228 research outputs found

    Interiority of the optimal population growth rate with endogenous fertility

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    This paper analyzes the interiority of the optimal population growth rate in a two-period overlapping generations model with endogenous fertility as compared to the case with exogenous fertility analyzed by Samuelson (1975) and Deardorff (1976).

    Mortality from External Causes and Behavioral Mechanisms : An examination of data from low- and middle-income countries

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    External causes of mortality are among the leading causes of mortality, especially in low- and middle-income countries. External causes of mortality disproportionately affect youth and young adults, including those who are economically active. The aim of the following study series was to investigate trends and demographic associations of the injury-related mortality burden and suicidal behavior in low- and middle-income countries. Study I examined trends of external causes of mortality in Seychelles over a period of 30 years using civil registration data. At least three-quarters of injury deaths occurred among males. The leading causes of mortality among males was drowning, followed by road traffic injuries; and other unintentional injuries among females. The injury mortality declined over time; however, the injuries from road traffic crashes increased, especially among males. Study II analyzed trends of traumatic brain injury (TBI) related mortality in Seychelles over a span of 30 years using civil registration data. Males were more likely to die from TBI related injuries. TBIs contributed to one in five deaths from all the recorded external causes. Road traffic crashes were the leading mechanism of TBI related mortality. Study III estimated the prevalence of suicidal behavior and the associated contextual factors among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries using the Global School-based Student Health Survey data. Ten to eleven percent of adolescents had considered suicide, made a suicide plan, or attempted suicide in each case. The lowest prevalence was reported in the South East Asian region, while a higher prevalence was recorded in the low-income country regions of the Americas. The findings imply that effective policies tailored for low- and middle-income countries are required to reduce the high rates of injury mortality. Reducing injury mortality will contribute towards each respective economy by minimizing the losses of income faced by the economically active age groups, which will in turn be beneficial for the countries.Ulkoiset kuolinsyyt ovat nuorten aikuisten merkittävimpiä kuolinsyistä matala- ja keskituloisissa maissa. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkittiin tapaturmaisten vammojen aiheuttaman kuolleisuusuuden ja itsemurhakäyttäytymisen ilmaantuvuuden muutoksia matala- ja keskituloisissa maissa. Tutkimuksessa I tutkittiin ulkoisten kuolinsyiden kehityssuuntia Seychellien tasavallassa 30 vuoden ajanjaksolla hyödyntäen väestöpohjaisia rekistereitä. Tapaturmien osuus kaikista kuolemista koko väestössä oli 8,5 %. Miesten kuolemat kattoivat lähes 3/4 kaikista tapaturmaisista kuolemantapauksista. Miehillä yleisin kuolinsyy oli hukkuminen, ja naisilla muut tahattomat vammat. Koko väestössä tapaturmaiset kuolemantapaukset vähenivät tarkasteluajanjakson aikana. Tutkimuksessa II tutkittiin tapaturmaisten aivovammojen aiheuttamien kuolemantapauksien määrien kehityssuuntia Seychellien tasavallassa 30 vuoden ajanjaksolla käyttäen väestöpohjaisia rekistereitä. Miehet kuolivat naisia todennäköisemmin aivovammoihin ja niihin liittyviin muihin vammoihin. Aivovammat aiheuttivat joka viidennen kuoleman kaikista kuolemista, joissa oli ulkoinen syy. Tieliikenneonnettomuudet olivat aivovammojen aiheuttamien kuolemien yleisin mekanismi. Tutkimuksessa III tutkittiin itsemurhakäyttäytymisen esiintyvyyttä ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä eräiden matala- ja keskituloisten maiden nuorten keskuudessa hyödyntäen Global School Health Survey -aineistoa. 10–11 % nuorista oli harkinnut itsemurhaa, tehnyt itsemurhasuunnitelman tai yrittänyt itsemurhaa. Alhaisin esiintyvyys havaittiin Kaakkois-Aasian alueella, kun taas korkein esiintyvyys Väli- ja Etelä-Amerikan matalatuloisten maiden alueilla. Tulokset osoittavat, että matala- ja keskituloisille maille räätälöityjä käytäntöjä tarvitaan tapaturmakuolleisuuden vähentämiseksi. Tapaturmakuolleisuuden tehokas vähentäminen vähentää työikäisten ikäryhmien menetettyjä työvuosia ja tuottaa merkittäviä taloudellisia säästöjä

    Formación digital de profesores. Una revisión del tema con énfasis en los modelos de competencias/literacidades digitales

