576 research outputs found

    Yunus Abdullah - Use of Social Media by Businesses: A New opportunity For Consulting Services by Accounting Firms

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    In the last 10 years, social media has been restructuring business policies and practices creating new business models. These models are shaping the internal and external aspects of businesses, improving efficiency, and hopefully yielding higher profits while reducing costs. At the same time, social media is being implemented in such internal operations as employee training, recruiting, communication within organizations, and building business loyalty. Businesses are becoming more dependent on social media, making social media an inevitable expectation of effective business models. The millennial are the new generation of adults who are taking over the business world. This generation of young adults grew up using such social media networks as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google +, and LinkedIn. To sustain good relationship with their clients (millennial), businesses must meet people\u27s expectation of the practices and plan their policies accordingly. This paper will examine how the use of social media by businesses is leading to a new service being offered by accounting firms, social media consulting. Experts in internal controls, accounting firms, will have the resources and capacity to offer services in social media consulting. The large accounting firms such as Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst &Young, and PWC have already entered social media consulting market.https://epublications.marquette.edu/mcnair_2013/1006/thumbnail.jp

    المفكر الإسلامي الصيني الإمام الشهيد يوسف تشنغ كه لي: حياته، وأفكاره = Life and thoughts of Martyred Chinese Islamic thinker, Imam Yousuf Chen Ke Li

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    عُني هذا البحث بحياة المفكر الإسلامي الصيني الإمام الشهيد يوسف تشنغ كه لي وأفكاره الإصلاحيّة لرفع شأن أمة الإسلام في الصين خاصة، وفي العالم كلّه عامّة. وكان إخلاصه الممحض لله تعالى، وحبّه العميق للأمة ألإسلاميّة، وإيثار الآخرة على الدنيا يمثّل أهم مظهر لأفكاره وحياته. وقد التزم الباحث الأمانة العلمية في نقل المعلومات من المصادر الصينية، وعرض أفكار وآراء الإمام الشهيد يوسف تشنغ كه لي. ********************************************************* This research paper deals with the life of martyred Chinese Islamic thinker, Imam Yousuf Chen Ke Li, and his reformative ideas with a view to elevating the status of the Muslims in China in particular and in the whole world in general. His sincere devotion to Allah and deep love for the Muslim Ummah, and his preference of the afterlife to the present world constitute major features of his thoughts and life. The researcher has committed to scholarly integrity in transferring information from Chinese sources and presenting the intellectual ideas and opinions of Chen Ke Li. ********************************************************** Kajian ini berurusan dengan kehidupan seorang pemikir Cina Islam yang syahid, Imam Yousuf Chen Ke Li, dan idea-idea reformatifnya yang bertujuan meningkatkan taraf orang Islam khususnya di Cina dan secara amnya di seluruh dunia. Keihklasan ibadatnya kepada Allah, cinta mendalam bagi umat Islam, dan mengutamakan akhirat daripada dunia ini membentukkan ciri-ciri utama pemikiran dan hidupnya. Penyelidik kajian ini telah berkomited dengan integriti ilmiah dalam memindahkan maklumat daripada sumber-sumber Cina dan menyampaikan idea-idea intelektual dan pendapat Chen Ke Li

    Optimizing supercritical antisolvent process parameters to minimize the particle size of paracetamol nanoencapsulated in L-polylactide

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    Background: The aim of this study was to optimize the different process parameters including pressure, temperature, and polymer concentration, to produce fine small spherical particles with a narrow particle size distribution using a supercritical antisolvent method for drug encapsulation. The interaction between different process parameters was also investigated. Methods and results: The optimized process parameters resulted in production of nanoencapsulated paracetamol in L-polylactide with a mean diameter of approximately 300 nm at 120 bar, 30°C, and a polymer concentration of 16 ppm. Thermogravimetric analysis illustrated the thermal characteristics of the nanoparticles. The high electrical charge on the surface of the nanoparticles caused the particles to repel each other, with the high negative zeta potential preventing flocculation. Conclusion: Our results illustrate the effect of different process parameters on particle size and morphology, and validate results obtained via RSM statistical software. Furthermore, the in vitro drug-release profile is consistent with a Korsmeyer–Peppas kinetic model

