4,110 research outputs found

    Distillation of genuine tripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering

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    We show that a perfectly genuine tripartite EPR steerable assemblage can be distilled from partially genuine tripartite EPR steerable assemblages. In particular, we consider two types of hybrid scenarios: one-sided device-independent (1SDI) scenario (where one observer is untrusted, and other two observers are trusted) and two-sided device-independent (2SDI) scenario (where two observers are untrusted, and one observer is trusted). In both the scenarios, we show distillation of perfectly genuine steerable assemblage of three-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states or three-qubit W states from many copies of initial partially genuine steerable assemblages of the corresponding states. In each of these cases, we demonstrate that at least one copy of a perfectly genuine steerable assemblage can be distilled with certainty from infinitely many copies of initial assemblages. In case of practical scenarios employing finite copies, we show that the efficiency of our distillation protocols reaches near perfect levels using only a few number of initial assemblages

    Dysmenorrhea due to a rare müllerian anomaly

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    Müllerian duct anomalies may produce reproductive failure like abortion and preterm birth, or obstetric problems like malpresentation, retained placenta, etc., or they may be asymptomatic. Unicornuate uterus with a noncommunicating functional rudimentary horn is a type of müllerian anomaly that results in obstruction to menstrual blood flow, leading to endometriosis and dysmenorrhea. Though the majority of cases of dysmenorrhea in adolescents are primary in nature and require only reassurance and symptomatic management, it is important to be aware of rare causes such as müllerian anomalies so that these cases can be properly managed. Hence, we present this case report, with interesting illustrations, so as to increase awareness regarding these anomalies

    Witnessing measurement incompatibility via communication tasks

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    Quantum theory offers measurement incompatibility, that is, the existence of quantum measurements that cannot be carried out simultaneously on single systems. Measurement incompatibility is essential for probing many aspects of quantum correlations and quantum information processing. However, its fundamental and generic link with nonclassical correlations observed in the simplest prepare-and-measure scenario is still untold. In the prepare-and-measure scenario, we uncover that d-dimensional classical systems assisted with shared randomness reproduce all the input-output statistics obtained from any set of d-dimensional compatible quantum measurements. Thus, any quantum advantage in one-way communication tasks with d-dimensional systems witnesses incompatibility of the measurements on the receiver's end in a semi-device-independent way. To witness incompatibility of an arbitrary number of quantum measurements acting on an arbitrary dimension, wherein different measurements have different outcomes, we introduce a class of communication tasks - a general version of random access codes. We provide generic upper bounds on the success metric of these tasks for compatible measurements. These bounds are tight whenever the dimension on which the measurements act is not larger than the number of outcomes of any of the measurements

    Resource-theoretic efficacy of the single copy of a two-qubit entangled state in a sequential network

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    How best one can recycle a given quantum resource, mitigating the various difficulties involved in its preparation and preservation, is of considerable importance for ensuring efficient applications in quantum technology. Here, we demonstrate quantitatively the resource-theoretic advantage of reusing a single copy of a two-qubit entangled state toward information processing. To this end, we consider a scenario of sequential entanglement detection of a given two-qubit state by multiple independent observers on each of the two spatially separated wings. In particular, we consider equal numbers of sequential observers on the two wings. We first determine the upper bound on the number of observers who can detect entanglement employing suitable entanglement witness operators. In terms of the parameters characterizing the entanglement consumed and the robustness of measurements, we then compare the above scenario with the corresponding scenario involving multiple pairs of entangled qubits shared among the two wings. This reveals a clear resource-theoretic advantage of recycling a single copy of a two-qubit entangled state in the sequential network

    Measurement incompatibility and quantum advantage in communication

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    Measurement incompatibility stipulates the existence of quantum measurements that cannot be carried out simultaneously on single systems. We show that the set of input-output probabilities obtained from d -dimensional classical systems assisted with shared randomness is the same as the set obtained from d -dimensional quantum strategies restricted to compatible measurements with shared randomness in any communication scenario. Thus, measurement incompatibility is necessary for quantum advantage in communication, and any quantum advantage (with or without shared randomness) in communication acts as a witness to the incompatibility of the measurements at the receiver's end in a semi-device-independent way. We introduce a class of communication tasks—a general version of random access codes—to witness incompatibility of an arbitrary number of quantum measurements with arbitrary outcomes acting on d -dimensional systems and provide generic upper bounds on the success metric of these tasks for compatible measurements. We identify all sets of three incompatible rank-one projective qubit measurements that random access codes can witness. Finally, we present the generic relationship between different sets of probability distributions—classical, quantum with or without shared randomness, and quantum restricted to compatible measurements with or without shared randomness—produced in communication scenarios

