569 research outputs found

    La bilittératie chez les jeunes élèves allophones à Montréal : une réflexion en vue d’améliorer l’enseignement-apprentissage du français

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    Le présent article poursuit un double objectif. Le premier est de rendre compte de l’importance du concept de bilittératie pour la recherche et la pratique en éducation. Le second est de susciter la réflexion sur les différents enjeux didactiques et pédagogiques liés à la bilittératie chez les jeunes élèves allophones à Montréal. À cet effet, deux modèles complémentaires qui font partie de la matrice théorique de notre projet de recherche seront abordés. Il s’agit du modèle de la compétence sous-jacente commune de Cummins (2008, 1991, 1981, 1979), ainsi que du modèle des continuums de Hornberger (2004, 2003). Le texte illustre la nécessité de reconsidérer la pratique d’enseignement du français – langue de scolarisation au Québec – vu la réalité sociolinguistique dans laquelle évoluent les élèves allophones.This article pursues a double objective. The first one is to report the importance of the concept of biliteracy for research and practice in education. The second one opens the reflection on the different didactic and pedagogical issues related to biliteracy among young allophone students in Montreal. To this end, two complementary models which are part of the theoretical matrix of our research project will be approached. It is about the common underlying proficiency model of Cummins (2008, 1991, 1981, 1979), as well as the continua model of Hornberger (2004, 2003). The text illustrates the necessity to reconsider the practice of teaching French – language of instruction in Quebec – given the sociolinguistic reality in which these allophone students evolve

    Online collaborative writing: students’ perception / Mohammed Abdel Hakim Farrah

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    This study investigated the attitudes of an English writing class towards online collaborative learning activities. A 20-item questionnaire was used to assess the students’ attitudes towards this experience. The participants of the study consisted of 55 students studying a Writing II course. There were two sections; one control and the other is experimental. The researcher investigated whether there were significant differences in the attitudes of the students pertaining to, group (experimental vs. control), gender, grade (GPA), access to the Internet and anxiety. The results indicated that the experimental group held positive attitudes towards the online collaborative learning experience. Moreover, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between anxious learners and the learners who do not have anxiety towards online collaborative activities. In addition, students who had regular access to the Internet had better attitudes for the online collaborative activities. However, no statistically significant differences were revealed regarding the grade of the students. This means that low achievers and advanced learners held similar attitudes towards the online experience. Finally, no statistically significant differences were shown based on gender

    Knowledge sharing and professional online communities acceptance : an integrated model

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    This study aims to advance empirical research in the realm of the use of professional online communities for knowledge sharing. Use of these communities is likely to be influenced not only by social factors but also by cognitive and technological factors. Hence, drawing upon theoretical and empirical foundations and contextually relevant previous research, three theoretical frameworks were developed and applied, in which relational factors (trust), individual factors (knowledge/system self-efficacy), and technological factors (system quality and content quality) were integrated together with the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to examine the use of professional online communities to acquire/provide knowledge among professionals. To test these theoretical models, an online web-survey was administered to 366 members of eight professional communities in Egypt.Employing covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM), the results of this study confirmed that professional online communities have emerged as an essential channel to facilitate knowledge sharing among professionals. Performance expectancy and personal outcome expectancy were found to be the strongest determinants of professional online community use. Relational capital - trust - was found to be a significant predictor of usage behaviour. However, for members who used the community for knowledge provision, trust was found to have a stronger influence than was perceived trust on using the community for knowledge acquisition. For members who used the community for knowledge acquisition, effort expectancy and social influence revealed significant effect, in contrast to members who use the community for knowledge provision. Regarding the hypotheses common to both use behaviours, the findings demonstrated some significant differences. Content quality, for example, seemed to have a clearly stronger influence on trust than system quality in all models. Content quality showed stronger effect on trust for using professional online communities for knowledge provision than using for knowledge acquisition, while system quality was found to be a stronger predictor of trust in the use for knowledge acquisition. For effort expectancy, system quality tended to have a stronger influence than system self-efficacy in all models; however, the influence of system quality on effort expectancy tended to be more important when online communities are used for knowledge acquisition.As for moderating effects, the influence of performance expectancy on use for knowledge acquisition and the influence of personal outcome expectancy on use for knowledge provision were found to be moderated by users’ gender (stronger for men) and age (stronger for younger users), while the influence of performance expectancy on use for knowledge acquisition was found to be influenced by users’ experience (stronger for less experienced users)

    Understanding impulse buying behaviour: the role of promotions, emotions and cognitive dissonance

