167 research outputs found

    Expropriation et crise de l’identite socioterritoriale au Cameroun : Etude menée à lom pangar

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    L’identité est un système caractérisé par des processus qui permettent de définir simultanément une représentation de soi et du monde social. Elle n’existe qu’à travers un travail permanent de construction, adossé à des niveaux d’ancrage et d’objectivation différents. Ainsi, la présente étude vise à démontrer que dans un contexte socioculturel fortement dominé par des dynamiques foncières et où les rapports au foncier sont vitaux,   l’expropriation,  évènement potentiellement riche en affect est susceptible de favoriser des dépersonnalisations auprès des  expropriés. Si de manière proactive la crise d’identité connote l’idée de perturbations, le processus d’ajustement, de reconstruction et de réorganisation bute le plus souvent, à un ensemble de variables combinées. Ainsi avons-nous opté pour le paradigme systémique comme modèle explicatif à laquelle viennent se greffer la théorie de  l’engagement, celle de la résistance au changement et enfin la théorie de l’identité sociale.Mots clés : expropriation, crise identitaire, socio territoria

    Relevance of functional imaging in dental implantology

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    Despite it is widely used in many medicine fields, the use of functional imaging to examine dental implants has not been reported in the literature. This work aimed to evaluate the relevance of functional medical imaging in oral implantology. This single-center observational study was conducted for 6 months at the Toulouse University Hospital, France. All patients who underwent positron emission tomography with 18-fluorodeoxyglucose integrated with X-ray computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) and had dental implants were included. Metabolic activity of the peri-implant tissues was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively jointly by a nuclear physician and a dental surgeon. In 31 patients (121 implants), peri-implant metabolic activity was normal. In 3 patients (4 implants), localized peri-implant hypermetabolism was observed. In all the patients presenting abnormal peri-implant activity, the implants with normal activity were clinicaly and radiogicaly normal, whereas those with hypermetabolism presented peri-implantitis. This study assess of the relevance of FDG PET/CT in oral implantology. It shows a link between peri-implant hypermetabolism and peri-implantitis. Therefore, FDG PET/CT could become a new tool for the assessment of peri-implant diseases

    Analysis of the Dynamics of Vegetation Cover and Land Use in Forest Management Unit 00-004 and its Surroundings on the Coast of Cameroon

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    In Cameroon, the government gives serious attention to protect Forest Management Units (FMU). Unfortunately, vegetation cover of FMU 00-004 decreases in the area as years ago due to anthropogenic pressures. The present study aimed to analyse the dynamics of the vegetation cover and land use of the FMU 00-004 and its surroundings in Cameroon, in the period between 1988-2020. Landsat images (1988, 2001 and 2020) and field investigations were used and processed by ENVI 5.3 software. 175 people around the forest were interviewed to obtain their perceptions on the causes of forest landscape degradation. In 1988, the FMU 00-004 and its surroundings consisted of seven types of land cover, the most important being dense forest, open forest and woody savannah. Cropland, building area, water area and eroded soil were less than 2%. In 2020, building area and croplands surface areas increased while dense and open forests cover decreased. Change in vegetation was more pronounced between 1988 and 2020 and the deforestation rate was 2.55%. The degradation main causes were settlements of the forest exploitation companies and agricultural practices. For sustainable production systems, landscape planning should be put in place by logging company to reduce Land use / Land cover challenges.

    Evaluation de la qualité de la prise en charge de la dyspnée par les médecins généralistes à Parakou en 2013

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    Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellement grave et urgentes. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la qualité de la prise en charge de la dyspnée en milieu hospitalier à Parakou.Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients admis dans les centres hospitaliers de Parakou pour dyspnée non traumatique entre le 1er Février 2012 et le 31 Mai 2013. Les recommandations tunisiennes sur la prise en charge de la dyspnée aux urgences ont été utilisées comme référentiel d'évaluation. Chaque étape de la démarche médicale a été notée et la prise en charge était bonne lorsque la note obtenue au score était entre 51 et 100. Les autres variables utilisées étaient la qualification du soignant principal, les antécédents du patient et les données cliniques et paracliniques.Résultats: Sur les 11101 patients reçus aux urgences on a dénombré 328 cas de dyspnée (2,9%). La PEC était assuré principalement par les cardiologues (55,9%) et les médecins généralistes (29,2%). La qualité de la prise en charge par les généralistes était bonne chez 73,2%. Les facteurs associés à la bonne qualité de PEC étaient: la recherche des antécédents médicaux (84,4% vs 15,6%; p<10-4), la description des caractéristiques cliniques de la dyspnée (94,1% vs 5,9%; p<10-4) et la réalisation de l'examen physique complet (86,8% vs 13,2%; p<10-4).Conclusion: A Parakou en 2013 près d'un généraliste sur trois gère mal la dyspnée. Cette mauvaise gestion est liée à une mauvaise démarche médicale.Keywords: Dyspnée, prise en charge, Afriqu

    CYP1A1 Induction in the Colon by Serum: Involvement of the PPARα Pathway and Evidence for a New Specific Human PPREα Site

