1,268 research outputs found


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    Social Work contributes significantly to making visible the need for the livestock sector to assume processes of associativity and integrate the family in the different links of the productive chain as a point of social balance. This manuscript addresses the importance of promoting associativity and competitiveness scenarios, considering the need to implement agricultural technological tools that generate added value to dairy production and favor participation in local, national and international economies. The research involved: the Approach and characterization of the producers of two associations, the Association of Milk Producers of Circasia (hereinafter APROLACIR); Association of Agricultural Producers of Filandia (hereinafter ASOPROAGRO); Design of the technological application. In this sense, the R + D + I process (Research + Development + Technological Innovation) made it possible to consolidate direct participation with the population and the activities involved in the production chain

    Modelo para la gestión de inventarios en la empresa Conalmármoles SAS

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    Este proyecto expone diversos modelos tomados como base para lograr gestionar los inventarios en la empresa Conalmármoles SAS. A partir de esto se pretende que la compañía obtenga una posible solución a la falta de conocimiento del producto que actualmente tiene en bodega. Con base a los modelos presentados y por medio de un análisis previo se formuló un modelo el cual dará a conocer la cantidad de producto con el que cuenta la empresa. Se caracterizó el proceso actual en cuanto al manejo del inventario en la compañía, al igual que los problemas con los que cuenta en esta área; se describió, comparó y analizó diferentes modelos de gestión de inventarios aplicables en la compañía, evidenciando tanto las ventajas como las desventajas que estos modelos traerían a la empresa, y por último, se identificaron los aspectos relevantes de los modelos anteriores con el fin de desarrollar un modelo de gestión de inventarios para Conalmármoles SAS.This project exposes various models taken as base for managing inventories in the company Conalmármoles SAS. Starting from this is intended to that the company get a possible solution to the lack of knowledge of the product that currently has in stock. Based on the presented models and by means of a preliminary analysis was formulated a model which will announce the amount of product that the company has. The current management of inventory procedure was exposed as well as its difficulties; various models of inventory management suitable for the company were exposed, compared, appraised and contrasted the pluses and minuses each one will bright to the stakeholders and finally, adopt the relevant facets to develop a brand new model of inventory management for Conalmármoles SAS.Universidad del Rosari

    Caricias digitales en reproducción automática: un cuento de géneros

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    La globalización representada en la internet, como plataforma, es el nuevo espacio de encuentro y horizontalidad en las redes que ha garantizado a los ciudadanos del mundo globalizado para encontrarse desde la diversidad se debe precisar que las TIC no transforman sociedades, mucho menos ciudadanos, porque son ellos quienes actúan realmente en el ciberespacio. Abordar la violencia simbólica que subyace en las redes sociales como formas de discriminación de género y las repercusiones que estos hechos tienen dentro de la sociedad digitalizada, en especial con el derecho como forma de garantizar la dignidad humana. Se abordan en esta perspectiva autores como: Castells, Manuel); Simon, Nora y Minc, Alain; Salazar, Robinson; Natansohn) entre otros quienes reconocen el poder del derecho y las convenciones jurídicas aplicadas para la vigilancia y el castigo social en el espacio digital, las divergencias de la práctica se enfrentan a situaciones similares a la de la realidad material; hay derecho a la libertad de expresión, por ejemplo, pero los ciudadanos son vigilados por las instancias de poder, también, por otros que establecen sus propias normas en esta dinámica

    Análisis del desarrollo y evolución del objetivo e implementación de las operaciones estrátegicas planteadas en los planes de ordenamiento territorial de Bogotá desde el 2000 al 2013: caso de estudio operación estratégica centro

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    La planificación urbana en la consolidación de las ciudades ha venido adquiriendo una gran importancia para el desarrollo urbano, a través de instrumentos de gestión urbana. Dentro de esta investigación se analiza las operaciones estratégicas como un instrumento de gestión que ha tenido cambios en su objetivo, alcance e implementación para poder transformar y mejorar a través de intervenciones urbanas los temas físicos, económicos, sociales y culturales dentro de los territorios. A partir de lo anterior, se identificaron cinco elementos que han limitado la implementación de las operaciones estratégicas que son, una visión a largo plazo, la falta de una gerencia especifica, voluntad política, continuidad y la coordinación y comunicación interinstitucional.The urban planning in the consolidation in the cities has been acquired more importance for the urban development, trough the instruments of urban management. This investigation analyzed the strategic operations as a management instrument that has been changed in they objectives, scope and implementation for transform and ameliorated trough urban interventions with physical, economics, social and culture issues in the territories. From above and considering the study of case of this work, there are five elements that limited the implementation of the urban operations: long- term vision, the absence of a specific management, political will, continuity and coordination with the different government institutions

