97 research outputs found

    Three-Phase Multistage System (DC-AC-DC-AC) for Connecting Solar Cells to the Grid

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    Inverter systems that feed electrical power from photovoltaic (PV) system into the grid must convert the direct current of the PV array into the alternating current of the grid. In many applications, it is important for a converter to be lightweight, highly reliable, input/output isolated, flexible and operable in a boost mode. These features can be achieved by using a High-Frequency inverter which involves an isolated DC-DC stage and DC-AC section, which provides AC output. This paper proposes a new three phase topology, based on multi stage converter and PV system in order to use in medium and high power applications. The Perturb and Observe (P&O) method is used for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control of PV array. The switching control signals for three-phase inverter are provided by hysteresis control method. Also, the comparison between the proposed topology and traditional structures has been conducted and finally the simulation researches are performed in a closed-loop control system by MATLAB/Simulink software to verify the operation of the proposed structure. The results represent better performance of the introduced system over traditional topologies

    Analysis of patterns of play in association football

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    The main problem in analysing soccer is the existence of a large number of interacting variables. Far fewer difficulties exist for cricket, baseball, racket ball games or even American football, where the actions may be broken down into a series of discrete events which are relatively easy to record and assess. Despite the considerable interest which soccer matches provoke, and the many varied post-game discussions on its strategy which often result, little research has actually been conducted into the strategical aspect of play. This study is an attempt to examine patterns of play at professional level and more specifically, to investigate whether successful attacking patterns can be identified which are commonly used by all teams. The study concentrates on the analysis of patterns of play in soccer, by examining the suitability and accuracy of the two methods of obtaining objective data on patterns of play; the live match analysis technique and the video recording technique with subsequent analysis. The results show that both techniques produce the same results; however, the former is more convenient. Data for five league teams playing home and away matches and for an international team playing five home matches during the season 1987-1988 have been obtained and analysed. Analysis of patterns of play for the five league teams shows that there were similarities and dissimilarities between the top and the poorer teams. The distinct patterns of play identified for each team in both home and away matches were few in number. Top teams had the same number of successful patterns of play in home and away matches. The poorer teams also had the same number of successful patterns in home and away matches but they were fewer In number. Top teams applied the same strategies when they played at home or away whilst the poorer teams applied different strategies when playing at home or away. These findings led to another investigation which compared the patterns of play of the league teams with those of an international team. The international team and the poorer league teams had the same number of successful patterns of play in home matches but they were fewer in number than those of the top league teams. Successful patterns of play appeared more often for the international and league teams in those matches they won. The number of free attacking moves and set pieces in a match did not give any indication of success for the international and league teams. A team wins when it has a greater number of shots on target and a greater proportion of attacks producing shots regardless of whether the team is playing at league or international level. The final part of the study examines the defensive strategies employed against the successful attacking patterns of play of the five league teams. The results indicate that both the top teams and the poorer teams had distinct successful defensive strategies which were similar in home and away matches but the defensive strategies of the poorer teams were, of course, less successful than those of the top teams. These findings clearly indicate that there are similarities in employing defensive strategies in home and away matches for all teams, but the defensive strategies of the top and the poorer teams were markedly dissimilar. It is clear that close marking is a crucial element of the best defensive strategies (i.e. teams who marked their opponent players most frequently, succeeded in nullifying successful attacking patterns of play)

