273 research outputs found

    Analisis Fast Moving Consumer Goods untuk Memprakirakan Penjualan Barang Menggunakan Metode Triple Exponential Smoothing

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    Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) refers to a business sector generating economy particularly in Indonesia. The movement of goods runs quickly as they belong to staple food and have relatively short shelf life. They are sometimes unpredictable and even out of stock specifically to goods in fast moving category. Consequently, business doers can lose opportunities. Therefore, sale prediction is necessary to reduce opportunity loss and stock piling upon the goods that should not be ordered excessively. This research conducted prediction through Triple Exponential Smoothing method in the period of January 2018 to June 2020 by taking 5 item samples that were then tried out using alpha 0.1 ā€“ 0.9. As a result, alpha 0.1 became the best alpha in this research compared to alpha 0.2 ā€“ 0.9. Out of 5 trials, alpha 0.1 (MAPE 22%, 19%, and 34%) occurred three times and alpha 0.2 (MAPE 34% and 11%) happened twice. However, this research has not obtained the best result yet as it has not satisfied the indicator of more than 10% whole MAPEs. Thus, Triple Exponential Smoothing Brown was less appropriate to the data being used. The calculation of estimation did not consider the data fluctuation such as Ramadhan event greatly affecting the data training and forecasting resul

    Analisis Cost Volume Profit sebagai Dasar Perencanaan Penjualan dan Perencanaan Laba (Studi pada Pt.mitra Anugrah Gemilang, Ngoro-mojokerto)

