33 research outputs found

    Effect of weed control treatments and planting method on the yield and yield parameters of rice in Sudan savannah of Nigeria.

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    The experimentswerecarried out in 2020 and 2021 rainy seasons to determine the performance ofrice as influenced by planting method and weed control treatments. The treatments consists of three planting methods (dibbling broadcasting and transplanting and weed control methods  (hoe weeding, pre emergence application of gramazone (200g/L of paraquat/ha), pre and post emergence of gramazone (200g/L of paraquat/ha) and propanil (360g/L of propanil + 200g/L 2-4D) and weedy check). The treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and were replicated three times.The results revealed the plots weeded twice and those treated with pre and post emergence application of gramazone and propanil respectively resulted in more number of spikelet per panicle, longer panicle, increase in number of effective tillers per hill, more grains per panicle and grain yield. The effect of planting methods on the rice growth revealed that rice sown under transplanting methods gave more number of effective tiler per hill, longer  panicle, more grain per panicle and increases in grain yield compared to the others methods while broadcasting resulted in the least value of the parameters than others methods.Therefore,it can be concluded that rice farmers in the sudan savanna zone of Nigeria can adoptpre and post emergence application of gramazone and propanil with transplanting method since the combination of these treatments gave better weed control, growth and yield of paddy rice. Key words: Herbicide, length of panicle, number of grain per panicle  andgrain yiel

    Assessing Immunization Status and Factors Influencing Vaccination Coverage Among Children in Rural Suburbs of Sokoto State, Nigeria

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    Purpose – This study aimed to assess the immunization status of children in the rural suburbs of Sokoto state. The study aimed to examine the knowledge and perception of the respondents towards immunization, their vaccination coverage, and factors that may influence their immunization status.Design/methods/approach – This study, which took place in Sokoto state, Nigeria, used a questionnaire as the data collection instrument for a descriptive observational survey. The participants in the study consisted of opinion/community leaders, community men and women, and healthcare providers from the study area. The study population encompassed all people in the region under investigation. The sample size was 300 respondents selected through cluster sampling, and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the X2 test.Findings – The study’s respondents were primarily male (66.7%), with a significant female population (33.3%), all aged 26-35. The majority were married (66.7%) and had tertiary education (66.7%), while some had secondary (16.7%) or primary education (16.7%). Immunization knowledge was primarily obtained through friends (66.7%) and healthcare workers (33.3%), with the expected time to begin immunization after nine months of age. All respondents had vaccinated their children and possessed vaccination cards. Factors affecting immunization included socioeconomic status (33.3%), beliefs (26.7%), geographic barriers (16.6%), and awareness (16.7%). The DPT1/DPT3 immunization coverage rate was 85%.Research implications/limitations – This study offers valuable insights for developing effective immunization programs in rural areas. The findings highlight the importance of educating friends and family members and promoting high levels of awareness and motivation towards immunization to encourage the adoption of similar strategies. However, it is essential to note that the study’s focus on immunization in children may limit its relevance to other age groups. Practical implications – Immunization is crucial for saving lives and protecting individuals, families, and communities from various diseases, offering profound benefits beyond health. This study has practical implications for policymakers, researchers, healthcare providers, students, and non-governmental organizations who can benefit from its findings to improve immunization strategies.Originality/value – This study provides valuable insights into the immunization status of children in rural areas of Sokoto state, highlighting the importance of education, awareness, and motivation towards immunization to promote higher vaccination coverage rates and improve public health.Paper type Research pape

    Measuring Residents Satisfaction Levels of Public Housing in Maiduguri Metropolis of Borno State, Nigeria

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    This study aims to evaluate the residents’ satisfaction with public housing in the Maiduguri metropolis. The study assessed the levels of quality of housing components, occupants' preference and satisfaction. The study adopted a quantitative approach and data were collected through a questionnaire survey from 265 household heads of the housing estate proportionately selected from the target population in Maiduguri metropolis. The data collected were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics with mean ranking, frequency distribution and multiple regression analysis to achieve the research aim. The study showed that quality of building component, Condition of a bedroom, condition of living room, condition of the roof, condition of finishing and condition of the kitchen were ranked as very good and condition of the store, condition of the dining area, condition of garage and condition of toilets were good in the study area, while public housing quality and preference significantly influence occupants' satisfaction in Maiduguri metropolis. The research recommended that occupant peculiarities should be integrated into the design and development of housing estate. This will ensure that the satisfaction of the occupants is well co-opted in the development and therefore lead to higher satisfaction and functionality of the estates. The provision of facilities and amenities in public housing estates should be based on the occupant requirements and peculiarities. This will lead to the optimal utilization of the estate after development