    A statistical analysis of tactical movement patterns in Association Football

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    The main purpose of this study was an attempt to reveal more information about types of attacking patterns in association football. Seven types of attacking formation were identified from a total of eighteen league matches. These were analysed using a number of statistical and visual techniques. For set plays, twenty-four matches were analysed using the same statistical and visual techniques as were used for the ordinary attacks. There are, of course, two types of pattern for corner-kicks and throw-ins; one from the right-hand side and the other from the left-hand side of the pitch. For free-kicks, however, there were no obvious patterns. In further analysis, the result showed that there were significant relationships for ordinary attacks, thus: Types of pattern with final actions (significance level = 0.001); final actions with the number of long passes (significance level = 0.02); types of pattern with the number of short passes and dribbling sections (significance level = 0.001 for both). For set plays, it was found that only for cornerkicks were the number of short passes with the final actions statistically significant (significance level = 0.01). Also, the result indicated that the most successful attacking pattern formations in providing shooting and scoring opportunities were 1 and 6. This means that the most successful moves are those which proceed along the length of either wing. Although pattern 2 (an attack initiated close to the centre spot of the pitch, towards the left side line briefly along the wing, and then into the penalty area by a number of passes, and terminated by shooting) succeeded in providing shooting and scoring opportunities, it also resulted in more corner-kicks being awarded. Furthermore, attacks culminating in final action 7 (off-side) have a very high average number of long passes involved within the attack pattern. Generally, the more complex the attacking pattern, the less likely it was to result in potential scoring opportunitie, e.g. pattern 7 (an attack initiated from the middle of the pitch, about halfway between the centre and the left side line, diagonally towards the left side line with a number of short passes, followed by a pass into the penalty area and terminated by shooting). It was found that corner-kicks that included a number of short passes were more successful in providing scoring opportunities, than those that consisted of a single cross into the goal area

    Mardin Gökçe Köyü ve Çevresinde Kullanılan Arapça Atasözleri (Karşılaştırmalı Tematik Bir Çalışma)

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    Atasözü, ataların, uzun deneme ve gözlemlere dayanan yargılarını genel kural, bilgece düşünce ya da öğüt olarak veren ve kalıplaşmış bir biçimi olan, kamuca benimsenmiş kısa, özlü söz olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinde yer alan ve güzide illerinden biri olan Mardin vilayetindeki Gökçe köyü ve çevresinde kullanılan atasözlerinin, fasih Arapça ve Türkçedekilerle karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde ele alınması hedeflenmiştir. Toplam on sekiz tema ve yetmiş atasözünün ele alındığı çalışmamızda bölge halkının kullanımının yanında atasözlerinin standart Arapçası da verilerek Türkçedeki karşılıkları ile de değerlendirilmiştir. Karşılaştırmalarda atasözlerine erişilemediği durumlarda hem Türkçe hem de Arapçada benzer anlamda kullanılan şiirlere yer verilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra bazı atasözlerinin hikayelerine de yer verilmiştir. Zira bir atasözünün hikayesini bilmenin önemli olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Ayrıca Mardin Gökçe köyü ve çevresinde kullanılan atasözlerini ele almak suretiyle; yaşlı nüfusun vefatıyla yok olma tehlikesi ile yüz yüze kalabilecek olan sözlü kültürü kayıt altına alarak gelecek nesillere aktarmak da bir başka hedeftir. Diğer taraftan bu bölgede konuşulan dilin edebi ve kültürel zenginliğine katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır

    Mardin Gökçe Köyü ve Çevresinde Kullanılan Arapça Dualar (Karşılaştırmalı Tematik Bir Çalışma)

