49 research outputs found

    Localisation de sources aéroacoustiques et imagerie à haute résolution

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    Localization of Coherently Distributed (CD) source presents a challenge in the array signal processing. Our work motivates the localization of aero-acoustic source based on its spatial extension. This challenge is practically ignored in the literature of acoustic imaging field where many applications consist in mapping noisy source to reduce its contribution. The thesis presents the three following contributions. First, we propose a Joint Angle, Distance, Spread and Shape Estimator called JADSSE. The estimation of the so-called spread shape distribution parameter proposed by JADSSE avoids the modeling error due to the required a priori knowledge on the source shape when using classical estimators. Second, we expand the Decoupled DSPE to the near field. This method decouples the Direction of Arrival (DoA) and the range estimation from the spread estimation. Meanwhile, this method prevents the spread estimation for unknown shape distribution. Therefore, we propose the DADSSE to successively estimate the DOA, the range and then the spread and the shape distribution of the source. Third, we generalize the CD model and the JADSSE to consider the bi-dimensional spread of the source. Next, we propose two source power estimation approaches accounting the spatial spread of the source. The proposed methods are tested using a set of experimental data of the Renault wind tunnel application. Results show the presence of new aero-acoustic sources especially the overlapped ones with weak powers. We provide a tool to better map and characterize the aero-acoustic source by estimating the position, spread, power and shape.La localisation de source Distribuée Cohérente (DC) présente un défi du traitement d'antenne. Les contributions de cette thèse s’articulent principalement autour de trois aspects. Premièrement, un estimateur conjoint de l'angle, la distance, la dispersion et la forme de la source appelée JADSSE est proposé pour le cas champ proche. L’estimation d’un paramètre de forme de distribution de la dispersion permet d’éviter des erreurs de modèles sur l’a priori de la forme de la distribution. Deuxièmement, on généralise l'estimateur Decoupled DSPE en champ proche. Cette approche permet de découpler l'estimation de la Direction D’Arrivée (DDA) et de la distance de l'estimation de la dispersion. Afin de permettre l’estimation de la dispersion sans connaître a priori les formes de distribution, on propose le DADSSE qui consiste à estimer successivement la DDA, la distance et ensuite la dispersion et la forme de la distribution de la source. Troisièmement, on généralise le modèle DC avec une dispersion spatiale bidimensionnelle de la source ainsi que l’estimateur JADSSE. Deux approches sont proposées pour l’estimation de la puissance prenant en compte le modèle d’étalement des sources. Les méthodes proposées sont testées sur les données expérimentales de la soufflerie de Renault. Les résultats mettent en évidence des sources aéro-acoustiques proches et de faibles puissances. L’ensemble de ces travaux permet de fournir un outil pour une meilleure cartographie et caractérisation des sources aéro-acoustiques grâce à l’estimation de la position, l'étalement, la puissance et la forme

    Localization of Spatially Distributed Near-Field Sources with Unknown Angular Spread Shape

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose to localize and characterize coherently distributed (CD) sources in near-field. Indeed, it appears that in some applications, the more the sources are close to the array of sensors, the more they can seem scattered. It thus appears of the biggest importance to take into account the angular distribution of the sources in the joint direction of arrival (DOA) and range estimation methods. The methods of the literature which consider the problem of distributed sources do not handle with the case of near field sources and require that the shape of the dispersion is known. The main contribution of the proposed method is to estimate the shape of the angular distribution using an additional shape parameter to address the case of unknown distributions. We propose to jointly estimate the DOA, the range, the spread angle and the shape of the spread distribution. Accurate estimation is then achieved even when the shape of the angular spread distribution is unknown or imperfectly known. Moreover, the proposed estimator improves angular resolution of the sources

