147 research outputs found

    Comportement en flexion de poutres tubulaires rectangulaires (en polymÚre renforcé de fibres) en béton armé et post-contraintes : études expérimentale et analytique

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    Abstract : Corrosion damage is recognized as a crucial factor for existing concrete bridge girders and corresponding consequences are significant. A promising solution has recently been proposed using posttensioned (PT) concrete-filled fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tubes (CFFTs) to effectively improve the performance of new concrete structures. Despite this system demonstrated benefits in terms of improving structural behavior, there still is a lack of research, including the functional reliability of posttensioned rectangular CFFT members. Moreover, there are no code provisions for the flexural design of PT rectangular CFFT members. To achieve their broad-based implementation in civil infrastructures, understanding of their flexural behavior is essential. This study presents the results of a comprehensive test program that was aimed at investigating the flexural behavior of rectangular CFFT beams posttensioned with unbonded steel tendons to address the knowledge research gaps in this field. The tests intend to simulate a number of design parameters, which are mainly governed by flexural loading. Fifteen full-size beams with internal steel bars were tested, including thirteen PT CFFTs and two PT concrete beams along with one non-PT CFFT from the literature for comparison. The investigated parameters are i) GFRP tube thickness ranged from 6.0 mm to 12.3 mm; ii) Tube fiber structural laminate; iii) Tube confinement versus steel stirrups; iv) Number of prestressing tendons and level of prestressing; v) Concrete compressive strength [(normal and high strength concrete (NSC and HSC)]; vi) Total reinforcement index; vii) Attaching a thin Carbon FRP-laminated embedded in tension flange and its ratio; and viii) Loading scheme (static and cyclic). Moreover, an analytical study was conducted to develop a model to predict the ultimate strength of prestressed CFFT members. The model is based on strain compatibility and force equilibrium, which account for the material constitutive relationships for FRP tube laminates, steel strands, and non-linearity of concrete. The accuracy of the proposed model is also verified against the experimental results. Finally, a new design equation, as an extension to AASHTO (2012) equation, is also established based on a regression analysis of the test results to predict the ultimate flexural capacity of the tested beams, which significantly impacts the design practice of such members. The experimental results demonstrated the feasibility and construction of rectangular CFFTs posttensioned with steel tendons. The test results indicated that rectangular CFFT beams prestressed with unbonded steel strands could effectively replace conventional members made from traditional materials or identical rectangular CFFT without prestressing, in terms of similar or better structural performance. The ïŹ‚exural behavior of the tested PT CFFT beams is highly depended on the FRP tube confinement, laminate, thickness, and attaching a thin Carbon FRP-laminated embedded in tension flange, and to a much less extent, on the magnitude of the prestress level, the number of strands, concrete strength, and loading scheme. Furthermore, it was found that neglecting concrete conïŹnement in the proposed model highly underestimates the ïŹ‚exural strength. The promising results of this study can provide the impetus for constructing a new sustainable and high-performance hybrid structural rectangular PT CFFT elements.Les dommages des infrastructures en bĂ©ton dus Ă  la corrosion reprĂ©sentent un facteur crucial pour les poutres de pont en bĂ©ton et les consĂ©quences associĂ©es Ă  ces dommages sont trĂšs importantes. MalgrĂ© les avantages Ă©vidents de ce systĂšme en termes d'amĂ©lioration du comportement structural et de