7 research outputs found

    Revealing the Mechanism for Covalent Inhibition of Glycoside Hydrolases by Carbasugars at an Atomic Level

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    Mechanism-based glycoside hydrolase inhibitors are carbohydrate analogs that mimic the natural substrate’s structure. Their covalent bond formation with the glycoside hydrolase makes these compounds excellent tools for chemical biology and potential drug candidates. Here we report the synthesis of cyclohexene-based α-galactopyranoside mimics and the kinetic and structural characterization of their inhibitory activity toward an α-galactosidase from Thermotoga maritima (TmGalA). By solving the structures of several enzyme-bound species during mechanism-based covalent inhibition of TmGalA, we show that the Michaelis complexes for intact inhibitor and product have half-chair (2H3) conformations for the cyclohexene fragment, while the covalently linked intermediate adopts a flattened half-chair (2H3) conformation. Hybrid QM/MM calculations confirm the structural and electronic properties of the enzyme-bound species and provide insight into key interactions in the enzyme-active site. These insights should stimulate the design of mechanism-based glycoside hydrolase inhibitors with tailored chemical properties

    An epoxide intermediate in glycosidase catalysis

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    Retaining glycoside hydrolases cleave their substrates through stereochemical retention at the anomeric position. Typically, this involves two-step mechanisms using either an enzymatic nucleophile via a covalent glycosyl enzyme intermediate or neighboring-group participation by a substrate-borne 2-acetamido neighboring group via an oxazoline intermediate; no enzymatic mechanism with participation of the sugar 2-hydroxyl has been reported. Here, we detail structural, computational, and kinetic evidence for neighboring-group participation by a mannose 2-hydroxyl in glycoside hydrolase family 99 endo-α-1,2-mannanases. We present a series of crystallographic snapshots of key species along the reaction coordinate: a Michaelis complex with a tetrasaccharide substrate; complexes with intermediate mimics, a sugar-shaped cyclitol β-1,2-aziridine and β-1,2-epoxide; and a product complex. The 1,2-epoxide intermediate mimic displayed hydrolytic and transfer reactivity analogous to that expected for the 1,2-anhydro sugar intermediate supporting its catalytic equivalence. Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics modeling of the reaction coordinate predicted a reaction pathway through a 1,2-anhydro sugar via a transition state in an unusual flattened, envelope (E 3) conformation. Kinetic isotope effects (k cat/K M) for anomeric-2H and anomeric-13C support an oxocarbenium ion-like transition state, and that for C2-18O (1.052 ± 0.006) directly implicates nucleophilic participation by the C2-hydroxyl. Collectively, these data substantiate this unprecedented and long-imagined enzymatic mechanism

    Directed evolution of a bacterial sialidase and characterization of mechanism based inactivation of glycosidases

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    Sialic acids are often found at the terminal positions on the glycan chains that adorn all vertebrate cells and glycoproteins. This prominent position confers an essential role to sialic acid residues in biology, evolution and disease propagation. The most widespread sialic acid family members are N-acetylneuraminic acid, N-glycolylneuraminic acid and Kdn, which is an abbreviation for 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-nononic acid. Enzymes that catalyze the removal of carbohydrate linkages from biological molecules are called glycoside hydrolases (GHs). These enzymes have been categorized into more than 130 different families. Glycoside hydrolase family 33 (GH33) contains exo-sialidases (E.C., neuraminidases), from both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, which catalyze the hydrolysis of sialic acid from glycoconjugates. Interestingly, subtle differences exist in both the structure of the particular sialic acid and its position of attachment to glycoconjugate chains between humans and other mammals. These differences are indicators of the unique aspects of human evolution, and are relevant to understanding an array of human conditions. The present thesis reports on routes that we explored to further unravel the importance of sialic acids. We developed tools to probe for various sialic acid structures such as Kdn. To this end, we constructed a random mutant library of the neuraminidase from the soil bacterium Micromonospora viridifaciens (MvNA) and identified a number of recurring mutations in the sialidase gene which lead to a more efficient hydrolysis of synthetic natural substrate analogues such as 8FMU α-Kdn-(2→6)- β-D-Galp. We also using the available structure of wild type MvNA bound to the natural inhibitor, DANA, to identify amino acids potentially involved in recognition and binding to acetylated sialic acids and generated genetic libraries which we used along with positive and negative evolutionary screens to identify several clones capable of hydrolyzing Kdn glycosides more efficiently than Neu5Ac substrates. Kinetic studies on these clones allowed for determination of enzyme efficiencies and specificities. We also report our study of covalent inhibition of α-glucosidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GH13). The measured pH-rate profiles for inhibition and reactivation as well as the corresponding catalytic and inhibitory proficiencies suggested that inhibition results from the formation of carbenium ions in the active site that are trapped rapidly by an enzymatic residue

