276 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Penyesuain Gaya Hidup Dikarenakan Kebisingan Pesawat di Bandara Internasional Ahmad Yani dan Sekitarnya

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    Noise is one of the most common items used by aircraft around the world , there are About 50,000 commercial flights each day around the word and 3 million people traveling . In the operational of aviation in Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang , an airplane can make some noise. The noise is a sound that unwanted in a place and time scale, it can make some disturbance that influence human freshness and health. Particularly for Residents whom living very close by the airport such as Graha Padma and Tambakharjo. It is commonly believed that people adapt rather easily to noise. This research reviews the available data , finding little evidence that any adaptation occurs in community close by airport .however, is open to alternative interpretations. The present study, examining reactions noise effect from the airport daily operations on residents near by the airport and how they can adapting with the aircraft noise in them daily lifestyle .first of all , we measured the noise inside Graha Padma and Tambakharjo in 23 points using apparatus sound level meter, Taking into consideration different locations ,times and days . we classification this area into three , most affected area , affected area and low affected area according to the levels of noise .we took 30 random simples of people taking into consideration different times ,days , age, gender and distance. This study wants to suggest that the airport should take a new bigger role to minimize the noise and people whom living around the airport should follow some steps to adapting or avoid the aircraft noise

    Factors Influencing The Adoption Of Web-Based Information Systems: A Case Study At LADA In Langkawi, Kedah

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    The importance of information and efficient information system in the tourism industry is steadily increasing due to the evolution of new technologies and high-capacity storage media but also because growing market dynamics raise information needs. An Adopted Fully-Integrated Web-based Information System (AFIWIS) can be of particular importance as it supports tourism organizations in collecting, storing, processing, and disseminating information and in the decision-making process by providing forecasts and decision models. This paper has studied the importance of adopting a fully integrated web-based system for tourism sector in the scope of LADA. The results have indicated that all the variables (IS utilization, cost saving and productivity enhancement, and functional flexibility) are significant with the adopting a fully integrated web-based system. Thus, with such facility, harmonization of electronic markets in the tourism sector in Langkawi will be been reached

    Production of Ceiling Board from Piliostigma Thonningii using Styrofoam Adhesive as Binder

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    The use of synthetic fibres resulted in environmental degradation and the growing interests towards the utilisation of readily available agricultural fibres as a potential replacement for synthetic fibres. This research aims to produce a ceiling board composite from piliostigma thonningii particulate using styrofoam adhesive binder. The board was produced from the readily available materials leading to the low cost of production. The composition has a formulation of fibre/binder mixing ratios (2:1, 1:1, 1:2 w:w), pressures of (100, 300, 500 kg/m2) and temperatures of (30, 65, 100 °C) respectively. The process was successfully modelled and optimized using a Box–Behnken design method. The optimal conditions for the piliostigma thonningii board were found to be fibre/binder mixing ratio of 1:1 w:w, pressure of 500 kg/m2 and temperature of 92 °C yielded response values of density (151.5 kg/m3), water absorption (9.04 %), tensile strength (16.9 N/m2), thermal conductivity (0.11 W/mK). Hence the board has greater insulating properties and good potential to be used as a ceiling board

    A Web-Based Control And Monitoring System

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    The Internet has become the latest medium for communication through the advanced features available on the internet such as file transfer, transaction application, advertising and much more. Recent years have been people use it also for remote control and monitoring devices. With advances in the Internet technologies, a lot of electronic goods such as laser printers, fax machines, computers, VCRs, TV, security monitors and other home appliances will be connected by a global network called the Embedded Internet. These systems can be built with improved diagnostic features and flexibility in terms of configuration parameters. Efficient methods of monitoring/configuring such systems are the subject of current research and development. Remote monitoring and configuration of such systems is of great interest and importance A web-based device monitoring and control system has been developed. This project is an integration of three systems, i.e. computer-based control system, Small web server and Internet . This integration is achieved by the use of the small web server and a designed web page using HTML, SiteObject, java script and java applet. The developed system when connected to the network via another network or internet allows users to remotely control and monitoring home appliances. The device can be controlled via serial port of the small server and can be controlled through the designed web page. A server program was installed in the web server to instruct the small web server to perform a particular function

    Big Data: challenges, opportunities and Cloud based solutions

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    We are living in an era of information explosion. There are challenges with large and complex amount of data generated every day by social networks, wikis, blogs, emails, traffic system, bridges, airplanes and engine, satellites and weather sensors. 90% of current data in the world has been created in the last two years. Our smart planet becomes more and more intelligent. Besides the challenges posed by such vast amount of data including storage, search, sharing, analysis, and visualization, there are also much opportunities for the world as it becomes more and more digitalized. This study presents Big Data and highlights its key concepts and state-of-the-art implementation as well as research challenges and suggests research directions for future. IT log analytics, Fraud detection pattern, social media pattern and modeling and management patterns are some of opportunities. Hadoop is a cloud based and open source solution for Big Data Analytics which has been written by java. Hadoop solution is currently still immature. In this paper, three topics are suggested for research direction: Security issues in Big Data, context-aware information retrieval, and integrating ontology with Big Data

