102 research outputs found

    Synthesis And Complexation Study Of The Conformational Isomer Of Cyclotetrachromotropylene

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    Chromotropic acid reacts with formaldehyde to give the boat and chair conformers (25a and 25b respectively) of cyclotetrachromotropylene, 25, under different reaction conditions. At room temperature, 25b was isolated in which upon heating can convert to the thermodynamically more stable 25a. Conformer 25a is best synthesized via reflux in high yield (~ 90 %). In contrast, 25b can only be synthesized at room temperature giving a moderate yield of 20-25 %

    The development of a driver assist system with distance estimation using a single camera / Erma Rahayu Mohd Faizal Abdullah

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    In this thesis, an investigation on lane and vehicle tracking on a highway is carried out. The highway is chosen as the test ground due to the one-way flow of traffic, relative straightness of the road and consists of mostly automobiles. This study describes the development of a mid-line generation technique on the road as guidance for drivers to stay in the centre of the road lane they are currently driving on. The technique detects and tracks road lane in a video sequence and draws a virtual mid-line on the screen to guide the driver to stay centred within the lane

    Acceptance of the Punctuality Cascading Reporting System (PCRS) among staffs at National Audit Department in Melaka / Rahayu Abdullah and Nina Nabiha Hassan

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    The purpose of this research is to find the factors that influence on acceptance of the Punctuality Cascading Reporting System (PCRS) among staffs at National Audit Department. The factors are trust, perceived ease of use, social influence and perceived of usefulness. National Audit Department in Melaka is the first federal institution that uses this system. It also is the first branch of National Audit Department for the trial period using it before implement to other branches in Malaysia. In order to get the result for this research, the researchers have used the software of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 to analyse the data. The information that gathers and findings will be used to know the most factors that influenced to the dependent variable and to improve on acceptance for this system among their staffs

    The socio-psychological dimension of ethnic relations in Malaysia.

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    This article discusses the socio-psychological dimension of ethnic relations in Malaysia. It argues that in the contest of Malaysia, the psychological elements in most cases translated into negative perceptions towards others. It manifests in the forms of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination that are seen as the most difficult stumbling block. It is crucial to understand those elements in order to understand the issue better. This paper will also highlight some of the good as well as the sour experiences that the Malaysians have gone through in dealing with the issues of ethnic relation. Meanwhile, a few strategies towards racial integration were suggested such as cultural tolerance, religious tolerance and dialogue


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    ABSTRACTBackground. Utilization of purple sweet potato flour which is low on glycemic index and high in fiber and tempeh flour which is high in fiber is expected to provide additional nutritional value.  Based on the potency of the two ingredients, namely sweet potato and tempeh, these two ingredients can be alternative ingredients in the manufacture of cookies / cookies.Destination. This study aims to determine how the acceptability and nutritional value of cookies with purple sweet potato flour and tempeh flour with snakehead fish meal substitution for Diabetes Mellitus patients.Method. This type of research is a kind of laboratory with a post test design research design. Acceptability was assessed based on the organoleptic test results of 25 panelists, then analyzed the nutritional content of protein and fiber.Result. The results of the research on acceptance of the aspects of color, aroma, texture and taste showed p value of 0.660, 0.524, 0.074 and 0.432 respectively, which meant that there was no significant difference.Conclusion. The best treatment is formula 3 with 15% mean value of 3.46.  The protein content of the purple sweet potato flour and tempeh flour with substitution of heavy snakehead fish meal with a substitution of 15% by weight per 8 g contains 1.168 g protein.  The fiber content of the purple sweet potato flour and tempeh flour with the substitution of snakehead fish meal with a substitution of 15% by weight per 8 g contains 2.2598 g of fiber.Suggestion. For DM patients, 8 pieces of formula 3 cookies with a concentration of 15% can be consumed to meet protein needs and 2 pieces to meet fiber as a snack.  For other researchers, it can increase the concentration of snakehead fish meal substitution and can analyze albumin levels

    Automatic Early Warning System Design with Firefighter Synchronization Based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    The fire department or DamKar is one of the important agencies which is highly needed by Indonesian people, especially when a fire occurs. However, DamKar is often judged to be late in arriving at the location because help comes to the fire when the fire has already take a set. One of the reasons why delay happens in DamKar is because the report is received late by the DamKar officer. One of the fire prevention measures is to take the preventive action or early prevention from indications of a fire. Automatic early detection is needed in an emergency and requires speed and accuracy in overcoming the problem. designs an early detection system for fires that directs to DamKar and warehouse owners. This system can detect and provide temperature information in real time. This system works if there is a drastic change in temperature and there is a puff as soon as detected by the sensor The information is in the form of a notification "Excessive CO gas detected" if the temperature is in the range of 25 °C and the gas content is 100 PPM, if the temperature exceeds 35°C and the gas content is 500 PPM there will be a notification "The warehouse temperature is too hot", then a danger notification " indicated fire above”. From the experimental results, it is found that the mesh communication system can work properl