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    International audienceBackground: We previously showed that blood serum induced cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) monooxygenase expression in vitro.Objective: Our purpose was (i) to identify the molecular mechanism involved and (ii) to characterize the inducer compound(s) in serum involved at least in part.Methods: Serum was fractionated on hydrophobic columns. PPARα involvement was demonstrated by gene reporter assays, DNA mutagenesis and EMSA. Gene expression was evaluated by qRT-PCR. Serum samples were analyzed using HS-SPME-GC-MS.Results: The inductive effect of serum did not depend on the AhR pathway and was enhanced by cotransfection of PPARα cDNA. Mutations in the PPAR response elements of the CYP1A1 gene promoter suppressed this effect. One of the PPRE sites appeared highly specific for human PPARα, an unreported PPRE property. A link was found between CYP1A1 inducibility and serum hydrophobic compounds. Characterization of sera showed that hexanal, a metabolite produced by peroxidation of linoleic acid, was involved in CYP1A1 induction by serum, possibly along with other serum entities.Conclusion: We demonstrate that serum induces CYP1A1 via the PPARα pathway and that hexanal is one of the serum inducers. The two PPRE sites within the CYP1A1 promoter are functional and one of them is specific for PPARα

    Aspects Paracliniques et Étiologiques des Ascites au CHUSC de Bangui

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    Introduction :  l’Ascite est un signe clinique très fréquent en en hospitalisation dans le service d’hépatogastroentérologie et de la médecine interne.   Les étiologies sont nombreuses. Objectif : contribuer à une meilleure prise en charge de l’ascite à Bangui. Patients et méthodes :  nous avions réalisé une étude   transversale   descriptive   pendant   30   mois   dans le   service   d’hépatogastroentérologie du CHUASC (Centre Hospitalo-universitaire de l’Amitié Sino-Centrafricaine de Bangui). Elle portait sur les patients des deux sexes hospitalisés pour ascite chez lesquels le diagnostic étiologique était connu. L’âge moyen était de 39 ans avec des extrêmes de 18 et 78 ans avec sex-ratio de 1,42. Résultats :  Pendant la période d’étude, 1210 patients étaient hospitalisés dont 204 présentaient une ascite (16,85%), parmi ceux-ci, 170 (14,9%) répondant à nos critères d’inclusion étaient retenus. L’ascite était     jaune citrin dans 136 cas (80%) et pauvre en protéine (Ë‚ 25 g/l) dans 136 cas (80%) et riche en protéine (˃ 25 g/l) dans 34 cas (20%). La moyenne des Globules Blancs dans le liquide d’ascite était de 76,94 éléments blancs/mm3 avec des extrêmes de 39 et 678/mm3. Le portage du VHB (virus de l’hépatite B) était plus fréquent dans 55 cas sur 114 (48.24%). Le foie remanié était fréquent dans 108 cas (63,5%). Les étiologies de l’ascite les plus fréquentes étaient la cirrhose décompensée dans 138 cas (81,2), la carcinose péritonéale dans 15 cas (8.8%), tuberculose péritonéale dans 12 cas (7.1%) et cardiaque dans 5 cas (2.9%). Les sujets de sexe masculin étaient plus exposés à la cirrhose décompensée sur le mode ascitique. La carcinose péritonéale dans 15 cas (8,8%) et la tuberculose péritonéale dans 12 cas (7,1%).  La cause plus fréquente de la carcinose péritonéale était le Carcinome Hépatocellulaire dans 13 cas (7,65%). Les principaux facteurs de risque étaient le Virus de l’Hépatite B retrouvé dans 55 cas (32,5%) et la consommation d’alcool dans 130 cas (76,5%). Conclusion :  les ascites étaient d’étiologies cirrhotique et associées au virus de l’hépatite B. Les hommes étaient plus concernés, une politique de vaccination universelle contre le VHB est nécessaire et prometteuse.   Introduction: Ascites is a very common clinical sign in hospitalization in the hepatogastroenterology and internal medicine department. The etiologies are numerous. Objective: to contribute to better management of ascites in Bangui. Patients and methods: we carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study for 30 months in the hepatogastroenterology department of the CHUASC (Centre Hospitalo-universitaire de l'Amitié Sino-Centrafricaine de Bangui). It focused on patients of both sexes hospitalized for ascites in whom the etiological diagnosis was known. The average age was 39 years with extremes of 18 and 78 years with sex ratio of 1.42. Results: During the study period, 1210 patients were hospitalized, 204 of whom presented with ascites (16.85%), of these, 170 (14.9%) meeting our inclusion criteria were retained. The ascites was citrine yellow in 136 cases (80%) and poor in protein (Ë‚ 25 g/l) in 136 cases (80%) and rich in protein (˃ 25 g/l) in 34 cases (20%). The average of White Blood Cells in ascites fluid was 76.94 white elements/mm3 with extremes of 39 and 678/mm3. The carriage of HBV (hepatitis B virus) was more frequent in 55 cases out of 114 (48.24%). The remodeled liver was frequent in 108 cases (63.5%). The most common etiologies of ascites were decompensated cirrhosis in 138 cases (81.2%), peritoneal carcinomatosis in 15 cases (8.8%), peritoneal tuberculosis in 12 cases (7.1%) and cardiac in 5 cases (2.9%). ). Male subjects were more prone to decompensated cirrhosis in the ascites mode. Peritoneal carcinomatosis in 15 cases (8.8%) and peritoneal tuberculosis in 12 cases (7.1%). The most common cause of peritoneal carcinomatosis was Hepatocellular Carcinoma in 13 cases (7.65%). The main risk factors were the Hepatitis B virus found in 55 cases (32.5%) and alcohol consumption in 130 cases (76.5%). Conclusion: the ascites were of cirrhotic etiology and associated with the hepatitis B virus. Men were more concerned, a universal vaccination policy against HBV is necessary and promising

