543 research outputs found

    Una familia de mudéjares aragoneses en el tránsito de la Edad Media a la Moderna: los Xama de Zaragoza

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    A contribution to the study of the social condition of the Aragonese Mudejars based on information proceeding from notarial records. The activities of Yusuf Xama and his brothers, dedicated to the manufacture and commerce of silk cloths and the participation in diverse enterprises through `comanda' societies. Their lawsuits against individuals and institutions like the Hospital de Gracia of Zaragoza. Their peculiar and elevated social position among the Mudejars of Zaragoza at the end of the fifteenth century and the beginning of the sixteenth.Aportación al estudio de la condición social de los mudéjares aragoneses a partir de noticias procedentes de protocolos notariales. Actividades de Yusuf Xama y sus hermanos, dedicados a la manufactura y comercio de tejidos de seda, y a la participación en negocios diversos a través de sociedades de ‘comanda’ Sus pleitos con instituciones y personas como el Hospital de Gracia de Zaragoza. Su peculiar y elevada posición social entre los mudéjares zaragozanos a finales del siglo XV y comienzos del XVI

    Estimating adaptive setpoint temperatures using weather stations

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    Reducing both the energy consumption and CO 2 emissions of buildings is nowadays one of the main objectives of society. The use of heating and cooling equipment is among the main causes of energy consumption. Therefore, reducing their consumption guarantees such a goal. In this context, the use of adaptive setpoint temperatures allows such energy consumption to be significantly decreased. However, having reliable data from an external temperature probe is not always possible due to various factors. This research studies the estimation of such temperatures without using external temperature probes. For this purpose, a methodology which consists of collecting data from 10 weather stations of Galicia is carried out, and prediction models (multivariable linear regression (MLR) and multilayer perceptron (MLP)) are applied based on two approaches: (1) using both the setpoint temperature and the mean daily external temperature from the previous day; and (2) using the mean daily external temperature from the previous 7 days. Both prediction models provide adequate performances for approach 1, obtaining accurate results between 1 month (MLR) and 5 months (MLP). However, for approach 2, only the MLP obtained accurate results from the 6th month. This research ensures the continuity of using adaptive setpoint temperatures even in case of possible measurement errors or failures of the external temperature probes.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities 00064742/ITC-20133094Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness BIA 2017-85657-

    The first Oligocene sea turtle (Pan-Cheloniidae) record of South America

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    The evolution and occurrence of fossil sea turtles at the Pacific margin of South America is poorly known and restricted to Neogene (Miocene/Pliocene) findings from the Pisco Formation, Peru. Here we report and describe the first record of Oligocene (late Oligocene, ~24 Ma) Pan-Cheloniidae sea turtle remains of South America. The fossil material corresponds to a single, isolated and well-preserved costal bone found at the Montañita/Olón locality, Santa Elena Province, Ecuador. Comparisons with other Oligocene and extant representatives allow us to confirm that belongs to a sea turtle characterized by: lack of lateral ossification, allowing the dorsal exposure of the distal end of ribs; dorsal surface of bone sculptured, changing from dense vermiculation at the vertebral scute region to anastomosing pattern of grooves at the most lateral portion of the costal. This fossil finding shows the high potential that the Ecuadorian Oligocene outcrops have in order to explore the evolution and paleobiogeography distribution of sea turtles by the time that the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans were connected via the Panama basin

    El comportamiento de las FARC tras la firma de los acuerdos de La Habana

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    Resumen. La coyuntura producida con ocasión de la convergencia de múltiples hechos clave en el proceso de paz colombiano (tales como la firma del Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera, el polémico plebiscito sobre los acuerdos de paz de Colombia en 2016 y la transformación del grupo insurgente Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia en Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común) plantea la necesidad de revisar los cambios en las estrategias de los actores de dicho proceso. Conforme a esto, el presente artículo propone un análisis cualitativo de la evolución del comportamiento estratégico de las FARC, a la luz de los desarrollos conceptuales de la teoría de la fertilidad revolucionaria, en la cual se toma como base la construcción de un modelo con cuatro variables de estudio. La revisión desde dicho modelo permite observar que la guerrilla continúa su proceso de adaptación e inserción estratégica.Abstract. The conjuncture produced by the convergence of multiple key events in the Colombian peace process, such as the signing of the final agreement ending the conflict and building a stable and lasting peace, the controversial plebiscite on the Colombian peace agreements in 2016, and the transformation of the insurgent Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) into the Common Alternative Revolutionary Force arouse the need to review the changes in strategy of the actors of this process. Accordingly, this article proposes a qualitative analysis of the evolution of the FARC's strategic behavior, in light of the conceptual developments of the theory of revolutionary fertility, which is based on the construction of a model with four study variables. The review from this model reveals that the guerrillas continue their process of adaptation and strategic insertion

    Analysis of national music market and cultural business new boundaries of cultural business

