8 research outputs found

    Influence of the dance in the autoconcepto of the alumnado of primary education: comparative analysis with other physical activities

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo de investigación pretende analizar la relación que existe entre el autoconcepto y la danza en el alumnado de Educación Primaria. Se han querido relacionar estas dos cuestiones debido a la importancia que tienen, por una parte, el autoconcepto en la identidad del sujeto y por otra parte, la realización de actividad física, concretamente la danza. Para llevarlo a cabo, se ha evaluado una muestra de 74 niños/as, de edades comprendidas entre los 7 y los 12 años, pertenecientes a un colegio (n=45) y dos escuelas de danza de Vigo (n=29). El instrumento de medida que se ha utilizado es la Escala de Autoconcepto (Piers Harris), que valora tanto el autoconcepto global, como sus diferentes dimensiones. La finalidad de esta investigación es observar si existe relación entre el autoconcepto y la danza y cuáles son las dimensiones en las que ésta obtiene mayores puntuaciones, comparar con la realización de otras actividades físicas. Tras analizar los resultados obtenidos, hemos comprobado que la danza no mejora el autoconcepto global por encima de otras actividades físicas, sin embargo, cabe destacar que se observa una dimensión del autoconcepto que sí se ve favorecida por la práctica de la danza, concretamente, la felicidad-satisfacción, en la cual se valora la autoestima del sujeto.[Abstract] This research work pretends to analyse the relationship between the self-concept and the dance in the students of Primary Education. We wanted to relate these both questions because of its importance, on the one hand, the self-concept in the identity of the individual and, on the other hand, doing physical activity, specifically, dance, in the young people. To carry out this research, we have evaluated a sample of 74 children between 7 and 12 years from one school (n=45) and two dance schools in Vigo (n=29). We use the Self-Concept Questionnaire (Piers Harris), which values the global self-concept and the dimensions of the self-concept. The purpose of this research is to check if there is some kind of relationship between the self-concept and dance, and to know what dimensions of the self-concept get more score in dance than in other physical activities. We have analysed the results and verified that dance does not improve the global self-concept more than other physical activities; nevertheless, it is remarkable that there is a dimension of self-concept that gets high score in connection with practicing dance, specifically, the happiness-satisfaction, which values the self-esteem of the individual

    Early specialization sports. Approach to thinking of future teachers of physical education

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    La elaboración de este documento nace con la intención de determinar las principales causas que propician el abandono de la práctica deportiva. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un estudio descriptivo para el cual se empleó un cuestionario respondido de forma anónima y desinteresada por alumnos del Grado en Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de Santiago. Dicho cuestionario se centra en aspectos relacionados con la práctica deportiva escolar y actual de los encuestados. Entre las conclusiones más relevantes podemos extraer el carácter perjudicial de la especialización deportiva temprana, por tratarse de un modelo que reproduce aspectos más próximos al deporte de élite que al deporte educativo. Un modelo que obvia las características psicoevolutivas del niño, con los riesgos que esto conlleva tanto a nivel físico como psicológico.Para finalizar, podemos extraer también que existe un preocupante abandono de la práctica deportiva en la etapa correspondiente con la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y el Bachillerato. Un abandono fuertemente influenciado por la desmotivación que provoca un modelo de deporte escolar que desde edades muy tempranas deja de lado el carácter lúdico de la práctica deportivaThe aim of this paper is to analyse the main reasons that contribute to the abandonment of sports practice. So, we have accomplished a descriptive study, for which we have used a questionnaire, answered by the students of the Master Degree in Primary Education from the Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The question list, answered in an anonymous and disinterested way, focuses on aspects related to the current sports practice and at school of all these students. Among the more relevant conclussions, we can highlight the damaging effect of the early sporting specialization, since it is about a model that recreates aspects closer to the elite sport than to the educational one. Also, this is a model that omits the psycho-evolutionary development of the child, and obviously, this brings many risks from a physic and phsychological point of view. Finally, we can also add that there is an alarming abandonment of sport practice in the period corresponding to Compulsory Secondary Education and High School period. Such abandonment is highly influenced by the desmotivation caused by a school sport model that excludes the ludic nature of sporting practice from very early agesS

