930 research outputs found

    The Primordial Perturbation Spectrum from Various Expanding and Contracting Phases

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    In this paper, focusing on the case of single scalar field, we discuss various expanding and contracting phases generating primordial perturbations, and study the relation between the primordial perturbation spectrum from these phases and the parameter w of state equation in details. Furthermore, we offer an interesting classification for the primordial perturbation spectrum from various phases, which may have important implications for building an early universe scenario embedded in possible high energy theories.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figure

    Wind turbine blade design review

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    A detailed review of the current state-of-art for wind turbine blade design is presented, including theoretical maximum efficiency, propulsion, practical efficiency, HAWT blade design, and blade loads. The review provides a complete picture of wind turbine blade design and shows the dominance of modern turbines almost exclusive use of horizontal axis rotors. The aerodynamic design principles for a modern wind turbine blade are detailed, including blade plan shape/quantity, aerofoil selection and optimal attack angles. A detailed review of design loads on wind turbine blades is offered, describing aerodynamic, gravitational, centrifugal, gyroscopic and operational conditions

    Bosonic Quartic Couplings at LHC

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    We analyze the potential of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions Z Z gamma gamma, Z Z Z gamma, W+ W- gamma gamma, and W+ W- Z gamma through the weak boson fusion processes q q -> q q gamma gamma and q q -> q q gamma Z(-> l+ l-) with l = electron or muon. After a careful study of the backgrounds and how to extract them from the data, we show that the process p p -> j j gamma l+ l- is potentially the most sensitive to deviations from the Standard Model, improving the sensitivity to anomalous couplings by up to a factor 10^4 (10^2) with respect to the present direct (indirect) limits.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, revised versio

    Gravitational Coupling and Dynamical Reduction of The Cosmological Constant

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    We introduce a dynamical model to reduce a large cosmological constant to a sufficiently small value. The basic ingredient in this model is a distinction which has been made between the two unit systems used in cosmology and particle physics. We have used a conformal invariant gravitational model to define a particular conformal frame in terms of large scale properties of the universe. It is then argued that the contributions of mass scales in particle physics to the vacuum energy density should be considered in a different conformal frame. In this manner, a decaying mechanism is presented in which the conformal factor appears as a dynamical field and plays a key role to relax a large effective cosmological constant. Moreover, we argue that this model also provides a possible explanation for the coincidence problem.Comment: To appear in GR

    On the degree of scale invariance of inflationary perturbations

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    Many, if not most, inflationary models predict the power-law index of the spectrum of density perturbations is close to one, though not precisely equal to one, |n-1| \sim O(0.1), implying that the spectrum of density perturbations is nearly, but not exactly, scale invariant. Some models allow n to be significantly less than one (n \sim 0.7); a spectral index significantly greater than one is more difficult to achieve. We show that n \approx 1 is a consequence of the slow-roll conditions for inflation and ``naturalness,'' and thus is a generic prediction of inflation. We discuss what is required to deviate significantly from scale invariance, and then show, by explicit construction, the existence of smooth potentials that satisfy all the conditions for successful inflation and give nn as large as 2.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Graviton production from extra dimensions

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    Graviton production due to collapsing extra dimensions is studied. The momenta lying in the extra dimensions are taken into account. A DD-dimensional background is matched to an effectively four-dimensional standard radiation dominated universe. Using observational constraints on the present gravitational wave spectrum, a bound on the maximal temperature at the beginning of the radiation era is derived. This expression depends on the number of extra dimensions, as well as on the DD-dimensional Planck mass. Furthermore, it is found that the extra dimensions have to be large.Comment: LaTeX file, 14 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal phenomenology of hadrons from 200 AGeV S+S collisions

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    We develop a complete and consistent description for the hadron spectra from heavy ion collisions in terms of a few collective variables, in particular temperature, longitudinal and transverse flow. To achieve a meaningful comparison with presently available data, we also include the resonance decays into our picture. To disentangle the influences of transverse flow and resonance decays in the mTm_T-spectra, we analyse in detail the shape of the mTm_T-spectra.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figs in seperate uuencoded file, for LaTeX, epsf.sty and dvips, TPR-93-16 and BNL-(no number yet

    Passing through the bounce in the ekpyrotic models

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    By considering a simplified but exact model for realizing the ekpyrotic scenario, we clarify various assumptions that have been used in the literature. In particular, we discuss the new ekpyrotic prescription for passing the perturbations through the singularity which we show to provide a spectrum depending on a non physical normalization function. We also show that this prescription does not reproduce the exact result for a sharp transition. Then, more generally, we demonstrate that, in the only case where a bounce can be obtained in Einstein General Relativity without facing singularities and/or violation of the standard energy conditions, the bounce cannot be made arbitrarily short. This contrasts with the standard (inflationary) situation where the transition between two eras with different values of the equation of state can be considered as instantaneous. We then argue that the usually conserved quantities are not constant on a typical bounce time scale. Finally, we also examine the case of a test scalar field (or gravitational waves) where similar results are obtained. We conclude that the full dynamical equations of the underlying theory should be solved in a non singular case before any conclusion can be drawn.Comment: 17 pages, ReVTeX 4, 13 figures, minor corrections, conclusions unchange

    The Modeling of Anisotropic Fuselage Lining Material

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    In this paper a theoretical model that can account for the effect of lining anisotropy on sound transmission through fuselage structures is developed. The model allows for anisotropic flow resistivity, tortuosity and elastic moduli. Implicit to the theory is a characteristic dispersion relation of sixth order that yields the allowed wave numbers for wave propagation in anisotropic elastic porous media. In addition, explicit expressions for field variables such as displacements and stresses appropriate for anisotropic foams are derived. Predictions of random incidence sound transmission loss for double panels with anisotropic linings have been performed. To verify the prediction, the theoretical results have been compared with random incidence transmission loss measurements

    Axion Radiation from Strings

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    This paper revisits the problem of the string decay contribution to the axion cosmological energy density. We show that this contribution is proportional to the average relative increase when axion strings decay of a certain quantity NaxN_{\rm ax} which we define. We carry out numerical simulations of the evolution and decay of circular and non-circular string loops, of bent strings with ends held fixed, and of vortex-antivortex pairs in two dimensions. In the case of string loops and of vortex-antivortex pairs, NaxN_{\rm ax} decreases by approximately 20%. In the case of bent strings, NaxN_{\rm ax} remains constant or increases slightly. Our results imply that the string decay contribution to the axion energy density is of the same order of magnitude as the well-understood contribution from vacuum realignment.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure
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