29 research outputs found

    Long-Term Antibacterial Effects of Different Orthodontic Cements

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    Aim:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial properties of different orthodontic cements using a direct contact test (DCT).Materials and Methods:The antibacterial properties of 6 orthodontic cements were evaluated with DCT. For the DCT, wells (n=8) of 96-microtiter plates were coated with the tested cements (Durelon, Ketac-Cem Radiopaque, GC Fuji Ortho Band LC Paste Pak, Meron, Ultra Band Lok, and 3M Unitek Multi Cure). A Streptococcus mutans suspension was placed on the surface of each specimen for 1 hour at 37°C. Bacterial growth was monitored for 16 hours with a temperature-controlled microplate spectrophotometer. The kinetics of the outgrowth in each well was recorded continuously at 650 nm every 30 minutes. Additional experiments were performed in which the tested materials were aged for 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, and Tamhane's T2 multiple comparison test.Results:The results of the DCT showed that, freshly mixed samples of 3M Multi Cure (P=0.02), GC Fuji Ortho (P=0.04), Meron (P=0.001), and Durelon (P=0.001) showed antibacterial activity. After aging for one week 3M Unitek Multi Cure (P=0.000), Durelon (P=0.03) still showed antibacterial activity. In the experiments with 1 month aged specimens, only Durelon (P=0.001) showed antibacterial activity. In the 3 months aged specimens, 3M Multi Cure (P=0.000), GC Fuji Ortho (P=0.001), and Durelon (P=0.001) showed antibacterial property.Conclusion:Within the limitations of this study, 3M Unitek Multi Cure, GC Fuji Ortho, and Durelon, showed antibacterial properties during study period

    Investigation of hydrodynamic characteristic of an auv by using new developed hydrodynamic modeling techniques for underwater vehicles

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013İnsansız su altı araçları günümüzde farklı amaçlar için kullanılabilen, sahip oldukları görevler ve alt sistemler sebebiyle farklı mühendislik disiplinlerini bir arada bulunduran kompleks sistemlerdir. Bir su altı aracının hangi amaç için kullanılacağına göre ilk olarak aracın teknik isterleri belirlenir. Aracın teknik isterleri sistem ve alt sistem seviyesinde ayrıklaştırılarak her bir sistemin kendi içinde tasarım gereksinimleri ortaya çıkmaktadır. Belirlenen sistem seviyesi ve alt sistem seviyesi gereksinimler doğrultusunda tasarlanacak bir su altı aracında farklı mühendislik disiplinlerin birbirleri ile kapalı çevrim iletişim halinde olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu süreçte su altı araçlarının sistem seviyesinde değerlendirilebilecek en temel mühendislik alanı hidrodinamiktir. Bir su altı aracına tanımlanan görevin yerine getirilmesinde hidrodinamik bölümü çok etkin bir rol oynamaktadır. Su altı aracının sahip olması istenilen özelliklere göre hidrodinamik tasarım belirlenir ve özgünleştirilerek, iyileştirilir. Hidrodinamik tasarımın nihai hale gelebilmesi için, o tasarımın hidrodinamik karakteristiğinin ortaya çıkartılması, hidrodinamik performansının belirlenmesi ve bu performansın tasarım gereksinimlerini karşılayabildiğinin gösterilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu iteratif sürecin içerisindeki en önemli aşamalardan biri aracın hidrodinamik karakteristiğinin ortaya çıkartılırken yapılan hidrodinamik katsayıların hesaplama işlemidir. Hidrodinamik katsayılar aracın hidrodinamik karakteristiğini belirleyen en önemli değerlerdir. Şöyle ki hidrodinamik performansın belirlenebilmesi ve tasarıma geri besleme yapılabilmesi için o aracın hidrodinamik katsayılarından oluşan veri tabanının oluşturulması ve performans hesaplamalarına beslenmesi gerekmektedir. Hidrodinamik tasarım da ancak, performans hesaplamaları sonucunda kabul&red edilebilir veya iyileştirilebilir. Dolayısıyla, hidrodinamik katsayıların doğru bir şekilde elde edilmesi, gerekli tasarımın yapılabilmesi ve istenilen performans karakteristiğine sahip olunabilmesi açısından oldukça önemlidir. Hidrodinamik katsayılar genel olarak üç farklı yöntem ile elde edilmektedir. Bunlar; deneysel yöntemler, hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (HAD) yöntemleri ve ampirik yöntemlerdir. Deneysel yöntemler en güvenilir ve sağlıklı sonuç veren yöntemler olmasına rağmen, ciddi bir maddi kaynak gerektirmeleri, kurulumu ve kullanımı için de ciddi bir iş gücü gerektirmeleri sebebi ile her zaman tercih edilememektedir. Dolayısıyla deneysel yöntemler yerine alternatif yöntemler olan HAD yöntemleri ve ampirik yöntemler hidrodinamik tasarım ve analiz çalışmalarında kullanılabilmektedir.Yüksek Lisan

    Predicting Malignant Mesothelioma by Analyzing Serum N-ERC/Mesothelin, C-ERC/Mesothelin, Hyaluronan, Osteopontin, and Syndecan-1 Levels

