11 research outputs found

    Direct torque control of IM using PID controller

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    Direct torque control "DTC" technique is one of a high performance control system of an AC motor drive, which was proposed after the vector oriented control scheme during the resent 25 years. It has been developed rapidly for its concise system scheme, transient and dynamic performance. The DTC mechanism consists of voltage vector selection table, two hysteresis comparators and two estimators one for stator flux and another for electromagnetic torque. DTC is directly control torque and flux by using Voltage Source Inverter VSI, space vector and stator flux orientation and indirect speed regulated. A several control techniques can be used for improving the torque and flux performance. In this paper, the DTC with Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller used to improve the starting and dynamic performance of asynchronous motor AM, which gives good torque and flux response, best speed control and also minimize the unacceptable torque ripple. The mathematical model of DTC with PID controller of 3-phase induction motor IM are simulated under Matlab-Simulink. Therefore, the DTC based on PID controller has good performance of IM compared to classical DTC for starting, running state and also during change in load

    Comparison of some reliability estimation methods for Laplace distribution using simulations

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    In this paper, we derived an estimator of reliability function for Laplace distribution with two parameters using Bayes method with square error loss function, Jeffery’s formula and conditional probability random variable of observation. The main objective of this study is to find the efficiency of the derived Bayesian estimator compared to the maximum likelihood of this function and moment method using simulation technique by Monte Carlo method under different Laplace distribution parameters and sample sizes. The consequences have shown that Bayes estimator has been more efficient than the maximum likelihood estimator and moment estimator in all samples sizes

    Classification of EEG Signal by Using Optimized Quantum Neural Network

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    In recent years the algorithms of machine learning was used for brain signals identifing which is a useful technique for diagnosing diseases like Alzheimer's and epilepsy. In this paper, the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are classified using an optimized Quantum neural network (QNN) after normalizing these signals, wavelet transform (WT) and the independent component analysis (ICA), were utilized for feature extraction.  These algorithms used to reduces the dimensions of the data, which is an input to the optimized QNN for the purpose of performing the classification process after the feature extraction process. This research uses an optimized QNN, a form of feedforward neural network (FFNN), to recognize (EEG) signals. The Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to optimize the quantum neural network, which improved the training process of the system's performance. The optimized (QNN) provided us with somewhat faster and more realistic results. According to simulation results, the total classification for (ICA) is 82.4 percent, while the total classification for (WT) is 78.43 percent; from these results, using the ICA for feature extraction is better than using WT

    Electrocardiograph signal recognition using wavelet transform based on optimized neural network

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    Due to the growing number of cardiac patients, an automatic detection that detects various heart abnormalities has been developed to relieve and share physicians’ workload. Many of the depolarization of ventricles complex waves (QRS) detection algorithms with multiple properties have recently been presented; nevertheless, real-time implementations in low-cost systems remain a challenge due to limited hardware resources. The proposed algorithm finds a solution for the delay in processing by minimizing the input vector’s dimension and, as a result, the classifier’s complexity. In this paper, the wavelet transform is employed for feature extraction. The optimized neural network is used for classification with 8-classes for the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal this data is taken from two ECG signals (ST-T and MIT-BIH database). The wavelet transform coefficients are used for the artificial neural network’s training process and optimized by using the invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm. The suggested system has a sensitivity of over 70%, a specificity of over 94%, a positive predictive of over 65%, a negative predictive of more than 93%, and a classification accuracy of more than 80%. The performance of the classifier improves when the number of neurons in the hidden layer is increased

