28 research outputs found

    Adult Education at Risk: Fronts of Resistance to Neoliberalism

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    This paper theorizes from the literature of neoliberalism and adult education. It considers how neoliberal policies have narrowed the scope of adult education while also evaluating how instructors and students can work to restore the broader scope that fostered participatory citizenship

    Grenzüberschreitendes Blended-Learning. Zur Förderung interkultureller Kompetenzen in der universitären Französischlehrerausbildung

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    Damit angehende Fremdsprachenlehrer wissen, wie sie interkulturelle Lern-prozesse bei Schülern anbahnen können, scheint es vor allem notwendig, dass sie selbst interkulturelle Erfahrungen machen und dabei die eigenen Lernprozesse reflektieren. Die Gelegenheiten für Begegnungen mit Mitgliedern des Zielsprachenlandes sind im Rahmen des Studiums jedoch selten. Eine Alternative bieten grenzüberschreitende Seminare, bei denen Teilnehmer aus Partneruniversitäten mit Hilfe internetbasierter Kommunikationsmedien zusammenarbeiten. Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht die Darstellung der Ziele, Inhalte und Methoden eines solchen Seminar

    : From developing to investigating intercultural competence in practice through oral and written interactions in online exchanges.

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    La télécollaboration ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la communication interculturelle (Thorne & Belz, 2005). Elle donne l'occasion aux futurs enseignants de langues de travailler en collaboration avec des partenaires d'universités inscrites dans d'autres environnements linguistiques et culturels. Nous nous intéressons ici aux dispositifs principalement centrés sur le développement d'une compétence interculturelle communicative (CIC). Ces dispositifs suscitent des échanges fréquents et intensifs sans que les étudiants soient obligés de se déplacer. Mais les recherches ont aussi montré que les contacts peuvent rester superficiels sur le plan interculturel, ou rester bloqués par des situations d'incompréhension (O'Dowd 2006). Pour lever ces obstacles, nous pensons que la qualité du scénario pédagogique et la compétence interculturelle des tuteurs jouent un rôle significatif. Dans le cadre du projet de recherche INFRAL (Interculturel France Allemagne en Ligne) nous avons développé un cours à distance (Blended Learning). Ce cours a été offert durant le semestre d'hiver 2008-09 à plusieurs futur(e)s enseignant(e)s d'allemand et de français afin de leur donner l'occasion de développer leurs compétences interculturelles. Dix étudiant(e)s de l'université de Franche-Comté et neuf étudiant(e)s de l'université de Brême ont régulièrement travaillé ensemble, alternant phases asynchrones dans les blogues et phases synchrones dans des environnements audio-graphique. De part et d'autre les groupes (‘quadrems': 2 brêmois et deux bisontins par groupe) étaient encadrés par un/une tuteur/tutrice sans que celui-ci ou celle-ci soient intervenus dans la communication directe. Les médias de communication employés soutenaient les processus d'apprentissage, de réflexion et de dialogue. Dans notre contribution, nous présentons le dispositif et son scénario pédagogique, le corpus des échanges, et proposons quelques analyses de données des 4 groupes impliqués. Nos questions de recherche visent à éclairer la nature des compétences communicatives interculturelles mises en jeu dans de telles situations, à analyser leurs développements au travers des échanges et productions des participants. Enfin, nous étudions l'influence des tâches, des médias et du scénario pédagogique sur la profondeur des échanges en relation avec la CIC

    Broadly reactive human CD8 T cells that recognize an epitope conserved between VZV, HSV and EBV