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    ŠnŠ°lysis of cost volume profit shows the overŠ°ll relŠ°tionship between costs, volume Š°nd profit in the cŠ°lculŠ°tion of the compŠ°ny\u27s sŠ°les Š°nd profit plŠ°nning Š°ppropriŠ°tely Š°nd scŠ°lŠ°ble. This reseŠ°rch Š°ims to know the Š°pplicŠ°tion of cost-volume-profit Š°nŠ°lysis on PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng. This reseŠ°rch uses descriptive reseŠ°rch. The dŠ°tŠ° collection techniques used Š°re observŠ°tion Š°nd documentŠ°tion on the finŠ°nciŠ°l dŠ°tŠ° of PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng Ngoro-Mojokerto. The results of this study indicŠ°te thŠ°t the sepŠ°rŠ°tion of semivŠ°riŠ°ble costs by using the leŠ°st squŠ°re method into Š° fixed cost Š°nd vŠ°riŠ°ble cost generŠ°te fixed cost of Rp 4.890.850.658,63 Š°nd vŠ°riŠ°ble costs of 26.333.199.582,37. CŠ°lculŠ°tion of the BEP which is Š° step of the Š°nŠ°lysis of cost volume profit shows its product mix of BEP 33.564 units. In sŠ°les Š°nd profit plŠ°nning, PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng plŠ°ns Š°n increŠ°se in eŠ°rnings in the yeŠ°r 2017 Š°mounts to 10%. To Š°chieve the plŠ°nned profit increŠ°se, PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng should rŠ°ise the sŠ°les of Rp,66. The cŠ°lculŠ°tion result of the mŠ°rgin of sŠ°fety for PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng Š°mounts to 44% which meŠ°ns thŠ°t if the compŠ°ny is experiencing Š° decreŠ°se in sŠ°les exceeding 44%, the compŠ°ny will suffer losses. Key Word : Cost Volume Profit, Sales Plan, Profit Plan ABSTRŠK ŠnŠ°lisis cost volume profit memperlihŠ°tkŠ°n hubungŠ°n Š°ntŠ°rŠ° biŠ°yŠ°, volume dŠ°n lŠ°bŠ° secŠ°rŠ° menyeluruh dŠ°lŠ°m perhitungŠ°n perencŠ°nŠ°Š°n penjuŠ°lŠ°n dŠ°n perencŠ°nŠ°Š°n lŠ°bŠ° PerusŠ°hŠ°Š°n secŠ°rŠ° tepŠ°t dŠ°n terukur. PenelitiŠ°n ini bertujuŠ°n untuk mengetŠ°hui penerŠ°pŠ°n Š°nŠ°lisis cost volume profit pŠ°dŠ° PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng. PenelitiŠ°n ini menggunŠ°kŠ°n penelitiŠ°n deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulŠ°n dŠ°tŠ° yŠ°ng digunŠ°kŠ°n Š°dŠ°lŠ°h teknik observŠ°si dŠ°n dokumentŠ°si pŠ°dŠ° dŠ°tŠ° keuŠ°ngŠ°n PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng Ngoro-Mojokerto. HŠ°sil penelitiŠ°n ini menunjukkŠ°n bŠ°hwŠ° pemisŠ°hŠ°n biŠ°yŠ° semivŠ°riŠ°bel dengŠ°n menggunŠ°kŠ°n metode leŠ°st squŠ°re ke dŠ°lŠ°m biŠ°yŠ° tetŠ°p dŠ°n biŠ°yŠ° vŠ°riŠ°bel menghŠ°silkŠ°n biŠ°yŠ° tetŠ°p sebesŠ°r Rp 4.890.850.658,63 sertŠ° biŠ°yŠ° vŠ°riŠ°bel sebesŠ°r Rp 26.333.199.582,37. PerhitungŠ°n BEP yŠ°ng merupŠ°kŠ°n lŠ°ngkŠ°h dŠ°ri Š°nŠ°lisis cost volume profit menunjukkŠ°n BEP mix produknyŠ° sebesŠ°r 33.564 unit. DŠ°lŠ°m perencŠ°nŠ°Š°n penjuŠ°lŠ°n dŠ°n lŠ°bŠ° PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng merencŠ°nŠ°kŠ°n kenŠ°ikŠ°n lŠ°bŠ° pŠ°dŠ° tŠ°hun 2017 sebesŠ°r 10%. Untuk mencŠ°pŠ°i kenŠ°ikŠ°n lŠ°bŠ° yŠ°ng direncŠ°nŠ°kŠ°n mŠ°kŠ° PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng hŠ°rus menŠ°ikkŠ°n penjuŠ°lŠ°n sebesŠ°r Rp,66. HŠ°sil perhitungŠ°n dŠ°ri mŠ°rgin of sŠ°fety untuk PT. MitrŠ° ŠnugrŠ°h GemilŠ°ng Š°dŠ°lŠ°h sebesŠ°r 44% Š°rtinyŠ° Š°pŠ°bilŠ° PerusŠ°hŠ°Š°n mengŠ°lŠ°mi penurunŠ°n penjuŠ°lŠ°n melebihi 44% mŠ°kŠ° PerusŠ°hŠ°Š°n Š°kŠ°n mengŠ°lŠ°mi kerugiŠ°n


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    Perkembangan di era digital ini bermunculan berbagai cara untuk tampil menarik dengan gaya berpakaian yang berubah-ubah, salah satunya dengan adanya brand lokal Cutoff menjadi alternatif fashion di kalangan masyarakat sekarang. Cutoff hadir dengan menampilkan sebuah konsep produk life daily wea, yang dimana produk ini dapat dinikmati oleh semua kalangan. Namun pada pemasaran produk masih banyak masyarakat yang masih belum mengenal brand ini. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah foto produk untuk di sajikan kepada konsumen dengan tampilan visual yang menarik dan dapat dinikmati, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengetahui jenis dan bentuk produk dari brand lokal ini. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan menerapkan teori Design thinking versi stanford, yang memiliki beberapa tahapan yaitu emphatize, define, ideate, prototype, serta test. Hasil karya perancangan ini melalui beberapa proses diantaranya dengan membuat moodboard dengan konsep minimalist dan teknik foto yang digunakan yaitu flatlay,Hero shot,dan detailed shoot. Karya yang dihasilkan dari perancangan ini berupa foto produk berjumlah enam foto berdasarkan contoh moodboard. Perancangan foto produk ini mendapatkan respon positif dari para pengguna yang dimana mereka sekarang dapat mempercayai dengan produk dari brand Cutoff ini. Kata kunci: Cutoff, brand lokal, fotografi,Design thinkin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi manajemen tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan di PAUD Ceria Makassar. Subjek penelitian adalah Penyelenggara sekolah, Kepala Sekolah dan guru PAUD Ceria. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Guru melakukan pengamatan terhadap tumbuh kembang anak secara bertahap; 2) Guru melakukan konsultasi dengan kepala sekolah terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi anak di dalam kelas; 3) Memberikan perhatian dalam bentuk kasih sayang kepada anak didik; 4) Guru mengenali kepribadian anak dengan baik; 5) Guru memberi kesempatan kepada anak untuk bermain; 6) Memiliki kepribadian yang ceria; 7) Guru memiliki kemampuan berinteraksi dengan baik terhadap orang lain termasuk peserta didik