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    Ph. D. Thesis in Business AdministrationConsumer behaviour as a science aims to gain an understanding of the buyers' decision-making process including the analysis of consumer impulse buying (IB) and when, how, and why they make these decisions. Impulse buying is a sudden and immediate cognitive or affective unplanned purchase with no preshopping intentions. In-store promotions are one of the techniques to attract customers to buy more or try a new product or service and cause impulse sales. Furthermore, there are many promotional techniques to attract impulse buying such as price discounts, buy one get one, free samples, client card, and expiration date-based pricing (EDBP) which retailers commonly used. In particular, sales promotions are the lifeblood of hypermarkets and enable consumers to obtain savings and access to higher quality brands. This thesis aims to get a better understanding of how promotions and emotions influence consumer decisions, perceptions, and behaviour towards buying or not buying products on impulse and understanding how promotion strategies can trigger users to an impulse buying. This thesis focuses on understanding the cognitive and affective impulse buying tendency. A model entailing promotions and emotions impact in IB and its consequences in cognitive dissonance is developed. Using a mall intercept approach, a survey was carried out to test the proposed model. Structural Equation Model analysis is used to study the relationship between the cognitive and affective impulse buying tendency, promotions, emotions and cognitive dissonance. The results show that promotions including discounts, free samples and client card have a significant impact on cognitive impulse buying which has an impact on the cognitive dissonance. We also found that emotions including positive and negative emotions affect affective impulse buying, which has no impact on cognitive dissonance. In what concerns managerial implications, the results of this study allow provide support to hypermarkets managers in increasing the awareness of the different promotional techniques that affect consumers and allow them to understand impulse buying phenomena with the objective of minimising the effects of cognitive dissonance.O comportamento do consumidor como ciência visa obter uma compreensão do processo de tomada de decisão dos compradores, incluindo a análise da compra por impulso do consumidor e quando, como e por que tomam essas decisões. A compra por impulso é uma compra não planeada, imprevista e imediata, cognitiva ou afetiva, sem nenhuma intenção pré-compra. As promoções na loja são uma das técnicas para atrair clientes para comprar mais ou experimentar um novo produto ou serviço e causar vendas por impulso. Além disso, existem muitas técnicas promocionais para atrair a compra por impulso, como descontos de preço; compre um, leve dois; amostras grátis; cartão de cliente e aproximação do fim do prazo de validade, que os retalhistas costumam usar. Em particular, as promoções de vendas são a força vital dos hipermercados e permitem que os consumidores obtenham poupanças e acesso a marcas de maior qualidade. Esta tese tem por objetivo compreender melhor como as promoções e emoções podem influenciar as decisões, percepções e comportamentos dos consumidores, no sentido de comprar ou não comprar produtos por impulso e entender como as estratégias de promoção podem desencadear a compra por impulso. Esta tese enfoca a compreensão da tendência de compra por impulso cognitiva e afetiva. Um modelo que considera o impacto de promoções e emoções no IB e as suas consequências na dissonância cognitiva é desenvolvido. Usando uma abordagem de mall intercept, realizou-se uma pesquisa para testar o modelo proposto. Uma análise de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais é usada para estudar a relação entre a tendência de compra por impulso cognitiva e afetiva, promoções, emoções e dissonância cognitiva. Os resultados mostram que as promoções incluindo descontos, amostras grátis e cartão de cliente têm um impacto significativo na compra por impulso cognitiva, que por sua vez tem um impacto na dissonância cognitiva. Também verificámos que as emoções, incluindo emoções positivas e negativas, afetam a compra por impulso afetiva e que esta não tem impacto na dissonância cognitiva. No que se refere a implicaçõe spara a gestão, os resultados deste estudo fornecem suporte aos gerentes de hipermercados no aumento da natoriedade das diferentes técnicas promocionais que afetam os consumidores e permitem compreender os fenómenos de compra por impulso com o objetivo de minimizar os efeitos do sentimento de dissonância cognitiva

    Texto sobre la llegada del Cónsul General Francisco Seguí a la Regencia de Túnez (1804) y su correspondencia diplomática

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    Presentación de un legajo de cartas, conservado en los Archivos Nacionales Tunecinos, del cónsul de España en Túnez Francisco Seguí dirigidas a sus superiores de Asuntos Exteriores de Madrid, y edición en apéndice documental de la primera de las 157 cartas. Se presenta esta documentación y su variada información en el contexto de la diplomacia borbónica que propició las paces y relaciones diplomáticas entre España y las Regencias turco-otomanas de Trípoli, de Argel y de Túnez, a fines del siglo XVIII, con agentes de la red de comerciantes menorquines como Seguí y los Soler. Se exponen también otras situaciones socio-políticas de la acción diplomática española. Amplia visión social con información concreta, de la situación en Túnez y en el Mediterráneo. Introducción a la bibliografía principal sobre este período histórico

    Finite element analysis of sheet metal forming process

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    Minimization of response times and costs and maximization of the efficiency and quality in producing a product are imperative for survival in the competitive manufacturing industry. Sheet metal forming is a widely used and costly manufacturing process, to which these considerations apply. Aluminum sheet becomes favorable compare to steel regards to some improvement at aerodynamic designs, increased engine efficiency and fuel economy. Wide range of aluminum automotive product included doors, fenders, bumpers face bars, seat frames and roof panels have been produced. This paper was carried out to study the finite element (elastic-plastic) analysis of sheet metal forming process using the finite element software. LUSAS simulation was carried out to gain accurate and critical understanding of sheet forming process. Axisymmetry element mesh and plain strain element mesh were use incorporated with slideline features to model and study the sheet metal forming process. Simulation of elasticplastic behavior of aluminum sheet was carried out under non-linear condition to investigate sheet metal forming process
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