275 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of adverse events of dabrafenib plus trametinib versus nivolumab in patients with advanced BRAF-mutant cutaneous melanoma for adjuvant therapy in Germany

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    Background: Adjuvant treatment options have become the standard therapy for stage III and IV resectable cutaneous melanoma. Two recent studies led to the registration of dabrafenib and trametinib as targeted therapies for BRAF-mutated melanoma, and of immunotherapy with nivolumab irrespective of BRAF-mutation status. Both therapies have different spectrums of adverse events. Objective: To estimate the financial impact of side effects from the perspective of the German statutory sick funds to compare both therapeutic options and to relate the burden to the overall costs of the treatment. Study design and setting: Thirty-six adverse event categories for the combination of dabrafenib and trametinib (‘combi treatment’) and for nivolumab were extracted from the original publications of the studies named COMBI-AD and CheckMate 238. Patients and intervention: For all event categories a diagnosis and therapy recommendation were determined according to current national or international guidelines or from leading German textbooks. Main outcome measure: The resulting diagnostic steps, treatments, and therapies were evaluated with unit costs based on the German fee schedule for ambulatory physicians, the German G-DRG scheme, and the German drug price list. Results: The number of events with nivolumab per one hundred treatments amounted to 3.8 mandatory hospitalizations, 3.5 emergency care events and 0.8 life-threatening events. For the combi treatment, the respective number of events per one hundred treatments was 2.7, 1.8, and 0.5. The overall cost burden was calculated as €899 for nivolumab and €861 for combi-treatment. Conclusion: The treatment of adverse events resulting from adjuvant melanoma therapy showed comparable costs for both therapies

    Electron Trapping in Conjugated Polymers

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    Efficient polymer light-emitting diode with air-stable aluminum cathode

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    The fast degradation of polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs) in ambient conditions is primarily due to the oxidation of highly reactive metals, such as barium or calcium, which are used as cathode materials. Here, we report the fabrication of PLEDs using an air-stable partially oxidized aluminum (AlOx) cathode. Usually, the high work function of aluminum (4.2 eV) imposes a high barrier for injecting electrons into the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the emissive polymer (2.9 eV below the vacuum level). By partially oxidizing aluminum, its work function is decreased, but not sufficiently low for efficient electron injection. Efficient injection is obtained by inserting an electron transport layer of poly[(9,9-di-n-octylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl)-alt-(benzo[2,1,3]thiadiazol-4,8-diyl)] (F8BT), which has its LUMO at 3.3 eV below vacuum, between the AlOx cathode and the emissive polymer. The intermediate F8BT layer not only serves as a hole-blocking layer but also provides an energetic staircase for electron injection from AlOx into the emissive layer. PLEDs with an AlOx cathode and F8BT interlayer exhibit a doubling of the efficiency as compared to conventional Ba/Al PLEDs, and still operate even after being kept in ambient atmosphere for one month without encapsulation

    Exciton quenching at PEDOT:PSS anode in polymer blue-light-emitting diodes

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    The quenching of excitons at the poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonic acid) PEDOT:PSS) anode in blue polyalkoxyspirobifluorene-arylamine polymer light-emitting diodes is investigated. Due to the combination of a higher electron mobility and the presence of electron traps, the recombination zone shifts from the cathode to the anode with increasing voltage. The exciton quenching at the anode at higher voltages leads to an efficiency roll-off. The voltage dependence of the luminous efficiency is reproduced by a drift-diffusion model under the condition that quenching of excitons at the PEDOT:PSS anode and metallic cathode is of equal strength. Experimentally, the efficiency roll-off at high voltages due to anode quenching is eliminated by the use of an electron-blocking layer between the anode and the light-emitting polymer. cop. 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Elevated expression of artemis in human fibroblast cells is associated with cellular radiosensitivity and increased apoptosis

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    Copyright @ 2012 Nature Publishing GroupThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: The objective of this study was to determine the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for cellular radiosensitivity in two human fibroblast cell lines 84BR and 175BR derived from two cancer patients. Methods: Clonogenic assays were performed following exposure to increasing doses of gamma radiation to confirm radiosensitivity. γ-H2AX foci assays were used to determine the efficiency of DNA double strand break (DSB) repair in cells. Quantitative-PCR (Q-PCR) established the expression levels of key DNA DSB repair proteins. Imaging flow cytometry using Annexin V-FITC was used to compare artemis expression and apoptosis in cells. Results: Clonogenic cellular hypersensitivity in the 84BR and 175BR cell lines was associated with a defect in DNA DSB repair measured by the γ-H2AX foci assay. Q-PCR analysis and imaging flow cytometry revealed a two-fold overexpression of the artemis DNA repair gene which was associated with an increased level of apoptosis in the cells before and after radiation exposure. Over-expression of normal artemis protein in a normal immortalised fibroblast cell line NB1-Tert resulted in increased radiosensitivity and apoptosis. Conclusion: We conclude elevated expression of artemis is associated with higher levels of DNA DSB, radiosensitivity and elevated apoptosis in two radio-hypersensitive cell lines. These data reveal a potentially novel mechanism responsible for radiosensitivity and show that increased artemis expression in cells can result in either radiation resistance or enhanced sensitivity.This work was supported in part by The Vidal Sassoon Foundation USA. This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Theoretically nanoscale study on ionization of muscimol nano drug in aqueous solution

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    In the present work, acid dissociation constant (pKa) values of muscimol derivatives were calculated using the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method. In this regard, free energy values of neutral, protonated and deprotonated species of muscimol were calculated in water at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) basis sets. The hydrogen bond formation of all species had been analyzed using the Tomasi's method. It was revealed that the theoretically calculated pKa values were in a good agreement with the existing experimental pKa values, which were determined from capillary electrophoresis, potentiometric titration and UV-visible spectrophotometric measurements

    Artifacts In Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography Caused By Dental Materials

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    BACKGROUND: Artifacts caused by dental restorations, such as dental crowns, dental fillings and orthodontic appliances, are a common problem in MRI and CT scans of the head and neck. The aim of this in-vitro study was to identify and evaluate the artifacts produced by different dental restoration materials in CT and MRI images. METHODS: Test samples of 44 materials (Metal and Non-Metal) commonly used in dental restorations were fabricated and embedded with reference specimens in gelatin moulds. MRI imaging of 1.5T and CT scan were performed on the samples and evaluated in two dimensions. Artifact size and distortions were measured using a digital image analysis software. RESULTS: In MRI, 13 out of 44 materials produced artifacts, while in CT 41 out of 44 materials showed artifacts. Artifacts produced in both MRI and CT images were categorized according to the size of the artifact. SIGNIFICANCE: Metal based restoration materials had strong influence on CT and less artifacts in MRI images. Rare earth elements such as Ytterbium trifluoride found in composites caused artifacts in both MRI and CT. Recognizing these findings would help dental materials manufacturers and developers to produce materials which can cause less artifacts in MRI and CT images
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