1,902 research outputs found


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    Whole-ecosystem foodweb models, specifically the dynamic model ECOSIM, contain specific hypotheses for surplus production that differ from traditional single-species management models. Specifically, ECOSIM begins with an assumption that all species are tightly connected and energetic surplus does not arise through fishing, whereas single-species fishing theory implies that fishing leads to surplus by removing larger, older, less-productive fish from populations. Although ECOPATH production ratios and single-species estimated production levels are both derived from the dynamics of von Bertalanffy consumption and growth equations, the dynamics of ECOSIM differ from the implied bioenergetics of fishing as applied to age-structured populations. Specifically, while the ECOSIM “Arena” functional response and the von Bertalanffy equations both lead to the appearance of densitydependence in predator consumption per unit biomass, the difference in starting assumptions between the models leads ECOSIM to “fix production energetics” while age-structured models capture changes in within-population energetics between populations of younger versus older fish. This may cause ECOSIM to greatly overestimate the amount of biomass supportable in “pristine” systems of large, mature fish, especially when projections are based on models of currently exploited ecosystems. However, if the ECOSIM Arena is seen as a proxy for age structure rather than as a function of predator/prey behaviour, the original derivation of von Bertalanffy growth equations, applied as a modification of ECOSIM, may allow the predictions made by biomass dynamics ecosystem models to incorporate critical life-history characteristics of modelled populations. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 26: 289–30

    Frontal mucocele with an accompanying orbital abscess mimicking a fronto-orbital mucocele: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Mucoceles are slowly expanding cystic lesions with respiratory epithelium containing mucus most commonly affecting the frontal and ethmoidal sinuses. They are caused by obstruction of sinus ostium. Mucoceles exert pressure on the bony boundaries and due to the proximity to the brain and orbit extension to these areas are common. CASE PRESENTATION: A case of a frontal mucocele with an accompanying orbital abscess mimicking a fronto-orbital mucocele is reported. A 77 year old female patient suffering from left sided proptosis and pain around the left eye was admitted to our department. She had a history of left frontal sinus mucocele one year ago that was offered an osteoplastic frontal sinus surgery that the patient refused. Patient had limitation of eye movements. Fundoscopic examination revealed a minimal papilledema. Coronal computerized tomography and orbital magnetic resonance imaging showed a frontal mucocele with suspicious erosion of the orbital roof and a superiorly localized extraconal mass displacing the orbit lateroinferiorly. Frontal and orbital masses had similar intensities. Thus surgery was planned for a fronto-orbital mucocele. During surgery no defect was found on the orbital roof. Frontal mucocele and orbital cystic mass was removed separately. Pathological examination showed a frontal mucocele and an orbital abscess wall. Postoperatively eye movements returned to normal and papilledema resolved. CONCLUSION: Fronto-orbital mucoceles are commonly encountered pathologies, but frontal mucocele with an orbital abscess is a rarely seen and should be kept in mind because their treatments differ

    Phylogeny and S1 Gene Variation of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Detected in Broilers and Layers in Turkey

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    Citation: Yilmaz, H., Altan, E., Cizmecigil, U. Y., Gurel, A., Ozturk, G. Y., Bamac, O. E., . . . Turan, N. (2016). Phylogeny and S1 Gene Variation of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Detected in Broilers and Layers in Turkey. Avian Diseases, 60(3), 596-602. doi:10.1637/11346-120915-Reg.1The avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (AvCoV-IBV) is recognized as an important global pathogen because new variants are a continuous threat to the poultry industry worldwide. This study investigates the genetic origin and diversity of AvCoV-IBV by analysis of the S1 sequence derived from 49 broiler flocks and 14 layer flocks in different regions of Turkey. AvCoV-IBV RNA was detected in 41 (83.6%) broiler flocks and nine (64.2%) of the layer flocks by TaqMan real-time RT-PCR. In addition, AvCoV-IBV RNA was detected in the tracheas 27/30 (90%), lungs 31/49 (62.2%), caecal tonsils 7/22 (31.8%), and kidneys 4/49 (8.1%) of broiler flocks examined. Pathologic lesions, hemorrhages, and mononuclear infiltrations were predominantly observed in tracheas and to a lesser extent in the lungs and a few in kidneys. A phylogenetic tree based on partial S1 sequences of the detected AvCoV-IBVs (including isolates) revealed that 1) viruses detected in five broiler flocks were similar to the IBV vaccines Ma5, H120, M41; 2) viruses detected in 24 broiler flocks were similar to those previously reported from Turkey and to Israel variant-2 strains; 3) viruses detected in seven layer flocks were different from those found in any of the broiler flocks but similar to viruses previously reported from Iran, India, and China (similar to Israel variant-1 and 4/91 serotypes); and 4) that the AVCoV-IBV, Israeli variant-2 strain, found to be circulating in Turkey appears to be undergoing molecular evolution. In conclusion, genetically different AvCoV-IBV strains, including vaccine-like strains, based on their partial S1 sequence, are circulating in broiler and layer chicken flocks in Turkey and the Israeli variant-2 strain is undergoing evolution. © 2016 American Association of Avian Pathologists

