1,407 research outputs found

    Star clusters as building blocks for dSph galaxies formation

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    We study numerically the formation of dSph galaxies. Intense star bursts, e.g. in gas-rich environments, typically produce a few to a few hundred young star clusters, within a region of just a few hundred pc. The dynamical evolution of these star clusters may explain the formation of the luminous component of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph). Here we perform a numerical experiment to show that the evolution of star clusters complexes in dark matter haloes can explain the formation of the luminous components of dSph galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of IAU symposium 266 'Star Clusters - Basic Building Blocks

    A Possible Formation Scenario for Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies - II: A Parameter Study

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    Dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies are considered the basic building blocks of the galaxy formation process in the LCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) hierarchical cosmological model. These galaxies are believed to be the most dark matter (DM) dominated systems known, have the lowest stellar content, and are poor in gas. Many theories attempt to explain the formation of dSph galaxies resorting to the fact that these galaxies are mainly found orbiting large galaxies or invoking other mechanisms of interactions. Here we show the full set of simulation as an extension of our fiducial model, where we study the formation of classical dSph galaxies in isolation by dissolving star clusters within the DM halo of the dwarf galaxy. In our parameter survey we adopt cored and cusped DM halo profiles and consider different numbers of dissolving star clusters. We investigate the dependency of observable quantities with different masses and scale-lengths of the DM halo and different star formation efficiencies (SFE). We find that our proposed scenario explains many features of the classical dSph galaxies of the Milky Way, like their morphology and their dynamics. We see trends how the surface brightness and the scale-length of the luminous component vary with the parameters of our simulations. We also identify how irregularities in their shape, i.e. clumpiness and ellipticity vary in our simulations. In velocity space, we identify the parameters leading to flat velocity dispersions curves. We recognize kinematically cold substructures in velocity space, named fossil remnants and stemming from our unique initial conditions, which alter the expected results. These streaming motions are considered as a key feature for future observation with high resolution to validate our scenario.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 4 Tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Produção de gado de corte e acĂșmulo de matĂ©ria seca em sistemas de integração lavoura: pecuĂĄria em presença e ausĂȘncia de trevo branco e nitrogĂȘnio.

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    O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de verificar a influĂȘncia da adubação nitrogenada em uma pastagem de azevĂ©m (Lolium multiflorium L.) e aveia (Avena strigosa Scherb) em presença e ausĂȘncia de trevo branco (Trifolium repens L.), conferida pelo acĂșmulo e produção de matĂ©ria seca, ganho mĂ©dio diĂĄrio, ganho de peso vivo e carga animal no sistema de integração lavoura-pecuĂĄria sob sistema de plantio direto. A cultura antecessora da pastagem foi a soja (Glycine Max L.). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e trĂȘs repetiçÔes. Nas parcelas, foram testadas quatro doses de nitrogĂȘnio (0, 100, 200 e 300 kg.ha-1) e nas subparcelas, a combinação de presença e ausĂȘncia de trevo branco. A elevação das doses crescentes de N aumentaram de forma linear crescente o acĂșmulo e a produção de matĂ©ria seca da pastagem. A carga animal e o ganho de peso vivo por hectare de bovinos aumentaram com o incremento de nitrogĂȘnio. Os resultados demonstram o efeito da adubação nitrogenada no acĂșmulo diĂĄrio, na produção de matĂ©ria seca, carga animal e no ganho de peso vivo

    Efficiency for the imperfect LHC collimation system

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    The LHC collimation system requires a high cleaning efficiency in order to prevent magnet quenches due to regular beam diffusion. The cleaning efficiency is significantly reduced due to imperfections of the collimator jaws and the machine optics. Tracking tools have been set up to predict the cleaning efficiency in presence of multiple imperfections. The deterioration of cleaning efficiency is quantified for different errors, including collimator surface non-flatness, collimator alignment errors, beta beating, orbit errors, non-linear field errors, and chromatic effects

    Pan-Africanism: a contorted delirium or a pseudonationalist paradigm? Revivalist critique

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    This essaic-article goes against established conventions that there is anything ethno-cultural (and hence national) about the so-called African tribes. Drawing largely from the culture history of precolonial/prepolitical Africans—that is, the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians (Azanians)—the author has demonstrated vividly that far from being distinct ethno-culture national communities, the so-called tribes of African states are better considered subculture groups, whose regional culture practices erstwhile paid tribute to their nation’s main culture center in Karnak. For example, using the culture symbols and practices of some local groups and linking them to the predynastic and dynastic Pharaonic periods, I argued that there is compelling evidence against qualifying Africa’s tribes as distinct ethno-culture national entities. In genuine culture context, I stressed that the Ritual of Resurrection and its twin culture process of the mummification of deceased indigenous Pharaohs tend to suggest that the object of the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians national culture was life (in its eternal manifestation) and then resurrection later, and that there are recurring (culturally sanctioned) ethical examples among the culture custodians of these subculture groups that generally pay tribute to the overarching culture norm. Furthermore, the fact that the Ritual of Resurrection began in the Delta region and ended at the Sources of the Nile, where the spirit of the deceased indigenous Pharaohs was introduced into the spiritual world of their ancestors, contradicts conventional perceptions that ancient Egypt was a distinct national community isolated from precolonial/prepolitical Africa/Azania