    Customized Design of a Proposed Alignment at MAU Yola Campus in Civil 3D Using Nigerian Federal Ministry of Works Highway (FMWH) Manual

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    This study is aimed at testing the ability of Civil3D to design a carriageway using FMWH Manual, customizing it to suit that purpose. For this purpose, input commands in Civil3D were modified to reflect and accommodate the guidelines outlined in the manual. The route under consideration is a proposed dual carriageway alignment at Modibbo Adama University (MAU) Yola, Adamawa State in the North Eastern part of Nigeria. Scope of work carried out includes both field work (focusing on route survey) and roadway alignment design, subdivided into route location, data acquisition method and geometric design. Data for this project was obtained directly from the field using conventional ground survey method. Google Earth was used to select preliminary control points, GARMIN GPSMAP64 Hand Held GPS Phone was use to record the easting and northing of the control points onsite which serves as a baseline. Theodolite traversing by an analogue theodolite (Kern-Swiss K1-M 292272) was used to tie the control points and to range intermediate points at 25m interval longitudinally along the centerline and perpendicular offset points that were 6m & 12m on both Left and Right of the Centre. Natural Ground Level (NGL) was established from first principle by taking Field Short Data (FSD) of elevation of established point along the baseline using a dumpy level (SUN DSC232) to obtain the true level of the alignment. Plate vial test was carried out on the instruments to ensure accuracy of data recorded. Reduce level was computed using Microsoft excel and the output was imported into the design software (Autodesk Civil 3D V.2023) as a dot csv (.csv) data file known as PENZD.csv. The design of the alignment was carried out using criteria-based design by applying Federal Republic of Nigeria Federal Ministry of Works Highway Manual Part 1 Design Volume 1 Geometric Design (2013). A simple horizontal circular curve with a radius of 200m was designed at chainage 0+268.55 to 0+290.41 between two tangents. Two Sag curves; a crested-sag curve towards the beginning of the alignment at chainage 0+160.95 and a sag curve towards the ends of the alignment at chainage 0+655.33 were designed for the vertical alignment. A trapezoidal channel with a base-width of 0.5m, top-width of 1.1m & a depth of 0.8m was provided alongside the proposed road alignment to discharge storm water. Volume of earthworks was computed as 5548.18m3, and that of fill was found to be 1688.43m3 with a net cut-volume of 3859.75m3. A single cell box culvert was proposed to be sited at chainage 0+524 to 0+532.5. Equally, a pipe culvert was proposed to be sited at 0+722 to 0+723. The results indicate that the designed alignment was adequate and economical based on the proposed data

    Uterine Prolapse Following Fundal Pressure in the First Stage of Labour: A Case Report

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    The use of fundal pressure to assist a woman in labor is a controversial procedure. Its benefits are yet to be scientifically confirmed and it is associated with complications such as perineal lacerations, uterine rupture and uterine inversion. A case is reported of a 28year old Gravida 5 Para 4\u2009+\u20090 (3 Alive) who presented to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, (AKTH) Kano, Nigeria with uterine prolapse following fundal pressure done in the first stage of labor in a peripheral hospital. She was delivered by Cesarean section and the prolapse successfully reduced under general anesthesia. Health workers need education on the risks associated with fundal pressure. Alternative methods of aiding women in labor should be promoted.L'utilisation de la pression fundale pour assister une femme en travail est une proc\ue9dure controversiale. Ses b\ue9n\ue9fices m'ont pas encore \ue9t\ue9 scientifiquement confirmes et il est associe aux les complications tels que: lac\ue9ration perinale, rupture de l'ut\ue9rus et inversion de l'ut\ue9rus. Il y a eu un reportage d'une femme de 28 ans, G5P4+0 (3 envie) qui s'est pr\ue9sent\ue9e au centre universitaire hospitalier de Kano, Nigeria avec une prolapse ut\ue9rine sur venue apr\ue8s une pression fundale faite pendant la premi\ue8re \ue9tape de l'accouchement dans un autre h\uf4pital. L'accouchement s'est fait par caesarienne et la prolapse a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9duite sous anaesthesie g\ue9n\ue9rale. Les personnels de sant\ue9 ont besoin d'\ueatre \ue9duquer sur les risques associes a la pression fundale. D'autres m\ue9thodes pour aider les femmes en travail doivent \ueatre encourag\ue9es. Les personnels de sant\ue9 doivent \ueatre \ue9duquer sur les dangers associes a la pression fundale et sa pratique doit \ueatre d\ue9courager