    Influencia de la Danza en el autoconcepto del alumnado de Educación Primaria. Análisis comparativo con otras actividades físicas

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    This research work pretends to analyse the relationship between the self-concept and the dance in the students of Primary Education. We wanted to relate these both questions because of its importance, on the one hand, the self-concept in the identity of the individual and, on the other hand, doing physical activity, specifically, dance, in the young people. To carry out this research, we have evaluated a sample of 74 children between 7 and 12 years from one school (n=45) and two dance schools in Vigo (n=29). We use the Self-Concept Questionnaire (Piers Harris), which values the global self-concept and the dimensions of the self-concept. The purpose of this research is to check if there is some kind of relationship between the self-concept and dance, and to know what dimensions of the self-concept get more score in dance than in other physical activities. We have analysed the results and verified that dance does not improve the global self-concept more than other physical activities; nevertheless, it is remarkable that there is a dimension of self-concept that gets high score in connection with practicing dance, specifically, the happiness-satisfaction, which values the self-esteem of the individual. Este trabajo de investigación pretende analizar la relación que existe entre el autoconcepto y la danza en el alumnado de Educación Primaria. Se han querido relacionar estas dos cuestiones debido a la importancia que tienen, por una parte, el autoconcepto en la identidad del sujeto y por otra parte, la realización de actividad física, concretamente la danza. Para llevarlo a cabo, se ha evaluado una muestra de 74 niños/as, de edades comprendidas entre los 7 y los 12 años, pertenecientes a un colegio (n=45) y dos escuelas de danza de Vigo (n=29). El instrumento de medida que se ha utilizado es la Escala de Autoconcepto (Piers Harris), que valora tanto el autoconcepto global, como sus diferentes dimensiones. La finalidad de esta investigación es observar si existe relación entre el autoconcepto y la danza y cuáles son las dimensiones en las que ésta obtiene mayores puntuaciones, comparar con la realización de otras actividades físicas. Tras analizar los resultados obtenidos, hemos comprobado que la danza no mejora el autoconcepto global por encima de otras actividades físicas, sin embargo, cabe destacar que se observa una dimensión del autoconcepto que sí se ve favorecida por la práctica de la danza, concretamente, la felicidad-satisfacción, en la cual se valora la autoestima del sujeto

    Schoolteachers as candidates to be basic life support trainers: A simulation trial

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    Background: The aim was to assess future schoolteachers’ basic life support (BLS) knowledge and willingness to include this content in school lessons. The aim was also to determine the learning effect of a brief BLS hands-on training session, supported by real-time feedback. Methods: A convenience sample of 98 University students of Educational Sciences and Sports were recruited. The training program consisted of brief theoretical and hands-on interactive sessions with a 2/10 instructor/participants ratio. Knowledge and willingness was assessed by means of a survey. Chest compressions (CC) and ventilation quality were registered in 47 cases during 1 min cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) tests. Results: Fifty-eight percent of subjects declared to know how to perform CPR, 62% knew the correct chest compression/ventilation ratio but only one in four knew the CC quality standards. Eighty-eight percent knew what an automated external defibrillator (AED) was; willingness to use the device improved from 70% to 98% after training. Almost half of CCs were performed atan adequate rate. Men performed deeper compressions than women (56.1 ± 4.03 mm vs. 52.17 ± 5.51 mm, p = 0.007), but in both cases the mean value was within recommendations. Full chest recoil was better in women (72.2 ± 32.8% vs. 45.4 ± 32.9%, p = 0.009). All CCs were delivered with correct hand positions. Conclusions: Brief hands-on training supported by real-time feedback of CPR quality helps future schoolteachers improve their knowledge, self-confidence and CPR skills. BLS training should be implemented in University curricula for schoolteachers in order to promote their engagement in effective BLS training of schoolchildren.S

    Schoolteachers as candidates to be basic life support trainers: A simulation trial