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    In this theoretical and reflective paper we discuss some factors that influence the use of technology in schools and focus particularly on the skills teachers need to build up in order to develop an integrated and effective work supported by digital technologies. With that goal in mind, we will review the literature on some models of skills/digital literacies with emphasis on the teacher. Finally, we will make some comments on the need of digital teacher education. En este trabajo de cuño teórico-reflexivo, se discuten algunos factores que influyen en el uso de las tecnologías en las escuelas y se focaliza en las competencias que necesita el profesor para un trabajo integrado y efectivo apoyado por las tecnologías digitales. Con ese objetivo, se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre algunos modelos de competencias/literacidades digitales con énfasis en el profesor. Por último, se brindan algunos comentarios sobre las necesidades de formación digital de los profesores. En este trabajo de cuño teórico-reflexivo, se discuten algunos factores que influyen en el uso de las tecnologías en las escuelas y se focaliza en las competencias que necesita el profesor para un trabajo integrado y efectivo apoyado por las tecnologías digitales. Con ese objetivo, se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre algunos modelos de competencias/literacidades digitales con énfasis en el profesor. Por último, se brindan algunos comentarios sobre las necesidades de formación digital de los profesores

    On the Optimality of PAYG Pension Systems in an Endogenous Fertility Setting

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    In order to help in designing an accurate pension reform, we determine the optimal resource allocation in an endogenous fertility model generating a demographic transition. Extending Samuelson’s (1975) work in such a setting, we analyze the problem of the interiority of the optimal solution and discuss the serendipity theorem. We then characterize the decentralization of the first best, showing that a pension policy linking pension benefits to the number of children constitutes an optimal social security program able to restore both the optimal capital stock and the optimal rate of pupulation growth as a unique instrument. We also show that neither a Beveridgean pension scheme nor a Bismarckian one can decentralize the first best.demographic transition;fertility;pensions;golden rule

    Suma de Vectores

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    This paper investigates the relationship between microfinance institutions’ (MFIs’) support and growth of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in Nimule, South Sudan. We use descriptive analysis, Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient (PLCC) analysis, and ordinary least square regression analysis to evaluate the responses obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The estimates of descriptive analysis show that majority of the respondents were females (53.7%); majority (33.7%) of the respondents had secondary education; and that the majority of respondents (46.3 %) have between 6-8 years experience. Results of the quantitative analysis using PLCC revealed that positive linear relationship exists between loan provision, savings account provision, managerial skills provision and growth of SMEs in Nimule, South Sudan. Similarly, results of the regression analysis indicate that loan provision, savings account provision, and managerial skills provision have positive and significant effect on SMEs growth in Nimule. These findings indicate, amongst others, that MFIs support contributes significantly to growth of SMEs in Nimule, South Sudan. The study recommends, among others, that MFIs should adopt Microfinance-group model as well as increase provision of non-financial services, such as managerial skills trainings, for SMEs.Keywords: microfinance institutions, SMEs growth, correlation, South Sudan

    La Circunferencia

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    Análisis Vectorial

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    Strategies for the continued inquiry of academic papers using Google tools. The case of an investigation on infographics in education

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    El desarrollo de la literacidad académica requiere el dominio de competencias informacionales y digitales, de forma que se consigan realizar los objetivos pretendidos en una investigación y poder participar de forma eficaz en las diversas prácticas sociales relacionadas. En este trabajo describimos el proceso realizado en una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre infografías en la educación en el cual nos valemos de recursos como el Google académico y el sistema de alertas del propio Google, para elaborar una base de datos que está en continuo crecimiento. Con base en la información reunida sobre el tema en cuestión, encontramos que, en comparación con los trienios anteriores analizados, en el trienio de 2014-2016 hubo un incremento significativo del número de trabajos que relacionan, desde diversas perspectivas, las infografías con la educación. Estimamos que las estrategias de indagación académica continuada que han sido empleadas en esta investigación pueden ser también útiles en los diversos ámbitos (personal, escolar, profesional o académico) de la vida de los estudiantes. Al final del texto se presenta una lista con recomendaciones para orientar la realización de este tipo de búsqueda bibliográfica.The development of academic literacy requires the mastery of informational and digital competences, in order to achieve the desired objectives and to be able to participate effectively in the related social practices. In this paper, we describe the process carried out in a bibliographic search about infographics in education in which we use resources such as the Google Scholar and the own Google's alerts system to create a database that is constantly growing. Based on the information collected on the subject of study, we found that, in comparison with the previous triennia analyzed, in the three-year period 2014-2016 there was a significant increase in the number of works linking, from different perspectives, infographics with education. We believe that the strategies of continuous academic inquiry that have been used in this research can also be useful in the various domains (personal, professional or academic) of students' lives. At the end of the text a list is presented with useful recommendations to guidethe implementation of this type of literatura search