6 research outputs found

    Utilization and Accessibility for Pedestrian Bridges at Ahmad Yani and Sugiyapranata Street, Semarang

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    Abstract. The pedestrian bridge is a facility built to provide comfort and safety for a pedestrian. The pedestrian bridge can also be interpreted as a pedestrian facility to cross busy and full roads, cross highway road, or railroad line so that the flow of circulation people and vehicles can be separated and minimize accidents. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the pedestrian bridge in Semarang has met the standards, at the Ahmad Yani street, the pedestrian bridge there are still many who do not use these facilities. The method used is qualitative research with direct observation methods. As a result, the two pedestrian bridges do not safety and comfort standards, so the level utilization is lower (about 27-37%). Keywords: pedestrian, pedestrian bridge, accessibility, disabled people, stree

    Analysis of Seismic Attributes and Band-Limited Inversion for Re-Determining The Hydrocarbon Prospect Zone in Data F3 Netherland

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prospect zone of hydrocarbons in Dutch F3 field by utilizing seismic attribute analysis and band-limited inversion. The research data used comes from open source that can be downloaded at opendtect.com. Data processing uses Humpson Russel Software (HRS) to perform well to seismic tie and inversion. Interactive Petrophysics Software for well data analysis, crossplot and potential hydrocarbon estimates, and Petrel Software for well tie load data and seismic attribute analysis. Re-determination of the hydrocarbon prospecting zone includes data selection, log and seismic data processing, horizon and fault interpretation, time structure map and depth structure map, and seismic attribute analysis. From each of these stages will be integrated analyzed on the results of workmanship and geological interpretation of the sustainability of the top reservoir target. Based on the results of clay volume analysis using IP software with Gamma Ray as input parameters, it can be seen that the well that has the biggest prospect is the well F02-1 (774-919 meters) and F06-1 (770-825 meters). This is because the volume of sand in the prospect zone of both wells is larger than the other two wells. The hydrocarbon target depth is in the time to 250 to 500 second (time map structure) or 550 meters (depth conversion) with reservoir lithology in the form of shaly sand with gas fluid as filler

    Recent Progress in Extending the Cycle-Life of Secondary Zn-Air Batteries

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    Secondary Zn-air batteries with stable voltage and long cycle-life are of immediate interest to meet global energy storage needs at various scales. Although primary Zn-air batteries have been widely used since the early 1930s, large-scale development of electrically rechargeable variants has not been fully realized due to their short cycle-life. In this work, we review some of the most recent and effective strategies to extend the cycle-life of Zn-air batteries. Firstly, diverse degradation routes in Zn-air batteries will be discussed, linking commonly observed failure modes with the possible mechanisms and root causes. Next, we evaluate the most recent and effective strategies aimed at tackling individual or multiple of these degradation routes. Both aspects of cell architecture design and materials engineering of the electrodes and the electrolytes will be thoroughly covered. Finally, we offer our perspective on how the cycle-life of Zn-air batteries can be extended with concerted and tailored research directions to pave the way for their use as the most promising secondary battery system of the future

    3D Resistivity Data Modelling to Identify Aquifer Geometry by Qualitative Analysis (Field Study: PDAM Surabaya Groundwater Conservation Area, Pasuruan)

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    The resistivity method is one of the geophysical methods used to identify the aquifer layer by utilizing the rock response to the flow of electric current. This method considered more effective and can give a good subsurface cross-section, especially the fluid response. In this research, 3D modelling for identify geometry of subsurface geological structures of this study focus in three area (Plintahan, Duren Sewu, and Karangjati) using 2D resistivity data. Data Measurement of 2D resistivity using Wenner-Schlumberger configuration with length of each line is 155 meters and the target depth is 30 meters. The purpose of this configuration is to get an inverse with a resolution that is good to the lateral and vertical. The results show that the types of rocks in the research area was clay, sand and sandy shale with resistivity value 50-150 ohm-meter where sand rocks interpreted as aquifer rocks at depths of 2-7 meters and a thickness of 2-5 meters. The result of the resulting 3D modelling showed that the aquifer layer in Plintahan area showed the geological continuity with anticline geometry, in another area the aquifer layer in Durensewu - Karang Jati area showed the aquifer geometry prediction but there is no continuity of the structure of each other

    Pengaruh Tegangan Rf (Radio Frequency) Pada Plasma Oksigen Terhadap Jenis Spesies Plasma Dan Sifat Hidrofobisitas Permukaan Polistirena Menggunakan Optical Emission Spectroscopy (Oes)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang perlakuan plasma oksigen pada permukaan polistirena di atas Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM). Lapisan polistirena dideposisi dengan metode spin coating dengan menggunakan pelarut toluena. Perlakuan plasma oksigen dibangkitkan pada tegangan RF yang divariasi pada 60 V, 70 V, 80 V, 90 V, dan 100 V, dan parameter lain dibuat tetap pada tekanan 40 Pa dan laju alir gas 40 ml/menit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui spesies plasma yang berperanan pada proses perubahan sifat hidrofobisitas permukaan polistirena serta hubungan parameter plasma temperatur dan densitas elektron. Sifat hidrofobisitas permukaan ditentukan dengan mengukur sudut kontak menggunakan contact angle measurement. Plasma oksigen dikarakterisasi menggunakan Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) untuk menentukan parameter plasma. Hasil spektrum OES ditentukan dengan database NIST dan temperatur elektron dengan menggunakan grafik Boltzmann dan densitas elektron menggunakan pelebaran Stark. Spesies plasma dominan yang terdeteksi merupakan spesies OI (oksigen atom) pada panjang gelombang 774 nm dan 841 nm. Intensitas plasma oksigen mengalami kenaikan sebanding dengan meningkatnya tegangan RF. Hasil pengukuran sudut kontak menunjukkan permukaan polistirena setelah di lakukan perlakukan plasma menunjukkan penurunan sudut kontak yang menunjukkan permukaan berubah menjadi hidrofilik. Temperatur elektron dan densitas elektron mengalami kenaikan sebanding dengan meningkatnya tegangan RF