17 research outputs found

    El español de Guinea Ecuatorial: una propuesta didáctica a través de la película «Palmeras en la Nieve»

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    Este TFG se desarrolla a partir de la película española «Palmeras en la Nieve», dirigida por Fernando González Molina, estrenada en el año 2015 y actualmente disponible bajo demanda en las plataformas de «streaming» HBO Max y Disney+. En este largometraje, se muestra la convivencia lingüística de diferentes variedades del español, destacando entre todas ellas una de las variedades del español menos conocidas y más infravaloradas a nivel global: el español de Guinea Ecuatorial. A partir del análisis fonético, morfosintáctico y léxico del español ecuatoguineano representado en diferentes fragmentos de la película, se pretende constatar si la variedad se encuentra representada de forma veraz, pudiendo ser considerada así una herramienta de visibilización y aprendizaje sobre la variedad. Tomando de nuevo como referencia «Palmeras en la Nieve», también se pretende diseñar una propuesta didáctica integrada por materiales digitales innovadores inspirados en la película, destinada al aprendizaje del español de Guinea Ecuatorial en el aula de ELE y por parte de cualquier persona que esté interesada en aprender sobre ella. El objetivo principal es contribuir a la visibilidad y reconocimiento del español de Guinea Ecuatorial en el mundo hispanohablante y en el contexto de la enseñanza del español.This Final Degree Dissertation is based on the Spanish film «Palmeras en la Nieve», directed by Fernando González Molina, released in 2015 and currently available on demand on the streaming platforms HBO Max and Disney+. This film shows the linguistic coexistence of different varieties of Spanish, highlighting one of the least known and most undervalued: Equatoguinean Spanish. Based on the phonetic, morphosyntactic and lexical analysis of the Equatoguinean Spanish represented in the film, this dissertation aims to determine whether this variety is represented truthfully, so that this film could be considered as a useful tool for making it more visible. We also intend to design innovative digital materials for teaching Equatorial Guinean Spanish in the Spanish classroom and via online, in order to contribute to its recognition in the Spanish-speaking world and in the context of Spanish language teaching.Universidad de Granada. Grado en Traducción e Interpretació

    Investigación y biblioteca: Memoria del Proyecto de innovación y mejora de la calidad docente, 2009

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    Este proyecto se presenta como continuación de los realizados en los años anteriores en los que se han ido poniendo los pilares para convertir a la biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales en un sólido servicio de apoyo a investigadores y docentes (PDI). Recoge la experiencia recabada a lo largo del curso 2009-2010 en la que se vuelve a presentar el interés de la biblioteca de la UCM en la adaptación a los modelos europeos de educación e investigación. En estos modelos los servicios de información se constituyen como verdaderos centros de apoyo al aprendizaje. El objetivo fundamental del proyecto se dirige a la formación de investigadores y docentes de la Facultad en los aspectos relacionados con: localización de recursos, gestión bibliográfica, acceso abierto al conocimiento, calidad de las publicaciones científicas y herramientas 2.0

    La Biblioteca como apoyo a la investigación en Economía: Memoria del Proyecto de innovación y mejora de la calidad docente, 2009

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    La biblioteca de la Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Complutense viene demostrando en los últimos años interés en la adaptación al modelo de educación superior (EEES) como de la investigación (EEI) con su implicación en diferentes proyectos de innovación. De hecho el que ahora se presenta supone una continuación de los dos anteriores: en 2006 se avanzaba sobre las características de la biblioteca como centro de recursos para el aprendizaje y la investigación, el de 2007 iba dirigido al apoyo a la docencia y la investigación en el departamento de Economía Aplicada y este amplía sus objetivos a otros departamentos concediendo especial interés al apoyo a la investigación en Economía

    Molecular epidemiology of an enterovirus A71 outbreak associated with severe neurological disease, Spain, 2016

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    Altres ajuts: We wish to thank I Bustillo, H del Pozo and P Higueras for their technical assistance. We also sincerely wish to thank all technical staff from microbiology departments and medical staff from paediatrics departments from all participating hospitals. Some of the samples are included in an ongoing project (PI15CIII-00020) which was supported by a grant by the Health Research System (AES).Introduction: Enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) is an emerging pathogen that causes a wide range of disorders including severe neurological manifestations. In the past 20 years, this virus has been associated with large outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease with neurological complications in the Asia-Pacific region, while in Europe mainly sporadic cases have been reported. In spring 2016, however, an EV-A71 outbreak associated with severe neurological cases was reported in Catalonia and spread further to other Spanish regions. Aim: Our objective was to investigate the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the outbreak. Methods: We carried out a retrospective study which included 233 EV-A71-positive samples collected during 2016 from hospitalised patients. We analysed the clinical manifestations associated with EV-A71 infections and performed phylogenetic analyses of the 3'-VP1 and 3Dpol regions from all Spanish strains and a set of EV-A71 from other countries. Results: Most EV-A71 infections were reported in children (mean age: 2.6 years) and the highest incidence was between May and July 2016 (83%). Most isolates (218/233) were classified as subgenogroup C1 and 217 of them were grouped in one cluster phylogenetically related to a new recombinant variant strain associated with severe neurological diseases in Germany and France in 2015 and 2016. Moreover, we found a clear association of EV-A71-C1 infection with severe neurological disorders, brainstem encephalitis being the most commonly reported. Conclusion: An emerging recombinant variant of EV-A71-C1 was responsible for the large outbreak in 2016 in Spain that was associated with many severe neurological cases

