290 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Internet sebagai Media Baru dalam Pembelajaran

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    The developement of information and communication technology ( ICT) has changed our way of looking at things including teaching media. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using internet in teaching and learning process

    Analisa pengaruh kualitas udara dan kelayakan investasi proyek penggantian AC pada gedung kantor PT ISM, Tbk - Div Bogasari Surabaya dengan pendekatan aspek finansial

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    The financial aspect is an important factor in any investment project. The purpose of this analysis is to be able to find out the effect on air quality and assess the feasibility of a project investment in replacing a conventional ductless ceiling AC with a Daikin VRV inverter AC. This research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, this project can provide significant energy savings and can reduce CO2 carbon emissions, which can have a better impact on air quality in the surrounding environment. There are several parameters used to review the feasibility of investing in this project, namely net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), and payback period (PP). Some of these parameters can be used to determine the project's feasibility, with the analysis yielding an NPV of IDR 791,244,535, an IRR of 5.95%, a BCR of 1,185, and a PP of 4.2 years. Based on the NPV, IRR, BCR, and PP to ensure the project's financial viability and the effect on air quality, replacing this air conditioner can reduce CO2 emissions by 23.5 tons of equivalent CO2 per year

    Determining The Location Of RMU, Using K-Means Clustering, Evaluate The Location Of Existing RMU, Using R-Programming

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    Rice milling into rice, (Rice Milling Unit, RMU) is needed to process the harvested grain into rice. In determining the location, the consideration of road access to consumers is still used and it is often far from the rice fields, the source of the grain material to be milled. This paper aims to analyze the ideal location with the consideration of being in a rice field cluster and the area of the rice field, so that it can accommodate crop yields around the cluster, namely the location of the spatial coordinates and the area (hectare). Primary data was obtained by the author from the Department of Agriculture of Malang Regency and the data was processed as input for analysis. Analysis of determining the location of the center of the rice field cluster using the Weighted K-Means Clustering method by comparing several alternative cluster points (K) and the area of rice fields, testing the variation of K is, K = 5, 6, 7 and 8. Optimal test results at K = 7. Calculations using the R language. The test results obtained that the cluster center suggested 7 clusters to accommodate the rice harvest in 7 regions, namely in the west, north (1), middle (2), south (3), east (1) and west (1 ) . Evaluation of the location of the existing RMU, there are 5 locations, so that for the next planning, you can add 2 more clusters to build the RMU and accommodate a more even rice harvest


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    This research purposes is to describing of ability to tell the idol figures with image media for junior high school students No. 10 class VII.1 in Jambi city school year 2013/2014. The methods that used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. The result research from 34 students, most of 7 students is getting value with excellent ranked, 23 students is getting with good ranked and 4 students can gets the value with standard ranked that getting on overall values 2772 with averages values 81,52 is good ranks. The conclution that using image media to tell idol figures for the junior high school students No.10 class VII.1 Jambi city school year 2013/2014 with good predicates. Keywords: speaking, idol figures, image medi

    Penggunaan Internet Sebagai Media Baru dalam Pembelajaran

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    The developement of information and communication technology ( ICT) has changed our way of looking at things including teaching media. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using internet in teaching and learning process. Key word: Internet,  media pembelajara

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha dan Agroindustri Susu Sapi Perah di Kabupaten Jember