durabilitĂ©, il y a encore un grand manque de donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales et de modĂ©lisation, y compris la faisabilitĂ© fonctionnelle des Ă©lĂ©ments tubes en polymĂšre renforcĂ© de fibres (PRF) et remplis de bĂ©ton (TPRB) rectangulaires PC. De plus, il n'y a pas de normes pour la conception en flexion de ces Ă©lĂ©ments. Pour parvenir Ă  la mise Ă  l’échelle et Ă  l’introduction de ces Ă©lĂ©ments TPRB dans les infrastructures civiles, la comprĂ©hension et la modĂ©lisation de leur comportement en flexion est indispensable. Étant la toute premiĂšre Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale sur le sujet, cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats d'un programme expĂ©rimental visant Ă  Ă©tudier le comportement en flexion des poutres TPRB rectangulaires PC (avec des tendons en acier post-tensionnĂ©s) pour combler la lacune de recherche susmentionnĂ©e. Le programme expĂ©rimental vise Ă  simuler un certain nombre de paramĂštres de conception des TPRB-PC. Treize poutres (Ă  Ă©chelle rĂ©elle, incorporant des barres d’armature en acier) dont douze TPRB rectangulaires PC, deux poutres en bĂ©ton armĂ© conventionnel et PC et une poutre TPRB sans post-tension (pour comparaison) ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es. Les principaux paramĂštres Ă©tudiĂ©s sont : (i) l'Ă©paisseur du tube GFRP variant de 6,0 mm Ă  12,3 mm; (ii) l’orientation et l’empilement des couches des fibres dans les tubes ; (iii) le confinement par des tubes par rapport aux Ă©triers en acier dans les poutres conventionnelles; (iv) le nombre de tendons et le niveau de prĂ©contrainte ; (v) la rĂ©sistance Ă  la compression du bĂ©ton [bĂ©ton normal (BO) et bĂ©ton Ă  haute rĂ©sistance (BHP)] ; (vi) l'indice de renforcement total; (vii) l’effet de l’intĂ©gration d’une fine lamelle de carbone en PRF dans une la zone tendue du tube en PRF; et (viii) type de chargement (statique et cyclique). De plus, une Ă©tude analytique a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle permettant de prĂ©dire la force ultime des Ă©lĂ©ments TPRB-PC. Le modĂšle est basĂ© sur la compatibilitĂ© des contraintes et l'Ă©quilibre des forces, qui tiennent compte des relations constitutives des matĂ©riaux (laminĂ©s de tubes FRP, tondons d'acier, et la non-linĂ©aritĂ© du bĂ©ton). La prĂ©cision du modĂšle proposĂ© est Ă©galement vĂ©rifiĂ©e par rapport aux rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux. Enfin, une nouvelle Ă©quation de conception, en tant qu'extension de l'Ă©quation de l'AASHTO (2012), est Ă©galement Ă©tablie (sur la base d'une analyse de rĂ©gression des rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux) pour prĂ©dire la capacitĂ© de flexion ultime des poutres TPRB-PC testĂ©es, ce qui pourra avoir un impact significatif sur la pratique de conception des Ă©lĂ©ments TPRB-PC. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux ont dĂ©montrĂ© la faisabilitĂ© des Ă©lĂ©ments TPRB PC avec des tendons d'acier. Les rĂ©sultats ont ainsi indiquĂ© que les poutres TPRB PC peuvent effectivement remplacer les Ă©lĂ©ments conventionnels fabriquĂ©s Ă  partir de matĂ©riaux traditionnels ainsi que les TPRB sans prĂ© ou post-tension, tout en dĂ©montrant des performances structurales nettement supĂ©rieures. Le comportement en flexion des poutres TPRB -PC testĂ©es dĂ©pend fortement du confinement des tubes en PRF, de la sĂ©quence d’enroulement et de l’orientation des fibres, de l'Ă©paisseur et de l’intĂ©gration d'une mince couche de laminĂ© en PRF de carbone et, dans une moindre mesure, de l'ampleur du niveau de post-tension, du nombre de torons, de la rĂ©sistance du bĂ©ton et du type de chargement. En outre, il a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ© que le fait de nĂ©gliger l’effet de confinement du bĂ©ton dans le modĂšle proposĂ© sous-estime fortement la rĂ©sistance en flexion. Les rĂ©sultats prometteurs de cette Ă©tude peuvent promouvoir la construction des structures hybrides (faites Ă  partie des TPRB rectangulaires PC) plus durables et plus performantes