    Islamic perspectives of reproductive and maternal health: what role can Nigerian Muslim religious leaders play in the prevention of maternal mortality? –With Particular Reference to Zamfara State NorthWest Nigeria

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    Reproductive and Maternal health are an important components of public health and medicine which are concerned with the complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing in all matters regarding reproductive system and health of mother especially during pregnancy.It implies ensuring that all women receive the care they need to be safe and healthy throughout pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. However, according to World Health Organization, millions of women all over the world do not have access to good quality health services during pregnancy and childbirth resulting in mortalities. Islam is a complete way of life. The Qur’an and Hadith consider pregnancy and child bearing as signs among other signs of the divine existence of Allah.The importance of maternal and reproductive is thus not unexplained in the Islamic perspectives. The study look at what role Muslim religious leaders can play in the prevention of maternal deaths and morbidities in developing countries. A qualitative study was conducted through in-depth interviews and focus groups discussion with a purposive sample of some Muslim religious leaders from Gusau local government area of Zamfara state northwest Nigeria in order to elicit information about the Islamic perspectives of reproductive and maternal health and the roles they can play in the prevention of maternal deaths among the Muslim communities. Muslim Religious leaders have a crucial role and contribution for the attainment and maintenance of good heath of women and children among Muslim communities through public enlightenment in the context of ‘ilm’, providing guidance through ‘Fatwah’ and community mobilization in the spirit brotherhood ‘ukhuwah’.Islam does not accept the “preventable death of a woman” due to childbirth or pregnancy. Thus, Islam encourages attendance of antenatal care visits and health care seeking

    The antiviral potential of the antiandrogen enzalutamide and the viral‐androgen signaling interplay in seasonal coronaviruses

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    The sex disparity in COVID-19 outcomes with males generally faring worse than females has been associated with the androgen-regulated expression of the protease TMPRSS2 and the cell receptor ACE2 in the lung and fueled interest in antiandrogens as potential antivirals. In this study, we explored enzalutamide, an antiandrogen used commonly to treat prostate cancer, as a potential antiviral against the human coronaviruses which cause seasonal respiratory infections (HCoV-NL63, -229E, and -OC43). Using lentivirus-pseudotyped and authentic HCoV, we report that enzalutamide reduced 229E and NL63 entry and infection in both TMPRSS2- and nonexpressing immortalized cells, suggesting a TMPRSS2-independent mechanism. However, no effect was observed against OC43. To decipher this distinction, we performed RNA-sequencing analysis on 229E- and OC43-infected primary human airway cells. Our results show a significant induction of androgen-responsive genes by 229E compared to OC43 at 24 and 72 h postinfection. The virus-mediated effect on AR-signaling was further confirmed with a consensus androgen response element-driven luciferase assay in androgen-depleted MRC-5 cells. Specifically, 229E induced luciferase-reporter activity in the presence and absence of the synthetic androgen mibolerone, while OC43 inhibited induction. These findings highlight a complex interplay between viral infections and androgen-signaling, offering insights for disparities in viral outcomes and antiviral interventions

    What Are the Contextual Enablers and Impacts of Using Digital Technology to Extend Maternal and Child Health Services to Rural Areas? Findings of a Qualitative Study From Nigeria

