1,058 research outputs found


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    El trabajo consta de cuatro capitulos,las conclusiones y cinco anexos, los cuales contienen el instrumento aplicado y un glosario. Dentro del capítulo uno se describe desde las teorías hasta los trabajos de investigación más recientes en el tema de confiabilidad humana relacionadas a la Administración de Riesgos, así como los principales exponentes y técnicas referentes al tema y cuáles han sido sus aportaciones. En el capítulo dos se puntualiza la variable de estudio, las variables o factores, en la corriente que se desarrolla en este estudio y cómo éstos intervienen en la confiabilidad humana y a su vez en la Administración del Riesgo. Se hace una introducción de las técnicas usadas de la confiabilidad humana y la importancia e impacto a nivel mundial, así como las normas internacionales por las que está regulada sobre todo en las organizaciones. Dentro del capítulo tres se hace una introducción de la técnica que se usa en este trabajo de investigación, realizando una análisis matemático y probabilístico; los diferentes conceptos y pruebas que debe pasar esta técnica para su validación, además se hace una introducción en el uso de este en el paquete estadístico SPSS. Este modelo matemático se desarrolla y evalúa de conformidad a los criterios establecidos por la teoría. El capítulo cuatro con los datos relacionados a la organización donde fue aplicado el instrumento, aspectos tales como: antecedentes históricos, giro al que pertenece, áreas por las cuales está conformada y los factores de estudio. Se realiza la “Análisis de la Administración del Riesgo bajo el enfoque de la Confiabilidad Humana a través de Modelo Multifactorial Probit:…” Introducción 5 construcción del modelo, con base a los datos recaudados mediante el instrumento diseñado con anterioridad, analizando las posibles combinaciones de factores que intervienen dentro de la organización. Y para concluir, se presenta el modelo matemático, mismo que fue creado con base a los factores de estudio, así como el análisis de las probabilidades individuales arrojadas para cada empleado de la organización y los niveles de riesgo generales para la organización, así como dar respuesta a las hipótesis planteadas al inicio del estudio

    Primary osteosarcoma of the uterus with cardiac and pulmonary metastases

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    • This is the first reported case describing a female with primary uterine osteosarcoma that exhibited cardiac and pulmonary metastases. • Although extremely rare, uterine osteosarcomas, like leiomyosarcomas, do respond to doxorubicin and ifosfamide. • Uterine osteosarcoma behaves aggressively and is associated with a poor prognosis

    Analgesic prescribing trends in a national sample of older veterans with osteoarthritis: 2012-2017

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    Few investigations examine patterns of opioid and nonopioid analgesic prescribing and concurrent pain intensity ratings before and after institution of safer prescribing programs such as the October 2013 Veterans Health Administration system-wide Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI) implementation. We conducted a quasi-experimental pre–post observational study of all older U.S. veterans (≥50 years old) with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. All associated outpatient analgesic prescriptions and outpatient pain intensity ratings from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016, were analyzed with segmented regression of interrupted time series. Standardized monthly rates for each analgesic class (total, opioid, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, acetaminophen, and other study analgesics) were analyzed with segmented negative binomial regression models with overall slope, step, and slope change. Similarly, segmented linear regression was used to analyze pain intensity ratings and percentage of those reporting pain. All models were additionally adjusted for age, sex, and race. Before OSI implementation, total analgesic prescriptions showed a steady rise, abruptly decreasing to a flat trajectory after OSI implementation. This trend was primarily due to a decrease in opioid prescribing after OSI. Total prescribing after OSI implementation was partially compensated by continuing increased prescribing of other study analgesics as well as a significant rise in acetaminophen prescriptions (post-OSI). No changes in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug prescribing were seen. A small rise in the percentage of those reporting pain but not mean pain intensity ratings continued over the study period with no changes associated with OSI. Changes in analgesic prescribing trends were not paralleled by changes in reported pain intensity for older veterans with osteoarthritis

    Gamificación y programas de fidelización en empresas de servicios turísticos

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    Este artículo aborda el fenómeno de la gamificación en el ámbito de las empresas turísticas, específicamente su aplicación dentro de los programas de fidelización. La gamificación implica aplicar elementos de diseño y el pensamiento propio del juego en contextos no relacionados con el mismo. Se analizaron 34 programas de fidelidad de las principales empresas de los servicios turísticos (líneas aéreas, cruceros, cadenas hoteleras, restaurantes, parques de atracciones e intermediarios comerciales) utilizando la observación estructurada. El estudio de los elementos de diseño de juego –mecánicas, dinámicas y estéticas– permitieron identificar y crear una clasificación de estrategias de gamificación colaborativas y competitivas usadas por las empresas turísticas

    Probing the Surface of Nanodiamonds at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource and San Jose State University