    An ab initio study of the origin of p-type doping in ZnO using group-V elements

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    PhD ThesisZinc oxide is a transparent semiconductor with a direct wide band-gap 3.4 eV and large exciton binding-energy of 60 meV, that combine to make ZnO a promising material for possible applications such as optoelectronic devices, lasers and light emitting diodes. Recently, the difficulty in obtaining high quality p-type ZnO has attracted much attention. Considerable effort has been made to obtain p-type ZnO by doping with the group- V elements N, P, As, and Sb, with the anticipation of replacing oxygen atoms in the ZnO lattice. However, experimentally these dopants can produce both p-type and n-type conductivity. Here the results of first principles density functional theory calculations performed using the AIMPRO code are presented. By evaluating the relative energies of substitution on the oxygen and zinc sub-lattices, it is possible to predict the most likely forms of doping centres that might be achieved depending both upon the dopant species and whether the ZnO is grown under oxygen or zinc rich conditions. As a general trend, it is found that dopants tend to be stabilised in environments where covalent bonds with oxygen can be formed, such as substitution on the zinc sub-lattice. The doping properties of the group-V elements can be best understood by not considering the dopant atoms individually, but as a part of an atomic group such as phosphate and nitrate ions either substituting for host atoms, or lying in interstitial sites. The preferential formation of dopant-oxygen bonds leads to a revision of the zinc-vacancy based model for p-type doping (such as P-(VZn)2 complexes) to structures involving interstitial oxygen

    Measurement of range of motion of human finger joints, using a computer vision system

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    Assessment of finger range of motion (ROM) is often required for monitoring the effectiveness of rehabilitative treatments and for evaluating patients' functional impairment. There are several devices which are used to measure this motion, such as wire tracing, tracing onto paper and mechanical and electronic goniometry. These devices are quite cheap, excluding electronic goniometry; however the drawbacks of these devices are their lack of accuracy and the time- consuming nature of the measurement process. The work described in this thesis considers the design, implementation and validation of a new medical measurement system utilized in the evaluation of the range of motion of the human finger joints instead of the current measurement tools. The proposed system is a non-contact measurement device based on computer vision technology and has many advantages over the existing measurement devices. In terms of accuracy, better results are achieved by this system, it can be operated by semi-skilled person, and is time saving for the evaluator. The computer vision system in this study consists of CCD cameras to capture the images, a frame-grabber to change the analogue signal from the cameras to digital signals which can be manipulated by a computer, Ultra Violet light (UV) to illuminate the measurement space, software to process the images and perform the required computation, a darkened enclosure to accommodate the cameras and UV light and to shield the working area from any undesirable ambient light. Two calibration techniques were used to calibrate the cameras, Direct Linear Transformation and Tsai. A calibration piece that suits this application was designed and manufactured. A steel hand model was used to measure the fingers joint angles. The average error from measuring the finger angles using this system was around 1 degree compared with 5 degrees for the existing used techniques

    Cash Flow Forecasting Process and its Impact on Capital Budgeting: Evidence from Libya

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    This study highlights the role of cash flow forecasting process in capital budgeting decisions, where the forecasting process starts with identifying the procedures and methods used in forecasting, and ends by estimating future cash flow required by managers for decision-making. This study utilised questionnaire survey to collect data from 69 manufacturing and oil companies operating in Libya within contingency and new institutional sociology theories, which are commonly used in capital budgeting research. Further, this study seeks to ascertain the key variables associated with the forecasting process in capital budgeting decisions. In this regard, this study examined the contingent and institutional variables influencing the use of forecasting procedures and methods associated with the adoption of different capital budgeting processes. Consequently, the results of this study explored the forecasting procedures, methods and the capital budgeting techniques used in manufacturing and oil companies operating in Libya. The researcher found that most manufacturing and oil companies depend on personal and management's subjective estimates in forecasting their future cash flows. In terms of the extent of use of capital budgeting techniques, the findings indicate that most Libyan manufacturing and oil companies use the payback period (PB) and accounting rate of return (ARR) to evaluate and select the investment opportunities, as well as rely upon subjective assessments in evaluating the project risk inherent within capital budgeting decisions. In addition, this study applied the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique to test the research hypotheses. Using the same sample of Libyan manufacturing and oil companies, the findings are as follows. First, the use of forecasting procedures/methods and components of cash flow are positively associated with the extent of use of capital budgeting techniques. Second, the forecasting horizon and the use of multiple data sources in forecasting are significantly associated with the use of forecasting procedures and methods. Third, the presence of qualified persons responsible for estimating future cash flow is positively associated with the use of forecasting procedures and methods. Fourth, the findings suggest that the influence of contingent variables differs from public to private companies. Fifth, the study findings also suggest that coercive, mimetic and normative pressures are significantly associated with the use of forecasting procedures and methods. Finally, the research findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the procedures and methods used in forecasting (PMUF) and the firms’ financial performance (PERF), whilst the study does not find any evidence that the extent of use of capital budgeting techniques improves the firms’ financial performance. The findings of this study offer new important insights and contributions to the existing literature, as well as have useful implications for practitioners and researchers

