303 research outputs found

    The 'Dinner Date' concept: Reconciliating the dating and hospitality industries

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    Purpose: This research note argues that investigating the intersections between hospitality and speed dating events can yield practical implications for both industries. Hospitality professionals can gain valuable insights into how to enhance customer experiences by understanding the unique needs and expectations of individuals participating in dating events. Conversely, dating event organizers can draw upon the principles of hospitality to create more engaging and enjoyable experiences for their attendees, ultimately contributing to the success and longevity of such events. Methods: Adopting the User-Centred Design (UCD), which is structured around seven distinct phases including understand, observe, engage, define, ideate, prototype and test, and implement. Results: This study suggests a blueprint for the new concept of speed dating event. It proposes a methodology to develop a research agenda to generate strategies for implementing the "dinner date" concept. Implications: Developing aligning goals between hospitality and dating industries creates a valuable experience for their target audience, where food is presented as a soft management tool facilitating this relationship

    Career derailment: burnout and bullying at the executive level

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    Executive derailment refers to unexpected and unwanted changes in the trajectory of an executive career caused either by factors within the person or by organisational factors external to the person, or a combination of both, leading to loss of identity. This phenomenological study explored subjective experiences of four high functioning professionals who had experienced executive derailment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results showed four superordinate themes that encapsulated a trajectory from severe loss of identity, integrity, and livelihood, to newly defined authenticity following derailment: (1) Self-doubt and blame; (2) targeted bullying; (3) psychological vulnerability and distress; and (4) Meaning-making and personal growth. The first three themes highlight varying levels of psychological distress and burnout and the vicarious impact on family life. The fourth theme involved a redefined self-integrity where forgiveness and psychological recovery could emerge and allow for a reconsideration of career pathways. The recognition that personal and professional growth can arise following executive derailment is a novel finding with important implications for coaches. A positive psychological and growth-oriented mindset may be helpful in harnessing change with executives following derailment

    Attitude towards Equality between Men and Women and its Source of Formation among Palestinian Post-Graduate Education Students

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    This study examined post-graduate education students’ attitudes towards gender equality. It also explored the factors that influenced their formation, in addition to studying the differences in attitudes due to gender and social status. A  mixed design was used. Quantitative data were collected from a random sample of 168 students using a questionnaire prepared by the researchers. The qualitative data were collected from three focus groups with six students each. The findings showed high awareness of women's rights in areas related to family, social and political matters.  Female and unmarried students showed attitudes that are more positive. Results indicated that there are factors that influence the formation of students' attitude including family, culture, education, personal and life experiences.  Recommendations highlighted the importance of raising the awareness of the community towards the Islamic perspective of the rights and obligations of women and men in addition to linking this to the international humanitranian  right laws and agreements, and to issue the necessary policies and laws support their implementation

    Analyse der Herzfrequenzvariabilität unter körperlicher Ruhe und unter körperlicher Belastung: Methodenentwicklung zur Bestimmung eines Analysefensters für die Zeitdomäne- und Nichtlineare-Parameter

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden bei der Auswertung von ausgewählten HRV-Parametern (SD1, SD2, r-MSSD, SDNN und SDSD) unter körperlicher Ruhebedingung „fünfundzwanzig Minuten in Rückenlage“ und unter körperlicher Belastung „sechzig Minuten fahrradergometrischer Dauertest 85 % Δ IAS-AS“ unterschiedliche Analysefenster mit einer Länge von 10 bis 600 [RRi] verwendet und miteinander verglichen. Es wurde angenommen, dass die minimalen Analysefensterlängen unter körperlicher Ruhe und unter körperlicher Belastung sich unterscheiden. Entsprechend der Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation konnte erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass sich die Längen der optimalen Analysefenster voneinander signifikant unterscheiden (p < ,005) und, dass der Einfluss der Analysefensterlänge unter körperlicher Ruhe auf die Stabilität der Parameterwerte anders war als unter körperlicher Belastung. Mithilfe der Ergebnisse konnten zudem für jeden Parameter sowie für einzelne Parametergruppen zwei minimale Längen des Analysefensters festgelegt werden: Eine minimale Länge für die Analyse der HRV unter körperlicher Ruhe und eine minimale Länge für die Analyse der HRV unter körperlicher Belastung. Außerdem wurde in dieser Dissertation erstmals die Analysefensterlänge, die sich für die Analyse der HRV sowohl unter körperlicher Ruhe als auch unter körperlicher Belastung eignet (belastungsunabhängige Länge), ermittelt

    The ‘dinner date’ concept : reconciliating the dating and hospitality industries

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    Purpose: This research note argues that investigating the intersections between hospitality and speed dating events can yield practical implications for both industries. Hospitality professionals can gain valuable insights into how to enhance customer experiences by understanding the unique needs and expectations of individuals participating in dating events. Conversely, dating event organizers can draw upon the principles of hospitality to create more engaging and enjoyable experiences for their attendees, ultimately contributing to the success and longevity of such events. Methods: Adopting the User-Centred Design (UCD), which is structured around seven distinct phases including understand, observe, engage, define, ideate, prototype and test, and implement. Results: This study suggests a blueprint for the new concept of speed dating event. It proposes a methodology to develop a research agenda to generate strategies for implementing the “dinner date” concept. Implications: Developing aligning goals between hospitality and dating industries creates a valuable experience for their target audience, where food is presented as a soft management tool facilitating this relationship