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    The nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond is a promising tool in oncology, electric field sensing, and quantum cryptography. High-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) nanodiamonds (NDs) are prime contenders for these fields because they host nitrogen-vacancy centers (NVCs) which are applicable towards cancer detection and electric and magnetic field sensing. However, to apply HPHT NDs to these fields, the surface must first be functionalized—a difficult process because of the inert nature of the surface. The project at hand focuses on surface modification of HPHT NDs with amines to allow for further bioconjugation of small molecules and plasmonic shells. This is done via liquid-phase chemistry and high-temperature gas-phase chemistry. To characterize the surface of aminated NDs, samples are probed using synchrotron radiation at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) alongside the transmission edge spectroscopy (TES) detector. Aminated NDs were characterized using X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at SSRL. X-ray spectra are suggestive of multiple nitrogen moieties on the surface of the aminated NDs. With verification of a homogeneously amine-terminated surface, the NDs are prepared for further functionalization which can be targeted to enhance the properties of the NVC charge states for applications in enhanced electric field and voltage sensing

    Differential rates of perinatal maturation of human primary and nonprimary auditory cortex

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    Abstract Primary and nonprimary cerebral cortex mature along different timescales; however, the differences between the rates of maturation of primary and nonprimary cortex are unclear. Cortical maturation can be measured through changes in tissue microstructure detectable by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this study, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was used to characterize the maturation of Heschl’s gyrus (HG), which contains both primary auditory cortex (pAC) and nonprimary auditory cortex (nAC), in 90 preterm infants between 26 and 42 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA). The preterm infants were in different acoustical environments during their hospitalization: 46 in open ward beds and 44 in single rooms. A control group consisted of 15 term-born infants. Diffusion parameters revealed that (1) changes in cortical microstructure that accompany cortical maturation had largely already occurred in pAC by 28 weeks PMA, and (2) rapid changes were taking place in nAC between 26 and 42 weeks PMA. At term equivalent PMA, diffusion parameters for auditory cortex were different between preterm infants and term control infants, reflecting either delayed maturation or injury. No effect of room type was observed. For the preterm group, disturbed maturation of nonprimary (but not primary) auditory cortex was associated with poorer language performance at age two years

    IT Workforce Trends: Implications For IS Programs

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    Findings in an IT workforce study support the emphasis of business content espoused by IS curriculum guidelines. Business domain and project management skills are critical to keep in house while technical skills were cited as the top skills sourced. Paradoxically, technical skills are those cited for entry-level positions. We discuss the issues raised by these findings and recommend several approaches for IS programs to consider. IS programs must offer a functionally integrated curriculum and deliver it in an experiential business context. We provide several examples of innovative pedagogical approaches and industry alliances which demonstrate mechanisms to provide students with a stronger business orientation in applying IT. We recommend a more proactive approach to enrollment including better promotion of IS programs

    In Patients Post-stroke, Is Implantable Peroneal Nerve E-stim More Effective Than Transcutaneous E-stim In Improving Foot Clearance?

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    A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) more commonly known as a stroke, is a life changing event resulting in impairments that decrease the quality of life.1 Over 795,000 people each year suffer from a stroke and are affected by resulting impairments and disabilities, of these impairments 20% of those affected by a stroke will acquire foot drop.2 Foot drop is due to paralysis or weakness of the ankle dorsiflexor muscles3,4 and therefore describes the inability to actively raise the toes up required to clear the ground during swing phase, resulting in the toes to drag. Foot drop not only causes abnormal gait patterns and compensations, but increases the risk of falls, increases energy expenditure, and potential orthopedic issues up the chain.5-8 Literature has shown the use of ankle foot orthoses (AFOs), transcutaneous functional electrical stimulation (FES), and implantable FES to be effective interventions used to decrease the severity of foot drop in patients post CVA. 8,9 Implantable FES offers an alternative to the transcutaneous e-stim by allowing patients to have a more permanent device to address their foot drop impairment that is more convenient and eliminates the need for daily application. Furthermore, there has been no research in the comparison of transcutaneous FES to implantable FES and their effectiveness on foot clearance during gait for individuals post CVA

    Healthcare IT Adoption under Different Government Models: Debating the HITECH Impacts

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    Governments around the world are investing in healthcare as they attempt to increase access to care and the quality of care, while simultaneously lowering the costs of providing care. Many of these investments are in healthcare IT (HIT). The IT software industry is preparing for intensive competition for their HIT packages and workers in response to government and private industry investments. Yet different national healthcare models have produced widely differing healthcare outcomes and HIT adoption rates, with the U.S. performing poorly on both. The objective of this panel is to provide insights based on HIT research conducted in multiple healthcare contexts under different national government models, and then to engage the panel audience in debating the prospects for success of three IT-enabled healthcare delivery reforms being government-funded in the U.S. over the next 5 years. Our larger goal is to provide a forum for information sharing that will motivate other IS researchers across the global IS research community to contribute to the design of solutions and the capturing of best practices that will address some of the key goals of IT-enabled healthcare reform: improved access and quality, and decreased costs