    Meat Intake Among Adults: A Population-based Study In The City Of Campinas, Brazil. A Cross-sectional Study

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Meat is a food with high nutritional density that has significant participation in the Brazilian diet. However, in excess it can cause harm to health. The aim of this study was to analyze the meat intake (g/day) among adults according to sociodemographic, behavioral and health situation characteristics, and to assess the types of meat most consumed. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional population-based study conducted in the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2008 and 2009. METHODS: Two-stage cluster sampling was used. The analysis included 948 adults between 20 and 59 years, who were participants in the Campinas Health Survey. Meat intake was assessed using 24-hour dietary recall. RESULTS: The mean meat intake adjusted for sex and age was 182.3 g (95% CI: 170.6-193.9 g), with significantly lower intake among women, individuals aged 50 years or over, those with the presence of two or more self-reported chronic diseases and those with three or more health complaints. Higher meat intake was found in segments with intermediate monthly family income (between 1 and 3 minimum wages), those with 16 or more appliances per household and those who consumed soft drinks seven days a week. Beef was consumed most frequently (44%) among the meats in the diet, followed by poultry, fish and pork. CONCLUSION: The data from this study reveal high meat intake in the population of Campinas and identify the segments that need to be prioritized for strategies directed towards appropriate meat intake.1342138145Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico [CNPq 409747-2006-8]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    UV-protective compounds in marine organisms from the Southern Ocean

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    Solar radiation represents a key abiotic factor in the evolution of life in the oceans. In general, marine, biota particularly in euphotic and dysphotic zones depends directly or indirectly on light, but ultraviolet radiation (UV-R) can damage vital molecular machineries. UV-R induces the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and impairs intracellular structures and enzymatic reactions. It can also affect organismal physiologies and eventually alter trophic chains at the ecosystem level. In Antarctica, physical drivers, such as sunlight, sea-ice, seasonality and low temperature are particularly influencing as compared to other regions. The springtime ozone depletion over the Southern Ocean makes organisms be more vulnerable to UV-R. Nonetheless, Antarctic species seem to possess analogous UV photoprotection and repair mechanisms as those found in organisms from other latitudes. The lack of data on species-specific responses towards increased UV-B still limits the understanding about the ecological impact and the tolerance levels related to ozone depletion in this region. The photobiology of Antarctic biota is largely unknown, in spite of representing a highly promising reservoir in the discovery of novel cosmeceutical products. This review compiles the most relevant information on photoprotection and UV-repair processes described in organisms from the Southern Ocean, in the context of this unique marine polar environment

    Pessoas com deficiência em Angola na narrativa familiar : coragens e lutas por reconhecimento

