1,839 research outputs found

    Evolución histórica de la función social de las bibliotecas públicas

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    Public libraries have one specific mission with the society since their same origin. But this mission have gone changing according to the history and men’s development. Public libraries have passed to be a tool of the power in their beginning, until to be a documental institution that to rich the education, the culture and men’s development at today.Las bibliotecas públicas tienen una misión específica con la sociedad desde su mismo origen. Pero esta misión que tiene ha ido variando según la historia y el desarrollo de los hombres. Las bibliotecas públicas han pasado de ser un instrumento ligado al poder en sus comienzos, hasta ser una institución documental que apoya la educación, la cultura y el desarrollo personal a día de hoy

    Two new asymptotic expansions of the ratio of two gamma functions

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    AbstractFormal expansions, giving as particular cases semiasymptotic expansions, of the ratio of two gamma functions are obtained

    Geografía de las Plantas en La Alcarria Occidental y Mesa de Ocaña (I). Análisis florístico en cinco localidades representativas

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    It carries out a systematic and exhaustive floristic inventory in order to know the composition of vascular plants of the natural region of Western La Alcarria and “Mesa” of Ocaña (Central Iberian Peninsula). The survey method was applied in the NNE-SSW transect forming for five 1 × 1-km U.T.M. grid squares (ED50) during one agricultural year (2002-2003). It allows consider almost the total richness notion of the floristic data and makes possible a geographical comparison of biodiversity in absolute terms. The Jaccard’s index is used to determine the floristic similarity between all grid cells and the taxonomic spectra is analyzed. The results show high levels of richness at all spatial levels (1634 native species at regional level; 690, in all five grid cells, and an average higher than 400 by grid cell). From highest to lowest, the regional typical spectrum presents a dominance of the daisy family, followed by grasses, legume family, crucifers and pink family; although the cells spectra have slight variations to this model.Se efectúan inventarios sistemáticos y exhaustivos de la flora en cinco cuadrículas U.T.M. (Datum ED50) de 1 × 1 km, que forman un transecto NNE-SSW en la región natural de La Alcarria Occidental y Mesa de Ocaña, con objeto de conocer la composición en plantas vasculares. El método, aplicado en el año agrológico 2002 03, hace posible considerar el contingente florístico determinado como relativamente próximo a la riqueza total y permite efectuar una comparación geográfica de la diversidad en términos absolutos. Se efectúa un análisis de la semejanza florística y se analizan comparativamente los espectros taxonómicos. Los resultados muestran elevados niveles de riqueza en todos los niveles espaciales (1634 taxones autóctonos, a escala regional; 690, en el conjunto de las cinco cuadrículas; y una media superior a 400 por cuadrícula). De mayor a menor, el espectro típico de la región presenta un dominio de compuestas, gramíneas, leguminosas, crucíferas y cariofiláceas; aunque las cuadrículas presentan ligeras variaciones a este modelo.On a fait des relevés systématiques et exhaustives de la flore á cinq carrés UTM de 1 km × 1 km (ED50), formant un transect NNE-SSW dans la région naturelle de La Alcarria de l’Ouest et “Mesa” d’Ocaña (Centre de la Péninsule Ibérique), avec le but de connaître la composition en plantes vasculaires. La méthode, appliquée dans l’année agrologique 2002-03, permet d’envisager l’ensemble vasculair déterminé comme relativement proche à la richesse totale, ce qui fair possible la comparaison géographique de la diversité floristique en termes absolus. En même temps, on a effectué une analyse de similarité de la flore entre les cinq unités régulières et une analyse comparative des spectres taxonomiques. Les résultats montrent des niveaux élevés de la richesse à tous les espaces étudiés (1634 espèces, au niveau régional, 690 dans l´ensemble des cinq carrés UTM, et une moyenne supérieure à 400 par carré). Du plus haut au plus bas, le spectre typique de la région est domainé par les composées, suivies par les graminées, légumineuses, crucifères et caryophyllacées, bien que les unités de 1 km² ont de légères variations de ce modèle

    Sobre la presencia actual de Atropa baetica Willk. (Solanaceae) en la Alta Alcarria (Utande, Guadalajara)

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    Se da noticia del hallazgo y presencia actual de Atropa baetica Willk. (Solanaceae) en una localidad de la Alta Alcarria, municipio de Utande (provincia de Guadalajara). Se indica la cuadrícula U.T.M. de 1×1 km donde se encuentra. Se presentan datos ecológicos y fitogeográficos básicos sobre su emplazamiento, algunos datos vegetativos descriptivos de los dos rodales o conjuntos de tallos encontrados y comentarios sobre posibles amenazas de la escueta población. Finalmente, se comenta la relación de esta nueva cita con referencias antiguas publicadas en la bibliografía.On the actual presence of Atropa baetica Willk. (Solanaceae) in the Alta Alcarria (Utande, Guadalajara). This article reports the finding and current presence of Atropa baetica Willk. (Solanaceae) in a municipality (Utande) belonging to the “Alta Alcarria” (province of Guadalajara, Central Iberian Peninsula, Spain). We provide the 1×1 km U.T.M.-grid location. Ecological and phytogeographical data as well as information on the location basic vegetative descriptive data from the two sets of stems and a review on the possible threats are reported. Finally, the relationshio of this new citation with old literature references is discussed

