488 research outputs found

    Distances and absolute magnitudes from trigonometric parallaxes

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    We first review the current knowledge of Hipparcos systematic and random errors, in particular small-scale correlations. Then, assuming Gaussian parallax errors and using examples from the recent Hipparcos literature, we show how random errors may be misinterpreted as systematic errors, or transformed into systematic errors. Finally we summarise how to get unbiased estimates of absolute magnitudes and distances, using either Bayesian or non-parametrical methods. These methods may be applied to get either mean quantities or individual estimates. In particular, we underline the notion of astrometry-based luminosity, which avoids the truncation biases and allows a full use of Hipparcos samples.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, Invited paper in Haguenau Colloquium "Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-Hipparcos Era", 14-16/09/98, to appear in ASP Conf. Series, D. Egret and A. Heck ed

    An updated maximum likelihood approach to open cluster distance determination

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    An improved method for estimating distances to open clusters is presented and applied to Hipparcos data for the Pleiades and the Hyades. The method is applied in the context of the historic Pleiades distance problem, with a discussion of previous criticisms of Hipparcos parallaxes. This is followed by an outlook for Gaia, where the improved method could be especially useful. Based on maximum likelihood estimation, the method combines parallax, position, apparent magnitude, colour, proper motion, and radial velocity information to estimate the parameters describing an open cluster precisely and without bias. We find the distance to the Pleiades to be 120.3±1.5120.3 \pm 1.5 pc, in accordance with previously published work using the same dataset. We find that error correlations cannot be responsible for the still present discrepancy between Hipparcos and photometric methods. Additionally, the three-dimensional space velocity and physical structure of Pleiades is parametrised, where we find strong evidence of mass segregation. The distance to the Hyades is found to be 46.35±0.3546.35\pm 0.35 pc, also in accordance with previous results. Through the use of simulations, we confirm that the method is unbiased, so will be useful for accurate open cluster parameter estimation with Gaia at distances up to several thousand parsec.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, 3 appendices. Accepted in A&

    Open clusters with Hipparcos I. Mean astrometric parameters

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    New memberships, mean parallaxes and proper motions of all 9 open clusters closer than 300 pc (except the Hyades) and 9 rich clusters between 300 and 500 pc have been computed using Hipparcos data. Precisions, ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mas for parallaxes and 0.1 to 0.5 mas/yr for proper motions, are of great interest for calibrating photometric parallaxes as well as for kinematical studies. Careful investigations of possible biases have been performed and no evidence of significant systematic errors on the mean cluster parallaxes has been found. The distances and proper motions of 32 more distant clusters, which may be used statistically, are also indicated.Comment: 15 pages, A&A in pres

    Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia. II. Masses derived from PIONIER interferometric observations for Gaia validation

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    In anticipation of the Gaia astrometric mission, a sample of spectroscopic binaries is being observed since 2010 with the Sophie spectrograph at the Haute--Provence Observatory. Our aim is to derive the orbital elements of double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2s) with an accuracy sufficient to finally obtain the masses of the components with relative errors as small as 1 % when combined with Gaia astrometric measurements. In order to validate the masses derived from Gaia, interferometric observations are obtained for three SB2s in our sample with F-K components: HIP 14157, HIP 20601 and HIP 117186. The masses of the six stellar components are derived. Due to its edge-on orientation, HIP 14157 is probably an eclipsing binary. We note that almost all the derived masses are a few percent larger than the expectations from the standard spectral-type-mass calibration and mass-luminosity relation. Our calculation also leads to accurate parallaxes for the three binaries, and the Hipparcos parallaxes are confirmed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction

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    Context.A new reduction of the astrometric data as produced by the Hipparcos mission has been published, claiming accuracies for nearly all stars brighter than magnitude Hp = 8 to be better, by up to a factor 4, than in the original catalogue. Aims.The new Hipparcos astrometric catalogue is checked for the quality of the data and the consistency of the formal errors as well as the possible presence of error correlations. The differences with the earlier publication are explained. Methods. The internal errors are followed through the reduction process, and the external errors are investigated on the basis of a comparison with radio observations of a small selection of stars, and the distribution of negative parallaxes. Error correlation levels are investigated and the reduction by more than a factor 10 as obtained in the new catalogue is explained. Results.The formal errors on the parallaxes for the new catalogue are confirmed. The presence of a small amount of additional noise, though unlikely, cannot be ruled out. Conclusions. The new reduction of the Hipparcos astrometric data provides an improvement by a factor 2.2 in the total weight compared to the catalogue published in 1997, and provides much improved data for a wide range of studies on stellar luminosities and local galactic kinematics.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Correlated errors in Hipparcos parallaxes towards the Pleiades and the Hyades

