2,093 research outputs found

    Full-field pulsed magneto-photoelasticity – Experimental Implementation

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    This paper contains a description of the experimental procedure employed when using a pulsed-magneto-polariscope (PMP) and some initial full-field through-thickness measurements of the stress distribution present in samples containing 3D stresses. The instrument uses the theory of magneto-photoelasticity (MPE), which is an experimental stress analysis technique that involves the application of a magnetic field to a birefringent model within a polariscope. MPE was developed for through-thickness stress measurement where the integrated through-thickness birefringent measurement disguises the actual stress distribution. MPE is mainly used in toughened glass where the through-thickness distribution can reduce its overall strength and so its determination is important. To date MPE has been a single-point 2D through-thickness measurement and the analysis time is prohibitive for the investigation of an area which may contain high localised stresses. The pulsed-magneto-polariscope (PMP) has been designed to enable the application of full-field 3D MPE [ ]. Using a proof-of concept PMP several experimental measurements were made, these were promising and demonstrate the potential of the new instrument. Further development of this technique presents several exciting possibilities including a tool for the measurement of the distribution of principal stress difference seen in a general 3D model

    Distinction between clouds and ice/snow covered surfaces in the identification of cloud-free observations using SCIAMACHY PMDs

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    SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT allows measurement of different trace gases including those most abundant in the troposphere (e.g. CO<sub>2</sub>, NO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub>, BrO, SO<sub>2</sub>). However, clouds in the observed scenes can severely hinder the observation of tropospheric gases. Several cloud detection algorithms have been developed for GOME on ERS-2 which can be applied to SCIAMACHY. The GOME cloud algorithms, however, suffer from the inadequacy of not being able to distinguish between clouds and ice/snow covered surfaces because GOME only covers the UV, VIS and part of the NIR wavelength range (240-790 nm). As a result these areas are always flagged as clouded, and therefore often not used. Here a method is presented which uses the SCIAMACHY measurements in the wavelength range between 450 nm and 1.6 &micro;m to make a distinction between clouds and ice/snow covered surfaces. The algorithm is developed using collocated MODIS observations. The algorithm presented here is specifically developed to identify cloud-free SCIAMACHY observations. The SCIAMACHY Polarisation Measurement Devices (PMDs) are used for this purpose because they provide higher spatial resolution compared to the main spectrometer measurements

    Temporal and spectral variation of desert dust and biomass burning aerosol scenes from 1995?2000 using GOME

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    International audienceGlobal Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) and AAI-related residue data were used to investigate areas with UV-absorbing aerosols. Time series of regionally averaged residues show the seasonal variation and trends of aerosols and clouds in climatologically important parts of the globe. GOME spectra were used to study scenes containing specific types of aerosols. AAI data are specifically sensitive to biomass burning aerosols (BBA) and desert dust aerosols (DDA). Areas where these aerosols are regularly found were analysed to find spectral fingerprints in the ultraviolet (UV), visible and near-infrared (near-IR), to establish an aerosol type classification of BBA and DDA. Spectral residues are different for BBA and DDA, but over deserts the surface albedo is dominant beyond the UV and spectral residues cannot be used over land. Over oceans, about half of the BBA scenes show a very high reflectance that is never observed for DDA scenes. However, in the case of low reflectance scenes BBA and DDA cannot be distinguished. This is in part due to the microphysical and optical properties of biomass burning aerosols, which are highly variable in time, making it difficult to specify them spectrally as one type. Because of their high hygroscopicity BBA are often found in the presence of clouds, which disturb the spectrum of the scenes. Desert dust aerosols are much less hygroscopic and behave spectrally more uniformly

    Potential of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) onboard the Sentinel-5 Precursor for the monitoring of terrestrial chlorophyll fluorescence

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    Global monitoring of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is improving our knowledge about the photosynthetic functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. The feasibility of SIF retrievals from spaceborne atmospheric spectrometers has been demonstrated by a number of studies in the last years. In this work, we investigate the potential of the upcoming TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) onboard the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite mission for SIF retrieval. TROPOMI will sample the 675–775 nm spectral window with a spectral resolution of 0.5 nm and a pixel size of 7 km × 7 km. We use an extensive set of simulated TROPOMI data in order to assess the uncertainty of single SIF retrievals and subsequent spatio-temporal composites. Our results illustrate the enormous improvement in SIF monitoring achievable with TROPOMI with respect to comparable spectrometers currently in-flight, such as the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) instrument. We find that TROPOMI can reduce global uncertainties in SIF mapping by more than a factor of 2 with respect to GOME-2, which comes together with an approximately 5-fold improvement in spatial sampling. Finally, we discuss the potential of TROPOMI to map other important vegetation parameters at a global scale with moderate spatial resolution and short revisit time. Those include leaf photosynthetic pigments and proxies for canopy structure, which will complement SIF retrievals for a self-contained description of vegetation condition and functioning