    Freshwater Availability for Agriculture in Sundarbans. Variability due to changes in the summer monsoon under current and climate change conditions

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    The India–UK Water Centre (IUKWC) funded a Pump Priming Project (PPP) titled: “The influence of the monsoon on freshwater availability for agriculture in the Sundarbans region of West Bengal, India, under current and climate change conditions” between June and September 2019. This Knowledge Exchange brief was developed from the outputs of the activities conducted during this study: i) investigating the variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and the ensuing freshwater availability for agriculture in the Sundarbans region through the collection and analysis of climatic data and outputs from Global Climate Models (GCMs); and ii) understanding how changes in water resource availability are affecting livelihoods and discussing issues related to adaptation to those changes through meetings with farmers, NGOs and local government officials engaged in water resource management. The research results were communicated through a workshop with agricultural, water and climate scientists, NGOs and government stakeholders working in the Sundarbans region, where the team gained feedback, and shared knowledge and ideas for future research. This Brief was prepared by Professor Lalu Das, Principal Investigator (PI) and India Project Lead, and Professor Gautam Saha, both from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV) in India, and Dr Alexandre Gagnon, UK Project Lead, and Dr Indrani Roy from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in the UK

    Designing fuzzy rule based classifier using self-organizing feature map for analysis of multispectral satellite images

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    We propose a novel scheme for designing fuzzy rule based classifier. An SOFM based method is used for generating a set of prototypes which is used to generate a set of fuzzy rules. Each rule represents a region in the feature space that we call the context of the rule. The rules are tuned with respect to their context. We justified that the reasoning scheme may be different in different context leading to context sensitive inferencing. To realize context sensitive inferencing we used a softmin operator with a tunable parameter. The proposed scheme is tested on several multispectral satellite image data sets and the performance is found to be much better than the results reported in the literature.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Processo de decis?o de compra de consumidores de uma loja de lingerie

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    22 f.: il.A lingerie, nos ?ltimos anos, vem tendo uma procura crescente pelo p?blico feminino, onde se tornou pe?a essencial para as mulheres que procuram conforto, delicadeza e sofistica??o. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar os fatores que influenciam o processo de decis?o de compra de consumidores de uma loja de lingerie na cidade de Guarabira-PB. O referencial te?rico aborda quest?es relacionadas ao comportamento do consumidor, ao processo de decis?o de compra e a fatores que influenciam o comportamento de compra dos consumidores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva e explorat?ria com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra desse estudo foi n?o probabil?stica por conveni?ncia resultando em 176 respondentes. Os resultados obtidos apontam que a maioria dos consumidores da loja investigada desempenham o processo de decis?o de compra, pelo fator pre?o e qualidade do produto. Isso significa que a empresa consegue agregar esses fatores que ? muito importante para os clientes, procurando fortalecer sua imagem no mercado onde atua

    Estudo qu?mico e avalia??o das atividades citot?xica e antioxidante de folhas e flores de Plectranthus neochilus Schltr.