    Cost-effectiveness of pharmacogenetic screening in the management of major depressive disorder in the Spanish Healthcare System

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    Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) represents a sizable economic burden in Spain. Pharmacogenetic (PGx) screening to guide the choice of antidepressant medication (ADM) in MDD patients yields higher response and remission rates, which could reduce both healthcare and indirect costs. Methods: We built a cost-effectiveness probabilistic Markov model with microsimulation using Tree Age Pro 2022, simulating a patient cohort from the SNHS starting ADM for MDD, and comparing PGx screening before starting ADM versus no screening (No PGx). We carried out a probabilistic sensitivity analysis using the Monte Carlo simulation with microsimulation, set for 1000 iterations and 1000 microsimulation trials, both from societal and healthcare provider perspectives, for a time horizon of 3 years. Results: From a societal perspective, the model estimated a mean cost of 3172.85€ and effectiveness of 2.64 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) for the No PGx strategy, and a mean cost of 1687.02 € and effectiveness of 2.84 QALYs for the PGx strategy. The mean ICER was −7820.56 €/QALY. From a healthcare provider perspective (no indirect costs considered), the mean cost was 662.62 € for the No PGx strategy, and 446.60 € for the PGx strategy. The mean ICER was −1130.16 €/QALY. Limitations: The heterogeneity of input data from the literature, the need for assumptions of homogeneous distribution of variables and events across population and time, and the inherent limitations of cost-effectiveness analysis should be considered. The model omits combined therapies (ADMs with mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, cognitive behavioral therapy…). Conclusions: PGx screening in MDD prior to ADM start is a dominant strategy in the SNH

    Géographie des plantes de La Alcarria de l’Ouest et “Mesa” d’Ocaña (II). Analyse de provenance à cinq localités représentatives

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    A partir de inventarios florísticos efectuados en el año hidrológico 2002-03 en cinco cuadrículas U.T.M. de 1 km², que forman un transecto representativo en La Alcarria Occidental y Mesa de Ocaña (AM), se continúa el análisis de espectros biológicos iniciado en trabajos anteriores (García-Abad, 2009 y 2011, Partes I y II). Se trata el criterio biogeográfico y se discriminan las plantas autóctonas de las alóctonas y su diferente procedencia. A su vez, se discriminan las plantas invasoras de las no invasoras, de acuerdo a la propuesta de Sanz et al. (2004). Los espectros obtenidos se relacionan con los correspondientes al conjunto de AM, gracias al anidamiento territorial efectuado. Se presenta un listado provisional de plantas alóctonas en AM.Biological spectra analysis initiated in previous papers (García-Abad, 2009 and 2011, Parts I and II) is continued here. Floristic inventories are carried out during one agricultural year (2002-03) in five 1 km²- U.T.M. grid squares. These space tracts form a representative transect in Western La Alcarria and “Mesa” of Ocaña (AM). This Part III is about the biogeographical spectrum. We discriminate between native and no-native plants and analyze their provenance. In turn, Sanz et al. (2004) criteria were designed to discriminate between invasive alien and no-invasive alien plants. Since the both spaces are nested, locally determinated spectra could be related to the spectra of AM region. Finally, we present a provisional checklist of alien plants of AM.À partir des relevés floristiques effectués dans l’année agrologique 2002-03 à cinq carrés U.T.M. de 1 km ², formant un transect représentatif dans la región naturelle de La Alcarria de l’Ouest et “Mesa” d’Ocaña (AM), cet article continue comme troisième de sa série (García- Abad, 2009 et 2011, Parts I et II) l'analyse de spectres biologiques. Le critère biogéographique est appliqué ici. Les xenophytes sont distingués des plantes indigènes et tous les deux provenances géographiques sont analysées. À son tour, la distinction est effectuée entre les plantes invasives et les non invasives, selon le critère de Sanz et al. (2004). Les spectres obtenus se rattachent aux correspondants à l'ensemble d'AM, grâce à l’établissement des espaces imbriqués. Une liste provisoire des xénophytes d’AM est montré

    Learning task-specific features for 3D pointcloud graph creation

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    Processing 3D pointclouds with Deep Learning methods is not an easy task. A common choice is to do so with Graph Neural Networks, but this framework involves the creation of edges between points, which are explicitly not related between them. Historically, naive and handcrafted methods like k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) or query ball point over xyz features have been proposed, focusing more attention on improving the network than improving the graph. In this work, we propose a more principled way of creating a graph from a 3D pointcloud. Our method is based on performing k-NN over a transformation of the input 3D pointcloud. This transformation is done by an Multi-Later Perceptron (MLP) with learnable parameters that is optimized through backpropagation jointly with the rest of the network. We also introduce a regularization method based on stress minimization, which allows to control how distant is the learnt graph from our baseline: k-NN over xyz space. This framework is tested on ModelNet40, where graphs generated by our network outperformed the baseline by 0.3 points in overall accuracy