451 research outputs found

    Metode Penafsiran Al-Shâfi‘î Dalam Tafsîr Al-Imâm Al-Shâfi‘î

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    In the Abbasid period, the understanding of the Koran is still fairly freely, each reader has its own way to understand it. Freedom in understanding the Koran is ultimately impressed the wild, especially for those who do not master language of Koran. Therefore, at that time the scholars took the initiative to make the rules in the understanding of the Koran. Al-Shâfi‘î began drafting rules neatly in the form of scientific discourse that ultimately became a reference for commentators to understand the Koran. With his expertise, al-Shâfi‘î interprets the verses of the Koran by some combination of the two methods of flow on the body of Muslims at that time. The second stream is the hadîth experts and the rational. Seeing the importance of the interpretation of al-Shâfi‘î, Islamic scholars vying to compile the results of the interpretation of al-Shâfi‘î spread sporadically in his works, so comes the book Ahkâm al-Qur'ân li al-Imâm al-Shâfi‘î created by Bayhaqî, Tafsîr al-Imâm al-Shâfi‘î created by al-Shaurî, and the Tafsîr al-Imâm al-Shâfi‘î created by al-Farran. This paper will explore the history of the Tafsîr al-Shâfi‘î, al-Shâfi‘î's method of interpreting the Koran, and the characteristic that distinguishes it from the others commentators

    Islam Dan Hak Asasi Manusia: Penegakan Dan Problem Ham Di Indonesia

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    : Islam and Human Right: Its Application and Problems in Indonesia. This paper explains the compatibility of Islam and human rights as well as efforts to protect human rights in Indonesia as a Muslim country. This paper thus rejects the opinion of a number of observers about the incompatibility or conflict between Islam and human rights just because of the fact that the majority of Muslim countries does not fully protect and enforce human rights. Since the beginning, Islam has recognized the protection of human rights, which were then formulated by the ulama with the concept of maqâsid al-sharî‘ah (objectives of shari'ah). As a Muslim country, Indonesia in the Reform era has committed to the protection and enforcement of human rights in line with the implementation of substantive democracy. Yet there remain a number of problems or obstacles in the protection of human rights caused by several factors, be they substantive, structural or cultural. The government, parliament as well as civil society and religious organizations have conducted efforts to solve the problems and obstacles


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    Penelitian ini memaparkan tentang karakteristik dan kognisi mahasiswa program studi pendidikan teknik bangunan dalam pelaksanaan program pengalaman lapangan. Hal ini dilatar belakangi karena rendahnya kompetensi kepribadian mahasiswa dan kurangnya pengenalan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) kepada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (Prodi PTB), Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Sipil (DPTS), Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan (FPTK), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bandung. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran karakteristik dan kognisi mahasiswa Prodi PTB dalam pelaksanaan PPL. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Instrumen pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angket. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 57 orang dari jumlah populasi 182 orang. Sampel didapatkan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Angket disebarkan pada 50 orang mahasiswa Prodi PTB yang telah melaksanakan PPL, yaitu mahasiswa angkatan 2015. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan pada karakteristik mahasiswa Prodi PTB didominasi oleh mahasiswa yang memilih karakter ekstrovert yang merasakan menggunakan indra, membuat keputusan dengan berpikir dan melihat dunia luar dengan penilaian. Serta sebagian besar mahasiswa Prodi PTB memiliki aspek kognisi yang baik.;--This research describes the characteristics and cognition of students in building engineering education programs in the implementation of field experience programs. This is motivated by the low competence of students' personalities and the lack of introduction of the Field Experience Program (PPL) to students. This research was conducted at the Building Engineering Education Programs (PTB Study Program), Department of Civil Engineering Education (DPTS), Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK), Indonesian Education University (UPI), Bandung. This research aims to find out the description of the characteristics and cognition of PTB Study Program students in implementing PPL. This research is descriptive quantitative research. Data collection instruments using a questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 57 people from a population of 182 people. Samples were obtained by using purposive sampling technique. The questionnaire was distributed to 50 PTB Study Program students who had implemented PPL, namely the 2015 class year students. The results of this research stated that the characteristics of PTB Study Program students were dominated by students who chose extroverted characters who felt using their senses, making decisions by thinking and seeing the outside world with judgment. And most PTB Study Program students have good cognitive aspects


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    The theme of democracy is one of the themes that is still interesting to discuss. Various works that deal with democracy have been produced - both by Islamic thinkers and Westerners. Since the arrival of the West to the Islamic world, and along with the progress of the West today, then something that comes from the West has always been an indicator of progress. For this claim so that many countries feel it is important to "follow" - whether directly or indirectly - all forms of progress that have been achieved by the West - including the theme of democracy


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    Musharakah mutanaqisah contract is a form of contract solutions murabahah  formerly used as a mortgage financing agreement with Bank Muamalat Indonesia.The implementation of the contract musharakah mutanaqisah on mortgage financing product is a form of cooperation partnerships undertaken by the bank and the customer in the housing where the bank contributes funds to customers based on mutual agreement. Whereas ijarah contract is an aggrement which is obligated to client to pay a number of rent payment which was given by side of bank as the service because it has become the object of utilizing home mortgage financing is accompanied by the transfer of ownership of the house at the end of the full payment. Thus, the study of Islamic law in the implementation of the contract musharakah mutanaqisah has met its validity, because its pillars and conditions have been met

