514 research outputs found

    Automated pH Regulator For Freshwater Prawn With Analog pH Meter Pro

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    In Malaysia, farmers faced the problems of prawn diseases which cause billions of USD in damage, along with the loss of prawn production. Farmers begin to wipe out from the prawn industry and investors are unwilling to finance prawn production. There will be a risk that it will decrease the productivity of Malaysia's prawn production due to the prawn affected by diseases. Research shows that an uncontrolled pH level in the prawn tank causes the prawn to be stressed and lower the prawn immunity system. As a result, diseases such as Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), and Taura syndrome virus (TSV) can easily attack the prawn.  The existing water quality monitoring system lacks a complete solution from monitoring the pH level until autonomous remedial action is taken to control the pH level. When developing the system, no autonomous remedial action being taken to control when the pH level is out of range. Automated pH Regulator For Freshwater Prawn with Analog pH Meter Pro help farmers to monitor and control pH level in prawn tank. Logged data is stored in a personal computer for reference to prawn health. This paper proposes a conceptual framework with three (3) stages that consist of monitoring pH level with threshold data to determine pH level, provide autonomous remedial action to control the pH level in prawn tank, and logged data into a personal computer for reference. By having an Automated pH Regulator For Freshwater Prawn with Analog pH Meter Pro, immediate action can be carried out to save the prawn's life from diseases

    Al-Quran recitation speech signals time series segmentation for speaker adaptation using dynamic time warping

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    The transformation of the whole traditional process of Al-Quran Recitation into automated system application could raise the issues of robustness and integrity of recitation and correction quality and acceptance. There are several existing variations especially involve of rhythm, tone and length of recitation for different speaker. Dynamic Time warping (DTW) is used as dynamic programming to normalize the recitation speech length of speaker which warp the speech spectrum amplitude in time series for the experts and learners. DTW is used to gain the same length of recitation which warp the amplitudes, rhythm and tone into same length in time series segments based on formant frequency frame for different recitation speakers. There are 8 experts and 10 users from the Malay Muslim community had three selected surahs for Al-Quran recitation session. The aim of the paper is to normalize Al-Quran recitation speech signals as speaker adaption between experts and learner then represent each recitation speech signal at same vocal tract formant frequency that can be used in robust Automatic Recitation Recognition (ARR) to evaluate the performance of recitation evaluation.Keywords: Al-Quran speech recitation, Automatic Recitation Recognition, speaker adaptation, vocal tract length normalizatio

    Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Remaja Tentang Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi): Dengan Perhatian Khusus Terhadap Pantauan Berat Badan Dan Mengonsumsi Makanan Beragam

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    Latar belakang: Kualitas remaja sangat mempengaruhi masa depan suatu bangsa. Pengetahuan sikap dan perilaku remaja tentang keluarga sadar gizi (KADARZI) utamanya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya memantau berat badan dan mengonsumsi beraneka ragam makanan akan mempengaruhi status gizi dan kesehatannya masa kini, maupun di kemudian hari. Tujuan penelitian: Mendapatkan gambaran PSP remaja tentang KADARZI, utamanya tentang pentingnya pemantauan berat badan dan mengonsumsi aneka ragam makanan. Metode: Desain penelitian adalah kros-seksional. Penelitian dilakukan di 226 posyandu yang tersebar di 6 provinsi yaitu provinsi Sumatera Barat, Jawa Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Sulawesi Selatan dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jumlah seluruh sampel adalah 970 remaja dari 4289 rumah tangga. Pemilihan sampel kabupaten sampai posyandu dilakukan secara purposif dan sampel rumah tangga dilakukan secara acak. Remaja dari rumah tangga terpilih dicakup dalam studi ini. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku berbagai aspek gizi remaja. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara deskriptif untuk memperoleh gambaran kesadaran gizi remaja menurut indikator kadarzi. Hasil: Secara umum pengetahuan remaja pada beberapa aspek gizi cukup baik yakni: 90,6% mengetahui manfaat sarapan pagi, 65% tanda–tanda gizi buruk. Tetapi pengetahuan tentang aspek gizi lain masih rendah, <20% remaja mengetahui tentang ASI eksklusif dan pentingnya makanan beraneka ragam. Sementara sikap dan perilaku yang berkait dengan sarapan pagi, hampir 100% bersikap positip dan 60% bersikap positip pada memantau berat badan. Akan tetapi perilaku berkait dengan penimbangan dan mengonsumsi aneka ragam makanan relatif masih rendah yakni 26,5% dan 18,8%. Kesimpulan: Sekitar seperempat (26%) responden yang memantau atau menimbang berat badannya secara teratur, dan kurang dari 20% responden remaja yang mengonsumsi makanan beraneka ragam. Saran: Perlu edukasi gizi yang intensif kepada remaja dan pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder)

    Seven Cases Unstructured Triangulation Technique for Simplified Version of Conceptual Model of Ethylene Furnace for Radiative Heat Transfer Approximation

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    In this paper, we introduce a new enhanced method utilizing the approach of advancing front technique for generating unstructured meshes in the simplified version of ethylene conceptual model. The method is called as Seven Cases Unstructured Triangulation Technique (7CUTT) where it is based on seven categories of cases for element creation procedure and the layer concept for mesh gradation control. The algorithm of the mesh incorporates sensor deployment in its conceptual model to supply input for boundary values. The quality of the mesh is determined based on a measurement in GAMBIT software. 7CUTT provides the framework for the heat to be approximated using the discrete ordinate method, which is a variant of the finite volume method. Simulation results produced using FLUENT support the findings for effectively approximating the flue gas temperature distribution in the simplified furnace at the end of the study

    The Learner’s Engagement in the Learning Process designed based on the Experiential Learning theory in Post Graduate Program at Open University Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to: 1. observe the level of engagement in a learning process in ‘grasp experience’ and ‘transform experience’ section. 2. evaluate the level of engagement in an online forum between ‘grasp experience’ and ‘transform experience’ section. 3. clarify the level of engagement through the posting in an online forum, which reflects the actual ‘experience.