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    Human herpesviruses are important causes of potentially severe chronic infections for which T cells are believed to be necessary for control. In order to examine the role of virus-specific CD8 T cells against Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), we generated a comprehensive panel of potential epitopes predicted in silico and screened for T cell responses in healthy VZV seropositive donors. We identified a dominant HLA-A*0201-restricted epitope in the VZV ribonucleotide reductase subunit 2 and used a tetramer to analyze the phenotype and function of epitope-specific CD8 T cells. Interestingly, CD8 T cells responding to this VZV epitope also recognized homologous epitopes, not only in the other α-herpesviruses, HSV-1 and HSV-2, but also the γ-herpesvirus, EBV. Responses against these epitopes did not depend on previous infection with the originating virus, thus indicating the cross-reactive nature of this T cell population. Between individuals, the cells demonstrated marked phenotypic heterogeneity. This was associated with differences in functional capacity related to increased inhibitory receptor expression (including PD-1) along with decreased expression of co-stimulatory molecules that potentially reflected their stimulation history. Vaccination with the live attenuated Zostavax vaccine did not efficiently stimulate a proliferative response in this epitope-specific population. Thus, we identified a human CD8 T cell epitope that is conserved in four clinically important herpesviruses but that was poorly boosted by the current adult VZV vaccine. We discuss the concept of a “pan-herpesvirus” vaccine that this discovery raises and the hurdles that may need to be overcome in order to achieve this

    Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Persistent Leonid Trains

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    The first infrared spectroscopy in the 3-13 micron region has been obtained of several persistent Leonid meteor trains with two different instrument types, one at a desert ground-based site and the other on-board a high-flying aircraft. The spectra exhibit common structures assigned to enhanced emissions of warm CH4, CO2, CO and H2O which may originate from heated trace air compounds or materials created in the wake of the meteor. This is the first time that any of these molecules has been observed in the spectra of persistent trains. Hence, the mid-IR observations offer a new perspective on the physical processes that occur in the path of the meteor at some time after the meteor itself has passed by. Continuum emission is observed also, but its origin has not yet been established. No 10 micron dust emission feature has been observed

    Rapid genetic screening with high quality factor metasurfaces

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    Genetic analysis methods are foundational to advancing personalized medicine, accelerating disease diagnostics, and monitoring the health of organisms and ecosystems. Current nucleic acid technologies such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) rely on sample amplification and can suffer from inhibition. Here, we introduce a label-free genetic screening platform based on high quality (high-Q) factor silicon nanoantennas functionalized with nucleic acid fragments. Each high-Q nanoantenna exhibits average resonant quality factors of 2,200 in physiological buffer. We quantitatively detect two gene fragments, SARS-CoV-2 envelope (E) and open reading frame 1b (ORF1b), with high-specificity via DNA hybridization. We also demonstrate femtomolar sensitivity in buffer and nanomolar sensitivity in spiked nasopharyngeal eluates within 5 minutes. Nanoantennas are patterned at densities of 160,000 devices per cm2, enabling future work on highly-multiplexed detection. Combined with advances in complex sample processing, our work provides a foundation for rapid, compact, and amplification-free molecular assays.ISSN:2041-172

    Agronomic comparison of anhydrous ammonia applied with a high speed-low draft opener and conventional knife injection in corn

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    Citation: Woli, Krishna P., Fabián G. Fernández, John E. Sawyer, Joshua D. Stamper, David B. Mengel, Daniel W. Barker, and Mark H. Hanna. “Agronomic Comparison of Anhydrous Ammonia Applied with a High Speed-Low Draft Opener and Conventional Knife Injection in Corn.” Agronomy Journal 106, no. 3 (2014): 881–92. https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj13.0441.Anhydrous ammonia (AA) is an important N fertilizer in the U.S., and with large farming operations rapid application is needed. This study evaluated the impact of AA application timing and N rates when applied with a high speed low draft (HSLD) or a conventional till knife (CTKI) on corn (Zea Mays L.) production in no-tillage fields. The study was conducted at sites located in Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas from 2007 to 2009. The experimental design was a split-plot factorial arrangement of application method, timing (fall; spring preplant, SP; and sidedress, SD), and five N rates. Fall AA application was least efficient (mean 55 kg N haˉ¹ higher optimum N and 2% lower grain yield, GY), with SP and SD equivalent. The HSLD was comparable to the CTKI with most applications, except when high N rates (180 and 225 kg N haˉ¹) were applied SP. For these treatments AA injury reduced plant population (PP), early season growth, canopy NDVI, and GY. Seedling injury did not occur with any N rate or timing with the CTKI. Shallow AA placement at high speed with the HSLD can provide a viable alternative to traditional deeper knife injection when conditions are suitable for AA application and positioning avoids corn seedling injury. Anhydrous ammonia application with the HSLD, however, should be avoided where high SP AA rates may be placed directly under future corn rows