    Performance of Concrete Containing Iron Fillings

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    تشكل المخلفات الصناعية الغير قابلة للتحلل البيولوجي خطرًا بيئيًا كبيرًا على الكائنات الحية ويتطلب التخلص منها بذل الجهد والوقت والمال. ومن بين العمليات الأكثر فائدة التي يمكن استغلال هذه المخلفات هي عملية إعادة تدويرها واستخدامها في المجالات الهندسية. برادة الحديد هي واحدة من المخلفات التي يمكن إعادة تدويرها واستخدامها في المجالات الهندسية. واحد من الاستخدامات هو استخدامها في عملية البناء. برادة الحديد هي قطع صغيرة من الحديد التي تبدو وكأنها مسحوق ناعم. وغالبا ماتستخدم في الاثباتات والبراهين العلمية لاضهار اتجاه المجال المغناطيسي. والغرض من هذا المشروع هو تقييم إمكانية استخدام برادة الحديد كأحد مكونات الخرسانة. تمت إضافة ثلاث نسب مؤية مختلفة من برادة الحديد إلى خليط الخرسانة لقياس التباين الذي يمكن ان يحدث في مقاومة الانضغاط والشد بعد 28 يومًا. تم اجراء واختبار 45 مكعب بأبعاد 150*150*150 مم والعتبات الموشورية بأبعاد 100*100* 400مم في هذه الدراسة باستخدام 0 ٪ (السيطرة)، 5 ٪، 10 ٪ و15 ٪ من برادة الحديد في خليط الخرسانة. Non-biodegradable wastes materials pose a significant environmental hazard to living organisms and their disposal requires effort, time and money. One of the most useful processes by which this waste can be exploited is the recycling process. Iron filings are one of the wastes materials that can be recycled and used in engineering fields. One of these is the use of the process in construction. Iron filings are very small pieces of iron that look like a light powder. They are very often used in science demonstrations to show the direction of a magnetic field. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the possibility of using iron filings as one of the component of concrete mix. Three different percentage of iron filings were added to concrete mix to measure the variation, which may be obtained in compression and tensile concrete strengths after 28 days. 45 of 150mm cubes and prisms of 100x100x400mm were performed and tested in this study using 0% (control), 5%, 10% and 15% of iron filing in concrete mix

    Sensored speed control of brushless DC motor based salp swarm algorithm

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    This article uses one of the newest and efficient meta-heuristic optimization algorithms inspired from nature called salp swarm algorithm (SSA). It imitates the exploring and foraging behavior of salps in oceans. SSA is proposed for parameters tuning of speed controller in brushless DC (BLDC) motor to achieve the best performance. The suggested work modeling and control scheme is done using MATLAB/Simulink and coding environments. In this work, a 6-step inverter is feeding a BLDC motor with a Hall sensor effect. The proposed technique is compared with other nature-inspired techniques such as cuckoo search optimizer (CSO), honey bee optimization (HBO), and flower pollination algorithm (FPA) under the same operating conditions. This comparison aims to show the superiority features of the proposed tuning technique versus other optimization strategies. The proposed tuning technique shows superior optimization features versus other bio-inspired tuning methods that are used in this work. It improves the controller performance of BLDC motor. It refining the speed response features which results in decreasing the rising time, steady-state error, peak overshoot, and settling time

    New data on Gnaphosidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of Iraq

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    New faunistic data are provided on the ground spiders (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) of Iraq. Three genera (Haplodrassus Chamberlin, 1922; Minosiella Dalmas, 1921; Odontodrassus Jézéquel, 1965) and six species (Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866); Minosiella intermedia Denis, 1958; Odontodrassus aravaensis Levy, 1999; Odontodrassus mundulus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872); Pterotricha dalmasi Fage, 1929; Zelotes fagei Denis, 1955) are reported in Iraq for the first time, and the previously unknown female of Pterotricha kovblyuki Zamani & Marusik, 2018 is described. In addition, a list of all gnaphosids reported from Iraq (16 spp.) is provided. </p

    New data on Gnaphosidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of Iraq

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    New faunistic data are provided on the ground spiders (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) of Iraq. Three genera (Haplodrassus Chamberlin, 1922; Minosiella Dalmas, 1921; Odontodrassus Jézéquel, 1965) and six species (Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866); Minosiella intermedia Denis, 1958; Odontodrassus aravaensis Levy, 1999; Odontodrassus mundulus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872); Pterotricha dalmasi Fage, 1929; Zelotes fagei Denis, 1955) are reported in Iraq for the first time, and the previously unknown female of Pterotricha kovblyuki Zamani &amp;amp; Marusik, 2018 is described. In addition, a list of all gnaphosids reported from Iraq (16 spp.) is provided

    Вияв впливу кількості запобіжників тесла у спиральному колекторі на пряму і зворотну тепловіддачу