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento, Sociedade e Cooperação Internacional, 2018.Esta tese analisa as vivências de famílias angolanas que têm filhos e/ou filhas com deficiência. Busca-se compreender as experiências de vida, as tensões, os limites e as motivações que constituem perspectivas à luta social por reconhecimento. Esta análise se dá a partir das reflexões da teoria do reconhecimento, de Axel Honneth, nas suas relações e dimensões afetivas, jurídicas e de solidariedade. A escolha da análise a partir das narrativas familiares foi determinada por um conjunto de relações interligadas, quais sejam: a construção dos primeiros laços afetivos entre familiares e seus/as filhos e filhas com deficiência; as experiências das famílias e das pessoas com deficiência quanto ao acesso e à permanência no sistema educacional angolano; as considerações das mulheres-mães sobre a atuação e responsabilidade nas relações de cuidado e as implicações desse cuidado atreladas às questões de gênero, vulnerabilidade, dependência. A pesquisa de campo realizada de julho a dezembro de 2016 em Angola se inscreve no âmbito de uma investigação qualitativa por meio da observação direta. Foram utilizadas como técnicas de pesquisa a entrevista em profundidade, a pesquisa documental e a observação da realidade cotidiana para a produção de dados qualitativos. Desse modo, a pesquisa analisou as vivências de 27 famílias provenientes das seguintes cidades: Luanda (província Luanda), Moçâmedes (província Namibe), Saurimo (província Lunda-Sul), Lubango (província Huíla), Cabinda (província Cabinda) e Benguela (província Benguela). Ainda, foram realizadas entrevistas com 04 gestores/as da área do ensino especial. Na esfera dos afetos, foi possível observar que o sentimento de medo e o desconhecimento gerados diante da notícia de que seus filhos e filhas possuíam deficiência não os privou do cuidado. Ao contrário, esses sentimentos, quando compreendidos, estabeleceram um vínculo afetivo e de proteção física e emocional que se constituiu na força motriz para a busca de alternativas, sejam elas na área da saúde e/ou educação. No âmbito educacional são descritas as lutas por acesso e permanência na escola, em diferentes contextos de (in)exclusão escolar e reconhecimento de direito, em suas perspectivas. Contudo, as análises decorrentes desses dois fatores não possuíram a pretensão de aferir o mérito do sistema educacional de ensino angolano, nem mesmo o caráter qualitativo do ensino regular ou do ensino especial, mas buscou refletir, a partir da vivência cotidiana das famílias, suas trajetórias, desafios e sentimentos diante do processo de escolarização de seus filhos e filhas. Ao compartilharem suas histórias de vidas, foi possível destacar que as famílias manifestaram sentimentos de injustiças diante da deficiência de seus filhos e filhas permeados por um contexto social de privação e exclusão social. As lutas resultantes dessas experiências são conjeturadas nas narrativas familiares como uma linguagem comum, porém individualizadas, o que desfavorece a luta por reconhecimento em esferas que poderiam ser reclamadas na luta social como forma de resistência e ampliação das relações de reconhecimento.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).This thesis analyzes the experiences of Angolan families who have children with disabilities. It seeks to understand life experiences, tensions, limits and motivations that constitute perspectives for the social struggle for recognition. This analysis is based on Axel Honneth's theory of recognition, in his relations and affective dimensions, legal and of solidarity. The choice of this analysis as of the family narratives was determined by a set of interrelated relationships, such as, the construction of the first affective bonds among family members and their children with disabilities, the experiences of families and people with disabilities in terms of access to and permanence in the Angolan educational system, the considerations of mother-women on the performance and responsibility in care relationships and the implications of this care due to gender issues, vulnerability and dependence. This field research was conducted from July to December, in 2016, in Angola as part of a qualitative research throughout direct observation. The interviews were used in depth, documentary research and daily reality observation for the production of qualitative data. Thus, the research analyzed the experiences of 27 families from the following cities: Luanda (province of Luanda), Moçâmedes (province of Namibe), Saurimo (province of Lunda Sul), Lubango (province of Huíla), Cabinda (province of Cabinda) and Benguela Benguela province). In addition, interviews were conducted with 04 managers from the special education area. In the sphere of the affections it was possible to observe that the feeling of fear and the unfamiliarity generated by the diagnosis that their children had deficiency did not deprive them of the caring and care. Instead these feelings, when understood, established an affective bond and physical and emotional protection that was the driving force for the search of alternatives, in the area of health and/or education. In the educational context, the struggles for access and permanence in school, in different contexts of (in)exclusion from school and recognition of thier rights, in their perspectives, are described. However, the analysis of these two factors did not have the pretension of assessing the merits of the Angolan educational system, nor even the qualitative nature of regular or special education, but sought to reflect from the daily experience of families, their trajectories, challenges and feelings before the process of their children schooling. By sharing their life histories, it was possible to emphasize that families expressed feelings of injustice facing the deficiency of their children permeated by a social context of deprivation and social exclusion. The struggles resulting from these experiences are conjectured in family narratives as a common but individualized language, which distorts the struggle for recognition in spheres that could be claimed in the social struggle as a form of resistance and broadening of relationships of recognition

    Renewables grabbing : Land and resource appropriations in the global energy transition

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    The global land rush intersects with the global energy transition and the emergence of new renewable energy frontiers demanding vast amounts of land and other resources. This chapter provides an overview of the processes of land and resource grabbing associated with renewable energies and discusses the environmental injustices emerging in the global energy transition. After a brief examination of the multiple drivers of the global energy transition and their specific implications for resource and land grabbing, a sectoral perspective on the four major renewable energy sources describes the emergence of new energy-land frontiers: biofuels, hydropower dams, mega solar power, and wind parks. For each frontier, the chapter points to key resources required and appropriated and discusses the related environmental conflicts and justice concerns that are arising. Close examination of these conflicts provides important lessons for moving toward a socially just energy transition

    Ingestão de carnes em adultos: estudo de base populacional na cidade de Campinas, Brasil. Um estudo transversal