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    Dua sözcüğü, “çağırmak, seslenmek, istemek; yardım talep etmek” mânasındaki da’vet ve da’vâ kelimeleri gibi masdardır. “Küçükten büyüğe, aşağıdan yukarıya vâki olan talep ve niyaz” anlamında isim olarak kullanılır. Dua, kişinin hayırları kendisi ve başkası için istemesine denir. Dua ediş şekilleri farklılık arz etse de birçok toplumda duanın önemli bir yeri vardır. Dualar; bir toplumun, düşünce tarzını, etkileşim içinde olduğu ve kültürel alışverişte bulunduğu diğer toplumları, söz konusu toplumların hayata bakış açısını ve bunlara ek olarak sanatsal ve belâgî özelliklere şamil olan, kültür aynalarıdır. Dualar; sosyoloji, psikoloji, tarih, ahlak, folklor gibi birçok alanı ilgilendiren ve birçok açıdan inceleme ve araştırma konusu olmaya değer ulusal varlıklar olup söyleyiş güzelliği, anlatım gücü, kavram zenginliği bakımından çok önemli terkiplerdir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinde yer alan ve kadim illerden biri olan Mardin vilayetindeki Gökçe köyü ve çevresinde kullanılan dualar, fasih Arapça ve Türkçedekilerle karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır Sözlü anlatı açısından yöre oldukça mümbit bir yöredir ancak; özellikle günümüz gençlerinin kendi anadillerine tam manasıyla hâkim olamamaları ve Türkçe konuşmaları bu folklorun nesilden nesile aktarımını zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu sebeple, sosyal hayatta yaşanan gelişmeler, teknoloji, küreselleşme gibi olguların etkisi ile unutulma ve yok olma tehlikesi olan; Gökçe köyü ve çevresi halk kültürüne ait değerlerden olan Mardin Gökçe köyü ve çevresinde kullanılan Arapça dualar derlenmiş ve tematik sıraya göre verilmiştir. Evlilik, Nişan ve Evlilik Çağındaki Gençler, İş Alanı ve Çalışanlar, Aile Büyükleri, Yaşlılar, Yola Çıkanlar ve Yolculuk Yapacaklar, Kötülüklerden (Bela/Şer) Korunmak, Ölüm ve Cenazeler, İyi Dileklerde Bulunma ve Temenniler, Sağlık ve Şifa Bulma, Aile, Ebeveynler ve Çocuklar, Teşekkür Etme ve Şükranda Bulunma, Yeni Bir Eşya Alan ve İlim Talebeleriyle ilgili olanlar olmak üzere toplam on iki tema ve yüz kırk üç duanın ele alındığı çalışmamızda bölge halkının kullanımının yanında duaların standart Arapçası da verilerek Türkçedeki karşılıkları ile de değerlendirilmiştir. Görüşmelerin yapıldığı kaynak kişiler araştırma içerisinde KK-1/KK-18 arası bir kısaltma ile verilmiştir. Duaların kullanıldığı bağlamlar gözetilerek karşılaştırma yapılmış ve dualarda kullanılan bazı kelimelerin etimolojik analizi yapılmıştır. Bu kelimelerin fasih Arapçayla benzer ve farklı yanları zikredilmiştir. Ayrıca Mardin Gökçe köyü ve çevresinde kullanılan duaları ele almak suretiyle; yaşlı nüfusun vefatıyla yok olma tehlikesi ile yüz yüze kalabilecek olan sözlü kültürü kayıt altına alarak gelecek nesillere aktarmak da bir başka hedeftir. Diğer taraftan bu bölgede konuşulan dilin edebi ve kültürel zenginliğine katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır

    GIS Visualization of Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Environmental Impacts in Kurdistan Region-Iraq

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    The increase in the quantity of municipal solid waste (MSW) has made environmental problems in the Kurdistan Region (KR)-Iraq. Current study illustrated components and generation rates (GR) of MSW in seven different cities of KR. Geographic information system (GIS) was applied to locate MSW disposal sites, components, and generation rate in the cities. The study reported the maximum GR for MSW in Sulaymaniyah City which was 1.20 Kg/Capita/day and the minimum GR for domestic solid waste in Erbil City was 0.65 Kg/Capita/day. In-addition, the amount of organic waste component (OWC) in Erbil, Halabja, Sulaymaniyah, Semel, Duhok, Qaladize, and Ranya Cities were 79.34 %, 58 %, 65 %, 65 %, 79 %, 75.1 %, and 67.05 %, respectively. The average GR and OWC were calculated to be 0.972 Kg/Capita/day and 71.91%, respectively. Consequently, all MSW disposal sites had great impact to the surrounding areas resulting in air, water, and soil contamination