    New Class of Glycoside Hydrolase Mechanism-Based Covalent Inhibitors: Glycosylation Transition State Conformations

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    The design of covalent inhibitors in glycoscience research is important for the development of chemical biology probes. Here we report the synthesis of a new carbocyclic mechanism-based covalent inhibitor of an α-glucosidase. The enzyme efficiently catalyzes its alkylation via either an allylic cation or a cationic transition state. We show this allylic covalent inhibitor has different catalytic proficiencies for pseudoglycosylation and deglycosylation. Such inhibitors have the potential to be useful chemical biology tools

    Both Chemical and Non-Chemical Steps Limit the Catalytic Efficiency of Family 4 Glycoside Hydrolases

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    The glycoside hydrolase family 4 (GH4) α-galactosidase from <i>Citrobacter freundii</i> (MelA) catalyzes the hydrolysis of fluoro-substituted phenyl α-d-galactopyranosides by utilizing two cofactors, NAD<sup>+</sup> and a metal cation, under reducing conditions. In order to refine the mechanistic understanding of this GH4 enzyme, leaving group effects were measured with various metal cations. The derived β<sub>lg</sub> value on <i>V</i>/<i>K</i> for strontium activation is indistinguishable from zero (0.05 ± 0.12). Deuterium kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) were measured for the activated substrates 2-fluorophenyl and 4-fluorophenyl α-d-galactopyranosides in the presence of Sr<sup>2+</sup>, Y<sup>3+</sup>, and Mn<sup>2+</sup>, where the isotopic substitution was on the carbohydrate at C-2 and/or C-3. To determine the contributing factors to the virtual transition state (TS) on which the KIEs report, kinetic isotope effects on isotope effects were measured on these KIEs using doubly deuterated substrates. The measured <sup>D</sup><i>V</i>/<i>K</i> KIEs for MelA-catalyzed hydrolysis of 2-fluorophenyl α-d-galactopyranoside are closer to unity than the measured effects on 4-fluorophenyl α-d-galactopyranoside, irrespective of the site of isotopic substitution and of the metal cation activator. These observations are consistent with hydride transfer at C-3 to the on-board NAD<sup>+</sup>, deprotonation at C-2, and a non-chemical step contributing to the virtual TS for <i>V</i>/<i>K</i>

    An Epoxide Intermediate in Glycosidase Catalysis

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    Retaining glycoside hydrolases cleave their substrates through stereochemical retention at the anomeric position. Typically, this involves two-step mechanisms using either an enzymatic nucleophile via a covalent glycosyl enzyme intermediate, or neighboring group participation by a substrate-borne 2-acetamido neighboring group via an oxazoline intermediate; no enzymatic mechanism with participation of the sugar 2-hydroxyl has been reported. Here, we detail structural, computational and kinetic evidence for neighboring group participation by a mannose 2-hydroxyl in glycoside hydrolase family 99 endo-α-1,2-mannanases. We present a series of crystallographic snapshots of key species along the reaction coordinate: a Michaelis complex with a tetrasaccharide substrate; complexes with intermediate mimics, β-1,2-aziridine and β-1,2-epoxide; and a product complex. The 1,2-epoxide intermediate mimic displayed hydrolytic and transfer reactivity analogous to that expected for the 1,2-anhydro sugar intermediate supporting its catalytic equivalence. Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics modelling of the reaction coordinate predicted a reaction pathway through a 1,2-anhydro sugar via a transition state in an unprecedented flattened, envelope (E3) conformation. Kinetic isotope effects for anomeric-2H and anomeric-13C support an oxocarbenium ion-like transition state and that for C2-18O (1.052 ± 0.006) directly implicates nucleophilic participation by the C2-hydroxyl. Collectively, these data substantiate this unprecedented and long-imagined enzymatic mechanism.</div