    Challenges facing women living with HIV in Upper Egypt

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    This research aims to identify challenges that face women living with HIV in Upper Egypt in order to help policy makers and different stakeholders to overcome those challenges. Interviews with women living with HIV from different governorates in Upper Egypt were conducted. In addition, this research included interviews with national AIDS program officials and NGOs managers to obtain different perspectives about the condition of women living with HIV. Women represent half of people living with HIV around the world. The burden of disease on women is even more challenging in many countries due to gender inequality. The effect of culture in Upper Egypt on women living with HIV was an added value to this research as there is shortage in researches that tackled this problem in this particular area in Egypt. Despite efforts to fight HIV in Egypt and to reduce stigma and discrimination, women living with HIV in Upper Egypt face many challenges. What are those challenges and how can Egypt overcome them? Main findings included that women living with HIV in Upper Egypt need a stigma free reproductive health services. They need to disclose about their illness without fear of stigma. Women face many difficulties to access reproductive health services upon disclosure about their status. Women might transfer the virus to their children due to mismanagement of their cases or lack of proper services in health care provision during child birth. Moreover, there is a shortage in the services provided for PLHIV in Upper Egypt including medicationsñ€ℱ distributing centers and laboratory tests. Finally, there is a pressing social stigma against PLHIV which results in low utilization of testing services

    Comparison of Sumudu and Laplace decomposition method for solving fractional Lane-Emden type differential equations

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    In this work we discuss the solution of delay differential equations of  the fractional order of Lane-Emden type equation using Sumudu and Laplace transforms with decomposition method , definitions and some useful theorems are stated

    Fc-Engineered Therapeutic Antibodies: Recent Advances and Future Directions.

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    Monoclonal therapeutic antibodies have revolutionized the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Fc engineering aims to enhance the effector functions or half-life of therapeutic antibodies by modifying their Fc regions. Recent advances in the Fc engineering of modern therapeutic antibodies can be considered the next generation of antibody therapy. Various strategies are employed, including altering glycosylation patterns via glycoengineering and introducing mutations to the Fc region, thereby enhancing Fc receptor or complement interactions. Further, Fc engineering strategies enable the generation of bispecific IgG-based heterodimeric antibodies. As Fc engineering techniques continue to evolve, an expanding portfolio of Fc-engineered antibodies is advancing through clinical development, with several already approved for medical use. Despite the plethora of Fc-based mutations that have been analyzed in in vitro and in vivo models, we focus here in this review on the relevant Fc engineering strategies of approved therapeutic antibodies to finetune effector functions, to modify half-life and to stabilize asymmetric bispecific IgGs

    Effect of particle morphology on film cracking

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    233 p.With the aim of reducing VOC emissions and producing more sustainable coatings and adhesives, solvent borne polymers are gradually being replaced by water-based alternatives. However, the mechanical properties of water borne systems are typically not as good as those of solvent borne products due to differences in the film formation process.The thesis aimed at shedding some light on film formation and cracking problem to be able to design soft core-hard “shell” latexes that yield VOC and crack free, mechanically strong coatings that can be cast at low temperatures. These are particles consisting of a soft core covered by patches of hard polymer. Different strategies have been used to overcome the film formation and cracking problem like . A mathematical model for cracking prediction and stress calculation during drying of aqueous dispersions of soft core-hard “shell” particles was developed. The model solved numerically the incompressible Navier-Stokes and continuity equations using COMSOL Multiphysics. The model was validated with experimental data. A good agreement between experimental results and model predictions was achieved.The results presented in this work highlight that careful design of soft core-hard “shell" polymer dispersions allows overcoming the film formation dilemma frequently found in water borne coatingsIndustrial Liaison Program in Polymerization in Dispersed Media POLYMAT


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    This paper presents the test results of an experimental study aimed at investigating the axial behaviour of CFFT columns internally reinforced with steel and FRP bars. A total of eight reinforced concrete (RC) and concrete-filled FRP tube (CFFT) columns were constructed and tested until failure. All columns had 1900-mm in height and 213-mm in diameter. The test parameters were: (1) internal reinforcement type (steel, glass FRP (GFRP), or carbon FRP (CFRP) bars) and amount, (2) GFRP tube thicknesses, and (3) nature of axial loading type (i.e. monotonic and cyclic). The experimental results revealed that the CFFT columns reinforced with GFRP bars exhibited similar responses compared to their counterparts reinforced with steel bars with no significant difference in terms of ultimate axial strength and strain capacities. Providing the GFRP tubes of the CFFT columns significantly enhanced the strength and strain capacities and attributed to change the mode of failure from axially dominated material failure (for the control columns) to instability failure (for the CFFT columns). Furthermore, the envelop curve of the CFFT reinforced column tested under axial cyclic loading is almost identical to the axial stress-strain curve of the same specimen tested under axial monotonic loading. However, the ultimate axial and hoop rupture strain was slightly larger for the specimen subjected to axial cyclic loading. Finally, using FRP bars instead of conventional steel bars in the CFFT columns can provide a step forward to develop a promising totally corrosion-free new structural system