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    Objective: Tumor biomarkers are promising study areas for the early or differential diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of analyzing serum N-ERC/mesothelin, C-ERC/mesothelin, hyaluronan, osteopontin, and syndecan-1 levels for distinguishing patients with MPM from those with metastatic malignant pleural diseases (MMPDs), benign pleural diseases (BPDs), and benign asbestos pleurisy (BAP). Methods: Tumor biomarker levels of serum samples of 230 cases were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Results: All investigated biomarkers did not reveal sufficient diagnostic information to distinguish MPM from MMPD. N-ERC/mesothelin showed moderate ability to distinguish MPM from BPDs and particularly BAP (sensitivities of 67% and 73%, respectively, and specificities of 84% and 86%, respectively). C-ERC/mesothelin had a lower efficacy than N-ERC/mesothelin, whereas osteopontin had a high specificity for distinguishing MPM from other pleural diseases (80%) but with a poor sensitivity (32%). Hyaluronan and syndecan-1 had only limited effects as individual biomarkers. However, logistic regression analysis indicated that all the studied biomarkers could contribute, and a logistic model improved their performance, with the receiver operating characteristic curve plot showing an area under the curve of 0.75. Thus, the investigated biomarkers were unable to provide sufficient sensitivity and specificity levels; however, they all may contribute as a basis for an expanded logistic multiparameter model. Conclusion: Patients with high N-ERC/mesothelin and C-ERC/mesothelin levels have a high risk for MPM; appropriate invasive procedures should be performed. The patients who have high tumor biomarker levels and undefinite histopathological investigation results at the first-line procedure, should be managed using further invasive procedures

    Data from: Hyaluronan and N-ERC/mesothelin as key biomarkers in a specific two-step model to predict pleural malignant mesothelioma

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    Purpose: Diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma is challenging. The first available diagnostic material is often an effusion and biochemical analysis of soluble markers may provide additional diagnostic information. This study aimed to establish a predictive model using biomarkers from pleural effusions, to allow early and accurate diagnosis. Patients and Methods: Effusions were collected prospectively from 190 consecutive patients at a regional referral centre. Hyaluronan, N-ERC/mesothelin, C-ERC/mesothelin, osteopontin, syndecan-1, syndecan-2, and thioredoxin were measured using ELISA and HPLC. A predictive model was generated and validated using a second prospective set of 375 effusions collected consecutively at a different referral centre. Results: Biochemical markers significantly associated with mesothelioma were hyaluronan (odds ratio, 95% CI: 8.82, 4.82–20.39), N-ERC/mesothelin (4.81, 3.19–7.93), CERC/mesothelin (3.58, 2.43–5.59) and syndecan-1 (1.34, 1.03–1.77). A two-step model using hyaluronan and N-ERC/mesothelin, and combining a threshold decision rule with logistic regression, yielded good discrimination with an area under the ROC curve of 0.99 (95% CI: 0.97–1.00) in the model generation dataset and 0.83 (0.74–0.91) in the validation dataset, respectively. Conclusions: A two-step model using hyaluronan and N-ERC/mesothelin predicts mesothelioma with high specificity. This method can be performed on the first available effusion and could be a useful adjunct to the morphological diagnosis of mesothelioma

    Data from: Hyaluronan and N-ERC/mesothelin as key biomarkers in a specific two-step model to predict pleural malignant mesothelioma

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    Purpose: Diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma is challenging. The first available diagnostic material is often an effusion and biochemical analysis of soluble markers may provide additional diagnostic information. This study aimed to establish a predictive model using biomarkers from pleural effusions, to allow early and accurate diagnosis. Patients and Methods: Effusions were collected prospectively from 190 consecutive patients at a regional referral centre. Hyaluronan, N-ERC/mesothelin, C-ERC/mesothelin, osteopontin, syndecan-1, syndecan-2, and thioredoxin were measured using ELISA and HPLC. A predictive model was generated and validated using a second prospective set of 375 effusions collected consecutively at a different referral centre. Results: Biochemical markers significantly associated with mesothelioma were hyaluronan (odds ratio, 95% CI: 8.82, 4.82–20.39), N-ERC/mesothelin (4.81, 3.19–7.93), CERC/mesothelin (3.58, 2.43–5.59) and syndecan-1 (1.34, 1.03–1.77). A two-step model using hyaluronan and N-ERC/mesothelin, and combining a threshold decision rule with logistic regression, yielded good discrimination with an area under the ROC curve of 0.99 (95% CI: 0.97–1.00) in the model generation dataset and 0.83 (0.74–0.91) in the validation dataset, respectively. Conclusions: A two-step model using hyaluronan and N-ERC/mesothelin predicts mesothelioma with high specificity. This method can be performed on the first available effusion and could be a useful adjunct to the morphological diagnosis of mesothelioma

    Arcus aorta, aortic and mitral valve calcifications in a patient with gaucher's disease homozygous for the D409H mutation; case report Homozigot D409H mutasyonlu gaucher hastasinda arkus aorta, aort ve mitral kapak kalsifikasyonu; olgu sunumu

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular involvement in Gaucher disease is infrequent. D409H point mutation has been defined in patients with aortic and mitral valve calcifications. Case Report: In this case report, a 17 year-old girl with Gaucher disease, having homozygous D409H point mutation is presented, who has mitral-aortic valve and aortic calcifications with corneal involvement. Her two siblings also had died according to valvular heart disease. Because of having high cardiovascular surgery risk, she is under enzyme replacement therapy. Conclusion: We aimed to point out the rare but important and vital prognostic cardiovascular involvement associated with corneal opacity and D409H mutation in Gaucher disease. © The Journal of Current Pediatrics