    The effect of sensor resolution on the number of cloud-free observations from space

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    International audienceAir quality and surface emission inversions are likely to be focal points for future satellite missions on atmospheric composition. Most important for these applications is sensitivity to the atmospheric composition in the lowest few kilometers of the troposphere. Reduced sensitivity by clouds needs to be minimized. In this study we have quantified the increase in number of useful footprints, i.e. footprints which are sufficient cloud-free, as a function of sensor resolution (footprint area). High resolution (1 km×1 km) MODIS TERRA cloud mask observations are aggregated to lower resolutions. Statistics for different thresholds on cloudiness are applied. For each month in 2004 two days of MODIS data are analyzed. Globally the fraction of cloud-free observations drops from 16% at 100 km2 resolution to only 3% at 10 000 km2 if not a single MODIS observation within a footprint is allowed to be cloudy. If up to 5% or 20% of a footprint is allowed to be cloudy, the fraction of cloud-free observations is 9% or 17%, respectively, at 10 000 km2 resolution. The probability of finding cloud-free observations for different sensor resolutions is also quantified as a function of geolocation and season, showing examples over Europe and northern South America

    Water vapour total columns from SCIAMACHY spectra in the 2.36 μm window

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    The potential of the shortwave infrared channel of the atmospheric spectrometer SCIAMACHY on Envisat to provide accurate measurements of total atmospheric water vapour columns is explored. It is shown that good quality results can be obtained for cloud free scenes above the continents using the Iterative Maximum Likelihood Method. In addition to the standard cloud filter employed in this method, further cloud screening is obtained by comparing simultaneously retrieved methane columns with values expected from models. A novel method is used to correct for the scattering effects introduced in the spectra by the ice layer on the detector window. The retrieved water vapour total vertical columns for the period 2003–2007 are compared with spatially and temporally collocated values from the European Centre for Mid-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) data. The observed differences for individual measurements have standard deviations not higher than 0.3 g/cm^2 and an absolute mean value smaller than 0.01 g/cm^2 with some regional excursions. The use of recently published spectroscopic data for water vapour led to a significant improvement in the agreement of the retrieved water vapour total columns and the values derived from ECMWF data. This analysis thus supports the superior quality of the new spectroscopic information using atmospheric data

    Contiguous polarisation spectra of the Earth from 300 to 850 nm measured by GOME-2 onboard MetOp-A

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    In this paper we present the first contiguous high-resolution spectra of the Earth's polarisation observed by a satellite instrument. The measurements of the Stokes fraction <i>Q/I</i> are performed by the spectrometer GOME-2 onboard the MetOp-A satellite. Polarisation measurements by GOME-2 are performed by onboard polarisation measurement devices (PMDs) and the high-resolution measurements discussed in this paper are taken in the special "PMD RAW" mode of operation. The spectral resolution of these PMD RAW polarisation measurements varies from 3 nm in the ultraviolet (UV) to 35 nm in the near-infrared wavelength range. We first compare measurements of the polarisation from cloud-free scenes with radiative transfer calculations for a number of cases. We find good agreement but also a spectral discrepancy at 800 nm, which we attribute to remaining imperfections in the calibration key data. Secondly, we study the polarisation of scenes with special scattering geometries that normally lead to near-zero <i>Q/I</i>. The GOME-2 polarisation spectra indeed show this behaviour and confirm the existence of the small discrepancy found earlier. Thirdly, we study the Earth polarisation for a variety of scenes. This provides a blueprint of <i>Q/I</i> over land and sea surfaces for various degrees of cloud cover. Fourthly, we compare the spectral dependence of measurements of <i>Q/I</i> in the UV with the generalised distribution function proposed by Schutgens and Stammes (2002) to describe the shape of the UV polarisation spectrum. The GOME-2 data confirm that these functions match the spectral behaviour captured by the GOME-2 PMD RAW mode

    Personality and Vulnerability to Depression in Stroke Patients

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    Conclusions¿ Neuroticism is an important predictor of PSD, a finding that emphasizes the need to take personality into account as a potential vulnerability factor for depression in stroke patients. Research on PSD should aim at delineating the interplay between neurological and psychological factors in the development of PSD.