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    Background: Strengthening health systems to improve access to maternity services remains challenging for Nigeria due partly to weak and irregular in-service training and deficient data management. This paper reports the implementation of digital health tools for video training (VTR) of health workers and digitization of health data at scale, supported by satellite communications (SatCom) technology and existing 3G mobile networks. Objective: To understand whether, and under what circumstances using digital interventions to extend maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) services to remote areas of Nigeria improved standards of healthcare delivery. Methods: From March 2017 to March 2019, VTR and data digitization interventions were delivered in 126 facilities across three states of Nigeria. Data collection combined documents review with 294 semi-structured interviews of stakeholders across four phases (baseline, midline, endline, and 12-months post-project closedown) to assess acceptability and impacts of digital interventions. Data was analyzed using a framework approach, drawing on a modified Technology Acceptance Model to identify factors that shaped technology adoption and use. Results: Analysis of documents and interview transcripts revealed that a supportive policy environment, and track record of private-public partnerships facilitated adoption of technology. The determinants of technology acceptance among health workers included ease of use, perceived usefulness, and prior familiarity with technology. Perceptions of impact suggested that at the micro (individual) level, repeated engagement with clinical videos increased staff knowledge, motivation and confidence to perform healthcare roles. At meso (organizational) level, better-trained staff felt supported and empowered to provide respectful healthcare and improved management of obstetric complications, triggering increased use of MNCH services. The macro level saw greater use of reliable and accurate data for policymaking. Conclusions: Simultaneous and sustained implementation of VTR and data digitization at scale enabled through SatCom and 3G mobile networks are feasible approaches for supporting improvements in staff confidence and motivation and reported MNCH practices. By identifying mechanisms of impact of digital interventions on micro, meso, and macro levels of the health system, the study extends the evidence base for effectiveness of digital health and theoretical underpinnings to guide further technology use for improving MNCH services in low resource settings. Trial Registration: ISRCTN32105372

    Characteristics of COVID-19 cases and factors associated with their mortality in Katsina State, Nigeria, April-July 2020

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    Introduction: COVID-19 was first detected in Daura, Katsina State, Nigeria on 4 April 2020. We characterized the cases and outlined factors associated with mortality. Methods: We analysed the COVID-19 data downloaded from Surveillance Outbreak Response, Management and Analysis System between 4 April and 31 July 2020. We defined a case as any person with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test within that period. We described the cases in time, person, and place; calculated the crude and adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for factors associated with mortality. Results: We analysed 744 confirmed cases (median age 35, range 1-90), 73% males and 24 deaths (Case fatality rate 3.2%, Attack rate 8.5/100,000). The outbreak affected 31 districts, started in week 14, peaked in week 26, and is ongoing. Highest proportion of cases in the age groups were 26.7% (184) in 30-39, 21.7% (153) in 20-29 years, and 18.3% (129) in 40-49 years. While the highest case fatality rates in the age groups were 35.7% in 70-79, 33.3% in 80-89 years, and 19.4% in 60-69 years. Factors associated with death were cough (AOR: 9.88, 95% CI: 1.29-75.79), age ≥60 years (AOR: 18.42, 95% CI: 7.48-45.38), and male sex (AOR: 4.4, 95% CI: 0.98-20.12). Conclusion: Male contacts below 40 years carried the burden of COVID-19. Also, persons 60 years and above, with cough have an increased risk of dying from COVID-19. Risk communication should advocate for use of preventive measures, protection of persons 60 years and above, and consideration of cough as a red-flag sign

    Virtual molecular docking study of some novel carboxamide series as new anti-tubercular agents

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    A virtual docking simulation study was performed on thirty-five newly discovered compounds of N-(2-phenoxy) ethyl imidazo[1,2-a] pyridine-3-carboxamide (IPA), to explore their theoretical binding energy and pose with the active sites of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis target (DNA gyrase). The chemical structures of the compounds were drawn correctly with ChemDraw Ultra software, and then geometrically optimized at DFT level of theory with Spartan 14 software package. Consequently, the docking analysis was carried out using Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD). Five complexes (Complex 5, 24, 25, 33 and 35) with high binding energy were selected to examine their binding pose with the active sites of the protein. The docking results suggested a good MolDock score (≥ -90 kcal/mol) and Protein-Ligand ANT System (PLANTS) score (≥ -60 kcal/mol) which depicted that the compounds can efficiently bind with the active sites of the target. However, compound 5 has the best binding pose with the MolDock score of -140.476 kcal/mol which formed three hydrogen bond interactions with the Gln 538, Ala 531, and Ala 533 amino acid residues. This research gives a firsthand theoretical knowledge to improve the binding efficiency of these compounds with the target