127 research outputs found

    Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction in Quantitative Head Impulse Test : Clinical Characteristics in 23 Patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore clinical features of patients with bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH) verified in motorized head impulse test (MHIT). MATERIALS and METHODS: We examined clinical records of 23 adult patients (10 males and 13 females), whose gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the MHIT was bilaterally lowered. Fifteen of 62 unilateral cochlear implant (CI) recipients routinely tested both pre-and postoperatively with the MHIT had BVH. Eight of 198 vestibular outpatients selected to the MHIT due to clinical causes had BVH. Clinical characteristics and a questionnaire regarding current sensations were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean gain +/- SD in the MHIT was 0.26 +/- 0.17 on the right and 0.26 +/- 0.14 on the left side. The mean gain in the CI recipients did not differ from that of vestibular outpatients (p>0.05). All outpatients with BVH suffered from oscillopsia, whereas only 46% of CI recipients experienced oscillopsia (p=0.048). Instability was more prominent (p=0.004) and quality of life further decreased (p=0.012) among vestibular outpatients compared with CI patients. Most common etiology for the BVH was meningitis. Other causes were either sudden or progressive loss of labyrinthine function, bilateral Meniere's disease, and ototoxicity. CONCLUSION: BVH is rare even in a specialized clinic. Vestibular outpatients were more disabled than CI recipients with the BVH.Peer reviewe

    On classification in the case of a medical data set with a complicated distribution

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    Abstract In one of our earlier studies we noticed how straightforward cleaning of our medical data set impaired its classification results considerably with some machine learning methods, but not all of them, unexpectedly and against intuition compared to the original situation without any data cleaning. After a more precise exploration of the data, we found that the reason was the complicated variable distribution of the data although there were only two classes in it. In addition to a straightforward data cleaning method, we used an efficient way called neighbourhood cleaning that solved the problem and improved our classification accuracies 5–10%, at their best, up to 95% of all test cases. This shows how important it is first very carefully to study distributions of data sets to be classified and use different cleaning techniques in order to obtain best classification results.Peer reviewe

    Suun terveydenhuollon potilaskertomusmerkintöjen toiminnalliset määritykset 2016

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    Tämän dokumentin korvaa uusi dokumentti osoitteessa: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2020042422330</a

    Applicability of condensation particle counters to measure atmospheric clusters

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    This study presents an evaluation of a pulse height condensation particle counter (PH-CPC) and an expansion condensation particle counter (E-CPC) in terms of measuring ambient and laboratory-generated molecular and ion clusters. Ambient molecular cluster concentrations were measured with both instruments as they were deployed in conjunction with an ion spectrometer and other aerosol instruments in Hyytiälä, Finland at the SMEAR II station between 1 March and 30 June 2007. The observed cluster concentrations varied and ranged from some thousands to 100 000 cm -3. Both instruments showed similar (within a factor of ~5) concentrations. An average size of the detected clusters was approximately 1.8 nm. As the atmospheric measurement of sub 2-nm particles and molecular clusters is a challenging task, we conclude that most likely we were unable to detect the smallest clusters. Nevertheless, the reported concentrations are the best estimates to date for minimum cluster concentrations in a boreal forest environment

    Diurnal patterns in Scots pine stem oleoresin pressure in a boreal forest

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    Coniferous tree stems contain large amounts of oleoresin under positive pressure in the resin ducts. Studies in North-American pines indicated that the stem oleoresin exudation pressure (OEP) correlates negatively with transpiration rate and soil water content. However, it is not known how the OEP changes affect the emissions of volatile vapours from the trees. We measured the OEP, xylem diameter changes indicating changes in xylem water potential and monoterpene emissions under field conditions in mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees in southern Finland. Contrary to earlier reports, the diurnal OEP changes were positively correlated with temperature and transpiration rate. OEP was lowest at the top part of the stem, where water potentials were also more negative, and often closely linked to ambient temperature and stem monoterpene emissions. However, occasionally OEP was affected by sudden changes in vapour pressure deficit (VPD), indicating the importance of xylem water potential on OEP as well. We conclude that the oleoresin storage pools in tree stems are in a dynamic relationship with ambient temperature and xylem water potential, and that the canopy monoterpene emission rates may therefore be also regulated by whole tree processes and not only by the conditions prevailing in the upper canopy.Peer reviewe