    A non-invasive image based system for early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

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    Prostate cancer is the second most fatal cancer experienced by American males. The average American male has a 16.15% chance of developing prostate cancer, which is 8.38% higher than lung cancer, the second most likely cancer. The current in-vitro techniques that are based on analyzing a patients blood and urine have several limitations concerning their accuracy. In addition, the prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood-based test, has a high chance of false positive diagnosis, ranging from 28%-58%. Yet, biopsy remains the gold standard for the assessment of prostate cancer, but only as the last resort because of its invasive nature, high cost, and potential morbidity rates. The major limitation of the relatively small needle biopsy samples is the higher possibility of producing false positive diagnosis. Moreover, the visual inspection system (e.g., Gleason grading system) is not quantitative technique and different observers may classify a sample differently, leading to discrepancies in the diagnosis. As reported in the literature that the early detection of prostate cancer is a crucial step for decreasing prostate cancer related deaths. Thus, there is an urgent need for developing objective, non-invasive image based technology for early detection of prostate cancer. The objective of this dissertation is to develop a computer vision methodology, later translated into a clinically usable software tool, which can improve sensitivity and specificity of early prostate cancer diagnosis based on the well-known hypothesis that malignant tumors are will connected with the blood vessels than the benign tumors. Therefore, using either Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance imaging (DW-MRI) or Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI), we will be able to interrelate the amount of blood in the detected prostate tumors by estimating either the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) in the prostate with the malignancy of the prostate tumor or perfusion parameters. We intend to validate this hypothesis by demonstrating that automatic segmentation of the prostate from either DW-MRI or DCE-MRI after handling its local motion, provides discriminatory features for early prostate cancer diagnosis. The proposed CAD system consists of three majors components, the first two of which constitute new research contributions to a challenging computer vision problem. The three main components are: (1) A novel Shape-based segmentation approach to segment the prostate from either low contrast DW-MRI or DCE-MRI data; (2) A novel iso-contours-based non-rigid registration approach to ensure that we have voxel-on-voxel matches of all data which may be more difficult due to gross patient motion, transmitted respiratory effects, and intrinsic and transmitted pulsatile effects; and (3) Probabilistic models for the estimated diffusion and perfusion features for both malignant and benign tumors. Our results showed a 98% classification accuracy using Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO) approach based on the estimated ADC for 30 patients (12 patients diagnosed as malignant; 18 diagnosed as benign). These results show the promise of the proposed image-based diagnostic technique as a supplement to current technologies for diagnosing prostate cancer

    Solution for a problem of linear plane elasticity with mixed boundary conditions on an ellipse by the method of boundary integrals

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    AbstractA numerical boundary integral scheme is proposed for the solution of the system of field equations of plane, linear elasticity in stresses for homogeneous, isotropic media in the domain bounded by an ellipse under mixed boundary conditions. The stresses are prescribed on one half of the ellipse, while the displacements are given on the other half. The method relies on previous analytical work within the Boundary Integral Method [1,2].The considered problem with mixed boundary conditions is replaced by two subproblems with homogeneous boundary conditions, one of each type, having a common solution. The equations are reduced to a system of boundary integral equations, which is then discretized in the usual way and the problem at this stage is reduced to the solution of a rectangular linear system of algebraic equations. The unknowns in this system of equations are the boundary values of four harmonic functions which define the full elastic solution inside the domain, and the unknown boundary values of stresses or displacements on proper parts of the boundary.On the basis of the obtained results, it is inferred that the tangential stress component on the fixed part of the boundary has a singularity at each of the two separation points, thought to be of logarithmic type. A tentative form for the singular solution is proposed to calculate the full solution in bulk directly from the given boundary conditions using the well-known Boundary Collocation Method. It is shown that this addition substantially decreases the error in satisfying the boundary conditions on some interval not containing the singular points.The obtained results are discussed and boundary curves for unknown functions are provided, as well as three-dimensional plots for quantities of practical interest. The efficiency of the used numerical schemes is discussed, in what concerns the number of boundary nodes needed to calculate the approximate solution