Mozambique, children’s weight and heigh

    Cultivating the macroalgal holobiont: effects of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture on the microbiome of Ulva rigida (chlorophyta)

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    Ulva is a ubiquitous macroalgal genus of commercial interest. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) systems promise large-scale production of macroalgae due to their high productivity and environmental sustainability. Complex host-microbiome interactions play a decisive role in macroalgal development, especially in Ulva spp. due to algal growth- and morphogenesis-promoting factors released by associated bacteria. However, our current understanding of the microbial community assembly and structure in cultivated macroalgae is scant. We aimed to determine (i) to what extent IMTA settings influence the microbiome associated with U. rigida and its rearing water, (ii) to explore the dynamics of beneficial microbes to algal growth and development under IMTA settings, and (iii) to improve current knowledge of host-microbiome interactions. We examined the diversity and taxonomic composition of the prokaryotic communities associated with wild versus IMTA-grown Ulva rigida and surrounding seawater by using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. With 3141 Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs), the prokaryotic richness was, overall, higher in water than in association with U. rigida. Bacterial ASVs were more abundant in aquaculture water samples than water collected from the lagoon. The beta diversity analysis revealed distinct prokaryotic communities associated with Ulva collected in both aquacultures and coastal waters. Aquaculture samples (water and algae) shared 22% of ASVs, whereas natural, coastal lagoon samples only 9%. While cultivated Ulva selected 239 (8%) host-specific ASVs, wild specimens possessed more than twice host-specific ASVs (17%). Cultivated U. rigida specimens enriched the phyla Cyanobacteria, Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Proteobacteria. Within the Gammaproteobacteria, while Glaciecola mostly dominated the microbiome in cultivated algae, the genus Granulosicoccus characterized both Ulva microbiomes. In both wild and IMTA settings, the phylum Bacteroidetes was more abundant in the bacterioplankton than in direct association with U. rigida. However, we observed that the Saprospiraceae family within this phylum was barely present in lagoon water but very abundant in aquaculture water. Aquaculture promoted the presence of known morphogenesis-inducing bacteria in water samples. Our study suggests that IMTA significantly shaped the structure and composition of the microbial community of the rearing water and cultivated U. rigida. Detailed analysis revealed the presence of previously undetected taxa associated with Ulva, possessing potentially unknown functional traits.European Union (EU)642575; German Research Foundation (DFG) CRC 1127 ChemBioSys;COST Action "Phycomorph" FA1406info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As transformações do território: Bracara Augusta e o seu cadastro

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    Este trabalho pretende abordar os processos relacionados com a transformação do território em que se implantou a cidade romana de Bracara Augusta, tendo em vista estabelecer uma articulação entre o âmbito urbano e a nova paisagem rural que emerge da integração desta região no Império romano. Para o efeito, abordaremos o contexto da ocupação pré-romana da região em que se implantou a cidade, o contexto da sua fundação e as características principais do seu urbanismo, procedendo-se, finalmente, a uma valorização dos novos sítios e achados que ajudam a definir a presença romana no território rural envolvente, com destaque para a rede viária principal, para as necrópoles e para os vestígios de povoamento. A nossa atenção centrar-se-á, de seguida, nos dados referentes à análise do parcelamento rural romano que marcou uma profunda transformação da paisagem e da ocupação do território.This study addresses the processes related to the transformation of the territory in which the Roman city of Bracara Augusta was founded, in order to establish an interaction between the urban context and the new rural landscape that emerged from the integration of this region into the Roman Empire. This paper will discuss the context of pre-Roman occupation in which the city developed, the context of its foundation and the key features of its urban planning, proceeding finally to an appreciation of the new sites and findings that help us to define the Roman presence in the surrounding rural area, with an emphasis on the main road network, cemeteries and settlement remains. It will then focus on data associated with the analysis of the roman rural centuriation that marked a profound change of the landscape and occupation of the territory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychiatric Symptoms and Dissociation in Conversion, Somatization and Dissociative Disorders

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    Objective: Conversion, dissociation and somatization are historically related in the long established concept of hysteria. Somewhere along the way they were separated due to the Cartesian dualistic view. The aim of the present study was to compare these pathologies and investigate whether symptoms of these pathologies overlap in their clinical appearance in a Portuguese sample. Method: Twenty-six patients with conversion disorder, 38 with dissociative disorders, 40 with somatization disorder, and a comparison group of 46 patients having other psychiatric disorders answered questions about dissociation (Dissociative Experiences Scale), somatoform dissociation (Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire), and psychopathological symptoms (Brief Symptom Inventory). Results: Dissociative and somatoform symptoms were significantly more frequent in dissociative and conversion disorder than in somatization disorder and controls. There were no significant differences between dissociative and conversion patients. Conclusions: Conversion disorder is closely related to dissociative disorders. These results support the ICD-10 categorization of conversion disorder among dissociative disorders and the hypothesis of analogous psychopathological processes in conversion and dissociative disorders versus somatization disorder