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    Penelitian dengan tajuk musliman adventure ini, dilakukan untuk membuat game dengan tema petualangan bagi muslimah menggunakan aplikasi scratch 2.0 dengan metode Riset and Development (R&D) dengan tahapan pengembangan game adalah: analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan pengujian. Selain itu, untuk memastikan bahwa game yang dirancang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, penulis melakukan pengujian kelayakan serta penerimaan game oleh ahli media dan mahasiswa. Ā Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh hasil kelayakan materi sebesar 4.24 dengan kategori sangat layak. Sedangkan ahli media memberikan penilaian sebesar 4.33 dengan kategori sangat layak. Adapun angket yang disebarkan pada mahasiswi, diperoleh skor rata-rata 4.07 dengan prediket baik. Didasarkan pada hasil pengujian tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa game dengan tema muslimah advanture ini layak untuk dijadikan media dakwah bagi mahasiswi Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

    Ballistic Josephson junctions in edge-contacted graphene

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    Hybrid graphene-superconductor devices have attracted much attention since the early days of graphene research. So far, these studies have been limited to the case of diffusive transport through graphene with poorly defined and modest quality graphene-superconductor interfaces, usually combined with small critical magnetic fields of the superconducting electrodes. Here we report graphene based Josephson junctions with one-dimensional edge contacts of Molybdenum Rhenium. The contacts exhibit a well defined, transparent interface to the graphene, have a critical magnetic field of 8 Tesla at 4 Kelvin and the graphene has a high quality due to its encapsulation in hexagonal boron nitride. This allows us to study and exploit graphene Josephson junctions in a new regime, characterized by ballistic transport. We find that the critical current oscillates with the carrier density due to phase coherent interference of the electrons and holes that carry the supercurrent caused by the formation of a Fabry-P\'{e}rot cavity. Furthermore, relatively large supercurrents are observed over unprecedented long distances of up to 1.5 Ī¼\mum. Finally, in the quantum Hall regime we observe broken symmetry states while the contacts remain superconducting. These achievements open up new avenues to exploit the Dirac nature of graphene in interaction with the superconducting state.Comment: Updated version after peer review. Includes supplementary material and ancillary file with source code for tight binding simulation

    The catalytic subunit of the system L1 amino acid transporter (S<i>lc7a5</i>) facilitates nutrient signalling in mouse skeletal muscle

