901 research outputs found

    A clinical trial combining donor bone marrow infusion and heart transplantation: intermediate-term results.

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    BACKGROUND: Donor chimerism (the presence of donor cells of bone marrow origin) is present for years after transplantation in recipients of solid organs. In lung recipients, chimerism is associated with a lower incidence of chronic rejection. To augment donor chimerism with the aim to enhance graft acceptance and to reduce immunosuppression, we initiated a trial combining infusion of donor bone marrow with heart transplantation. Reported herein are the intermediate-term results of this ongoing trial. METHODS: Between September 1993 and August 1998, 28 patients received concurrent heart transplantation and infusion of donor bone marrow at 3.0 x 10(8) cells/kg (study group). Twenty-four contemporaneous heart recipients who did not receive bone marrow served as controls. All patients received an immunosuppressive regimen consisting of tacrolimus and steroids. RESULTS: Patient survival was similar between the study and control groups (86% and 87% at 3 years, respectively). However, the proportion of patients free from grade 3A rejection was higher in the study group (64% at 6 months) than in the control group (40%; P =.03). The prevalence of coronary artery disease was similar between the two groups (freedom from disease at 3 years was 78% in study patients and 69% in controls). Similar proportions of study (18%) and control (15%) patients exhibited in vitro evidence of donor-specific hyporesponsiveness. CONCLUSIONS: The infusion of donor bone marrow reduces the rate of acute rejection in heart recipients. Donor bone marrow may play an important role in strategies aiming to enhance the graft acceptance

    Infusion of donor leukocytes to induce tolerance in organ allograft recipients

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    To further enhance chimerism, 229 primary allograft recipients have received perioperative intravenous infusion of a single dose of 3 to 6 x 108 unmodified donor bone marrow (BM) cells/kg body weight. In addition, 42 patients have been accrued in a concurrent protocol involving multiple (up to three) sequential perioperative infusions of 2 x 108 BM cells/kg/day from day 0-2 posttransplantation (PTx). Organ recipients (n = 133) for whom BM was not available were monitored as controls. The infusion of BM was safe and except for 50 (18%), all study patients have optimal graft function. Of the control patients, allografts in 30 (23%) have been lost during the course of follow-up. The cumulative risk of acute cellular rejection (ACR) was statistically lower in the study patients compared with that of controls. It is interesting that, 62% of BM-augmented heart recipients were free of ACR (Grade ≥ 3A) in the first 6 months PTx compared to controls. The incidence of obliterative bronchiolitis was also statistically lower in study lung recipients (3.8%) compared with the contemporaneously acquired controls (31%). The levels of donor cell chimerism were at least a log higher in the peripheral blood of majority of the study patients compared with that of controls. The incidence of donor-specific hyporeactivity, as determined by one-way mixed leukocyte reaction, was also higher in those BM-augmented liver, kidney, and lung recipients that could be evaluated compared to controls

    Short-Run Regional Forecasts: Spatial Models through Varying Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions

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    In any economic analysis, regions or municipalities should not be regarded as isolated spatial units, but rather as highly interrelated small open economies. These spatial interrelations must be considered also when the aim is to forecast economic variables. For example, policy makers need accurate forecasts of the unemployment evolution in order to design short- or long-run local welfare policies. These predictions should then consider the spatial interrelations and dynamics of regional unemployment. In addition, a number of papers have demonstrated the improvement in the reliability of long-run forecasts when spatial dependence is accounted for. We estimate a heterogeneouscoefficients dynamic panel model employing a spatial filter in order to account for spatial heterogeneity and/or spatial autocorrelation in both the levels and the dynamics of unemployment, as well as a spatial vector-autoregressive (SVAR) model. We compare the short-run forecasting performance of these methods, and in particular, we carry out a sensitivity analysis in order to investigate if different number and size of the administrative regions influence their relative forecasting performance. We compute short-run unemployment forecasts in two countries with different administrative territorial divisions and data frequency: Switzerland (26 regions, monthly data for 34 years) and Spain (47 regions, quarterly data for 32 years)

    Reservists and veterans: Viewed from within and without

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    This chapter describes two important groups relative to military service – reservists and veterans. Definitions are provided regarding who is a member of each group. A summary of past and current research findings for each group is provided. The summary is organized by investigative topics or themes, which provide the current scope of the field for reservists and for veterans. Finally, approaches to the study of reservists and veterans are described, along with challenges – both substantively and methodologically – for future research studies. These serve as fertile areas for improvements and investigations in future research studies