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    Plectranthus neochilus Schltr, esp?cie pertencente ? fam?lia Lamiaceae, ? uma erva arom?tica conhecida popularmente no Brasil como ?boldo? ou ?boldo-gamb??, e assim como a esp?cie P. barbatus (boldo-brasileiro), tem o ch? de suas folhas utilizadas na medicina tradicional no tratamento de insufici?ncia hep?tica e dispepsia. O presente estudo descreve o estudo fitoqu?mico, a avalia??o das atividades citot?xica e antioxidante de flores e folhas de P. neochilus, coletadas em Diamantina, Minas Gerais. O extrato hidroalco?lico das flores, o extrato hidroalco?lico das folhas, ambos obtidos por macera??o, e os extratos obtidos por parti??o das flores e folhas da plantaforam submetidos ? prospec??o fitoqu?mica preliminar utilizando-se testes cromog?nicos e de precipita??o, sendo poss?vel detectar a presen?a de taninos, flavon?ides, triterpenos e esteroides, saponinas e cumarinas. A composi??o qu?mica do g?nero Plectranthus ? vasta e complexa, sendo os diterpenos os compostos de maior interesse nos estudos fitoqu?micos desse g?nero. Assim, buscou-se o isolamento destes metab?litos utilizando-se extrato tolu?nico das folhas de P. neochilus procedimentos cromatogr?ficos previamente descritos para o isolamento de diterpenos. A partir do extrato das folhas da planta, foi poss?vel isolar um novo diterpeno abietan?ide e do tipo espirocoleona, caracterizado por IV, UV e RMN de ?H e de ??C. Os extratos das folhas e flores foram avaliados quanto ? atividade citot?xica contra a linhagens de c?lulas tumorais K562, RKO-AS45-1, MDA-MB231, THP1 e Wi-26VA4, linhagem de c?lulas n?o tumorais, utilizando etopos?deo como composto citot?xico padr?o. O extrato das flores apresentou citotoxicidade, quando comparado ? quimioterapia n?o seletiva. Observou-se ainda que a citotoxicidade de todos os extratos ? menor que a do padr?o, o etopos?deo, em rela??o ? linha celular n?o tumoral. A atividade antioxidante dos extratos foi avaliada utilizando-se m?todos eletroqu?micos, sendo sugerida a presen?a de compostos com propriedades antioxidantes na planta.Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Qu?mica, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2021.Plectranthus neochilus Schltr, a species belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is an aromatic herb popularly known in Brazil as ?boldo? or ?boldo-poss??, and like a species P. barbatus (boldo-brasileiro) it has tea from its leaves used in traditional medicine in the treatment of liver failure and dyspepsia. The present study addresses the phytochemical study, an evaluation of the cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of flowers and leaves of P. neochilus, collected in Diamantina, Minas Gerais. The hydroalcoholic extract of the flowers and the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of the plant, both obtained by maceration, were discovered by preliminary phytochemical exploration using chromogenic and occurrence tests, being possible to detect the presence of tannins, flavonoids, triterpenes and steroids, saponins and coumarins. The chemical composition of the genus Plectranthus is vast and complex, with diterpenes being the compounds of greatest interest in phytochemical studies of this genus. Thus, we sought to isolate these metabolites using chromatographic procedures previously incorporated for the isolation of diterpenes. From the extract of the leaves of the plant, it was possible to isolate a new abietanoid diterpene and the spirocoleone type, identified by IV, UV and ?H and ??C NMR. Leaf and flower extracts were taken for cytotoxic activity against tumor cell lines K562, RKO-AS45-1, MDA-MB231, THP1 and Wi-26VA4, non-tumor cell line, using etoposide as the standard cytotoxic compound. The flower extract shows cytotoxicity when compared to non-selective chemotherapy. It was also observed that the cytotoxicity of all extracts is less than that of the standard, the etoposide, in relation to the non-tumor cell line. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was evaluated using electrochemical methods, and the presence of compounds with antioxidant properties in the plant was suggested

    Risco de cr?dito e comportamento financeiro de potenciais empreendedores: uma aplica??o com potenciais clientes de Programas de Empreendedorismo

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    Diante de um ambiente mercadol?gico com alta competitividade, os gestores necessitam cada vez mais tomar decis?es de modo ?gil, no entanto, essa tomada de decis?o deve se dar de modo consciente e embasando para que n?o haja comprometimento do futuro da empresa. Deste modo, ? essencial que o gestor desenvolva pr?ticas cotidianas que envolvam uma gest?o de riscos eficaz, j? que quanto mais mapeados e analisados, menor ser? o risco de executar determinada atividade. Sendo assim, a presen?a do gerenciamento de riscos apresenta-se como uma das principais ferramentas estrat?gicas de uma empresa, principalmente em institui??es financeiras, que trabalham constantemente com conceitos de risco de cr?dito, esses que envolvem a possibilidade de a institui??o financeira n?o receber o valor de um empr?stimo, podendo ser considerado como a taxa de inadimpl?ncia esperada.Em virtude deste cen?rio, este Trabalho de Conclus?o de Curso, de cunho quantitativo, tem como objetivo a identifica??o das vari?veis podem explicar a rela??o entre o comportamento financeiro de potenciais benefici?rios do Empreender Para?ba e o seu risco de cr?dito. Para coleta de dados optou-se pela aplica??o de question?rio, formulado por 24 perguntas, aplicadas indiretamente por meio da ferramenta do Google Docs. A tabula??o de dados foi realizada atrav?s do software Microsoft Office Excel 2007. A an?lise de dados, por sua vez, foi feita atrav?s do software SPSS. Participaram da pesquisa124 potenciais empreendedores. No entanto, ? interessante destacar que a amostra obtida n?o se relaciona a base de dados da Secretaria Executiva do Empreendedorismo ? respons?vel por operacionalizar o Programa Empreender Para?ba, sendo considerada, portanto uma amostra potencial benefici?ria, tendo em vista que todo empreendimento necessita de um investimento monet?rio inicial. Sendo assim, os resultados obtidos na pesquisa est?o restritos a amostra utilizada, n?o cabendo generaliza??es. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que vari?veis como maior quantidade de filhos, maior n?mero de dependentes financeiros, maior investimento inicial e maior quantidade restante de parcelas de financiamento de ve?culos ou de empr?stimos banc?rios influenciam positivamente a situa??o de inadimpl?ncia. Palavras-chave: Comportamento financeiro, Gerenciamento de riscos