    Emulator Circuits and Resistive Switching Parameters of Memristor

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    Chua predicted the existence of the fundamental circuit element, which provides the linkage of flux (ϕ) and charge (q). The new circuit element that is called memristor (memory + resistor) was demonstrated by Hewlett Packard (HP) researchers in 2008. Researchers focused on memristor fabrication, modeling, and its application with other circuit elements. Researchers could not find the commercially memristor devices in the market because of some fabrication difficulties. For this reason, researchers focused on the memristor modeling to analyze its characteristics with other circuit elements. This chapter presents a review of the general information of memristor and its device parameters. The chapter is continued with the details of memristor mathematical and SPICE models and memristor emulators based on the other circuit elements

    Components of effective safety and health management system towards the awareness of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at Government Owned Company Kuala Lumpur / Noorlaila Hj Yunus and Nur ‘Aliya Hj Abdullah Tahmidi

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    Every organization should put safety and health of employees at the top of priority. A safety and health management system or safety program can help the employees to improve job performance, boost employee’s motivation and satisfaction. The most important is employers and employees will feel secure and safe at the workplace. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in an organization could help to prevent any possible illnesses, injuries and accidents happen in working environment. Several studies have been conducted that clarified some of the components of effective safety and health management systems towards the awareness of OSHA. The focus of this study is to identify the most influential components of effective safety and health management systems towards the awareness of OSHA and also to examine the relationship between the components of effective safety and health management systems towards the awareness of OSHA. Thus, the researcher chooses correlational research design in order to achieve the objectives of the study. In this study, 250 employees who are working in GOC, Kuala Lumpur have been involved in a survey

    Components of effective safety and health management system towards the awareness of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at government owned company Kuala Lumpur / Noorlaila Hj Yunus and Nur ‘Aliya Hj Abdullah Tahmidi

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    Every organization should put safety and health of employees at the top of priority. A safety and health management system or safety program can help the employees to improve job performance, boost employee’s motivation and satisfaction. The most important is employers and employees will feel secure and safe at the workplace. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in an organization could help to prevent any possible illnesses, injuries and accidents happen in working environment. Several studies have been conducted that clarified some of the components of effective safety and health management systems towards the awareness of OSHA. The focus of this study is to identify the most influential components of effective safety and health management systems towards the awareness of OSHA and also to examine the relationship between the components of effective safety and health management systems towards the awareness of OSHA. Thus, the researcher chooses correlational research design in order to achieve the objectives of the study. In this study, 250 employees who are working in GOC, Kuala Lumpur have been involved in a survey

    Latihan ladder drill dan shuttle run dapat memengaruhi kecepatan atlet bulutangkis Pusat Latihan Kota Malang untuk Porprov tahun 2022

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    Latihan ladder Drill dan shuttle run merupakan latihan yang dapat meningkatkan kecepatan dalam olahraga bulutangkis, dalam mempersiapkan PORPROV 2022 atlet bulutangkis kota Malang mengikuti pemusatan latihan dan perlu dilakukan latihan kondisi fisik, dengan menerapkan latihan kecepatan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan agar bisa melihat pengaruh latihan ladder Drill dan shuttle run terhadap kecepatan atlet bulutangkis pusat latihan Kota Malang untuk persiapan PORPROV tahun 2022.  Penelitian dilaksanakan di Gor Platinum Kota Malang dan di Komplek Araya Kota Malang. Metode penelitian yang dipakai ialah kuantitatif dengan rancangan quasi experiment atau disebut eksperimen semu dan menggunakan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design, agar bisa diketahui dengan lebih akurat, sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan. Sampel pada penelitian adalah semua atlet bulutangkis pusat latihan kota Malang yang beranggotakan 10 atlet. Latihan ladder Drill dan shuttle run dilakukan dengan program latihan dalam waktu 8 minggu dengan frekuensi latihan dua hari dalam seminggu. Tes kecepatan dilakukan dua kali, sebelum perlakuan (pre-test) dan setelah perlakuan (post-test).  Hasil uji paired t test didapat nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05, ini berarti ada perubahan dan menunjukkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 atau hipotesis diterima. Menurut hasil penelitian yang didapat, bisa diambil kesimpulan bahwa latihan ladder drill dan shuttle run mempengaruhi kecepatan atlet bulutangkis pusat latihan Kota Malang untuk persiapan PORPROV tahun 2022