15 research outputs found
Ympäristöaiheet suomalaisissa uskonnon ja elämänkatsomustiedon oppikirjoissa
Solving global environmental problems requires a major change of values. As relates to environmental education, worldview, ethics and spiritual issues are important elements. But how are environmental issues included in such school subjects that especially discuss values and ethics? In this article I examine 24 Finnish religious education and ethics textbooks to analyze, to what extent environmental issues are integrated and discussed in them. I conclude that there is confusion about what environmental education can be in societal school subjects. The environmental texts in textbooks do not always draw on the specific content of the societal subject in question but repeat content from the natural sciences. Therefore, I suggest contexts and perspectives for discussing environmental issues that would comport with these subjects and supplement existing environmental education at school.Peer reviewe
Ilmastokasvatuksen polkypyörämalli: mallin esittely ja arviointi
This article presents and evaluates a model made for climate change education - the bicycle model. The model was created based on an extensive literature review, from which, essential aspects of climate change education were drawn out. The bicycle model is a representation of holistic climate change education and emphasizes the importance of the following aspects: knowledge, thinking skills, values, identity, worldview, action, motivation, participation, future orientation, hope and other emotions, and operational barriers. In this study, the model is also evaluated by climate education researchers and educators. The evaluation was done through documented group discussions and an electronic questionnaire. The findings suggest that the model is useful in developing climate change education policy, research and practice. The findings also give insight into expert's perceptions on climate education. Finally, the article discusses how this model could be developed further.Peer reviewe
Exploring the association between growth mindsets and climate action with young people
Decades of research has demonstrated the power of growth mindsets (i.e. belief in the malleability of the qualities of humans) to shape people’s ways of making sense of their socio-cultural reality and influence their ways of thinking about and acting towards change. Yet, research which connects mindsets with climate action or sustainability behavior remains scarce. This study explores the association between mindsets and climate action among European young people. Our findings, based on statistical analyses of survey data from Tampere (Finland), Genoa (Italy), Galway (Ireland) and Bristol (United Kingdom) (N = 1,814), indicate that growth mindsets about persons and groups are associated with some dimensions of climate action.1 However, the results also showed that the dimensions of climate actions are understood in slightly different ways in different countries, possibly because of contextual differences. Developing and researching locally adapted approaches to cultivate growth mindsets in climate change education is recommended
Exploring environmental value action gap and education research : a semi-systematic literature review
Despite rising levels of interest in global environmental challenges, progress towards the widespread adoption of pro-environmental behaviours remains slow and inconsistent. Previous literature identifies the importance of education for working to address this inconsistency between the environmental values people hold and their behaviours, commonly described as the value-action gap. To examine current knowledge in this area we conducted a semi-systematic review of published literature which explicitly brings together value-action gap thinking and environmental education research. Our findings reveal that major areas of focus across this literature are either on the role of specific pedagogical approaches or broader policy and institutional structure. Based on our analysis of the literature, we suggest five priorities for future research. This includes research which contextualises educational visions within existing curricula, research which examines intergenerational learning, research which considers possibilities for collective action, research which studies a greater diversity of global locations, and research which examines the whole school approach.Peer reviewe
Reflections on co-productive research in a youth-focused climate education project
The 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasises the value of listening to young people’s voices. Since its inception, there have been significant moves to involve young people in research that concerns their lives in a time of environmental emergency. Drawing on critical analysis of our work with Youth Action Partnerships (YAPs), this article explores how co-production with young people can effectively be achieved and offers meaningful ways for young people to share their stories in a time of climate crisis. We draw on rich insights from our experience of working in partnership with young people and explore how they have been supported to shape and influence the research process. Our findings enable us to build on Hickey’s five principles for co-production with adults in a health and social care context. We show that, in addition to those, there is need to consider three other principles when co-working with youth. We embed the eight principles for co-production in a new model for effective co-production with young people to support researchers to successfully prepare for, and implement, such co-production processes in other work.Peer reviewe
Lectio praecursoria: Ympäristö ylittää oppiainerajat : Arvolatautuneisuus ja monialaisuus koulun ympäristöopetuksen haasteina
Non peer reviewe
Lectio praecursoria: Ympäristö ylittää oppiainerajat : Arvolatautuneisuus ja monialaisuus koulun ympäristöopetuksen haasteina
Non peer reviewe
Ympäristöaiheiden tieteidenvälisyys yleissivistävän opetuksen haasteena aineenopettajien näkökulmasta
Ympäristö on kompleksinen opetuksen aihe, joka ulottuu usean oppiaineen alueelle. Oppiaineittain järjestetty kouluopetus ei kuitenkaan automaattisesti tue tieteidenvälistä ajattelua. Kuvaan artikkelissani ympäristöaiheiden integroimista opetukseen sekä siihen liittyviä haasteita. Tarkastelen aihetta tieteidenvälisyyden ja kriittisen ajattelun käsitteiden kautta; historian, yhteiskuntaopin, uskonnon ja elämänkatsomustiedon aineenopettajien haastatteluiden avulla.Peer reviewe