    Age-sex differences in the global burden of lower respiratory infections and risk factors, 1990-2019 : results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    BACKGROUND: The global burden of lower respiratory infections (LRIs) and corresponding risk factors in children older than 5 years and adults has not been studied as comprehensively as it has been in children younger than 5 years. We assessed the burden and trends of LRIs and risk factors across all age groups by sex, for 204 countries and territories. METHODS: In this analysis of data for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019, we used clinician-diagnosed pneumonia or bronchiolitis as our case definition for LRIs. We included International Classification of Diseases 9th edition codes 079.6, 466-469, 470.0, 480-482.8, 483.0-483.9, 484.1-484.2, 484.6-484.7, and 487-489 and International Classification of Diseases 10th edition codes A48.1, A70, B97.4-B97.6, J09-J15.8, J16-J16.9, J20-J21.9, J91.0, P23.0-P23.4, and U04-U04.9. We used the Cause of Death Ensemble modelling strategy to analyse 23 109 site-years of vital registration data, 825 site-years of sample vital registration data, 1766 site-years of verbal autopsy data, and 681 site-years of mortality surveillance data. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, to analyse age-sex-specific incidence and prevalence data identified via systematic reviews of the literature, population-based survey data, and claims and inpatient data. Additionally, we estimated age-sex-specific LRI mortality that is attributable to the independent effects of 14 risk factors. FINDINGS: Globally, in 2019, we estimated that there were 257 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 240-275) LRI incident episodes in males and 232 million (217-248) in females. In the same year, LRIs accounted for 1·30 million (95% UI 1·18-1·42) male deaths and 1·20 million (1·07-1·33) female deaths. Age-standardised incidence and mortality rates were 1·17 times (95% UI 1·16-1·18) and 1·31 times (95% UI 1·23-1·41) greater in males than in females in 2019. Between 1990 and 2019, LRI incidence and mortality rates declined at different rates across age groups and an increase in LRI episodes and deaths was estimated among all adult age groups, with males aged 70 years and older having the highest increase in LRI episodes (126·0% [95% UI 121·4-131·1]) and deaths (100·0% [83·4-115·9]). During the same period, LRI episodes and deaths in children younger than 15 years were estimated to have decreased, and the greatest decline was observed for LRI deaths in males younger than 5 years (-70·7% [-77·2 to -61·8]). The leading risk factors for LRI mortality varied across age groups and sex. More than half of global LRI deaths in children younger than 5 years were attributable to child wasting (population attributable fraction [PAF] 53·0% [95% UI 37·7-61·8] in males and 56·4% [40·7-65·1] in females), and more than a quarter of LRI deaths among those aged 5-14 years were attributable to household air pollution (PAF 26·0% [95% UI 16·6-35·5] for males and PAF 25·8% [16·3-35·4] for females). PAFs of male LRI deaths attributed to smoking were 20·4% (95% UI 15·4-25·2) in those aged 15-49 years, 30·5% (24·1-36·9) in those aged 50-69 years, and 21·9% (16·8-27·3) in those aged 70 years and older. PAFs of female LRI deaths attributed to household air pollution were 21·1% (95% UI 14·5-27·9) in those aged 15-49 years and 18·2% (12·5-24·5) in those aged 50-69 years. For females aged 70 years and older, the leading risk factor, ambient particulate matter, was responsible for 11·7% (95% UI 8·2-15·8) of LRI deaths. INTERPRETATION: The patterns and progress in reducing the burden of LRIs and key risk factors for mortality varied across age groups and sexes. The progress seen in children younger than 5 years was clearly a result of targeted interventions, such as vaccination and reduction of exposure to risk factors. Similar interventions for other age groups could contribute to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals targets, including promoting wellbeing at all ages and reducing health inequalities. Interventions, including addressing risk factors such as child wasting, smoking, ambient particulate matter pollution, and household air pollution, would prevent deaths and reduce health disparities. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Use of complementary and alternative medicines by a sample of Turkish women for infertility enhancement: a descriptive study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infertility patients are a vulnerable group that often seeks a non-medical solution for their failure to conceive. World-wide, women use CAM for productive health, but only a limited number of studies report on CAM use to enhance fertility. Little is known about traditional and religious forms of therapies that are used in relation to conventional medicine in Turkey. We investigated the prevalence and types of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) used by infertile Turkish women for fertility enhancement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A face-to-face questionnaire inquiring demographic information and types of CAM used for fertility enhancement were completed by hundred infertility patients admitted to a primary care family planning centre in Van, Turkey between January and July 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The vast majority of infertile women had used CAM at least once for infertility. CAM use included religious interventions, herbal products and recommendations of traditional "hodja's" (faith healers). Of these women, 87.8% were abused in the last 12 months, 36.6% felt not being supported by her partner and 80.5% had never spoken with a physician about CAM.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Infertile Turkish women use complementary medicine frequently for fertility enhancement and are in need of information about CAM. Religious and traditional therapies are used as an adjunct to, rather than a substitute for, conventional medical therapy. Physicians need to approach fertility patients with sensitivity and should be able to council their patients about CAM accordingly.</p