    Forward Neutron Production at the Fermilab Main Injector

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    We have measured cross sections for forward neutron production from a variety of targets using proton beams from the Fermilab Main Injector. Measurements were performed for proton beam momenta of 58 GeV/c, 84 GeV/c, and 120 GeV/c. The cross section dependence on the atomic weight (A) of the targets was found to vary as A(alpha)A^(alpha) where α\alpha is 0.46±0.060.46\pm0.06 for a beam momentum of 58 GeV/c and 0.54±\pm0.05 for 120 GeV/c. The cross sections show reasonable agreement with FLUKA and DPMJET Monte Carlos. Comparisons have also been made with the LAQGSM Monte Carlo.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review D. This version incorporates small changes suggested by referee and small corrections in the neutron production cross sections predicted by FLUK

    Measurement of Charged Pion Production Yields off the NuMI Target

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    The fixed-target MIPP experiment, Fermilab E907, was designed to measure the production of hadrons from the collisions of hadrons of momenta ranging from 5 to 120 GeV/c on a variety of nuclei. These data will generally improve the simulation of particle detectors and predictions of particle beam fluxes at accelerators. The spectrometer momentum resolution is between 3 and 4%, and particle identification is performed for particles ranging between 0.3 and 80 GeV/c using dE/dxdE/dx, time-of-flight and Cherenkov radiation measurements. MIPP collected 1.42×1061.42 \times10^6 events of 120 GeV Main Injector protons striking a target used in the NuMI facility at Fermilab. The data have been analyzed and we present here charged pion yields per proton-on-target determined in bins of longitudinal and transverse momentum between 0.5 and 80 GeV/c, with combined statistical and systematic relative uncertainties between 5 and 10%.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Mechanisms of Sorafenib Resistance in HCC Culture Relate to the Impaired Membrane Expression of Organic Cation Transporter 1 (OCT1)

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    Srinivas Chava,1 Nergiz Ekmen,2 Pauline Ferraris,1 Yucel Aydin,2 Krzysztof Moroz,1 Tong Wu,1 Swan N Thung,3 Srikanta Dash1,2,4 1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA; 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA; 3Department of Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA; 4Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System, New Orleans, LA, USACorrespondence: Srikanta Dash, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, 1430 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, LA, 70112, USA, Tel +1 504-988-2519, Fax +1 504-988-7389, Email [email protected]: Sorafenib, an FDA-approved drug for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) treatment, encounters resistance in many patients. Deciphering the mechanisms underlying sorafenib resistance is crucial for devising alternative strategies to overcome it.Aim: This study aimed to investigate sorafenib resistance mechanisms using a diverse panel of HCC cell lines.Methods: HCC cell lines were subjected to continuous sorafenib treatment, and stable cell lines (Huh 7.5 and Huh 7PX) exhibiting sustained growth in its presence were isolated. The investigation of drug resistance mechanisms involved a comparative analysis of drug-targeted signal transduction pathways (EGFR/RAF/MEK/ERK/Cyclin D), sorafenib uptake, and membrane expression of the drug uptake transporter.Results: HCC cell lines (Huh 7.5 and Huh 7PX) with a higher IC50 (10μM) displayed a more frequent development of sorafenib resistance compared to those with a lower IC50 (2– 4.8μM), indicating a potential impact of IC50 variation on initial treatment response. Our findings reveal that activated overexpression of Raf1 kinases and impaired sorafenib uptake, mediated by reduced membrane expression of organic cation transporter-1 (OCT1), contribute to sorafenib resistance in HCC cultures. Stable expression of the drug transporter OCT1 through cDNA transfection or adenoviral delivery of OCT1 mRNA increased sorafenib uptake and successfully overcame sorafenib resistance. Additionally, consistent with sorafenib resistance in HCC cultures, cirrhotic liver-associated human HCC tumors often exhibited impaired membrane expression of OCT1 and OCT3.Conclusion: Intrinsic differences among HCC cell clones, affecting sorafenib sensitivity at the expression level of Raf kinases, drug uptake, and OCT1 transporters, were identified. This study underscores the potential of HCC tumor targeted OCT1 expression to enhance sorafenib treatment response.Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, cholangiocarcinoma, CCA, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, TKI, organic cation transporter-1, OCT1, organic cation transporter-3, OCT3, sorafenib resistance cell lines, SR huh