    On some generalizations of certain retarded nonlinear integral inequalities with iterated integrals and an application in retarded differential equation

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate some new nonlinear retarded integral inequalities of Gronwall–Bellman–Pachpatte type. These inequalities generalize some former famous inequalities and can be used as handy tools to study the qualitative as well as the quantitative properties of solutions of some nonlinear retarded differential and integral equations. An application is also presented to illustrate the usefulness of some of our results in estimation of solution of certain retarded nonlinear differential equations with the initial conditions

    Forces Driving the Development of Particle Morphology of Waterborne Polymer Dispersions

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    [EN] Particle morphology is a key characteristic of the waterborne polymer dispersions and plenty of effort has been dedicated to understand the mechanisms controlling the development of the morphology during polymerization. The availability of new characterization techniques that provide unprecedented quantitative details of the particle morphology have questioned the ideas about the driving forces ruling the development of the morphology. In this article, the case is considered of a seeded emulsion polymerization in which the second stage polymer (Polymer 2) is more hydrophobic than the seed polymer and a water-soluble initiator is used. Simulations of the effect of the different forces involved in the formation of the particle morphology carried by integrating the Navier-Stokes are compared with available experimental results. If is found that the interfacial tensions are responsible for the penetration of clusters of polymer 2 within the seed polymer and the spread of these clusters over the surface of the particle. On the other hand, van der Waals forces control coalescence of the clusters both at the surface and in the interior of the particle.The support of the partners of the Industrial Liaison Program on Polymerization in Disperse Media (Allnex, Akzo-Nobel, Arkema, Asian Paints, BASF, DSM, Elix Polymers, Inovyn, 3M, Stahl, Synthomer, Vinavil, Wacker) is acknowledged

    Comportement axial de colonnes en béton armé renforcées de tubes en matériaux composites