    Early Warning Indicators for HIV Drug Resistance in Cameroon during the Year 2010

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in resource-limited settings is accompanied with an increasing risk of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR), which in turn could compromise the performance of national ART rollout programme. In order to sustain the effectiveness of ART in a resource-limited country like Cameroon, HIVDR early warning indicators (EWI) may provide relevant corrective measures to support the control and therapeutic management of AIDS. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in 2010 among 40 ART sites (12 Approved Treatment Centers and 28 Management Units) distributed over the 10 regions of Cameroon. Five standardized EWIs were selected for the evaluation using data from January through December, among which: (1) Good ARV prescribing practices: target = 100%; (2) Patient lost to follow-up: target ≤ 20%; (3) Patient retention on first line ART: target ≥ 70%; (4) On-time drug pick-up: target ≥ 90%; (5) ARV drug supply continuity: target = 100%. Analysis was performed using a Data Quality Assessment tool, following WHO protocol. RESULTS: THE NUMBER OF SITES ATTAINING THE REQUIRED PERFORMANCE ARE: 90% (36/40) for EWI(1), 20% (8/40) for EWI(2); 20% (8/40) for EWI(3); 0% (0/37) for EWI(4); and 45% (17/38) for EWI 5. ARV prescribing practices were in conformity with the national guidelines in almost all the sites, whereas patient adherence to ART (EWI(2), EWI(3), and EWI(4)) was very low. A high rate of patients was lost-to-follow-up and others failing first line ART before 12 months of initiation. Discontinuity in drug supply observed in about half of the sites may negatively impact ARV prescription and patient adherence. These poor ART performances may also be due to low number of trained staff and community disengagement. CONCLUSIONS: The poor performance of the national ART programme, due to patient non-adherence and drug stock outs, requires corrective measures to limit risks of HIVDR emergence in Cameroon

    Évaluation De La Vulnerabilite A La Pollution D'une Eau De Surface Destinee A L'adduction D'eau Potable D'une Metropole. Cas De La Lagune Aghein A Abidjan, (Sud De La Cote D'ivoire)

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    The lagoon that is the subject of this study, was chosen as drinking water alternative source of supply for the city of Abidjan. However, this language is shown in a very favorable area of forest to agriculture. We observe large rubber plantations, food and oil palm crops spread throughout the lagoon basin. Also, fertilizers injected into these plantations, as well as releases from industries and homes they are potential sources of pollution of the lagoon. According Humbert (2012), this pollution is reflected in particular by widespread concentration of nitrates and pesticides. Given these observed problems related to the quality of this resource, this study was initiated. Its objective is to develop a methodology based on the functionality of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to assess the degree of threat to what the Aghein lagoon faces through the completion of a vulnerability map at pollution. The method used here is a spatial analysis model incorporating several parameters including the slope, land cover, soil type, runoff and drainage density. These parameters have been previously defined, prioritized and weighted, and then integrated into a GIS. The resulting map shows five classes of vulnerability indices to pollution of the lagoon Aghein. They are: very small classes, low, medium, high and very high. These indices highlight the areas from which the lagoon is threatened

    Effets De La Dynamique Du Couvert Végétal Sur Les Écoulements Dans Le Bassin Versant De La Lagune Aghien En Côte d‘Ivoire

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the impact of anthropization on the runoff Djibi and Bete rivers, tributaries of the Ivorian Aghien watershed. The classification method with the maximum likelihood used to the diachronic study of satellite imagery Landsat Thematic Mapper (1987), Enhance Thematic Mapper Plus (2000) and Operational Land Imager (2015) and Geographic Information System remote sensing has been applied. It has permitted to note the total disappearance of the forest at risk of subsistence crops, fallows, habitats and bare soils. The forest area that was 4 ha in 1987 for the Bete Watershed has been destroyed entirely. This change in the land cover between 1987 and 2015 had considerable consequencies on the contributions of water to the level of the Djibi and Bete rivers. So bad slight values of the retention capacity indices underneath 100 reflect the anthropization of these watersheds. The use of rainfall series for the evaluation on the runoff from the Vuilllaume Dubreuil method (1975), reveals an increase in runoff coefficients from 20% to 21% in Djibi watershed and from 13% to 17% in Bete watershed between 1987 and 2015. Increasing these flow coefficients related to water in a watershed more and more urbanized inflow is a threat to the water quality and the security of area urbanized
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