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Meat is a food with high nutritional density that has significant participation in the Brazilian diet. However, in excess it can cause harm to health. The aim of this study was to analyze the meat intake (g/day) among adults according to sociodemographic, behavioral and health situation characteristics, and to assess the types of meat most consumed. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional population-based study conducted in the city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2008 and 2009. METHODS: Two-stage cluster sampling was used. The analysis included 948 adults between 20 and 59 years, who were participants in the Campinas Health Survey. Meat intake was assessed using 24-hour dietary recall. RESULTS: The mean meat intake adjusted for sex and age was 182.3 g (95% CI: 170.6-193.9 g), with significantly lower intake among women, individuals aged 50 years or over, those with the presence of two or more self-reported chronic diseases and those with three or more health complaints. Higher meat intake was found in segments with intermediate monthly family income (between 1 and 3 minimum wages), those with 16 or more appliances per household and those who consumed soft drinks seven days a week. Beef was consumed most frequently (44%) among the meats in the diet, followed by poultry, fish and pork. CONCLUSION: The data from this study reveal high meat intake in the population of Campinas and identify the segments that need to be prioritized for strategies directed towards appropriate meat intake.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: As carnes são alimentos com elevada densidade nutricional, apresentam expressiva participação na dieta dos brasileiros, porém em excesso provocam prejuízos à saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a ingestão de carnes (g/dia) entre adultos segundo características sociodemográficas, comportamentais e de situação de saúde, além de avaliar os tipos de carnes mais consumidos. DESENHO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal de base populacional, realizado em Campinas, SP, Brasil, em 2008 e 2009. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi obtida por conglomerados e em dois estágios. Foram analisados 948 adultos (20-59 anos), participantes do Inquérito de Saúde de Campinas. O recordatório alimentar de 24 horas foi utilizado para estimar a ingestão de carnes. RESULTADOS: A ingestão média de carnes ajustada por sexo e idade foi de 182,3 g (IC 95%: 170,6-193,9 g), sendo significativamente menor nas mulheres, nos indivíduos com 50 anos ou mais, nos que relataram duas ou mais doenças crônicas e nos que apresentavam três ou mais queixas de saúde. Maior ingestão de carnes foi encontrada nos segmentos com renda familiar mensal intermediária entre 1 e 3 salários mínimos, com 16 ou mais equipamentos no domicílio, assim como aqueles que ingeriam refrigerantes nos 7 dias da semana. A carne bovina foi a mais frequente (44%) entre as carnes presentes na dieta, seguida de aves, processadas, peixes e suínas. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados desta pesquisa revelam elevada ingestão de carnes na população de Campinas e identificam os segmentos que devem ser priorizados para estratégias direcionadas a adequar a ingestão desse alimento.134213814

    Estudio hidrológico e hidráulico del proceso de socavación en estribos y pilares del puente Laramie-Chao aplicando modelamiento matemático

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    La presente tesis se realizó con la finalidad de determinar los criterios técnicos para realizar el estudio hidrológico e hidráulico y calcular la profundidad de socavación en estribos y pilares con un periodo de retorno de 500 años en el puente Laramie, ubicado a la altura del Km 498+000 de la Carretera Panamericana Norte en el distrito de Chao provincia de Virú –La Libertad. Se hizo toma, registro y procesamiento de datos para realizar el estudio hidrológico e hidráulico, usando como instrumentos programas de informática. Tomamos parámetros hidráulicos que el HEC –RAS nos proporciona, con el objetivo de realizar la simulación hidráulica del rio Chorobal para hallar el derecho de vía del rio y determinar el área de influencia del flujo para precisar la socavación de acuerdo método Lischtvan - Levediev y el método Artamonov Los caudales máximos instantáneos se hicieron según el método de Creager, en él nos da como resultado para los periodos de retorno de 100,50,25,10,5,3,2 años, los caudales máximos fueron: 227.4 m3/seg, 193.2 m3/seg,158.9 m3/seg, 113.7 m3/seg, es 79.5 m3/seg, 54.3 m3/seg y 34.2 m3/seg. La profundidad de socavación del fondo del cauce es de Hs = 1.84 m dique aguas arriba y Hs =1.35m socavación en dique intermedio y Hs = 0.90 m socavación dique con puente y socavación local en la subestructura del puente es de 0.95m .This thesis was carried out with the purpose of determining the technical criteria to carry out the hydrological and hydraulic study and calculate the depth of undercutting in stirrups and pillars with a return period of 500 years at the Laramie Bridge, located at the height of Km 498 +000 of the Pan-American Highway North in the district of Chao province of Virú –La Libertad. Data collection, recording and processing were done to carry out the hydrological and hydraulic study, using computer programs as instruments. We take hydraulic parameters that the HEC –RAS provides us, with the objective of performing the hydraulic simulation of the Chorobal river to find the right of way of the river and determine the area of influence of the flow to specify the general undercutting according to Lischtvan - Levediev method and the Artamonov method The maximum instantaneous flows were made according to the Creager method, it results in the return periods of 100.50,25,10,5,3,2 years, the maximum flows were: 227.4 m3 / sec, 193.2 m3 / sec, 158.9 m3 / sec, 113.7 m3 / sec, is 79.5 m3 / sec, 54.3 m3 / sec and 34.2 m3 / sec. The depth of undercutting of the bottom of the riverbed is Hs = 1.84 m upstream dike and Hs = 1.35m undercutting in intermediate dock and Hs = 0.90 m undercutting with bridge and local undercutting in the substructure of the bridge is 0.95m.Tesi