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    Abstract : The construction industry is expressing great demand for innovative and durable structural members such as bridge decks and piers, piling, and poles. Many steel-reinforced concrete structures subjected to de-icing salts and marine environments require extensive and expensive maintenance. Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) have recently gained wide acceptance as a viable construction material for repair, rehabilitation, or new construction of the aging infrastructures particularly those exposed to harsh environment conditions. The promising concept of concrete-filled FRP tube (CFFT) system, that may be further reinforced with steel or FRP bars, has raised great interest amongst researchers in the last decade. The CFFT technique has been used successfully in different concrete structure elements such as pier column and girder for bridges and also as fender piles in marine structures. The FRP tube acts as a stay-in-place structural formwork, a noncorrosive reinforcement for the concrete for flexure and shear, provides confinement to the concrete in compression, and the contained concrete is protected from intrusion of moisture with corrosive agents that could otherwise deteriorate the concrete core. Using FRP bars instead of conventional steel bars in the CFFT columns can provide a step forward to develop a promising totally corrosion-free new structural system. Nonetheless, the axial behaviour of FRP bars as longitudinal reinforcement in compression members has yet to be explored, especially for the CFFT columns. To date, most of the experimental investigations performed on FRP confined concrete columns have considered short, unreinforced, small-scale concrete cylinders, tested under concentric, monotonic, and axial load. The slenderness ratio, internal longitudinal reinforcement type (steel or FRP bars), and axial cyclic loading effects on the behaviour of FRP confined concrete long columns, however, have received only limited research attention. To address such knowledge gaps, this study aimed at investigating the behaviour of the CFFT long columns internally reinforced with steel or FRP bars tested under monotonic and cyclic axial loading. A total of ten reinforced concrete (RC) and CFFT columns were constructed and tested until failure. All columns had 1900-mm in height and 213-mm in diameter. The investigated parameters were: i) the effect of internal reinforcement type (steel, glass FRP (GFRP), or carbon FRP (CFRP)) and amount, ii) GFRP tube thicknesses, and iii) nature of loading (i.e. monotonic and cyclic). The effect of the different parameters on the axial behaviour of the tested columns is presented and discussed. The research work presented in this dissertation has resulted in one paper submitted to the Elsevier Journal of Engineering Structures (manuscript ID: ENGSTRUCT-D-15-01381) and one accepted conference paper submitted to the 5 th International Structural Specialty Conference (CSCE 2016), London, Ontario, June 1st - 4th, 2016. The experimental test results showed that the CFFT columns reinforced with GFRP bars exhibited similar responses compared to their counterparts reinforced with steel bars with no significant difference in terms of ultimate axial strength and strain capacities. The GFRP tubes provided significant confinement of the tested specimens attributing to shift the mode of failure from axially dominated material failure to flexural-dominated instability failure. The results also indicated that the plastic strains of the FRP-reinforced CFFT columns was linearly proportional to the envelop unloading strains (Δun,env). The relationship depended little on level of confinement, but strongly on the longitudinal reinforcement amount and type, particularly when Δun,env > 0.0035. On the other hand, an analytical investigation was conducted to examine the validity of the available design provisions for predicting the ultimate load capacity of tested columns. The results of the analysis were compared with the experimental values. It was found that the ACI 440.R1 (2015), CSA S806 (2012), and CSA S6-06 (2010) design provisions provided higher conservative results for the GFRP-reinforced control specimens than that of steel-reinforced specimen. This might be due to neglecting the contribution of the compressive resistance of the GFRP bars to the axial carrying capacity. Furthermore, for FRP-reinforced CFFT columns, the ACI 440.2R (2008), CSA S806 (2012), and CSA S6-06 (2010) provisions results over the experimental results were an average of 1.68±0.31, 1.57±0.18, and 1.72±0.35 with a COV of 18.4%, 11.3%, and 20.5%, respectively. By considering the confinement codes limits, the CSA S806 (2012) showed better correlation for the ultimate carrying capacity based on the average than the CSA S6-06 (2010) and ACI 440.2R (2008), particularly for specimens cast with tube Type B.RĂ©sumĂ© : L'industrie de la construction exprime une grande demande pour les structures innovantes et durables tels que les tabliers de ponts et les quais, les pieux et les poteaux. Plusieurs structures en bĂ©ton armĂ© sont soumises Ă  des sels de dĂ©glaçage et Ă  des environnements marins qui exigent un entretien coĂ»teux. Les polymĂšres renforcĂ©s de fibres (PRF) ont rĂ©cemment Ă©tĂ© reconnus en tant que matĂ©riau de construction viable pour la rĂ©paration, la rĂ©habilitation ou la construction de nouvelles infrastructures vieillissantes en particulier