    Localisation des sources distribuées en champ proche

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    National audienceLa plupart des algorithmes du traitement d'antennes ont été développés avec l'hypothèse de sources ponctuelles situées en champ lointain. Certaines applications physiques n'obéissent pas à cet hypothèse, ainsi l'extension angulaire en champ proche doit être prise en compte dans le modèle. Dans ce papier, on propose un modèle généralisé pour la caractérisation des sources ayant une extension angulaire dans un champ proche. Nous proposons ensuite un algorithme d'estimation conjointe de la direction d'arrivée nominale, de la dispersion angulaire autour de cette direction et de la distance séparant la source de l'antenne. La méthode est basée sur une généralisation de l'estimateur MUSIC sur le principe de la minimisation d'un produit scalaire entre un vecteur fonction du vecteur directeur et le vecteur propre bruit de la matrice de corrélation. Nous comparons notre méthode avec un estimateur MUSIC conventionnel (source ponctuelle en champ proche). Les résultats montrent que le nouvel estimateur est plus performant en réduisant l'erreur quadratique moyenne des estimés pour les sources distribuées en champ proche. L'estimateur proposé est comparé avec la borne de Cramer-Rao (BCR)

    Survey instruments used in clinical and epidemiological research on waterpipe tobacco smoking: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The primary objective was to systematically review the medical literature for instruments validated for use in epidemiological and clinical research on waterpipe smoking.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched the following databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, and ISI the Web of Science. We selected studies using a two-stage duplicate and independent screening process. We included papers reporting on the development and/or validation of survey instruments to measure waterpipe tobacco consumption or related concepts. Two reviewers used a standardized and pilot tested data abstraction form to collect data from each eligible study using a duplicate and independent screening process. We also determined the percentage of observational studies assessing the health effects of waterpipe tobacco smoking and the percentage of studies of prevalence of waterpipe tobacco smoking that have used validated survey instruments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified a total of five survey instruments. One instrument was designed to measure knowledge, attitudes, and waterpipe use among pregnant women and was shown to have internal consistency and content validity. Three instruments were designed to measure waterpipe tobacco consumption, two of which were reported to have face validity. The fifth instrument was designed to measure waterpipe dependence and was rigorously developed and validated. One of the studies of prevalence and none of the studies of health effects of waterpipe smoking used validated instruments.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A number of instruments for measuring the use of and dependence on waterpipe smoking exist. Future research should study content validity and cross cultural adaptation of these instruments.</p

    The prevalence of waterpipe tobacco smoking among the general and specific populations: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background The objective of this study was to systematically review the medical literature for the prevalence of waterpipe tobacco use among the general and specific populations. Methods We electronically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the ISI the Web of Science. We selected studies using a two-stage duplicate and independent screening process. We included cohort studies and cross sectional studies assessing the prevalence of use of waterpipe in either the general population or a specific population of interest. Two reviewers used a standardized and pilot tested form to collect data from each eligible study using a duplicate and independent screening process. We stratified the data analysis by country and by age group. The study was not restricted to a specific context. Results Of a total of 38 studies, only 4 were national surveys; the rest assessed specific populations. The highest prevalence of current waterpipe smoking was among school students across countries: the United States, especially among Arab Americans (12%-15%) the Arabic Gulf region (9%-16%), Estonia (21%), and Lebanon (25%). Similarly, the prevalence of current waterpipe smoking among university students was high in the Arabic Gulf region (6%), the United Kingdom (8%), the United States (10%), Syria (15%), Lebanon (28%), and Pakistan (33%). The prevalence of current waterpipe smoking among adults was the following: Pakistan (6%), Arabic Gulf region (4%-12%), Australia (11% in Arab speaking adults), Syria (9%-12%), and Lebanon (15%). Group waterpipe smoking was high in Lebanon (5%), and Egypt (11%-15%). In Lebanon, 5%-6% pregnant women reported smoking waterpipe during pregnancy. The studies were all cross-sectional and varied by how they reported waterpipe smoking. Conclusion While very few national surveys have been conducted, the prevalence of waterpipe smoking appears to be alarmingly high among school students and university students in Middle Eastern countries and among groups of Middle Eastern descent in Western countries

    Conception de nanomatériaux à base d'oxyde par ALD : de la détection aux membranes