    MOTIF PEREMPUAN DI SURABAYA DALAM MENONTON TAYANGAN PIALA LA LIGA 2012-2013 DI TRANS TV (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Tentang Motif Perempuan Di Surabaya Dalam Menonton Tayangan Piala La Liga 2012-2013 Di Trans TV)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the motive in watching teens Surabaya cup La Liga 2012-2013 in Trans TV. The theory used in this study are: Uses and Gratification theory, and the theory of needs. Methods of data analysis in this study using frequency tables and data from the research to be further analyzed by descriptive of any questions. The population in this study were women aged 15-24 years in the city of Surabaya is watching tayanga 2012-2013 La Liga trophy in Trans Tv. The sampling technique used in this study is accidental sampling. Based on the analysis of the data showed that women in Surabaya has motives that are the 2012-2013 la liga trophy event in the Trans. Further conclusions can be drawn from this study is that the four motifs observed that cognitive motives, personal identity, integration and social interaction and entertainment motifs in middle category means that women aged 15-24 years in Surabaya has other motives than the above or just just for fun without any motive that encourages women to looking. Keywords: Motif, La Liga Cup 2012-2013, Wome

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Barcode Terintegrasi Database Online sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Keamanan dan Ketertiban Lingkungan di Desa Wonoayu Kabupaten Malang

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    Perlindungan Masyarakat di Desa Wonoayu Kecamatan Wajak, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, memiliki anggota sebanyak 31 orang. Pada era New Normal, Desa Wonoayu memiliki sistem keamanan yang belum memadai. Hasil survei menunjukan bahwa anggota Linmas belum terbiasa menggunakan istilah Barcode dan Google Form dalam memeriksa warga luar yang masuk ke dalam Desa Wonoayu. Kegiatan sosialisasi dalam Pemanfaatan Teknologi Barcode diharapkan dapat membantu anggota Linmas untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara menggunakan teknologi tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan sistem keamanan dan ketertiban warga di Desa Wonoayu. Dengan meningkatnya sistem keamanan dan ketertiban, maka dapat memenuhi kriteria dalam Kampung Tangguh yang ada di Desa Wonoayu, yaitu Tangguh Keamanan dan Ketertiban. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini dilakukan di Balai Desa Wonoayu, diikuti oleh beberapa anggota Linmas. Dalam kegiatan ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode interaktif dan demonstrasi. Setelah kegiatan sosialisasi dilakukan, menunjukkan antusiasme para anggota Linmas untuk mempraktikkan cara menggunakan barcode dan Google form

    Hukum Menghadirkan Saksi Pada Transaksi Utang Piutang Perspektif Muhammad Abduh

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    Debt Receivable In Islam is a Jaiz thing or is allowed, but Islam regulates the systematic debt indebtedness. Fluctuations in economic conditions sometimes force someone to borrow money. The loan application is usually diverse, ranging from official financial institutions such as banking or any dimension online. However, there are also some circles who prefer to borrow on friends and relatives. Not without reason, the loan is certainly no frills interest and any collateral. As long as mutual trust, loans will certainly be given. Unfortunately, however, many are abusing the belief by not paying the debt on time. In fact, there are also deliberately pretending to forget

    LAPORAN KEGIATAN PRAKTIK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN (PPL) DI SMK NEGERI 2 WONOSARI Jl. KH. Agus Salim No. 17, Ledoksari, Kepek,Yogyakarta 55813Telp (0274) 391019, 392454

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    Kegiatan PPL (praktik pengalaman lapangan) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib di tempuh bagi mahasiswa yang mengambil gelar atau jenjang program studi kependidikan S1. Dalam menyiapkan dan menghasilkan tenaga kerja kependidikan (calon guru) yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampiulan pedagogik yang profesional. Dalam kegiatan PPL UNY 2015 kali ini dilaksanakan di sekolah menengah kejuruan negeri 2 wonosari, yang beralamatkan di Jalan K.H. Agus Salim No.17, Ledoksari, Kepek, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Kegiatan PPL yang dilaksanakan meliputi beberapa tahap yaitu tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Kegiatan persiapan dimulai dengan observasi, pembelajaran, konsultasi guru bimbingan, dan mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa administrasi guru seperti RPP, Silabus, Modul, Buku Kerja Guru, Dan Media Pembelajaran. Penulis pada PPL kali ini diberikan amanat mengampu materi kompetensi kejuruan ‘’Teknik Pemesinan Frais’’ meliputi teori dan praktikum di bengkel. Praktik mengajar di laksanakan pada 15 Agustus setelah pada tanggal 10 Agustus diadakan penerjunan PPL ke sekolah. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan disampaikan bahwa sekolah menggunakan kurikulum 2013 dan untuk teknik pemesinan frais total jam perminggunya ialah 8 jam. Mahasiswa mendapat banyak pengalaman dalam mencari ilmu tentang bagaimana menjadi seorang guru yang memiliki kompetensi yang sesuai. Pengalaman nyata yang didapat dalam belajar dan bertindak merupakan pengalaman yang berharga. Sebagai guru memperoleh pengalaman berupa kegiatan persiapan mengajar dan pengelolaan kelas. Penulis menyarankan dalam kegiatan teori maupun praktik harus didukung dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai untuk setiap siswa terutama pada saat praktik. Dalam bimbingan PPL supaya di jelaskan dari awal terkait dosen pembimbing dari kampus agar dapat segera berkonsultasi terkait kegiatan PPL UNY 2015. Terhadap guru pembimbing supaya benar-benar membimbing dan mengarahkan terhadap mahasiswa PPL yang sedang melaksanakan pembelajaran. Sehingga mahasiswa benar-benar dibekali dengan kemampuan praktik menjadi seorang guru yang handal dan profesional serta memiliki kompetensi sebagai guru yang sesuai
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