celles exposĂ©es Ă  des conditions d'environnement sĂ©vĂšres. Le concept prometteur du systĂšme de tube rempli de bĂ©ton PRF (CFFT), qui peut ĂȘtre encore renforcĂ© avec de l'acier ou des barres en PRF, a amorcĂ© un grand intĂ©rĂȘt parmi les chercheurs durant la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. La technique CFFT a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e avec succĂšs dans les diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments de structure en bĂ©ton tels que les colonnes et les poutres de ponts et aussi comme des pieux pour les structures marines. Le tube en PRF agit comme un coffrage structural sur place, un renforcement non corrosif pour le bĂ©ton en flexion et au cisaillement en utilisant l'orientation des fibres multidirectionnelle, fournit un confinement au bĂ©ton en compression, et le bĂ©ton est protĂ©gĂ© de toute intrusion d'humiditĂ© des agents corrosifs qui, autrement, pourraient dĂ©tĂ©riorer le noyau de bĂ©ton (ACI 440. R-07 (2007)). L’utilisation des barres de PRF au lieu de barres d'acier conventionnelles dans les colonnes CFFT peut fournir un pas en avant pour dĂ©velopper un nouveau systĂšme structurel. NĂ©anmoins, le comportement axial des barres en PRF comme armatures longitudinales dans les membrures en compression n'a pas encore Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©, en particulier pour les colonnes CFFT. À ce jour, la plupart des Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales effectuĂ©es sur les colonnes en bĂ©ton confinĂ©s de PRF, ont considĂ©rĂ© des cylindres en bĂ©ton, courts, Ă  petite Ă©chelle non armĂ©s, et testĂ©s sous un charge concentrique, monotone, et axiale. Le rapport d'Ă©lancement, le renfort longitudinal interne (acier ou barres en PRF), et les effets du chargement axial cyclique sur le comportement des colonnes Ă©lancĂ©es de bĂ©ton confinĂ©s et en PRF, ont connu une recherche limitĂ©e. Pour combler ce manque de connaissance, cette Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©tudier le comportement des colonnes Ă©lancĂ©es CFFT armĂ© en acier ou en barres de PRF testĂ©es sous charges axiales monotones et cycliques. Un total de dix colonnes en bĂ©ton armĂ© (RC) et CFFT Ă©tĂ© fabriquĂ©es et testĂ©es jusqu'Ă  la rupture. Toutes les colonnes ont 1900 mm de hauteur et 213 mm de diamĂštre. Les paramĂštres Ă©tudiĂ©s sont les suivants: i) l'effet de type de renforcement interne et la quantitĂ© de renforcement, ii) les Ă©paisseurs de tubes PRV, et iii) le type de chargement (monotone et cyclique). L'effet des variables considĂ©rĂ©es sur le comportement axial des colonnes testĂ©es dans le travail expĂ©rimental est prĂ©sentĂ© et discutĂ©. Le travail de recherche prĂ©sentĂ© dans cette analyse a fait l’objet d’un article scientifique soumis Ă  Elsevier Journal of Engineering Structures (manuscrit ID: ENGSTRUCT-D-15-01381) et un article lors d’une confĂ©rence acceptĂ©e soumis Ă  la 5iĂšme International Structural Specialty Conference (CSCE 2016), London, Ontario, Juin 1er - 4iĂšme, 2016. Les rĂ©sultats des essais expĂ©rimentaux ont montrĂ© que les colonnes CFFT renforcĂ©es de barres en PRFV prĂ©sentaient des rĂ©ponses similaires par rapport Ă  leurs homologues renforcĂ©es avec des barres d'acier sans diffĂ©rence significative en termes de capacitĂ© ultime de rĂ©sistance axiale et de dĂ©formation. Les tubes en PRFV fournissent un confinement significatif des Ă©chantillons testĂ©s attribuant Ă  changer le mode de rupture, c’est-Ă -dire d’une rupture des matĂ©riaux axialement Ă  une rupture d’instabilitĂ© en flexion. En outre, l'augmentation de l'Ă©paisseur du tube en PRFV de 2,9 Ă  6,4 mm amĂ©liore les rapports de rĂ©sistance et de dĂ©formation de 25 % et 12 %, respectivement. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent Ă©galement que les dĂ©formations plastiques des colonnes renforcĂ©es de PRF sont linĂ©airement proportionnelles aux enveloppes de tension de dĂ©chargement (Δde,env). La relation dĂ©pend un peu du niveau de confinement, mais fortement de la quantitĂ© et du type de renfort longitudinal, en particulier lorsque Δde,env > 0,0035. D'autre part, une investigation a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e pour examiner la validitĂ© des dispositions de conception disponibles pour prĂ©dire la capacitĂ© de la charge ultime des colonnes testĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de l'analyse ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s avec les valeurs expĂ©rimentales. Il a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ© que les prĂ©visions de l'ACI 440.R1 (2015), CSA S806 (2012), et CSA S6-06 (2010) ont fourni des rĂ©sultats conservateurs plus Ă©levĂ©s pour les Ă©chantillons de contrĂŽle en PRFV que celui de l'Ă©chantillon d'acier. Cela peut ĂȘtre dĂ» Ă  la nĂ©gligence de la contribution de la rĂ©sistance Ă  la compression des barres de PRFV Ă  la capacitĂ© de charge axiale. En outre, pour les colonnes de CFFT renforcĂ©es de PRF, les prĂ©visions de l'ACI 440.2R (2008), du CSA S806 (2012), et du CSA S6-06 (2010) Ă©taient de 1,68 ± 0,31, 1,57 ± 0,18 et 1,72 ± 0,35 avec un COV de 18,4 %, 11,3%, et 20,5%, respectivement. En considĂ©rant les limites des codes de confinement, le code CSA S806 (2012) a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© les meilleures prĂ©visions pour la capacitĂ© de charge ultime basĂ©e sur la moyenne que celui du code CSA S6-06 (2010) et de l’ACI 440.2R (2008), en particulier pour les Ă©chantillons rĂ©alisĂ©s avec des tubes de Type B
