742 research outputs found

    A Time-Triggered Constraint-Based Calculus for Avionic Systems

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    The Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architec- ture and the Time-Triggered Ethernet (TTEthernet) network have emerged as the key components of a typical architecture model for recent civil aircrafts. We propose a real-time constraint-based calculus targeted at the analysis of such concepts of avionic embedded systems. We show our framework at work on the modelisation of both the (IMA) architecture and the TTEthernet network, illustrating their behavior by the well-known Flight Management System (FMS)

    A Study of the British Approach to Conservation With Particular Reference to Edinburgh and a Comparison With French Practice

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    The first part deals with the origins and development of conservation philosophy in Britain and in France The second part looks to the changes and priorities in the legislation providing the conservation policy which reflects the change in attitude towards the buildings of the past. The third part looks at the network of official and private organisations involved in conservation. The fourth part deals with character since it is the most difficult factor to define in conservation philosophy. Finally, two case studies are examined: From Britain, Edinburgh particularly the Old Town. From France, the area of Paris known as "The Marais." The conclusion considers the impact of the different natural approches on the built fabric of cities with regard to conservation

    The circular economy in the spanish port infrastructure. A comparison with the european context

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2020/202

    Parallel LQP alternating direction method for solving variational inequality problems with separable structure

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    In this paper, we propose a logarithmic-quadratic proximal alternating direction method for structured variational inequalities. The predictor is obtained by solving series of related systems of nonlinear equations, and the new iterate is obtained by a convex combination of the previous point and the one generated by a projection-type method along a new descent direction. Global convergence of the new method is proved under certain assumptions. Preliminary numerical experiments are included to verify the theoretical assertions of the proposed method.Qatar University Start-Up Grant: QUSG-CAS-DMSP-13/14-8.Scopu

    Direct Observation of Interband Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Two-Dimensional Electron System

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    We report the direct observation of interband spin-orbit (SO) coupling in a two-dimensional (2D) surface electron system, in addition to the anticipated Rashba spin splitting. Using angle-resolved photoemission experiments and first-principles calculations on Bi/Ag/Au heterostructures we show that the effect strongly modifies the dispersion as well as the orbital and spin character of the 2D electronic states, thus giving rise to considerable deviations from the Rashba model. The strength of the interband SO coupling is tuned by the thickness of the thin film structures

    Business Continuity Plan facing COVID-19: From necessity to Alterities

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    Exactly two months after the first case in Wuhan, China, towards the end of 2019, the gap between the carriers of the virus and the epidemiological situation is growing just like a sword of Damocles over the heads of systems and nations around the world. Due to its spread, this pandemic has also challenged enterprises’ operational capacity and market presence. In such a context, a question arises: did companies manage the pandemic effectively? Through this question, this article aims to explore the problematic relationship between the Covidian context and businesses and, along the way, understand why while facing Covid-19 and its multiple effects some businesses win and others lose. For this purpose, it seems opportune, first of all, to identify the multiple effects inherent in Covid-19, in order to better interpret the sensitivity of companies to the weight of the crisis, and thirdly, to specify how certain companies have managed to organize their activity and adapt to health contingencies thanks to the business continuity plan, while others have experienced great difficulties (namely making negative financial results, or cutting jobs to reduce costs, temporally or totally stopping their operations, or even declaring their bankruptcy). The impact of this pandemic has allowed us to determine a new way of comparison between companies: differentiation based on the use or the disuse of the business continuity plan as the ideal solution to manage and overcome this crisis by guaranteeing the preparation, the proactivity and the rapid recovery of activities. Therefore, this plan helped the companies to maintain in the market without cutting jobs or shutting down their doors.Exactly two months after the first case in Wuhan, China, towards the end of 2019, the gap between the carriers of the virus and the epidemiological situation is growing just like a sword of Damocles over the heads of systems and nations around the world. Due to its spread, this pandemic has also challenged enterprises’ operational capacity and market presence. In such a context, a question arises: did companies manage the pandemic effectively? Through this question, this article aims to explore the problematic relationship between the Covidian context and businesses and, along the way, understand why while facing Covid-19 and its multiple effects some businesses win and others lose. For this purpose, it seems opportune, first of all, to identify the multiple effects inherent in Covid-19, in order to better interpret the sensitivity of companies to the weight of the crisis, and thirdly, to specify how certain companies have managed to organize their activity and adapt to health contingencies thanks to the business continuity plan, while others have experienced great difficulties (namely making negative financial results, or cutting jobs to reduce costs, temporally or totally stopping their operations, or even declaring their bankruptcy). The impact of this pandemic has allowed us to determine a new way of comparison between companies: differentiation based on the use or the disuse of the business continuity plan as the ideal solution to manage and overcome this crisis by guaranteeing the preparation, the proactivity and the rapid recovery of activities. Therefore, this plan helped the companies to maintain in the market without cutting jobs or shutting down their doors