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    In this context, the aim of this PhD work is the synthesis of different nanostructured materials based on ALD oxide thin film (Al2O3, ZnO and Al2O3/ZnO nanolaminates) deposited on different types of substrates such as silicon substrate, glass, nanofibers, multipores and monopores membranes, PET and gold coated nickel dogbones. ALD deposition was performed on those substrates with changing the film thickness (number of cycles), the deposition temperature, and the film composition (doping, multilayers etc.). After the ALD deposition chemical, structural, optical, electrical and mechanical characterization were performed on the ALD deposited layer in order to study the influence of the deposition parameters on the thin film properties. The deposited and characterized ALD films were investigated on different fields:•Optical properties for solar cell applications (Chapter 2) •UV detection (Chapter 3)•Protective coating and gas barrier (chapter 4)•Ionic transport, water desalination, Mass spectrometry, DNA sequencing and Gas purification (chapter 5)The atomic layer deposition technique combined with nanostructured templates show several advantages on several application fields that will be reported on this thesis. The structural and properties evolution of the ALD thin film with the deposition parameter evolution leaded to a doped ZnO layer and Al2O3/ZnO multilayer with tunable optical, electrical and mechanical properties that can be interesting for different applications such as solar cell and UV detection. The conformal coating on high aspect ratio template with the angstrom range thickness control offered by the atomic layer deposition technique meted our target on nanopores diameter tuning for different applications on the nanometeric range such as gas purification. Moreover the compatibility of the deposited materials with some biological function leaded to a combination between nanostructure materials and biological function that shows promising results for different applications such as ionic transport, water desalination, mass spectrometry and DNA sequencing.Conception de nanomatériaux à base d'oxyde par ALD : de la détection aux membrane

    Calibration du modèle de la rétrodiffusion radar IEM pour l'extraction des paramètres du sol en milieu agricole (rugosité et humidité)

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    The retrieval of surface parameters, using inversion techniques, requires the use of well calibrated models and unfortunately, none of the existing models provide consistently good agreement with the measured SAR data. In this study, we propose an empirical calibration of the Integral Equation Model (IEM) in order to better reproduce the backscattering coefficient measured from SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images over bare soils in agricultural areas. As correlation length is not only the least accurate parameter but also the most difficult to measure, we propose its empirical estimation from experimental data sets of SAR images and soil parameters measurements. Based on a lot of data set, a relationship between optimal correlation length and rms surface height were found for each radar configuration in using three correlation functions (exponential, fractal and gaussienne). The new calibrated version of the IEM, corresponding to the original IEM with a coupling of the empirical function of correlation length, was then tested on another set of measured data in order to validate the calibration procedure. The results show a very good agreement between the backscattering measurements provided by spaceborne SAR systems and those given by the calibrated IEM. This adapted version of the IEM can be used in inversion techniques for retrieving rms height from radar observations.L'estimation des paramètres de surface en utilisant des techniques d'inversion nécessite l'utilisation de modèles de rétrodiffusion bien calibrés. Aucun des modèles existants n'est capable de simuler correctement des données radar mesurées. Nous proposons dans cette étude un étalonnage empirique du modèle IEM (Integral Equation Model) dans le but de mieux reproduire le coefficient de rétrodiffusion mesuré à partir des images ROS (Radar à Ouverture Synthétique) sur des sols nus en milieu agricole. Étant donné que la longueur de corrélation est le paramètre le moins précis mais aussi le plus difficile à mesurer, nous proposons de l'estimer empiriquement à partir de bases de données expérimentales composées d'images ROS et de mesures terrain. Basées sur plusieurs bases de données, des relations entre la longueur de corrélation estimée empiriquement et la rugosité de surface ont été retrouvées pour chaque configuration radar en utilisant trois fonctions d'autocorrélation (exponentielle, fractale et gaussienne). La version étalonnée du modèle IEM, correspondant à la version originale du modèle IEM avec la fonction empirique de la longueur de corrélation, a par la suite été validée sur une autre base de données expérimentale indépendante. Les résultats montrent un bon accord entre le coefficient de rétrodiffusion fourni par les systèmes ROS et celui simulé par le modèle IEM calibré. Cette version adaptée du modèle IEM peut être utilisée dans des procédures d'inversion pour retrouver la rugosité de surface à partir des images radar

    Design of oxide based nanomaterials by ALD : from sensors to membrane application