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     Pandemi COVID-19 telah mengancam nyawa miliaran masyarakat di dunia. Tidak terkecuali Indonesia dan masyarakat nelayan yang ada di Kelurahan Purirano Kota Kendari.  Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber protein hewani yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat, mudah didapat, dan harganya murah, namun ikan cepat mengalami proses pembusukan sehingga mudah rusak (Perishabel food) akhirnya tidak dapat bertahan lama. Kelompok Pengolahan ikan Citra Permata Kendari adalah kelompok wanita yang bergerak dalam industri Rumah Tangga dalam skala kecil yang mengolah hasil perikanan dan laut menjadi produk aneka olahan seperti kerupuk ikan dan ikan asin, abon ikan, dan lain-lain. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah teknologi produksi masih sederhana, manajemen pemasaran terbatas, dan packing produk yang dihasilkan kurang menarik. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi pemanfaatan media online sebagai sarana pemasaran hasil produksi, juga lebih memberdayakan kelompok pengolahan ikan Citra Permata Kendari yang termasuk dalam kategori Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Metode yang digunakan yaitu penyuluhan kepada khalayak sasaran – melalui penyampaian materi terkait pemasaran online danmengunggah produk-produk yang dihasilkan oleh Kelompok Pengolahan ikan Citra Permata Kendari untuk membuka wawasan mengenai penggunaan media elektronik atau internet agar mereka dapat memperluas jangkauan pemasaran atas produk yang mereka hasilkan, sehingga berimbas pada peningkatan omset. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa wawasan sasaran sehingga memiliki kemampuan untuk memasarkan produk yang dihasilkan secara online melalui penggunaan media elektronik atau internet sehingga mampu menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas dengan biaya rendah, serta mitra memiliki media promosi produk aneka olahan ikan dalam bentuk brosur/lieflet, CD promosi, serta website, sehingga hasil dari kegiatan sasaran berdampak pada kesejahteraan keluarga

    Fungsi Bimbingan Konseling Islami Dalam Pembinaan Akhlak Siswa Di Smk Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    Bimbingan dan konseling tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dunia pendidikan, siswa dalam proses pembelajarannya dan dalam tempatnya belajar akan mengalami banyak kendala dan hambatan baik dari proses adaptasi, perubahan fisik dan rohani siswa, serta pengaruh lingkungan yang bersifat internal maupun eksternal, ketidak siapan siswa terhadap masalah yang dihadapinya cenderung akan mengarahkan siswa dalam perilaku menyimpang seperti penyimpangan dalam perilaku/akhlak siswa serta dalam akademis yang rendah. Fungsi bimbingan dan konseling dalam sebuah lembaga pendidikan sangatlah diperlukan berfungsi dalam mengurangi maupaun menangani permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi oleh siswa, sehingga dengan program dan layanan bimbingan dan konseling perilaku menyimpang dari siswa dapat dihindari dengan memberikan masukan, solusi serta tindakan yang nyata dari bimbingan dan konseling. Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana fungsi bimbingan dan konseling Islami dalam membina akhlak siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta dan apa saja yang menjadi hambatan dalam proses bimbingan dan konseling Islami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagaimana telah dipaparkan dalam rumusan masalah yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana fungsi bimbingan dan konseling Islami dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara, pengamatan/observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan memberikan makna terhadap data yang berhasil dikumpulkan, dan dari makna itulah ditarik kesimpulan. Sedangkan yang dijadikan subyek penelitian adalah guru bimbingan konseling, wali kelas, kepala sekolah, dan siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah fungsi bimbingan konseling Islami dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta sudah sesuai dan berfungsi positif, baik dalan fungsi kuratif, Prefentif, preserfatif. Dan dalam penangani siswa yang bermasalah serta membina akhlak siswa yaitu pembinaan akhlak siswa yang ditekankan pada kedisiplinan mematuhi tatatertib serta memberikan contoh, pemberian nasihatserta membiasakan perilaku akhlakul karimah di lingkungan sekolah dan mengadakan kegiatan – kegiatan ekstrakulikuler bagi siswa