    Ascending aortic aneurysm and aortic valve dysfunction in bicuspid aortic valve disease

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    BACKGROUND: The relationship of aortic valve dysfunction and ascending aortic aneurysm is unclear in adults with bicuspid aortic valve disease. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 134 consecutive out-patients (98 men, 36 women aged 43+/-18years) with bicuspid aortic valve disease. To investigate the relationship of ascending aortic aneurysm and aortic valve dysfunction we exclusively considered severe pathologies that required treatment by surgical or percutaneous intervention. RESULTS: Of 134 patients, 39 had aortic valve dysfunction without concomitant ascending aortic aneurysm which had been treated previously with isolated valve surgery or percutaneous valvuloplasty comprising 25 patients with aortic stenosis (19%) and 14 patients with aortic regurgitation (10%). Conversely, 26 patients had ascending aortic aneurysm which had been treated previously with aortic surgery (19%). Of these, ascending aortic aneurysm was associated with severe aortic stenosis in 13 patients and with severe aortic regurgitation in 7 patients, whereas aneurysm was unrelated to severe aortic valve dysfunction in the remaining 6 patients including 2 without any degree of aortic valve dysfunction. The maximal aortic diameters were similar at the time of aortic surgery irrespective of presence of severe aortic valve dysfunction (P=.527). Other characteristics of patients with ascending aortic aneurysm were also similar irrespective of presence or type of aortic valve dysfunction. CONCLUSION: The majority of patients with bicuspid aortic valve disease exhibit ascending aortic aneurysm in conjunction with severe aortic valve dysfunction. However, in our study 6 of 134 (5%) of persons with bicuspid aortic valve disease developed ascending aortic aneurysm without aortic valve dysfunction

    A microsatellite marker for yellow rust resistance in wheat

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    Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) was used to identify molecular markers associated with yellow rust disease resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). DNAs isolated from the selected yellow rust tolerant and susceptible F-2 individuals derived from a cross between yellow rust resistant and susceptible wheat genotypes were used to established a "tolerant" and a "susceptible" DNA pool. The BSA was then performed on these DNA pools using 230 markers that were previously mapped onto the individual wheat chromosomes. One of the SSR markers (Xgwm382) located on chromosome group 2 (A, B, D genomes) was present in the resistant parent and the resistant bulk but not in the susceptible parent and the susceptible bulk, suggesting that this marker is linked to a yellow rust resistance gene. The presence of Xgwm382 was also tested in 108 additional wheat genotypes differing in yellow rust resistance. This analysis showed that 81% of the wheat genotypes known to be yellow rust resistant had the Xgwm382 marker, further suggesting that the presence of this marker correlates with yellow rust resistance in diverse wheat germplasm. Therefore, Xgwm382 could be useful for marker assisted selection of yellow rust resistances genotypes in wheat breeding programs

    Bilkent University at TRECVID 2007

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    We describe our fourth participation, that includes two high-level feature extraction runs, and one manual search run, to the TRECVID video retrieval evaluation. All of these runs have used a system trained on the common development collection. Only visual information, consisting of color, texture and edge-based low-level features, was used