    Portuguese Validation of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)

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    Objective: The Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) is a widely used screening tool for dissociative symptoms. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the validity and internal consistency of a Portuguese version and determine if it accurately identified dissociative pathology. Method: The original DES underwent a “forward–backward” translation process. The translated form was used on 570 participants divided into 3 subgroups: 113 patients with dissociative symptoms, 233 psychiatric patients with vari- ous psychopathological disorders, and 224 normal individuals. Results: A principal components analysis with all of the partici- pants yielded 4 factors that accounted for 56.3% of the variance. Reliability as measured by Cronbach’s alpha was .94. The receiver operating characteristic curve applied to the cutoff analysis revealed a value of 30 comparing the 2 clinical groups and con- trasting the dissociative-based group with the nonclinical group. The ability of the DES to correctly classify those with and without the disease was very good. Sensitivity was 65.0% and specificity was 86.0% with the cutoff score of 30 from the comparison between dissociative symptomatic disorders and the other psychopathological disorders. Comparing the dissociative symptomatic group with the nonclinical group, we found that sensitivity was 65.0% and specificity was 100%. The mean DES scores for the 3 subgroups were significantly different. Conclusion: These findings are in some degree analogous to those in other studies and suggest that the DES is a reliable and valid screen for the Portuguese population

    Dissociative disorders and other psychopathological groups: exploring the differences through the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20)

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    The Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire is a self-report questionnaire that has proven to be a reliable and valid instrument. The objectives of this study were to validate the Portuguese version and to determine its capability to distinguish patients with dissociative disorders from others with psychopathological disorders. Method: 234 patients answered the translated version of Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire. The Portuguese Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule was used to validate clinical diagnosis. Patients with dissociative disorder (n = 113) were compared to a control group of 121 patients with various anxiety and depression disorders. Results: Reliability measured by Cronbach’s α was 0.88. The best performance of the Portuguese form was at a cut-off point of 35, which distinguishes between dissociative disorder and neurotic disorders with a good diagnostic efficacy (sensitivity = 0.73). The somatoform dissociation was significantly more frequent in dissociative disorder patients, conversion disorder patients and post-traumatic stress disorder patients. Conclusions: These findings suggest that dissociative disorders can be differentiated from other psychiatric disorders through somatoform dissociation. The Portuguese version of the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire has fine psychometric features that sustain its cross-cultural validity

    Design of a continuous improvement model in a portuguese food industry company – a case study

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    The search for perfection forces organizations to adopt new techniques and approaches, focused on the systematic creation of innovative solutions that facilitate the processes of continuous improvement. In view of this contexto, there was an opportunity to sudy the implementation of the Lean philosophy in the production line, at a processed food organization. A continuous improvement model was designed for an organizational system, combining tools used in both TRIZ methodology and Lean philosophy. Several Lean tools are used in the model in order to support problema formulation, e.g. Brainstorming, 5 Whys, Pareto Diagram, Ishikawa Diagram, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle. And the Kano Model integrated in the proposed model allows assessing employee satisfaction at a later stage than the implementation of previously found solutions. In case the problems identified are not very complex, were resorted to the use of both TRIZ and Lean techniques, such as cause/effect databases, the 40 problem solving TRIZ principles, visual management, 55`s or line balancing. But if the problems identified are more complex, which means with an inventive issue to be solved, Matrix of Contradictions and S-Field Analysis TRIZ tools proved to be more appropriate to find the proper solution. With the case study carried out, it was noted that the proposed model proved to be very useful as a roadmap for the implementation of Lean and TRIZ tools in the continuous improvement of industrial products, services and processes should be the ways to continually minimize them in a company.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Demographic and Mental Health Factors Associated with Pathological Dissociation in a Portuguese Sample

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    Pathological dissociation has been extensively studied in many countries; however, little is known about it in Portugal. This research examined the role of demographic variables and mental health on dissociation in Portugal. We assessed 505 participants from 6 samples consisting of dissociative patients (n = 37), conversive patients (n = 26), somaticizing patients (n = 59), posttraumatic stress disorder patients (n = 50), other psy- chiatric patients (n = 174), and nonclinical subjects (n = 159). Dissociation was measured by Portuguese versions of the Dissociative Experiences Scale and Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire; the LEAD procedure and subscales of the Brief Symptom Inventory indicated mental health. Pathological psychological dissociation was significantly more frequent in women, in the youngest of the participants, and in those with less education. Multiple logistic regression revealed that psychoticism, paranoid ideation, and depression symptoms made both men and women more vulnerable to psychological dissociation. Furthermore, psychological dissociation was more probable in men having symptoms of obsession and paranoid ideation and in women having symptoms of psychoticism and paranoid ideation. Pathological somatoform dissociation was significantly more probable in women with less education. Moreover, somatoform dissociation was more likely in women with somatization symptoms and more likely in men with symptoms of somatization and psychoticism. Even though significant associations were found, causal relations could not be established because the study was cross-sectional