    Molecular epidemiology of an enterovirus A71 outbreak associated with severe neurological disease, Spain, 2016

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    IntroductionEnterovirus A71 (EV-A71) is an emerging pathogen that causes a wide range of disorders including severe neurological manifestations. In the past 20 years, this virus has been associated with large outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease with neurological complications in the Asia-Pacific region, while in Europe mainly sporadic cases have been reported. In spring 2016, however, an EV-A71 outbreak associated with severe neurological cases was reported in Catalonia and spread further to other Spanish regions.AimOur objective was to investigate the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the outbreak.MethodsWe carried out a retrospective study which included 233 EV-A71-positive samples collected during 2016 from hospitalised patients. We analysed the clinical manifestations associated with EV-A71 infections and performed phylogenetic analyses of the 3'-VP1 and 3Dpol regions from all Spanish strains and a set of EV-A71 from other countries.ResultsMost EV-A71 infections were reported in children (mean age: 2.6 years) and the highest incidence was between May and July 2016 (83%). Most isolates (218/233) were classified as subgenogroup C1 and 217 of them were grouped in one cluster phylogenetically related to a new recombinant variant strain associated with severe neurological diseases in Germany and France in 2015 and 2016. Moreover, we found a clear association of EV-A71-C1 infection with severe neurological disorders, brainstem encephalitis being the most commonly reported.ConclusionAn emerging recombinant variant of EV-A71-C1 was responsible for the large outbreak in 2016 in Spain that was associated with many severe neurological cases.S

    Definite and indeterminate nonalcoholic steatohepatitis share similar clinical features and prognosis: A longitudinal study of 1893 biopsy-proven nonalcoholic fatty liver disease subjects

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    [Background and Aim] Histological score systems may not fully capture the essential nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) features, which is one of the leading causes of screening failure in clinical trials. We assessed the NASH distribution and its components across the fibrosis stages and their impact on the prognosis and their relationship with the concept of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD).[Methods] Spanish multicenter study including 1893 biopsy-proven nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients from HEPAmet registry. NASH was diagnosed by NAS score ≥4 (including steatosis, ballooning and lobular inflammation) and fibrosis by Kleiner score. The presence of MAFLD was determined. Progression to cirrhosis, first episode of decompensated cirrhosis and death were collected during the follow-up (4.7 ± 3.8 years).[Results] Fibrosis was F0 34.3% (649/1893), F1 27% (511/1893), F2 16.5% (312/1893), F3 15% (284/1893) and F4 7.2% (137/1893). NASH diagnosis 51.9% (982/1893), and its individual components (severe steatosis, ballooning and lobular inflammation), increased from F0 (33.6%) to F2 (68.6%), and decreased significantly in F4 patients (51.8%) (P = .0001). More than 70% of non-NASH patients showed some inflammatory activity (ballooning or lobular inflammation), showing a similar MAFLD rate than NASH (96.2% [945/982] vs. 95.2% [535/562]) and significantly higher than nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) subjects (89.1% [311/349]) (P < .0001). Progression to cirrhosis was similar between NASH (9.5% [51/539]) and indeterminate NASH (7.9% [25/316]), and higher than steatosis (5% [14/263]) (logRank 8.417; P = .015). Death and decompensated cirrhosis were similar between these.[Conclusions] The prevalence of steatohepatitis decreased in advanced liver disease. However, most of these patients showed some inflammatory activity histologically and had metabolic disturbances. These findings should be considered in clinical trials whose main aim is to prevent cirrhosis progression and complications, liver transplant and death.This project has been partially funded by the ‘Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía’ (PI-0075-2014) and the ‘Spanish Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Competition, Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (PI19/01404, PI16/01842, PI17/00535 and GLD19/00100).Peer reviewe

    Effectiveness and Safety of the Sequential Use of a Second and Third Anti-TNF Agent in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results From the Eneida Registry