    Penerapan Metode Drill Dalam Pengucapan Doa Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Islam Harapan Indah Pontianak

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the application of drill method which includes the teacher preparation in apply this method, students ability when praying by using drill method and also the factors that support and obstruct in the application of drill method. Drill method which is used in this research is in descriptive qualitative form. The subjects of this research are the teacher and the students age 4-5 years old from group A. The technique and tool of data collection used in this research are oral communication technique, oral observation technique and documentary study technique. The result of the study shows that the students ability in learning process which apply the drill method in pronouncing the prayer on student age 4-5 years old in Taman Kanak-kanak Islam Harapan Indah Pontianak that the students give positive response. In learning process and they become familiar to pronounce the prayer of before and after doing an activity, and also they are able to pronounce more than three prayers. The obstruction in applying drill method on pronouncing daily prayer on student age 4-5 years is the rare of using audio-visual media

    Keterampilan Guru Memotivasi Dalampengenalan Konsep Matematika Permulaanmenggunakan Metode Bermain Tk Pertiwi Pontianak

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    Motivate Teachers SkillsinMathsStartersIntroduction toConceptsMethodsPlayUsing Pertiwi KindergartenPontianak. This studyaimed to describe theskills ofteachers to motivatechildren aged5-6 yearsin thebeginning ofthe introduction ofmathematicalconceptsusingTKPertiwiplayinginPontianak. The method usedin this studyisdeskripitifmethodusing aqualitativeapproach. Results of data analysisshowedthatteachersmotivate childrentomake alearning planwithmatureconsideration, providingreinforcementin the form ofpraise, as well asusing themediato suitthe learning objectives. Thus, childrenare motivatedto participate inlearningmathematicalconceptsbeginning

    Peningkatan Sosial Melalui Metode Bermain Peran Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Tk

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    This research is motivated social development of children is still low as the children can not cooperate completing tasks / jobs, children may not be able to help each other to friends who are having trouble, the child can not obey the rules in a game. The purpose of this research is to improve the social emotional development through methods play a role in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Taman Kanak-Kanak Negeri 01 Matan Hilir Selatan Ketapang. This study used a descriptive method because the researcher intends to reveal all the findings as it is. Based on the research that has been done that the increase in social development of the child is developing very well. As for specifically: 1) Planning learning that teachers include: makes RKH according to the theme and sub-theme, selecting play materials appropriate to the theme and sub-theme, determine instructional methods, determining learning outcomes. 2) Implementation of the learning that teachers do the following: a) Implement environmental footing, b) Implement a foothold before the play, c) Implement footing while playing: collaborated complete tasks / work in, helping each other to friends who are having trouble, obey the rules in a game, d) Implement a foothold after the play. 3) Improvement of social emotional development in children aged 5-6 years are: a) Children in collaboration completing the task / job, b) Children helping each other to friends who are having trouble, c) Children obey the rules in a game

    Incorporation of mobile learning approaches in staff training / Ros A. Yahaya, Nor H. Mohamed and Mohd Khalid Abas.

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    Mobile devices in training offer a new horizon to help participants to get started with mobile learning in the venture to experience the learning process. Various research emphasize the opportunities and benefits of using mobile learning and simultaneously highlight the obstacles that organizations faced when designing and implementing training by mobile learning. The aim of this paper is to highlight the difficulty in getting more participation and full engagement from the generation Y staff. The traditional approach neglects to consider the different learning approaches of the Gen Y type of learners, their generational attributes and their values at the workplace. Future study should incorporate the use of other platforms such as Whatsapp™ or Instagram ™ among Gen Y


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    Pendidikan merupakan suatu usaha manusia agar mencapai suatu tujuan hidup yang lebih baik, salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan cita-cita pendidikan tersebut adalah penunjangnya tenaga administrasi sekolah yang mampu memberi sumbangsih untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran secara aktif mampu mengembangkan potensi yang ada pada tiap diri individu manusia yang dilahirkan. Faktor yang mendukung peran tenaga administrasi dalam meningkatkan birokrasi perkantoran di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) peran peran tenaga administrasi dalam meningkatkan Birokrasi Perkantoran di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru, (2) faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat peran tenaga administrasi dalam meningkatkan birokrasi di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Informan utama penelitian adalah satu kepala sekolah SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru dan informan pendukungnya adalah 3 pegawai administrasi SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru. Untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data wawancara dianalisa kemudian disimpulkan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran tenaga administrasi dalam meningkatkan birokrasi perkantoran di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru Ini tidak sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan di lapangan bahwa terdapat indikasi sebagian tenaga administrasi kurang menjalankan tugas dan fungsi yang baik dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Peran, Tenaga Administras