    The influence of psychology on investment decision-making

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    Classical or standard finance has shown certain limitations, particularly in explaining and predicting stock market dysfunction. Behavioral finance offers a complimentary perspective to the analysis of this dysfunction by integrating the psychology of the investor. It brings together several fields such as psychology, even sociology or anthropology and tries to integrate it with economics. It has shown the existence of many behavioral factors that often follow the decision-making of decision makers or investors. Thus, behavioral finance combines psychological, behavioral and cognitive theories with economics and finance in order to understand the irrationality of investors in their decision-making. According to classical financial theory (Tobin 1958, Markowitz 1959 and Alexander 1961), humans are most often rational and logical in maximizing their wealth and making decisions. It has been attested by several researchers and scientists that human beings are capable of making complex analyses and decisions based on the conclusions they draw, but this puts them under many constraints that sometimes lead them to make shortcuts and rely on their intuition. Otherwise, the human being is not a machine that analyzes and gives a verdict according to a previously studied program. Researchers in economics and finance (Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky Who Won the Nobel Prize in Economics with Their Prospect Theory in 2002) have concluded that factors such as mood and psychology influence decision-making. Added to this are the discrepancies between reality and perception, between a past event and one's memory of it. Thus, the purpose of this article is to provide a literature review covering as many aspects as possible, including biases and heuristics. Then, we will focus on the contribution of behavioral finance and the impact of emotions on decision-making.     JEL Classification: G4 – G40 – G41 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchLa finance classique ou standard a montré certaines limites, notamment pour l’explication et la prédiction des dysfonctionnements boursiers. La finance comportementale offre une perspective complémentaire à l’analyse de ce dysfonctionnement en intégrant la psychologie de l'investisseur. Elle regroupe plusieurs domaines comme la psychologie, voire de la sociologie ou l’anthropologie et essaye de l’intégrer à l’économie. Elle a montré l’existence de nombreux facteurs comportementaux qui suivent souvent la prise de décision chez les décideurs ou les investisseurs. Donc la finance comportementale associe les théories psychologiques, comportementales et cognitives à l'économie et la finance afin de comprendre l’irrationalité des investisseurs lors de leurs prises de décisions. Selon la théorie financière classique (Tobin 1958, Markowitz 1959 et Alexander 1961), les hommes sont le plus souvent, rationnels et logiques dans la maximisation de leur richesse et la prise de décision. Il a été attesté par plusieurs chercheurs et scientifiques que l’être humain est capable de faire des analyses complexes et de prendre des décisions suite aux conclusions qu’il en tire, ceci le met en confrontation à de nombreuses contraintes qui l’amènent parfois à faire des raccourcis, et à se baser sur son intuition. Autrement, l’être humain n’est pas une machine qui analyse et donne un verdict selon un programme étudié au préalable. Les chercheurs en économie et en finance (Daniel Kahneman et Amos Tversky qui ont obtenu le prix Nobel d’économie avec sa théorie des perspectives en 2002) ont conclu que certains facteurs comme l’humeur et la psychologie influencent la prise de décisions. On ajoute à cela les écarts entre la réalité et la perception de celle-ci, entre un événement passé et le souvenir qu’il en a. Ainsi, l'objet de cet article est de fournir une revue de littérature couvrant le plus de volets possibles, comprend les biais et les heuristiques. Ensuite, on va mettre l'accent sur l'apport de la finance comportementale et l’impact des émotions sur la prise de décision.     JEL Classification: G4 – G40 – G41 Paper type: Theoretical Researc

    Methods of using silica-titania clad fibers

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    Methods of delivering laser energy for medical procedures or industrial processes using an optical fiber having a core formed of a highly transmissive silica-based glass core and an outermost cladding layer of silica-titania glass


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    The mixture unified gradient theory of elasticity is invoked for the rigorous analysis of the dynamic characteristics of elastic nanobeams. A consistent variational framework is established and the boundary-value problem of dynamic equilibrium enriched with proper form of the extra non-standard boundary conditions is detected. As a well-established privilege of the stationary variational theorems, the constitutive laws of the resultant fields cast as differential relations. The wave dispersion response of elastic nano-sized beams is analytically addressed and the closed form solution of the phase velocity is determined. The free vibrations of the mixture unified gradient elastic beam is, furthermore, analytically studied. The dynamic characteristics of elastic nanobeams is numerically evaluated, graphically illustrated, and commented upon. The efficacy of the established augmented elasticity theory in realizing the softening and stiffening responses of nano-sized beams is evinced. New numerical benchmark is detected for dynamic analysis of elastic nanobeams. The established mixture unified gradient elasticity model provides a practical approach to tackle dynamics of nano-structures in pioneering MEMS/NEMS