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    The purpose of this research was to determine alternatives of development of milk production industry in Jember Regency, to design the alternatives strategy for the development of dairy agroindustry in Jember Regency, and to examine the level of the financial feasibility of dairy agroindustry in Jember Regency. The research utilized purposive sampling in three industries: Bestcow, Susu Sehat Kaliwates, and Susu Rembangan. The analysis employed the Exponential Development Method, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and financial analysis. The Exponential Development Method showed that the potential milk product of Bestcow industry was 209.781.572, pasteurization product was 6.309.948, and yogurt was 5.433.148. The Susu Sehat industry got a value of 192.298.250 milk product, pasteurization product of 4.505.828, and yogurt was 3.122.910. Rembangan industry got a value of analysis milk product was 189.872.469, pasteurization product was 6.299.604, and yogurt was 5.344.431. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis showed that availability of breeding, technology, and business development were the most priority alternative strategies to be developed.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan alternatif potensi unggulan pengembangan agroindustri olahan susu sapi perah di Kabupaten Jember, mendesain strategi alternatif pengembangan agroindustri olahan susu sapi perah di Kabupaten Jember dan menentukan tingkat kelayakan finansiil agroindustri olahan susu sapi perah di Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara purposive sampling yaitu di Perusahaan Bestcow, Susu Sehat Kaliwates dan Susu Rembangan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Metode Pengembangan Eksponensial (MPE), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan kelayakan finansial. Hasil analisis Metode Pengembangan Eksponensial (MPE) pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produk susu sapi yang paling potensial pada perusahaan Bestcow adalah susu segar kemasan 209.781.572, susu pateurisasi 6.309.948 dan yogurt 5.433.148. Pada susu sehat Kaliwates diperoleh nilai susu segar kemasan 192.298.250, pasteurisasi 4.505.828 dan yogurt 3.122.910. Susu Rembangan diperoleh nilai susu segar 189.872.469, pasteurisasi 6.299.604 dan yogurt 5.344.431. Hasil analisis Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan bibit sapi, ketersediaan teknologi pengolahan dan pengembangan kelembagaan usaha adalah strategi alternative yang paling prioritas untuk dikembangkan


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    Pantun is an Indonesian Malay literature consisting of four lines. The first and second rows are sampiran, third and fourth lines are the contents, as well as ab-ab rhyming. This research aims to describe the ability to write rhymes with quantum learning model of teaching in Class VII.C Junior High School 16 Jambi City School Year 2014/2015. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach method. The results of this research is to show based on the systematic aspects of writing, use of language, and clarity of the contents, obtained an average value of 84, so the conclution of the ability students to write rhymes are very good. Keywords : writing, pantun, quantu


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    Writing skills is one of the most important language skills mastered by students. Therefore, to achieve these skills to use one of the learning model, namely model sinektik. This model that worked well in combination with computer-based media. But in its implementation needs to consider (1) the skills of teachers and students in running the computer, (2) the availability and number of computers, and (3) availability of electric curren


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    Salah satu industri kecil yang memproduksi kacang oven di Kabupaten Jember yang cukup produktif dan sustainable yakni hanya diproduksi oleh KUB “ Seputih Jaya†di Desa Mumbulsari Kabupaten.Jember. Kemampuan produksi rata-rata mengolah bahan baku kacang tanah sebanyak  1 ton kg per hari. Salah satu kendala utama diakibatkan proses produksi pengopenenan yang membutuhkan waktu cukup lama yaitu 2x24 jam setiap kali proses produksi. Proses pengovenan kacang menggunakan peralatan yang sangat sederhana yaitu sebuah rak anyaman keranjang bambu (model  seperti  drum)  yang  berdiameter  1  meter,  tinggi  1,5  meter  dan  di bagian tengah berongga sebagai tempat memasukkan sumber panas yang menggunakan bahan bakar arang kayu. Kapasitas daya tampung masing- masing keranjang 1,5 kuintal kacang. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengimtroduksikan teknologi peanuts dryer sistem hibrid dalam proses pengovenan kacang. Metode yang digunakan yakni: rancang bangun peralatan, pembuatan, ujicoba, dan penerapan teknologi oleh UKM mitra. Kesimpulan: (a) peralatan  proses pengovenan berukuran 3x2x1,5 meter kapasitas 1 ton dengan berbahan bakar LPG dan minyak tanah (optional), (b) mempercapat proses pengovenan hanya 6 jam setiap kali proses produksi, dan (c) kualitas kacang lebih garing dan merata sehingga meningkatkan daya simpan.  Kata Kunci: Peanuts Dryer, Sistem HibridÂ
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