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    Conception de nanomatériaux à base d'oxyde par ALD : de la détection aux membranesIn this context, the aim of this PhD work is the synthesis of different nanostructured materials based on ALD oxide thin film (Al2O3, ZnO and Al2O3/ZnO nanolaminates) deposited on different types of substrates such as silicon substrate, glass, nanofibers, multipores and monopores membranes, PET and gold coated nickel dogbones. ALD deposition was performed on those substrates with changing the film thickness (number of cycles), the deposition temperature, and the film composition (doping, multilayers etc.). After the ALD deposition chemical, structural, optical, electrical and mechanical characterization were performed on the ALD deposited layer in order to study the influence of the deposition parameters on the thin film properties. The deposited and characterized ALD films were investigated on different fields:• Optical properties for solar cell applications (Chapter 2) • UV detection (Chapter 3)• Protective coating and gas barrier (chapter 4)• Ionic transport, water desalination, Mass spectrometry, DNA sequencing and Gas purification (chapter 5)The atomic layer deposition technique combined with nanostructured templates show several advantages on several application fields that will be reported on this thesis. The structural and properties evolution of the ALD thin film with the deposition parameter evolution leaded to a doped ZnO layer and Al2O3/ZnO multilayer with tunable optical, electrical and mechanical properties that can be interesting for different applications such as solar cell and UV detection. The conformal coating on high aspect ratio template with the angstrom range thickness control offered by the atomic layer deposition technique meted our target on nanopores diameter tuning for different applications on the nanometeric range such as gas purification. Moreover the compatibility of the deposited materials with some biological function leaded to a combination between nanostructure materials and biological function that shows promising results for different applications such as ionic transport, water desalination, mass spectrometry and DNA sequencing

    Localisation de sources aéroacoustiques et imagerie à haute résolution

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    La localisation de source Distribuée Cohérente (DC) présente un défi du traitement d'antenne. Les contributions de cette thèse s’articulent principalement autour de trois aspects. Premièrement, un estimateur conjoint de l'angle, la distance, la dispersion et la forme de la source appelée JADSSE est proposé pour le cas champ proche. L’estimation d’un paramètre de forme de distribution de la dispersion permet d’éviter des erreurs de modèles sur l’a priori de la forme de la distribution. Deuxièmement, on généralise l'estimateur Decoupled DSPE en champ proche. Cette approche permet de découpler l'estimation de la Direction D’Arrivée (DDA) et de la distance de l'estimation de la dispersion. Afin de permettre l’estimation de la dispersion sans connaître a priori les formes de distribution, on propose le DADSSE qui consiste à estimer successivement la DDA, la distance et ensuite la dispersion et la forme de la distribution de la source. Troisièmement, on généralise le modèle DC avec une dispersion spatiale bidimensionnelle de la source ainsi que l’estimateur JADSSE. Deux approches sont proposées pour l’estimation de la puissance prenant en compte le modèle d’étalement des sources. Les méthodes proposées sont testées sur les données expérimentales de la soufflerie de Renault. Les résultats mettent en évidence des sources aéro-acoustiques proches et de faibles puissances. L’ensemble de ces travaux permet de fournir un outil pour une meilleure cartographie et caractérisation des sources aéro-acoustiques grâce à l’estimation de la position, l'étalement, la puissance et la forme.Localization of Coherently Distributed (CD) source presents a challenge in the array signal processing. Our work motivates the localization of aero-acoustic source based on its spatial extension. This challenge is practically ignored in the literature of acoustic imaging field where many applications consist in mapping noisy source to reduce its contribution. The thesis presents the three following contributions. First, we propose a Joint Angle, Distance, Spread and Shape Estimator called JADSSE. The estimation of the so-called spread shape distribution parameter proposed by JADSSE avoids the modeling error due to the required a priori knowledge on the source shape when using classical estimators. Second, we expand the Decoupled DSPE to the near field. This method decouples the Direction of Arrival (DoA) and the range estimation from the spread estimation. Meanwhile, this method prevents the spread estimation for unknown shape distribution. Therefore, we propose the DADSSE to successively estimate the DOA, the range and then the spread and the shape distribution of the source. Third, we generalize the CD model and the JADSSE to consider the bi-dimensional spread of the source. Next, we propose two source power estimation approaches accounting the spatial spread of the source. The proposed methods are tested using a set of experimental data of the Renault wind tunnel application. Results show the presence of new aero-acoustic sources especially the overlapped ones with weak powers. We provide a tool to better map and characterize the aero-acoustic source by estimating the position, spread, power and shape