    Development of hollow electron beams for proton and ion collimation

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    Magnetically confined hollow electron beams for controlled halo removal in high-energy colliders such as the Tevatron or the LHC may extend traditional collimation systems beyond the intensity limits imposed by tolerable material damage. They may also improve collimation performance by suppressing loss spikes due to beam jitter and by increasing capture efficiency. A hollow electron gun was designed and built. Its performance and stability were measured at the Fermilab test stand. The gun will be installed in one of the existing Tevatron electron lenses for preliminary tests of the hollow-beam collimator concept, addressing critical issues such as alignment and instabilities of the overlapping proton and electron beams.Comment: 3 pp. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference: IPAC'10, 23-28 May 2010: Kyoto, Japa

    Star Cluster collisions - a formation scenario for the Extended Globular Cluster Scl-dE1 GC1

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    Recent observations of the dwarf elliptical galaxy Scl-dE1 (Sc22) in the Sculptor group of galaxies revealed an extended globular cluster (Scl-dE1 GC1), which exhibits an extremely large core radius of about 21.2 pc. The authors of the discovery paper speculated on whether this object could reside in its own dark matter halo and/or if it might have formed through the merging of two or more star clusters. In this paper, we present N-body simulations to explore thoroughly this particular formation scenario. We follow the merger of two star clusters within dark matter haloes of a range of masses (as well as in the absence of a dark matter halo). In order to obtain a remnant which resembles the observed extended star cluster, we find that the star formation efficiency has to be quite high (around 33 per cent) and the dark matter halo, if present at all, has to be of very low mass, i.e. raising the mass to light ratio of the object within the body of the stellar distribution by at most a factor of a few. We also find that expansion of a single star cluster following mass loss provides another viable formation path. Finally, we show that future measurements of the velocity dispersion of this system may be able to distinguish between the various scenarios we have explored.Comment: accepted by MNRAS, 9 pages, 2 figures, 9 table

    Beam Dynamics and Tolerance Studies of the THz-driven Electron Linac for the AXSIS Experiment

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    A dielectric-loaded linac powered by THz-pulses is one of the key parts of the "Attosecond X-ray Science: Imaging and Spectroscopy" (AXSIS) project at DESY, Hamburg. As in conventional accelerators, the AXSIS linac is designed to have phase velocity equal to the speed of light which, in this case, is realized by tuning the thickness of the dielectric layer and the radius of the vacuum channel. Therefore, structure fabrication errors will lead to a change in the beam dynamics and beam quality. Additionally, errors in the bunch injection will also affect the acceleration process and can cause beam loss on the linac wall. This paper numerically investigates the process of electron beam acceleration in the AXSIS linac, taking into account the aforementioned errors. Particle tracking simulations were done using the code ECHO, which uses a low-dispersive algorithm for the field calculation and was specially adapted for the dielectric-loaded accelerating structures.Comment: EAAC'17 conference proceeding

    Channeling and Volume Reflection Based Crystal Collimation of Tevatron Circulating Beam Halo (T-980)

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    The T980 crystal collimation experiment is underway at the Tevatron to determine if this technique could increase 980 GeV beam-halo collimation efficiency at high-energy hadron colliders such as the Tevatron and the LHC. T980 also studies various crystal types and parameters. The setup has been substantially enhanced during the Summer 2009 shutdown by installing a new O-shaped crystal in the horizontal goniometer, as well as adding a vertical goniometer with two alternating crystals (O-shaped and multi-strip) and additional beam diagnostics. First measurements with the new system are quite encouraging, with channeled and volume-reflected beams observed on the secondary collimators as predicted. Investigation of crystal collimation efficiencies with crystals in volume reflection and channeling modes are described in comparison with an amorphous primary collimator. Results on the system performance are presented for the end-of-store studies and for entire collider stores. The first investigation of colliding beam collimation simultaneously using crystals in both the vertical and horizontal plane has been made in the regime with horizontally channeled and vertically volume-reflected beams. Planning is underway for significant hardware improvements during the FY10 summer shutdown and for dedicated studies during the final year of Tevatron operation and also for a "post-collider beam physics running" period.Comment: 3 pp. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference: IPAC'10, 23-28 May 2010: Kyoto, Japa

    Chirp mitigation of plasma-accelerated beams using a modulated plasma density

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    Plasma-based accelerators offer the possibility to drive future compact light sources and high-energy physics applications. Achieving good beam quality, especially a small beam energy spread, is still one of the major challenges. For stable transport, the beam is located in the focusing region of the wakefield which covers only the slope of the accelerating field. This, however, imprints a longitudinal energy correlation (chirp) along the bunch. Here, we propose an alternating focusing scheme in the plasma to mitigate the development of this chirp and thus maintain a small energy spread