    Effects of cardioactive drugs on human induced pluripotent stem cell derived long QT syndrome cardiomyocytes

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) have enabled a major step forward in pathophysiologic studies of inherited diseases and may also prove to be valuable in in vitro drug testing. Long QT syndrome (LQTS), characterized by prolonged cardiac repolarization and risk of sudden death, may be inherited or result from adverse drug effects. Using a microelectrode array platform, we investigated the effects of six different drugs on the electrophysiological characteristics of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes as well as hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes from control subjects and from patients with type 1 (LQT1) and type 2 (LQT2) of LQTS. At baseline the repolarization time was significantly longer in LQTS cells compared to controls. Isoprenaline increased the beating rate of all cell lines by 10-73 % but did not show any arrhythmic effects in any cell type. Different QT-interval prolonging drugs caused prolongation of cardiac repolarization by 3-13 % (cisapride), 10-20 % (erythromycin), 8-23 % (sotalol), 16-42 % (quinidine) and 12-27 % (E-4031), but we did not find any systematic differences in sensitivity between the control, LQT1 and LQT2 cell lines. Sotalol, quinidine and E-4031 also caused arrhythmic beats and beating arrests in some cases. In summary, the drug effects on these patient-specific cardiomyocytes appear to recapitulate clinical observations and provide further evidence that these cells can be applied for in vitro drug testing to probe their vulnerability to arrhythmia.Peer reviewe

    Constraining ecosystem model with adaptive Metropolis algorithm using boreal forest site eddy covariance measurements

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    We examined parameter optimisation in the JSBACH (Kaminski et al., 2013; Knorr and Kattge, 2005; Reick et al., 2013) ecosystem model, applied to two boreal forest sites (Hyytiala and Sodankyla) in Finland. We identified and tested key parameters in soil hydrology and forest water and carbon-exchange-related formulations, and optimised them using the adaptive Metropolis (AM) algorithm for Hyytil with a 5-year calibration period (2000-2004) followed by a 4-year validation period (2005-2008). Sodankyla acted as an independent validation site, where optimisations were not made. The tuning provided estimates for full distribution of possible parameters, along with information about correlation, sensitivity and identifiability. Some parameters were correlated with each other due to a phenomenological connection between carbon uptake and water stress or other connections due to the set-up of the model formulations. The latter holds especially for vegetation phenology parameters. The least identifiable parameters include phenology parameters, parameters connecting relative humidity and soil dryness, and the field capacity of the skin reservoir. These soil parameters were masked by the large contribution from vegetation transpiration. In addition to leaf area index and the maximum carboxylation rate, the most effective parameters adjusting the gross primary production (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET) fluxes in seasonal tuning were related to soil wilting point, drainage and moisture stress imposed on vegetation. For daily and half-hourly tunings the most important parameters were the ratio of leaf internal CO2 concentration to external CO2 and the parameter connecting relative humidity and soil dryness. Effectively the seasonal tuning transferred water from soil moisture into ET, and daily and half-hourly tunings reversed this process. The seasonal tuning improved the month-to-month development of GPP and ET, and produced the most stable estimates of water use efficiency. When compared to the seasonal tuning, the daily tuning is worse on the seasonal scale. However, daily parametrisation reproduced the observations for average diurnal cycle best, except for the GPP for Sodankyla validation period, where half-hourly tuned parameters were better. In general, the daily tuning provided the largest reduction in model-data mismatch. The models response to drought was unaffected by our parametrisations and further studies are needed into enhancing the dry response in JSBACH.Peer reviewe