    The importance of transport model uncertainties for the estimation of CO2 sources and sinks using satellite measurements

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    This study presents a synthetic model intercomparison to investigate the importance of transport model errors for estimating the sources and sinks of CO2 using satellite measurements. The experiments were designed for testing the potential performance of the proposed CO2 lidar A-SCOPE, but also apply to other space borne missions that monitor total column CO2. The participating transport models IFS, LMDZ, TM3, and TM5 were run in forward and inverse mode using common a priori CO2 fluxes and initial concentrations. Forward simulations of column averaged CO2 (xCO2) mixing ratios vary between the models by s=0.5 ppm over the continents and s=0.27 ppm over the oceans. Despite the fact that the models agree on average on the sub-ppm level, these modest differences nevertheless lead to significant discrepancies in the inverted fluxes of 0.1 PgC/yr per 106 km2 over land and 0.03 PgC/yr per 106 km2 over the ocean. These transport model induced flux uncertainties exceed the target requirement that was formulated for the A-SCOPE mission of 0.02 PgC/yr per 106 km2, and could also limit the overall performance of other CO2 missions such as GOSAT. A variable, but overall encouraging agreement is found in comparison with FTS measurements at Park Falls, Darwin, Spitsbergen, and Bremen, although systematic differences are found exceeding the 0.5 ppm level. Because of this, our estimate of the impact of transport model uncerainty is likely to be conservative. It is concluded that to make use of the remote sensing technique for quantifying the sources and sinks of CO2 not only requires highly accurate satellite instruments, but also puts stringent requirements on the performance of atmospheric transport models. Improving the accuracy of these models should receive high priority, which calls for a closer collaboration between experts in atmospheric dynamics and tracer transpor

    Inverse modeling of CO2 sources and sinks using satellite data: a synthetic inter-comparison of measurement techniques and their performance as a function of space and time

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    Currently two polar orbiting satellite instruments measure CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere, while other missions are planned for the coming years. In the future such instruments might become powerful tools for monitoring changes in the atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> abundance and to improve our quantitative understanding of the leading processes controlling this. At the moment, however, we are still in an exploratory phase where first experiences are collected and promising new space-based measurement concepts are investigated. This study assesses the potential of some of these concepts to improve CO<sub>2</sub> source and sink estimates obtained from inverse modelling. For this purpose the performance of existing and planned satellite instruments is quantified by synthetic simulations of their ability to reduce the uncertainty of the current source and sink estimates in comparison with the existing ground-based network of sampling sites. Our high resolution inversion of sources and sinks (at 8&deg;x10&deg;) allows us to investigate the variation of instrument performance in space and time and at various temporal and spatial scales. The results of our synthetic tests clearly indicate that the satellite performance increases with increasing sensitivity of the instrument to CO<sub>2</sub> near the Earth's surface, favoring the near infra-red technique. Thermal infrared instruments, on the contrary, reach a better global coverage, because the performance in the near infrared is reduced over the oceans owing to a low surface albedo. Near infra-red sounders can compensate for this by measuring in sun-glint, which will allow accurate measurements over the oceans, at the cost, however, of a lower measurement density. Overall, the sun-glint pointing near infrared instrument is the most promising concept of those tested. We show that the ability of satellite instruments to resolve fluxes at smaller temporal and spatial scales is also related to surface sensitivity. All the satellite instruments performed relatively well over the continents resulting mainly from the larger prior flux uncertainties over land than over the oceans. In addition, the surface networks are rather sparse over land increasing the additional benefit of satellite measurements there. Globally, challenging satellite instrument precisions are needed to compete with the current surface network (about 1ppm for weekly and 8&deg;x10&deg; averaged SCIAMACHY columns). Regionally, however, these requirements relax considerably, increasing to 5ppm for SCIAMACHY over tropical continents. This points not only to an interesting research area using SCIAMACHY data, but also to the fact that satellite requirements should not be quantified by only a single number. The applicability of our synthetic results to real satellite instruments is limited by rather crude representations of instrument and data retrieval related uncertainties. This should receive high priority in future work