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    Work was done on the Tesla valve in this study with a coiled and three-dimensional shape, where a different number of these channels and a direct and reverse flow turbine were used to compare the changes that obtain the amount of pressure and temperatures. With the conception of the technology of transferring heat energy in various heat exchangers, it became necessary to develop our technologies that increase the transmission of this energy, and we must refer to the inventions that contributed to the development of the heat transfer system and the three energy laws. They contributed to the development of some mechanical systems, where the Tesla valve is considered one of the valves that have two directions of flow, the first is direct, in which the pressure value is low, and the other is reverse, which occurs when movement is disturbed due to the direction of the channel in which it can be used. This concept can be used to improve heat transfer. Where the results establish that an increase in the number of channels positively affects the pressure and thus gives more outlets for the passage of water, a study has shown. In the case of four channels an exit temperature of 304.14 K was obtained, which is the highest temperature reached in cases where the direction of flow is direct. The pressure value was in the case in which the channel is a quadrilateral, and the pressure value reached 209 pa. This data are useful and important because the direct exit score has reached 305.74 K for the Tesla valves, which are designed to give enough time for the heat to transfer to the water. The main principle of the Tesla valve is the reverse direction, which works to obstruct the movement of the fluid, and thus increases the pressure and reduces the velocity of the flowУ цьому дослідженні була проведена робота над клапаном Тесла зі спіральною та тривимірною формою, де використовувалась різна кількість цих каналів, а також турбіна з прямим та зворотним потоком для порівняння змін, які отримують величину тиску та температури. Згідно з концепцією технології передачі теплової енергії в різних теплообмінниках виникла потреба у розробці наших технологій, що підвищують передачу цієї енергії, і ми повинні звернутися до винаходів, які сприяли розвитку системи теплопередачі та трьох енергетичних законів. Вони сприяли розвитку деяких механічних систем, де клапан Тесла вважається одним із клапанів, що мають два напрями потоку, перший – прямий, в якому значення тиску низьке, а інший – зворотний, що виникає при порушенні руху через напрям каналу в якому його можна використовувати. Ця концепція може бути використана для покращення теплопередачі. Дослідження показало, що в тих випадках, коли результати показують, що збільшення кількості каналів позитивно впливає на тиск і таким чином дає більше виходів для проходження води. У разі чотирьох каналів була отримана температура на виході 304,14 K, що є найвищою температурою, що досягається у випадках, коли напрямок потоку прямий. Значення тиску було у випадку, коли канал є чотирикутником, і значення тиску досягало 209 Па. Ці дані корисні та важливі, оскільки показник прямого виходу досяг 305,74 K для клапанів Тесла, які спроектовані таким чином, щоб дати достатньо часу для передачі тепла воді. Основним принципом клапана Тесла є зворотний напрямок, який перешкоджає руху рідини і таким чином збільшує тиск і знижує швидкість поток

    Adding colchicine to tocilizumab in hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia: An open-label randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction: Colchicine acts upstream in the cytokines cascade by inhibiting the nod-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome while interleukin 6 (IL-6) receptor antagonists, such as tocilizumab, block the end result of the cytokines cascade. Hence, adding colchicine to tocilizumab with the aim of blocking the early and end products of the cytokines cascade, might reduce the risk of developing cytokine storm. Methods and analysis: We aim to conduct an open-label randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adding colchicine to tocilizumab among patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia to reduce the rate of invasive mechanical ventilation and mortality. We will include patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia who received tocilizumab according to our local guidelines. Enrolled patients will be then randomized in 1:1 to colchicine versus no colchicine. Patients will be followed up for 30 days. The primary outcome is the rate of invasive mechanical ventilation and will be determined using Cox proportional hazard model. Discussion: Given colchicine's ease of use, low cost, good safety profile, and having different anti-inflammatory mechanism of action than other IL-6 blockade, colchicine might serve as a potential anti-inflammatory agent among patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. This study will provide valuable insights on the use of colchicine in severe COVID-19 when added to IL-6 antagonists. Ethics and dissemination: The Medical Research Center and Institutional Review Board at Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar approved the study protocol (MRC-01-21-299). Results of the analysis will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. 2022 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. All rights reserved.Scopu