    Trace generator for opportunistic networks routing protocols through heuristic techniques

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    This report is concerning about the execution of the project to build an algorithm capable of generatingThe ONE simulator Scenarios in order to test delay tolerant networks (DTN) algorithms, specifically opportunistic networks, as well as the methodology employed to carry it out, special mention to the Simulated Annealing technique, which will be the key to the impartial The ONE simulator Scenarios Generator. However, it is also explained what kind of Scenario is going to be built. Furthermore, the report will show the state of the art, specifying other methods to obtain these Scenarios, such as by getting prebuild derived from human mobility ones or real-based ones. Moreover, the report will include the planning of the project, updates on the development of the project, including the explanation of the structure of the code and a guide to use it, and whether it has followed the planfication or not and why. Finally it will include the sources consulted in addition to some acknowledgments.Aquest informe tracta sobre l'execució d'un projecte que construeixi un algorisme capaç de generar Scenarios pel simulador The One, per poder testejar protocols d'encaminament per xarxes tolerants a retards (DTN), específicament per xarxes oportunístiques, a més de la metodologia per dur-ho a terme, mencionant de manera especial la tècnica del recuit simulat, que serà clau pel Generador d'Scenarios imparcials pel simulador The ONE. No obstant, també s'explica quina mena d'Scenario es construirà. A més, l'informe mostrarà l'estat de l'art, especificant altres mètodes per obtenir aquests Scenarios, com per exemple el que obté Scenarios pre-construïts derivats de la mobilitat humana o els basats en la realitat. En afegit, l'informe inclourà la planificació del projecte, les actualitzacions en el desenvolupament del projecte, incloent l'explicació de l'estructura del codi i una guia de com fer-lo servir, i si s'ha seguit o no la planificació establerta i el perquè. Finalment inclourà un llistat de les font consultades a més d'uns agraïments.Este informe trata sobre la ejecución de un proyecto que construye un algoritmo capaz de generar Scenarios para el simulador The ONE, para poder testear algoritmos de enrutamiento para redes tolerantes a retrasos (DTN), específicamente para redes oportunistas, además de la metodología para llevarlo a cabo, mencionando de manera especial la técnica del recocido simulado, que será clave para el Generador de Scenarios imparciales para el simulador The ONE. Sin embargo, también se explica que tipo de Scenario se construirá. Además, el informe mostrará el estado del arte, especificando otros métodos para obtener estos Scenarios, como por ejemplo el que obtiene Scenarios preconstruidos derivados de la movilidad humana o los basados en la realidad. Por otro lado, el informe incluirá la planificación del proyecto, las actualizaciones en su desarrollo, incluyendo la explicación de la estructura del código y una guía de como usarlo, y si se ha seguido o no la planificación establecida y el porqué. Finalmente incluirá una lista de las fuentes consultadas además de unos agradecimientos

    High-Pressure Stopped-Flow Study of Inclusion Reactions with α-Cyclodextrin: Dynamic Aspects in Host-Guest Interactions

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    The full volume and entropy profiles of the inclusion reaction between α-cyclodextrin and the guest molecules, ethylorange (1) and mordant yellow 7 (2), have been constructed from variable-pressure and -temperature stopped-flow kinetic experiments

    Enhancement of L-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity and circulating ketone body levels by pantethine. Relevance to dopaminergic injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The administration of the ketone bodies hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate is known to exert a protective effect against metabolic disorders associated with cerebral pathologies. This suggests that the enhancement of their endogenous production might be a rational therapeutic approach. Ketone bodies are generated by fatty acid beta-oxidation, a process involving a mitochondrial oxido-reductase superfamily, with fatty acid-CoA thioesters as substrates. In this report, emphasis is on the penultimate step of the process, i.e. L-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity. We determined changes in enzyme activity and in circulating ketone body levels in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Since the active moiety of CoA is pantetheine, mice were treated with pantethine, its naturally-occurring form. Pantethine has the advantage of being known as an anti-inflammatory and hypolipidemic agent with very few side effects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that dehydrogenase activity and circulating ketone body levels were drastically reduced by the neurotoxin MPTP, whereas treatment with pantethine overcame these adverse effects. Pantethine prevented dopaminergic neuron loss and motility disorders. In vivo and in vitro experiments showed that the protection was associated with enhancement of glutathione (GSH) production as well as restoration of respiratory chain complex I activity and mitochondrial ATP levels. Remarkably, pantethine treatment boosted the circulating ketone body levels in MPTP-intoxicated mice, but not in normal animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These finding demonstrate the feasibility of the enhancement of endogenous ketone body production and provide a promising therapeutic approach to Parkinson's disease as well as, conceivably, to other neurodegenerative disorders.</p