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    Background: The aim was to assess future schoolteachers’ basic life support (BLS) knowledge and willingness to include this content in school lessons. The aim was also to determine the learning effect of a brief BLS hands-on training session, supported by real-time feedback. Methods: A convenience sample of 98 University students of Educational Sciences and Sports were recruited. The training program consisted of brief theoretical and hands-on interactive sessions with a 2/10 instructor/participants ratio. Knowledge and willingness was assessed by means of a survey. Chest compressions (CC) and ventilation quality were registered in 47 cases during 1 min cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) tests. Results: Fifty-eight percent of subjects declared to know how to perform CPR, 62% knew the correct chest compression/ventilation ratio but only one in four knew the CC quality standards. Eighty-eight percent knew what an automated external defibrillator (AED) was; willingness to use the device improved from 70% to 98% after training. Almost half of CCs were performed atan adequate rate. Men performed deeper compressions than women (56.1 ± 4.03 mm vs. 52.17 ± 5.51 mm, p = 0.007), but in both cases the mean value was within recommendations. Full chest recoil was better in women (72.2 ± 32.8% vs. 45.4 ± 32.9%, p = 0.009). All CCs were delivered with correct hand positions. Conclusions: Brief hands-on training supported by real-time feedback of CPR quality helps future schoolteachers improve their knowledge, self-confidence and CPR skills. BLS training should be implemented in University curricula for schoolteachers in order to promote their engagement in effective BLS training of schoolchildren

    Physical activity intervention program through walking routes in sedentary university students

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    Objective: Effect of a physical activity program on body composition and physical condition with university teacher students. Methods: 51 university students from the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences, University of Vigo (Spain), participated in the study. Students performed a 6-week protocol, using the walking routes designed in the university's own facilities. Two cohorts, experimental group and control group were analyzed, before and after the program. The 6-minute walking test, countermovement jump (CMJ), flexibility through active straight leg raise, rate of perceived exhaustion (RPE) and heart rate (HR) were evaluated, and a bioimpedance measurement was used to evaluate the basal and final metabolism. Results: On the 6-minutes walking test, CMJ, and flexibility of the right leg significant differences were found between the experimental and the control group. There were no significant differences in either group for any RPE. In the bioimpedance, there were significant differences in fat and lean mass in the left leg. Conclusion: The analyzed data indicates an improvement in aerobic endurance, jumping and flexibility capacities at the end of the program. But for body composition, in general there were no significant variations

    Análisis de la formación del maestro/a de educación infantil en expresión corporal

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    La expresión corporal (EC) ocupa un importante lugar en la educación infantil (EI), pues en esta etapa es donde se requiere un tratamiento prácticamente diario de este contenido en todas las materias desarrolladas en el aula y, más concretamente, en los momentos en los que el alumnado desarrolla su motricidad. Un total de 54 docentes de 17 centros educativos gallegos participaron en el presente estudio. Todos ellos tuvieron que cumplimentar un cuestionario con el objetivo de conocer la realidad de la EC en la segunda etapa de EI a través de preguntas de carácter personal, profesional, en relación al centro, y sobre su experiencia y formación en EC. El 77,78% de los encuestados no tenían ninguna formación en EC, afirmando un 41% que no trabajan este contenido en sus aulas. Un 83% de los maestros aseguraron que no estaban bien formados en EC, reconociendo un 28% que tuvieron que formarse de manera autodidacta para poder impartir este contenido. Se observa una general falta de formación en materia de EC en el profesorado participante en este estudio

    Physical activity intervention program through walking routes in sedentary university students

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    Objective: Effect of a physical activity program on body composition and physical condition with university teacher students. Methods: 51 university students from the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences, University of Vigo (Spain), participated in the study. Students performed a 6-week protocol, using the walking routes designed in the university's own facilities. Two cohorts, experimental group and control group were analysed, before and after the program. The 6-minute walking test, countermovement jump (CMJ), flexibility through active straight leg raise, rate of perceived exhaustion (RPE) and heart rate (HR) were evaluated, and a bioimpedance measurement was used to evaluate the basal and final metabolism. Results: On the 6-minutes walking test, CMJ, and flexibility of the right leg significant differences were found between the experimental and the control group. There were no significant differences in either group for any RPE. In the bioimpedance, there were significant differences in fat and lean mass in the left leg. Conclusion: The analysed data indicates an improvement in aerobic endurance, jumping and flexibility capacities at the end of the program. But for body composition, in general there were no significant variations