    The effect of a Heat and Moisture Exchanger (Provox® HME) on pulmonary protection after total laryngectomy: a randomized controlled study

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    The goal of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effect of Heat and Moisture Exchanger use on pulmonary symptoms and quality of life aspects in laryngectomized patients. Eighty laryngectomized patients were included and randomized into an HME and Control group. The effect of the HME was evaluated by means of Tally Sheets and Structured Questionnaires. The results showed a significant decrease in the frequency of coughing, forced expectoration, and stoma cleaning in the HME group. There were trends for the prosthetic speakers to report more fluent speech with the HME and for the HME group to report fewer sleeping problems. In conclusion, this study, performed in Poland, confirms the results of previous studies performed in other countries, showing that pulmonary symptoms decrease significantly with HME use and that related aspects such as speech and sleeping tend to improve, regardless of country or climate

    Family coordination in families who have a child with autism spectrum disorder

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    Little is known about the interactions of families where there is a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present study applies the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP) to explore both its applicability to this population as well as to assess resources and areas of deficit in these families. The sample consisted of 68 families with a child with ASD, and 43 families with a typically developing (TD) child. With respect to the global score for family coordination there were several negative correlations: the more severe the symptoms (based on the child’s ADOS score), the more family coordination was dysfunctional. This correlation was particularly high when parents had to play together with the child. In the parts in which only one of the parents played actively with the child, while the other was simply present, some families did achieve scores in the functional range, despite the child’s symptom severity. The outcomes are discussed in terms of their clinical implications both for assessment and for interventio

    Herbivory and eutrophication mediate grassland plant nutrient responses across a global climatic gradient

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    Plant stoichiometry, the relative concentration of elements, is a key regulator of ecosystem functioning and is also being altered by human activities. In this paper we sought to understand the global drivers of plant stoichiometry and compare the relative contribution of climatic vs. anthropogenic effects. We addressed this goal by measuring plant elemental (C, N, P and K) responses to eutrophication and vertebrate herbivore exclusion at eighteen sites on six continents. Across sites, climate and atmospheric N deposition emerged as strong predictors of plot‐level tissue nutrients, mediated by biomass and plant chemistry. Within sites, fertilization increased total plant nutrient pools, but results were contingent on soil fertility and the proportion of grass biomass relative to other functional types. Total plant nutrient pools diverged strongly in response to herbivore exclusion when fertilized; responses were largest in ungrazed plots at low rainfall, whereas herbivore grazing dampened the plant community nutrient responses to fertilization. Our study highlights (1) the importance of climate in determining plant nutrient concentrations mediated through effects on plant biomass, (2) that eutrophication affects grassland nutrient pools via both soil and atmospheric pathways and (3) that interactions among soils, herbivores and eutrophication drive plant nutrient responses at small scales, especially at water‐limited sites

    Deficiency in origin licensing proteins impairs cilia formation: implications for the aetiology of meier-gorlin syndrome

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    Mutations in ORC1, ORC4, ORC6, CDT1, and CDC6, which encode proteins required for DNA replication origin licensing, cause Meier-Gorlin syndrome (MGS), a disorder conferring microcephaly, primordial dwarfism, underdeveloped ears, and skeletal abnormalities. Mutations in ATR, which also functions during replication, can cause Seckel syndrome, a clinically related disorder. These findings suggest that impaired DNA replication could underlie the developmental defects characteristic of these disorders. Here, we show that although origin licensing capacity is impaired in all patient cells with mutations in origin licensing component proteins, this does not correlate with the rate of progression through S phase. Thus, the replicative capacity in MGS patient cells does not correlate with clinical manifestation. However, ORC1-deficient cells from MGS patients and siRNA-mediated depletion of origin licensing proteins also have impaired centrosome and centriole copy number. As a novel and unexpected finding, we show that they also display a striking defect in the rate of formation of primary cilia. We demonstrate that this impacts sonic hedgehog signalling in ORC1-deficient primary fibroblasts. Additionally, reduced growth factor-dependent signaling via primary cilia affects the kinetics of cell cycle progression following cell cycle exit and re-entry, highlighting an unexpected mechanism whereby origin licensing components can influence cell cycle progression. Finally, using a cell-based model, we show that defects in cilia function impair chondroinduction. Our findings raise the possibility that a reduced efficiency in forming cilia could contribute to the clinical features of MGS, particularly the bone development abnormalities, and could provide a new dimension for considering developmental impacts of licensing deficiency