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    Background: The effectiveness of the switch to another anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) agent is not known. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and safety of treatment with a second and third anti-TNF drug after intolerance to or failure of a previous anti-TNF agent in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Methods: We included patients diagnosed with IBD from the ENEIDA registry who received another anti-TNF after intolerance to or failure of a prior anti-TNF agent. Results: A total of 1122 patients were included. In the short term, remission was achieved in 55% of the patients with the second anti-TNF. The incidence of loss of response was 19% per patient-year with the second anti-TNF. Combination therapy (hazard ratio [HR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-3; P < 0.0001) and ulcerative colitis vs Crohn's disease (HR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1-2.1; P = 0.005) were associated with a higher probability of loss of response. Fifteen percent of the patients had adverse events, and 10% had to discontinue the second anti-TNF. Of the 71 patients who received a third anti-TNF, 55% achieved remission. The incidence of loss of response was 22% per patient-year with a third anti-TNF. Adverse events occurred in 7 patients (11%), but only 1 stopped the drug. Conclusions: Approximately half of the patients who received a second anti-TNF achieved remission; nevertheless, a significant proportion of them subsequently lost response. Combination therapy and type of IBD were associated with loss of response. Remission was achieved in almost 50% of patients who received a third anti-TNF; nevertheless, a significant proportion of them subsequently lost response

    Industrias audiovisuales: tendencias de producción y consumo

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    La digitalización de la creación cultural y su difusión online ha supuesto la entrada en los mercados de poderosos y novedosos agentes que se han convertido en los líderes no sólo de la industria tecnológica, sino de toda la producción cultural y de la economía. Dicha digitalización de los medios, además de la convergencia de las pantallas y la ruptura de la linealidad vertical y unidireccional de los medios convencionales ha conllevado un profundo cambio de paradigmas que atañe directamente a la creación audiovisual. Este volumen de la serie iniciada en el año 2012 a partir de las investigaciones de los estudiantes de la asignatura Estructura del mercado audiovisual del grado de Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad de Málaga nos lleva al análisis de la recepción y del consumo de diversas industrias del audiovisual, pero también al análisis de la producción condicionada por el contexto económico y por la demanda, así como a diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el marketing y los modelos de negocio de aquellas industrias. En una disciplina en la que no abundan los trabajos académicos actualizados, los autores y autoras de este volumen ofrecen con sus aportaciones estudios de casos significativos y paradigmáticos del estado de los diversos sectores de las industrias audiovisuales. Presentados aquí a modo de capítulos, estos textos suponen la iniciación en la investigación de estudiantes que combinan su formación académica e investigadora con su formación como profesionales en el área de la Comunicación Audiovisual. Ofrecemos aquí una selección de aquellas investigaciones que destacan por su interés, su capacidad analítica y crítica, su actualidad, su pertinencia y su disciplinada adecuación a una metodología de investigación apropiada para unos estudios que forman parte de las Ciencias Sociales. https://www.eumed.net/libros/1851/index.htm

    Apoyo a la investigación y a la docencia en el ámbito de la economía monetaria: memoria-proyecto de innovación y mejora de la calidad docente 2007

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    Este proyecto, desarrollado por personal bibliotecario en colaboración con personal docente del departamento de Economía Aplicada III, de la Facultad de Económicas, tiene como misión planificar y desarrollar un sistema de formación especializada para la investigación en el ámbito del Espacio Europeo de Investigación (EEI), con especial referencia al área de Economía monetaria y financiera en la Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales

    Changes of the mucosal N3 and N6 fatty acid status occur early in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence

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    Despite data favouring a role of dietary fat in colonic carcinogenesis, no study has focused on tissue n3 and n6 fatty acid (FA) status in human colon adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Thus, FA profile was measured in plasma phospholipids of patients with colorectal cancer (n = 22), sporadic adenoma (n = 27), and normal colon (n = 12) (control group). Additionally, mucosal FAs were assessed in both diseased and normal mucosa of cancer (n = 15) and adenoma (n = 21) patients, and from normal mucosa of controls (n = 8). There were no differences in FA profile of both plasma phospholipids and normal mucosa, between adenoma and control patients. There were considerable differences, however, in FAs between diseased and paired normal mucosa of adenoma patients, with increases of linoleic (p = 0.02), dihomogammalinolenic (p = 0.014), and eicosapentaenoic (p = 0.012) acids, and decreases of alpha linolenic (p = 0.001) and arachidonic (p = 0.02) acids in diseased mucosa. A stepwise reduction of eicosapentaenoic acid concentrations in diseased mucosa from benign adenoma to the most advanced colon cancer was seen (p = 0.009). Cancer patients showed lower alpha linolenate (p = 0.002) and higher dihomogammalinolenate (p = 0.003) in diseased than in paired normal mucosa. In conclusion changes in tissue n3 and n6 FA status might participate in the early phases of the human colorectal carcinogenesis