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    Analisis del mercado musical Colombiano y se examina tambien las nuevas fronteras de los negocios de la cultura colombianos, tambien se habla de las regiones sonoras del pais y un analisis de mercadeo con contexto a la politica, del mensaje que transmite la música.Analysis of Colombian music market and also examines the new frontiers of business of Colombian culture, also speaks of the sound parts of the country and with marketing analysis to the political context, the message carried by the music.Pregrad

    Hemicyonidae (Carnivora, Mammalia) del yacimiento del Mioceno Medio de Valdemoros 4A (Zaragoza, España)

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    Comunicación presentada en el XIII Encuentro en Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología (XIII EJIP) - XIII Meeting of Early-Stage Researchers in Paleontology (XIII EJIP): Cercedilla, 15 - 18 de Abril de 2015[EN] In the present work a molar from the Aragonian site of Valdemoros 4A (MN5, local biozone Dd), situated near the locality of Villafeliche (Zaragoza) has been studied. In localities of the same area, such as Arroyo del Val, Artesilla, La Barranca y Ramblar 3B, several fossils attributed to the hemicyonids Hemicyon stehlini, Hemicyon sp. aff. Hemicyon sansaniensis, Phoberocyon hispanicus and Plithocyon armagnacensis have been found. This fossil has been classified as Hemicyon aff. mayorali because it is morphologically similar to the Hemicyoninae Hemicyon mayorali from Tarazona (MN5, local biozone D), although slightly smaller in size.[ES] En el presente trabajo se estudia un molar procedente del yacimiento Aragoniense de Valdemoros 4A (MN5, biozona local Dd), situado cerca de la localidad de Villafeliche (Zaragoza). En localidades del mismo área como Arroyo del Val, Artesilla, La Barranca y Ramblar 3B, se han encontrado fósiles atribuidos a los hemiciónidos Hemicyon stehlini, Hemicyon sp. aff. Hemicyon sansaniensis, Phoberocyon hispanicus y Plithocyon armagnacensis. Este fósil ha sido atribuido a Hemicyon aff. mayorali ya que es morfológicamente similar al hemicionino Hemicyon mayorali de Tarazona (MN5, biozona local D), aunque de talla menor.We thanks to the Project CGL2011-25754, MINECO (Spanish Government) and The Research Group BSCH-UCM 910607.Peer reviewe

    New findings of Pleistocene fossil turtles (Geoemydidae, Kinosternidae and Chelydridae) from Santa Elena Province, Ecuador

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    New Pleistocene fossilized turtle remains from five localities of western Ecuador (Santa Elena Province) are described here. All these shell (carapace and plastron) fossil remains come from the Tablazo Formation and belong to three different lineages of cryptodires ("hidden-necked" turtles). The most abundant remains belong to geoemydids, attributed here to the genus Rhinoclemmys (indeterminate species). Less abundant in occurrence are the kinosternidids, attributed to Kinosternon (indeterminate species), and the first fossil record of chelydrids, Chelydra (indeterminate species), in the entirety of Central and South America

    Genetic programming to improvement FIB model: bond and anchorage of reinforcing steel in structural concrete

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    [Abstract] Starting from the FIB database, this work is aimed to analyze the current equations which predict the main datum that can be provided by bond tests: the ultimate bar stress when the failure is reached. Furthermore, Genetic Programming (GP) techniques are also applied in order to enhance the expression of the FIB, which achieves the best adjustment so far, giving rise to the new Model Code 2010. The final result shown is a highly predictive equation. The results are compared with those included in the Model Code and it is showed the influence of the main variables on the phenomenon (concrete strength, yield strength of steel, concrete cover, transverse reinforcement and diameter of the bar).Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; BIA2010-21551Galicia. Consellería de Economía e Industria; 10MDS014CTGalicia. Consellería de Economía e Industria; 10TMT042EGalicia. Consellería de Economía e Industria; 10TMT118004PRGalicia. Consellería de Economía e Industria; 10TMT034

    Mineralogical characterization of Sn deposits from the Santa Fe District, Bolivia

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    The Sn-Zn-Pb-Ag Japo-Santa Fe-Morococala ore deposit is located in the Central Andean Belt province. The ore mineralization is hosted in a Paleozoic metasedimentary sequence and porphyritic Oligocene-Miocene igneous rocks. Ore minerals occur in veins and disseminations. Two types of ore mineralization are distinghished: (1) An early Sn mineralization and (2) a late Sn and Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization. Mineral association consists mainly of quartz, pyrite, cassiterite, other sulfides and sulfosalts. Cassiterite, up to 0.25 wt% In, constitutes the earliest mineralization. Galena and sphalerite are the main sulphide minerals. Sphalerite shows up 0.24 wt% In. Stannite group is represented by stannoidite, kësterite, and sulfides of the Sn-Cu-Zn-Fe-S system. Sulfosalts include sakuraiite, potosiite, franckeite, freibergite, tetrahedrite, myargyrite, boulangerite, jamesonite, zinckenite, cylindrite and andorite. In this deposit, after an epigenetic magmatic stage, a long greisen-hydrothermal event took place with several episodes of metal deposition.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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