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    The System L1-type amino acid transporter mediates transport of large neutral amino acids (LNAA) in many mammalian cell-types. LNAA such as leucine are required for full activation of the mTOR-S6K signalling pathway promoting protein synthesis and cell growth. The SLC7A5 (LAT1) catalytic subunit of high-affinity System L1 functions as a glycoprotein-associated heterodimer with the multifunctional protein SLC3A2 (CD98). We generated a floxed Slc7a5 mouse strain which, when crossed with mice expressing Cre driven by a global promoter, produced Slc7a5 heterozygous knockout (Slc7a5+/-) animals with no overt phenotype, although homozygous global knockout of Slc7a5 was embryonically lethal. Muscle-specific (MCK Cre-mediated) Slc7a5 knockout (MS-Slc7a5-KO) mice were used to study the role of intracellular LNAA delivery by the SLC7A5 transporter for mTOR-S6K pathway activation in skeletal muscle. Activation of muscle mTOR-S6K (Thr389 phosphorylation) in vivo by intraperitoneal leucine injection was blunted in homozygous MS-Slc7a5-KO mice relative to wild-type animals. Dietary intake and growth rate were similar for MS-Slc7a5-KO mice and wild-type littermates fed for 10 weeks (to age 120 days) with diets containing 10%, 20% or 30% of protein. In MS-Slc7a5-KO mice, Leu and Ile concentrations in gastrocnemius muscle were reduced by āˆ¼40% as dietary protein content was reduced from 30 to 10%. These changes were associated with >50% decrease in S6K Thr389 phosphorylation in muscles from MS-Slc7a5-KO mice, indicating reduced mTOR-S6K pathway activation, despite no significant differences in lean tissue mass between groups on the same diet. MS-Slc7a5-KO mice on 30% protein diet exhibited mild insulin resistance (e.g. reduced glucose clearance, larger gonadal adipose depots) relative to control animals. Thus, SLC7A5 modulates LNAA-dependent muscle mTOR-S6K signalling in mice, although it appears non-essential (or is sufficiently compensated by e.g. SLC7A8 (LAT2)) for maintenance of normal muscle mass

    Installing hydrolytic activity into a completely <i>de novo </i>protein framework

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    The design of enzyme-like catalysts tests our understanding of sequence-to-structure/function relationships in proteins. Here we install hydrolytic activity predictably into a completely de novo and thermostable Ī±-helical barrel, which comprises seven helices arranged around an accessible channel. We show that the lumen of the barrel accepts 21 mutations to functional polar residues. The resulting variant, which has cysteineā€“histidineā€“glutamic acid triads on each helix, hydrolyses p-nitrophenyl acetate with catalytic efficiencies that match the most-efficient redesigned hydrolases based on natural protein scaffolds. This is the first report of a functional catalytic triad engineered into a de novo protein framework. The flexibility of our system also allows the facile incorporation of unnatural side chains to improve activity and probe the catalytic mechanism. Such a predictable and robust construction of truly de novo biocatalysts holds promise for applications in chemical and biochemical synthesis

    Secreted Phospholipase A2 Involvement in Neurodegeneration: Differential Testing of Prosurvival and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Enzyme Inhibition

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    There is increased interest in the contribution of secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) enzymes to neurodegenerative diseases. Systemic treatment with the nonapeptide CHEC-9, a broad spectrum uncompetitive inhibitor of sPLA2, has been shown previously to inhibit neuron death and aspects of the inflammatory response in several models of neurodegeneration. A persistent question in studies of sPLA2 inhibitors, as for several other anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective compounds, is whether the cell protection is direct or due to slowing of the toxic aspects of the inflammatory response. To further explore this issue, we developed assays using SY5Y (neuronal cells) and HL-60 (monocytes) cell lines and examined the effects of sPLA2 inhibition on these homogeneous cell types in vitro. We found that the peptide inhibited sPLA2 enzyme activity in both SY5Y and HL-60 cultures. This inhibition provided direct protection to SY5Y neuronal cells and their processes in response to several forms of stress including exposure to conditioned medium from HL-60 cells. In cultures of HL-60 cells, sPLA2 inhibition had no effect on survival of the cells but attenuated their differentiation into macrophages, with regard to process development, phagocytic ability, and the expression of differentiation marker CD36, as well as the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-Ī± and IL-6. These results suggest that sPLA2 enzyme activity organizes a cascade of changes comprising both cell degeneration and inflammation, processes that could theoretically operate independently during neurodegenerative conditions. The effectiveness of sPLA2 inhibitor CHEC-9 may be due to its ability to affect both processes in isolation. Testing potential anti-inflammatory/neuroprotective compounds with these human cell lines and their conditioned media may provide a useful screening tool prior to in vivo therapeutic applications
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