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    We show that the errors in the Hipparcos parallaxes towards the Pleiades and the Hyades open clusters are spatially correlated over angular scales of 2 to 3 deg, with an amplitude of up to 2 mas. This correlation is stronger than expected based on the analysis of the Hipparcos catalog. We predict the parallaxes of individual cluster members, pi_pm, from their Hipparcos proper motions, assuming that all cluster members have the same space velocity. We compare pi_pm with their Hipparcos parallaxes, pi_Hip, and find that there are significant spatial correlations in pi_Hip. We derive a distance modulus to the Pleiades of 5.58 +- 0.18 mag using the radial-velocity gradient method. This value, agrees very well with the distance modulus of 5.60 +- 0.04 mag determined using the main-sequence fitting technique, compared with the value of 5.33 +- 0.06 inferred from the average of the Hipparcos parallaxes of the Pleiades members. We show that the difference between the main-sequence fitting distance and the Hipparcos parallax distance can arise from spatially correlated errors in the Hipparcos parallaxes of individual Pleiades members. Although the Hipparcos parallax errors towards the Hyades are spatially correlated in a manner similar to those of the Pleiades, the center of the Hyades is located on a node of this spatial structure. Therefore, the parallax errors cancel out when the average distance is estimated, leading to a mean Hyades distance modulus that agrees with the pre-Hipparcos value. We speculate that these spatial correlations are also responsible for the discrepant distances that are inferred using the mean Hipparcos parallaxes to some open clusters. Finally, we note that our conclusions are based on a purely geometric method and do not rely on any models of stellar isochrones.Comment: 33 pages including 10 Figures, revised version accepted for publication in Ap

    Screening the Hipparcos-based astrometric orbits of sub-stellar objects

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    The combination of Hipparcos astrometric data with the spectroscopic data of putative extrasolar planets seems to indicate that a significant fraction of these low-mass companions could be brown or M dwarfs Han et al. (2001). We show that this is due to the adopted reduction procedure, and consequently that the Hipparcos data do not reject the planetary mass hypothesis in all but one cases. Additional companions, undetected so far, might also explain the large astrometric residuals of some of these stars.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Spectroscopic survey of the Galaxy with Gaia I. Design and performance of the Radial Velocity Spectrometer

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    The definition and optimisation studies for the Gaia satellite spectrograph, the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS), converged in late 2002 with the adoption of the instrument baseline. This paper reviews the characteristics of the selected configuration and presents its expected performance. The RVS is a 2.0 by 1.6 degree integral field spectrograph, dispersing the light of all sources entering its field of view with a resolving power R=11 500 over the wavelength range [848, 874] nm. The RVS will continuously and repeatedly scan the sky during the 5 years of the Gaia mission. On average, each source will be observed 102 times over this period. The RVS will collect the spectra of about 100-150 million stars up to magnitude V~17-18. At the end of the mission, the RVS will provide radial velocities with precisions of ~2 km/s at V=15 and \~15-20 km/s at V=17, for a solar metallicity G5 dwarf. The RVS will also provide rotational velocities, with precisions (at the end of the mission) for late type stars of sigma_vsini ~5 km/s at V~15 as well as atmospheric parameters up to V~14-15. The individual abundances of elements such as Silicon and Magnesium, vital for the understanding of Galactic evolution, will be obtained up to V~12-13. Finally, the presence of the 862.0 nm Diffuse Interstellar Band (DIB) in the RVS wavelength range will make it possible to derive the three dimensional structure of the interstellar reddening.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Fig. 1,2,4,5, 6 in degraded resolution; available in full resolution at http://blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.08282.x/pd

    Fundamental stellar parameters of zeta Pup and gamma^2 Vel from HIPPARCOS data

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    We report parallax measurements by the HIPPARCOS satellite of zeta Puppis and gamma^2 Velorum. The distance of zeta Pup is d=429 (+120/ -77) pc, in agreement with the commonly adopted value to Vela OB2. However, a significantly smaller distance is found for the gamma^2 Vel system: d=258 (+41/-31) pc. The total mass of gamma^2 Vel derived from its parallax, the angular size of the semi-major axis as measured with intensity interferometry, and the period is M(WR+O)=29.5 (+/-15.9) Msun. This result favors the orbital solution of Pike et al. (1983) over that of Moffat et al. (1986). The stellar parameters for the O star companion derived from line blanketed non-LTE atmosphere models are: Teff=34000 (+/-1500) K, log L/Lsun=5.3 (+/-0.15) from which an evolutionary mass of M=29 (+/-4) Msun and an age of 4.0 (+0.8/-0.5) Myr is obtained from single star evolutionary models. With non-LTE model calculations including He and C we derive a luminosity log L/Lsun~4.7 (+/-0.2) for the WR star. The mass-luminosity relation of hydrogen-free WR stars implies a mass of M(WR)~5 (+/-1.5) Msun. From our data we favor an age of ~10 Myr for the bulk of the Vela OB2 stars. Evolutionary scenarios for zeta Pup and gamma^2 Vel are discussed in the light of our results.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letters (misprints corrected