    The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010-19 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background Understanding the magnitude of cancer burden attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors is crucial for development of effective prevention and mitigation strategies. We analysed results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 to inform cancer control planning efforts globally. Methods The GBD 2019 comparative risk assessment framework was used to estimate cancer burden attributable to behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risk factors. A total of 82 risk-outcome pairs were included on the basis of the World Cancer Research Fund criteria. Estimated cancer deaths and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) in 2019 and change in these measures between 2010 and 2019 are presented. Findings Globally, in 2019, the risk factors included in this analysis accounted for 4.45 million (95% uncertainty interval 4.01-4.94) deaths and 105 million (95.0-116) DALYs for both sexes combined, representing 44.4% (41.3-48.4) of all cancer deaths and 42.0% (39.1-45.6) of all DALYs. There were 2.88 million (2.60-3.18) risk-attributable cancer deaths in males (50.6% [47.8-54.1] of all male cancer deaths) and 1.58 million (1.36-1.84) risk-attributable cancer deaths in females (36.3% [32.5-41.3] of all female cancer deaths). The leading risk factors at the most detailed level globally for risk-attributable cancer deaths and DALYs in 2019 for both sexes combined were smoking, followed by alcohol use and high BMI. Risk-attributable cancer burden varied by world region and Socio-demographic Index (SDI), with smoking, unsafe sex, and alcohol use being the three leading risk factors for risk-attributable cancer DALYs in low SDI locations in 2019, whereas DALYs in high SDI locations mirrored the top three global risk factor rankings. From 2010 to 2019, global risk-attributable cancer deaths increased by 20.4% (12.6-28.4) and DALYs by 16.8% (8.8-25.0), with the greatest percentage increase in metabolic risks (34.7% [27.9-42.8] and 33.3% [25.8-42.0]). Interpretation The leading risk factors contributing to global cancer burden in 2019 were behavioural, whereas metabolic risk factors saw the largest increases between 2010 and 2019. Reducing exposure to these modifiable risk factors would decrease cancer mortality and DALY rates worldwide, and policies should be tailored appropriately to local cancer risk factor burden. Copyright (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license.Peer reviewe

    Bovine serum albumin detection by using molecularly imprinted surface plasmon resonance sensors

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    Molecular imprinted polymers (MIP) have key-lock pattern binding properties specific to the size and shape of target molecules. In this study, we have prepared detection platforms based on a molecularly imprinted surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor that can detect bovine serum albumin (BSA) sensitively, selectively, quickly, and in real time. The polymeric film prepared on the SPR sensor surface by molecular imprinting method was obtained by selecting the N-methacryloyl-(L)-glutamic acid molecule as a suitable functional monomer using ultraviolet polymerization. Three different imprinting methods, epitope, bulk, and surface imprinting methods, were used to examine the imprinting efficiency. Real-time measurements were performed with BSA imprinted SPR sensor provide linearity in the concentration range from 0.10 to 7.50 nM and indicate a detection limit value of 0.015 nM. Furthermore, we performed the selectivity experiments, where transferrin and hemoglobin were chosen as competitor agents. Overall, the SPR sensor prepared by the epitope imprinting approach has been found to be highly selective and sensitive for bovine serum albumin. To statistically assess the reusability of the sensor, intraday experiments were tested three times with five replicates. The RSD% value less than <1.3 indicates high reproducibility for both sensor production and reproducibility of the method. Validation studies were carried out via enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis technique (ELISA) in order to demonstrate the applicability of the BSA imprinted SPR sensor. Due to their features such as reusability, fast response time, and ease of use, these SPR sensors, which could be used as an alternative to albumin monitoring approaches, can also be adapted to detect and monitor other proteins in real time